I Want My Life to Have Meaning

There comes a time in your life when you look back at your life and you think, “I want my life to have meaning,” with an inkling to want to have made a difference, to desire to know that after living your life you will have made a contribution, leaving behind some proof of your existence.

This is the still small voice inside your heart reaching out to you. It has been all but silenced by all the trying to find a place to survive in this life without being a total outsider.

You learn not to listen to your heart as it is overpowered by the thoughts and voices of everyone else, your family, friends, teachers, authority figures, mentors, and the constant barrage of the media, telling you who and what you should be.

Then, when you experience a moment of silence in your life, you hear your heart’s voice utter, “I want my life to mean something,” and in that moment you want your life to have meaning.

What does, “I want my life to have meaning,” mean?

It means you are awakening to the idea that your life has a divine purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) and it’s so true. You came to this earth to make a contribution, to make a difference, but society has squelched the greater part of you as you remained small in an effort to not make waves or upset the social landscape too much.

You instinctual spark to make a difference, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place, was probably quickly silenced by your negative self-talk, or brushing the idea aside as you resigned to live a life in an effort to just get by.

This time, before you push the idea out of your head, take time to sit back and imagine what your life could look like if you hadn’t been born into the family, raised in the town, trained in the schools, faced the challenges, suffered the tragedies, lived the life you have lived ‘til now.

What could your life look like if you could have it any way you wanted it?

You get accustomed to seeing your life as just the way it is, but you can change your life dramatically any time you want. You don’t have to work at the same job, live in the same place, or even be the same person you have trained yourself to accept as your life.

Dare to visualize what your life would be like if you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life.

It’s never too late for you to change your life, if there is still life in you to be lived.

What would your new life look like? Where would you live, if you could live anywhere? What would you do, if you could do anything you wanted? Who would your friends be? How would you spend the free time in your life, if you had it? What would you like to change about the world?

Getting a grasp of what your life could be like, what meaning and impact your life could have, will empower you to not only see the unlimited possibilities which lay before you but enable you to take inspired action toward making your personal vision a reality.

If every day you ask yourself, “What step(s) could I take today that will bring me that much closer to the life I want?” will reveal to your conscious mind things that you could do, even the smallest of steps move you closer to where you want to be.

Writing them down, so that you can review and refine them later can turn these ideas into goals. A conscious written goal can easily be achieved if you keep bringing it to your awareness. Soon a path, a map, will emerge, and you will see yourself using these as stepping stones leading to your new life of meaning and purpose.

Congratulations. You’ve taken the first step.

Hold your head up high and keep moving away from that part of your life which represents the prison you’ve succumbed to in the past.

You’ve taken the first step toward achieving your highest and best.

An amazing and meaningful life awaits you.

No Such Thing as a Lie

When someone lies to you, if you feel as though someone has hit you in the stomach or stabbed you in the back, you’ve bought into the lie which asserts that there is such a thing as a lie. What if there is no such thing as a lie?

The idea of promoting the idea that there are lies, and that there are fewer crimes more offensive than lying, is the single most effective tool used against us to keep us fully separated from each other.

This obsession over the difference between truth and lies keeps us at war with each other and keeps us constantly on the defensive, ever wondering, “Who will lie to you next?”

This begins and perpetuates the endless cycle of looking for lies, and as you know, you will always find whatever it is you are looking for. If you are looking for lies, you will find them everywhere you look.

What if there was no such thing as a lie?

What if everything anyone says (in spoken word or print) actually is true one hundred percent of the time?

This is the essence of my Truth Continuum which purports that everything is truth. If history teaches us anything it is that everything which has been widely accepted as truth is subject to change and that one person’s truth can vary wildly from that of someone else.

Truth is subjective. And if truth is subject to influence and personal interpretation, then the antithesis, lies, must also be subjective. Which puts these concepts on par with each other, for if someone’s truth is another person’s lie, they are one and the same; all within the Truth Continuum.

As much as you might like to assert your truth is based on facts or sound science, we know that these things are not as black and white as we might like to believe.

Truth more adequately stated might be, “The truth as I see it,” which reasonably must allow for the truth of others as, “The truth as you see it.” Therefore, all truth, past, present, and future (including other dimensions and places in time and space) resides within the truth continuum.

Lies are a little trickier because there are two kinds of lies, the lies which are contradictory to one’s perceived truth (these may reside within the truth continuum), and lies which are purposefully spun in an effort to deceive someone or to avoid some potentially undesirable consequence (excluded from the truth continuum).

To express a lie which is known to the deliverer to not be true in an effort to deceive may be spun in such a way as to be believable or potentially true is a lie which has no truth within it, even though there may be truths hidden within the details of it, to make it appear to credible or truthful.

Lying with intentional deceit is not the same as declaring something that is believed to be true but may not be perceived by others to be true.

The possibility exists that many of the popular beliefs purported by social engineers and leaders of certain factions may have intentionally spun to deceive a particular populace but with the intention to benefit the purveyors of the lie or the greater part of the population.

Those who use lies to control people may have concocted the most masterful lies with no truth present as a method to manipulate peoples, and even so, because these lies have been believed to be truth by someone, these ideas can also be found in the truth continuum.

So, what if someone lies to you intentionally to deceive you?

Ask yourself, “Does it matter?”

If you can wrap your mind around the idea that people just are, and you honor their ability to be who they are, to say what they say, without judgment, maybe what they say to you, even if intended to defraud you in some way, doesn’t really matter.

This is your life, and you can manage it any way you see fit.

Think about being an unconditional lover who believes in the idea that everyone has the same rights as you to be right or believed, no matter what.

Consider having the courage to believe there is no such thing as a lie, and to say, “I love you no matter what you say, no matter what you do.”

If there were no such thing as a lie, you could easily stay in the frequency of love’s vibration and your countenance would be unshakeable.

Grace Without Truth the Delicate Dance of Grace and Truth

The delicate interplay between grace and truth is a central theme that often sparks contemplation and debate. The statement, “In the same way truth isn’t truth without grace, grace isn’t grace when separated from truth,” encapsulates a profound truth that transcends religious boundaries. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship between grace and truth, exploring how they are inseparable elements in pursuing spiritual maturity.

The Backbone of Grace:

“Some ‘mature’ people on the other side of the theological spectrum avoid the truth side of the equation as though love floats with no backbone.” This observation raises a poignant reflection on the tendency of some individuals to shun the firm foundation of truth in favor of a seemingly softer approach. However, the assertion that grace has a backbone, “We nailed it to the cross,” alludes to the profound sacrifice that underpins the concept of grace. The crucifixion becomes a symbolic representation of the unbreakable connection between grace and truth.

The Inseparability of Grace and Truth:

Attempting to separate grace from truth or vice versa is akin to unraveling the very fabric of spirituality. The statement, “You cannot separate grace from truth any more than you can separate truth from grace,” underscores the indivisibility of these two elements. It challenges believers to navigate the fine line between embracing the unmerited favor of grace and upholding the unwavering principles of truth.

The Difficult Path to Balance:

Acknowledging the challenge of striking the right balance, the statement, “It is an incredibly difficult line to find, but we must find it,” underscores the complexity of harmonizing grace and truth. It implies that spiritual maturity requires a nuanced understanding of both concepts and a commitment to navigating the tension between them. It calls for introspection and deliberate efforts to avoid leaning too heavily toward one side at the expense of the other.

The False Dichotomy:

“Grace without truth isn’t maturity any more than truth without grace is truth.” This declaration dispels the notion that one can achieve spiritual maturity by exclusively embracing either grace or truth. It challenges believers to transcend the false dichotomy that suggests a choice between the two. True maturity, it posits, arises from the harmonious integration of grace and truth.

The Need for a Savior:

“Clearly, we need a Savior on this issue. And it’s a good thing for us He embodies both.” In recognizing the inherent difficulty in navigating the delicate dance of grace and truth, this statement points to the ultimate solution: a Savior who embodies both qualities. It emphasizes the redemptive power of a faith that rests on the dual pillars of grace and truth, offering believers a source of strength and guidance in their spiritual journey.

Grace without truth isn’t grace any more than truth without grace isn’t truth.” This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of the entire discourse. It reiterates the inseparability of grace and truth, emphasizing that a holistic understanding of spirituality requires the simultaneous embrace of both. In this delicate dance, believers find not only a path to maturity but also a profound connection to a Savior who embodies the perfect union of grace and truth.

Cheaters Have Nothing to do with You

It’s easy to internalize your frustrations if you’ve been with a partner who has been unfaithful. Cheaters have nothing to do with you. If you’re monogamous and committed to someone who is a cheater, when he or she has left, you might start questioning yourself. “What did I do?” or alternatively, “What’s wrong with me?” amongst other self-deprecating questions. When the truth is it’s about the cheater, not you.

Cheaters are gonna cheat. That’s just the way it is. You can change a cheater, it’s just the way they are hard-wired. Can a cheater change into a loving, caring, monogamous, and faithful partner? Yes. But you cannot change them. Only the cheater can change his or her life that drastically. Nothing you can do can change them.

Your first instinct is to blame yourself because you lack the full lovingness for yourself, so you question your worthiness, as all your insecurities rise to the surface, making you feel worse and worse about yourself, while the happy-go-lucky cheater is off on his or her next conquest.

Nothing is wrong with you. You are perfect in every way, only you do not realize it or know that all the love you seek resides within you waiting to be set loose in all its power and glory.

Lacking this true love from within, you will submit yourself to the endless abuse of not feeling as though you are not enough, questioning your authentic beauty, or over criticizing your income, weight, choice of apparel, hairstyle, mannerisms, possessions, family, beliefs, or any other endless possibilities that might make you feel less than worthy.

The choices other people make, the things they do, have nothing to do with you. You are for more inconsequential in the lives of people who have little or no regard for you than you might think. People just say or do stuff because their lives have led them to say or do this or that. That is all.

If it wouldn’t have been you, it would have been someone else.

You are not responsible for the life your ex- has lived up to this point and you can never know what is going on inside someone else’s head or heart.

In most (if not all) cases of infidelity or the inability for someone to make a long-term commitment comes from a lifetime of insecurity, fear, and/or abuse, every detail of which could never be fully known by any other person.

It’s up to you to look after your own feelings and sense of worthiness. You need to not let anyone have control over how you feel. In this way, you can reclaim your power from anyone who has threatened your otherwise sense of wellbeing.

If you let others to be responsible for how you feel, you would be just like your ex- who is constantly needing someone else to make him or her feel good. And when you make someone else responsible for how you feel, it works, but not for long.

If someone doesn’t like you the way you want them to, don’t feel bad. Be grateful that you found out when you did, because it could have been much worse had your relationship been allowed to continue in its dysfunction.

Your value is not determined by anyone or anything outside of yourself. Your preciousness comes from the love within yourself. Allowed to grow within yourself your love can expand and overflow to others and the world around you.

Without this unlimited source of love enveloping you, the best you can do is to mitigate your emotional state, with all its contradictions and inconsistencies, the best you can by applying emotional bandages (other people and what they think of you).

You are perfect, with all your imperfections, just the way you are.

You were born in love, full of love, and worthy of love, for you (in your truest essence) are love personified. Even if no one else recognizes your sacred divinity, it still remains true; you are pure love.

You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone, ever.

You love yourself enough to walk away from any relationship which is not in alignment with your highest and best.

You and your love is all the love you need, and when the right person shows up with a vibrational frequency with is alignment with your highest and best, nothing can stand in your way.

Great love is on its way to you.

You Are Called No Lies

There are two versions of yourself trying to express themselves in your world today. Most of us are allowing the pre-programmed slave of the flesh to dominate our existence. That’s not to say that you’re expressing yourself as a bad person, just that you’re more yielded to the social programming you’ve been subjected to ever since you took your first breath.

The other part of you which remains hidden for the most part is that highly sacred part of yourself that has come to this planet to express itself fully, adding value, sharing and caring for others in expansive growth and change, ushering in increased human performance and evolution.

This higher part of you is the only thing that frightens the powers which seek to control and profit from all the peoples of this world. These are the social engineers who will stop at nothing to get people to believe that we are destined to just play our part in the societies which they have created for us.

They taught your parents how to think, what to believe, and their parents before them, going back countless numbers of generations, to the beginning of humanity.

But the times are a changing, and you are becoming aware of your higher self as he or she longs to be revealed and expressed in all its divinity, which is your purpose in this life, if you let this part of you come forth, answering the call of love.

Recognizing the difference between these two parts of you, you can begin to hear the distinctions which separate the inner voices you hear within. Depending on where you are in your growth and awakening, the pre-programmed inner voice which does not serve your higher purpose dominates because this is the default setting for most humans.

Your higher self will be encouraging you, even daring you to grow and change, while your programmed mind will be giving you every excuse to stay just the way you are and do not aspire toward anything above the status quo.

When your inner voice starts barking limiting excuses, stop listening to them, and start listening to what your heart has to say instead. Stop believing any of the following lies…

You can’t do this.

You can, but your critical inner voice will tell you it’s too hard, or if you try to do something different, it will never last. You’ll just revert to your former self. Maybe someone else did it, but they were luckier than you, or more entitled in some way. You will hear the myriad of excuses about why you are not good enough to see this through. You’re not thin enough, good-looking enough, don’t have appropriate apparel or an adequate car. Your house is not nice enough. You don’t belong to the Country Club, don’t have the right friends, proper pedigree, or education.

All lies, because if you look around, you will find people who are or were far worse off than you would ever think of being who persevered, pushed through and accomplished so much for themselves, their families, and helped to pave the way for others, just like you. That is the truth.

You just want to be comfortable.

Yes, you do deserve to enjoy the comforts of life, unless they are standing between you and your true calling. Let’s face it, it’s much easier kick back on the on the sofa, chill, and watch Netflix than it is to get up, get out, and do something that can impact your life and the lives of others. Who wants to go to the gym and work out, when you can stay at home and relax? Building muscle is not unlike growing outside your comfort zone where al the best things in life are waiting for you. Comfort represents the same ol’ same ol’ which represents mediocrity and complacency for those who are otherwise called to some higher calling.

There must be an easier way.

Growth necessitates change, and change can be uncomfortable. Challenges will abound as you push through to respond to your sacred calling. There will be opposition, and people who you thought had your back may no longer be supportive. There will be times when it’s hard, but there will also be times when answering your call is extremely rewarding, even easy, as your determination to move forward helps enhance your life, affecting the lives of others, and makes the world a better place.

You don’t know what you’re doing.

Okay, any uncharted territory can be scary, when you don’t know exactly what to do or what lies ahead. How many things have you done in your life that you have never done before? If you think about it, your life is full of a succession of firsts, all cumulatively leading to the full life you experience now.

Today you have tools available to you now that you live in the information age. You have access to the tools you need to familiarize yourself with the potential unknown territory, with maps, pictures, video, and lots of data to help you get acclimated to any calling which beckons you forth. There are online recordings, podcasts, vlogs, classes, seminars, summits, and webinars. This puts you miles ahead of generations which went before who were forced to go forth blindly.

Not knowing is not a valid excuse any longer.

You’re not ready, maybe tomorrow.

Procrastination is the thief achieving your highest and best. How can you justify putting off the answering of your sacred call when so much hangs in the balance? Those who are waiting to be introduced to your purpose, message, passion, and mission are neglected or suffering while you put off your taking action, claiming, and stepping into the fullness of your sacred birthright.

Taking that first step leads to taking the next step, even if they’re small steps. Every step is cumulative and brings you closer to the goodness and blessings which is in store for you, others, and the world as you answer the call.

Now is the time to take that step in faith. Don’t let any negative self-talk stand between you and that for which you were created. You are an invaluable part of the coming evolution, and we need you now.

Settling Into Your Power

Settling into your power is a state of being where you maintain a calm, loving, peaceful disposition regardless of circumstances. Settling into your power is finding that safe, serene, and sacred space inside you, where you are impenetrable by anyone or anything that might try to threaten your ability to see the good in all things.

Only the most powerful person in the world could accomplish such a feat, and you are the most powerful person in the world if you choose to be.

All this awesome power resides within you. It is the power of love, and you can learn to wield this power with elegance and grace, if you approach it with respect and tender humility, for “love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” ~ St. Paul (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

You’re going about your business, maintaining your sacred space, being open to growth, change, and expansion in love, when someone or something threatens to upset your love vibration.

To allow someone to compromise your serenity is to give away your power to another person, circumstance, or situation. In the event your sacred space is breached by some outside force, it feels like an abusive assault, but you can regain your power when you are first consciously aware of the compromise, if you choose.

Seeing the disruption through the eyes of love, allows you to see life and this present circumstance as sacred as all life. Instead of seeing anything as a personal assault on you, you can see things as they are, realizing that life simply happens all around us, and sometimes it can knock you off balance when you intersect with it.

In love, you can compassionately empathize with the person or situation, allowing it just to be, you can safely and securely return to your state of love when you decide to, virtually unshaken.

Settling into your power is a grounded position where you accept full responsibility for your beingness, where you are the master of your fate, your beliefs, strengths, gifts, special abilities, purpose, message, passion, and mission.

Approaching life in the power of love is the highest state of freedom enjoyed by those who resonate in the vibration of love, and if you are empowered by this high state of love, your resolve cannot be shaken (not for long) by outside forces.

From this vantage point you can embrace the expectation that anyone needs to understand or approve of your highly regarded insights, because as you expand in consciousness, you may begin to see things in a radically different light than others who are unable to experience the state of empowered and expansive love.

No one can truly understand you, no matter how hard they try (bless them for trying), because only you can know you with all your fears, shadows, flaws, and extraordinary abilities, in your fullness.

Just as you hope to be loved and respected by others without judgment, you honor others and allow them to be whatever they choose to be, believe whatever it is they hold tight to, for this is the love response.

Even if directed specifically at you, you can respect someone else’s opinion as their own, without feeling threatened. They have the right to believe whatever they choose to believe, and you have no need to defend yourself because you love them, and you love yourself.

You understand that different people have different beliefs, and you have no compulsion to correct anyone or expectation that they will fully understand you. Even so, you love and hope that regardless of our differences we can remain friendly and love one another.

Since you no longer rely on the opinions and acceptance of others to put yourself in a state of wellbeing or happiness, you are free to allow the love that wells up from within you to overflow to others around you, unconditionally, for you are forever free in the fullness of love.

How to Deal With the Emotional Outbursts of Others

Are there people in your life who are a constant source of frustration? People who rub you the wrong way, make you a little crazy, find that single raw nerve, tweaking your otherwise sound sense of calm, then wreck your whole outlook on life, with a single word or gesture?

Consider, if you are willing, to seek out what is hiding beneath the surface.

People will interrupt your state of being for a wide variety of reasons including personality quirks, lack of self-esteem, current or past trauma, inability to handle stressors of life, jealousy, awkward expression or communication styles, mental or physical health concerns, or narcissism are among the most common.

Not possessing the necessary awareness, emotional/communication tools, they may only be able to strike out in an abrasive manner which may be disrespectful, putting others down, making false accusations, demonstrating abrupt, unrestrained angst, anger, or other destructive behavior, including stonewalling (the silent treatment).

When they strike out at you, it’s perfectly understandable and normal for you to think it’s about you because that’s representative of the words they are using when they are pointing their finger at you and addressing “you,” accusing you of being the cause of their emotional outburst.

Even though they are blaming you for their state of mind, this negative energy is sourced and expressed from something deeply disconcerting from deep within themselves. They need to release some of the pressure from these deep, dark secrets and/or unresolved inner conflicts, or else they might explode.

Not understanding how much pain this out-of-control person is, could let you take their emotional display personally. It can actually transfer some of their pain to you, and you get upset or defensive, launching your own emotional overwhelm or outburst.

Losing sight of what’s really happening behind the scenes can cause you to forfeit your power and cause your otherwise high vibrational state of mind to sink to their level, as you do battle in those primal vibratory states of mind.

Following the seduction of your compromised vibration, you might play the event over and over again in your mind, possibly further prolonging your angst about the event, and you might even be distracted by trying to figure out how you could fix things, do or say just the right thing to potentially change the person you shared this experience with.

You may forget that you cannot change anyone, and neither should you even try.

The only thing you can change is you.

How to Deal With the Emotional Outbursts of Others

The next time someone strikes out at you reclaim your power by trying to understand what is happening deep inside the heart and soul of the person who is acting up. Realize, no matter how hard they try to blame or insist that you are the cause for their upset, you are not.

Also, consider that even though you know you are not the cause of their present emotional state, keep in mind that there may be a hidden treasure or truth inside their out of control expression that is a sacred message meant especially for you.

You might uncover something about yourself, where you could grow or change if you can filter out all the upset of the delivery method and find something deep within yourself which could be an opportunity for you to look deep inside from a different perspective.

There will be people whose negative outbursts are just their way of releasing pressure and have little or no prolonged consequence. Try to humbly accept the therapeutic position, possibly even feeling blessed to be the vehicle this person has selected to release this emotional pressure. Some of us are better shock absorbers than others.

It is unnecessary to defend yourself or fight with someone in such a destructive behavioral pattern. Find that safe place within and allow them to release without allowing their upset to compromise your vibration.

You are never expected to remain in an abusive situation. Do not let someone else threaten or terrorize you. Remove yourself from any potentially dangerous circumstances. Don’t let them get to you, retain your power and walk away in love.

You are all-powerful and have full authority to protect your sacred emotional space while allowing life to go on all around you.

You can choose to be unaffected by the dysfunction of others while looking after your own safety and security in peace and harmony.

Romantic or Unconditional Love

Two people meet, fall in love, pledge their vows of love to each other, and live happily ever after. This is the romantic aspirations of most people who seek romantic love in the world today.

There are many forms of love which are active in our society. Love is used on a wide spectrum including many possibilities and representation. On one end of the spectrum you can love chocolate cake, and on the other, a desperate heartbroken young child can find solace in his or her mother’s embrace accompanied by the speaking of the words, “I love you.”

All love is good love and the more there is of it in our world, the better the world can be. For a moment consider there might be a difference between romantic love and unconditional love.

There is nothing better than entering a relationship in love with the expectation that it would last forever. There is an instinctual part of you that wants to go through life with someone by your side. Having to decide who that might be only once, sounds like a dream come true.

When you are attracted to someone or something, this is an expression of your flesh, creating a desire for it whether it be a particular type and color of a car or a prospective mate. Certain hormones create a chemical reaction in our brain which makes us love one thing over another.

The love chemical reaction fades over time and so do the feelings of love. That’s why your admiration of that new car is often replaced by resigning yourself to drive the darned thing, while you long for another car that is more appealing; one that causes your love chemistry to kick in. And so it is with romantic love.

Romantic love projects expectations on your partner. If they look and act in a way that is in line with your expectations of him or her, your love is sustained. If not, you are disappointed and may respond negatively, potentially giving way to disapproval or anger.

Unfortunately, romantic love is based on this expectation and the challenges you face with being shocked by the stark realization that the object of your affection has failed or is unable to meet your expectations.

Instead of fostering togetherness, as in the two of you becoming one, romantic love separates each of you into a my-way vs your-way opposition fostering a push-pull power struggle which can never be won.

Romantic love will have you endlessly attempting to make your partner fit your perception of how he or she should be based on your expectations, with little consideration for who your partner really is in his or her own natural state, or respect of individual potentialities which are yet to be realized.

Romantic love is perpetually fueled by fear of loss, which keeps you looking for clues of potential loss, and as a self-fulfilling prophesy, that which you seek appears, either by using your overactive imagination, or real-life circumstances, which you may have called into being by your fear.

Fear leads to disrespect, suspicion, loathing, and even hatred, when you are jolted into the reality that your love cannot be sustained by whom or what you believed could be trusted to fulfill your expectations of love. This dichotomy creates a violent cognitive dissonance which rocks your world and wreaks havoc on your emotional wellbeing.

Unconditional love, on the other hand, is quite the contrast to romantic love, in that there is no my-way vs your-way opposition keeping you separated. There is no right way, there is no wrong way. There is just you and your partner in love inclusive or all respective possibilities.

This is only possible by allowing true love to flow from the source of all life which does not impose expectations. This true love loves purely, without expectation. It does not look for flaws, nor does it seek to punish. Unconditional love loves regardless; no matter what you do or what you say.

Unconditional love can only be expressed if your heart is full of love for yourself, and to the degree to which you possess this kind of love for yourself, it can overflow into the life of your beloved.

Of course, in unconditional love, there will be differences which appear, but these are allowed to be expressed in love, and you may talk openly about whatever comes up in the contrast of your love experience with openness and honesty, allowing growth or allowing what is to simply be as you move forward.

You were created by this unconditional love source and the potential for it resides in every cell of your body. You can let loose this unconditional love and let it permeate you and the world which surrounds you at any time, if you can allow yourself to consider the possibilities.

Unconditional love is the most powerful force which can be wielded by any man, woman, or child and is more powerful than anything else. It exists in all life, everything, and without it, nothing would be.

God blesses all love unconditionally, from the romantic love looking to be negotiated and contractualized between two, and the unconditional love. Love is love, and everything is love.

God bless you on your journey in love.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Look for Evil Get More Evil

Look for evil and you find it everywhere. It seems like the more you look for evil, the more evil there is. As you look for all the evil in the world the evil grows, and so it goes…

You are a magnificent and powerful creator. Whatever you focus your attention on increases and multiplies. This is you a son or daughter of the Creator, with all the power of creation within you.

There are those who seek to propagate evil in the world today and they are aware of your power to create and add powerful exponential energy to that which you focus your attention upon. They exploit your power by manipulating you into focusing on the negative things in life which are presented to your awareness. Focus on these negative presentations with negative energy, and you cause them to multiply exponentially.

Reduced to its simplest form, this is how it works:

Those who seek the proliferation of evil present you with an idea via a news story, an advertisement on television, or some other form of media which depicts a horrible injustice.

Your attention to the presentation provides enough energy to sustain the injustice. The more your thoughts are focused on the issues presented, the more pervasive the issue becomes.

Respond to the presentation with negativity, i.e.,

I hate it when that happens!”
I hate people who do that!”

Then you empower the negative presentation with your own negative energy causing it to grow exponentially.

Dare to add thoughts of retaliation or punishment and it grows even more powerfully in all its evil.

This only reflects the condition of you, one person, viewing the presentation and responding to it.

Think about the millions of people viewing the same presentation.

And we wonder why there is so much evil in the world?

The powers that be are aware of the immense power you wield to affect every aspect of this world. They socially program and take advantage of you, using you as a negative power cell to further their agenda of keeping the world’s peoples living in a state of fear and negativity.

The GOOD NEWS is, now that you are aware of the power you have, you can decide to use your power for good at any time you choose.

How would you like to look for good and find more and more of it everywhere you look?

Simply by applying the antithesis, looking for good anywhere you can find it, by adding support and positive energy for all things which you consider good, you cause the good to multiply, expanding exponentially. And by celebrating the good in any way you can (even posting on social media) it increases even more.

Now that you know, you no longer have to acquiesce to evil manipulation.

The next time your attention is interrupted by evil programming, you can disengage and turn away from it, immediately finding something good to focus your attention on and celebrate that which is good.

If you feel negatively about some injustice, do not focus upon it or complain (which adds even more negative energy) about it, compromising your otherwise positive vibration.

Make a donation (any small amount, even $5 a month) to those who are actively engaged in the fighting against whatever it is that is trying to distract you, then you can feel better knowing that you are contributing to the cause without succumbing to further empowering the evil.

You are now a positive power cell for good.

If enough of us do transform out thoughts into positive power generators, the good will overpower the evil. Allowed to continue to grow, evil will no longer be sustainable, and good will prevail.

It all starts with you.

What If Nobody Could Hurt You?

What if nobody could ever hurt you, ever again?

If you’ve ever been in a knock down drag out fight you know what it feels like to be hit by someone. Adrenaline and other hormones cascade overwhelming your state of being as you as immediately find yourself in fight or flight. Being part of a brutal smackdown is no fun and the trauma, pain, and suffering that comes from the physical abuse can endure and cause even more suffering as you try to heal from the event over time.

How curious is it when we are similarly affected by the spoken words of someone?

When you feel as though someone has disrespected, insulted, ignored, judged, or rejected you, BAM! Just as though you’d been kicked in the guts, all the pain, emotional and physical with all the feelings and hormone overload.

When this happens to you, those words, which cut like a knife, were likely spoken by someone you love, trust, or highly regard. They could be your partner, a family member, a child, a neighbor, someone you work with or for. Because you are more connected to these people than others in your life, their words cut the deepest, can crush you, and leave your heart bleeding in pain and sorrow.

Those you care about the most hurt you the most

The concept, “those you care about the most hurt you the most” rings true.

Interestingly enough, this concept was programmed into your psyche since the day you were born. Based on your life experience, you learned to love and depend on others. Early on, you realized that if you disappointed the people you loved and trusted to take care of you, they would turn on you, leaving you in a state of fear and suffering.

That’s where it starts, and it grows as you trust and are betrayed by those who you love and care for along the way, when all you really wanted was to be accepted, respected, and loved for no other reason than you love others. Family, friends, lovers, fellow students, teachers, and others in your circle of influence. Why can’t they just love you back?

We have been programmed to value the opinion of others so highly that the slightest threat of potentially not being highly regarded by someone we care about can threaten our very sense of existence. Our feelings are hurt. We can either strike back and start an all-out war of words (or worse), and if we’re unable to strike back (for fear of being hurt even worse), we find someone else who we are stronger than to strike out at to release the angst inside. Or we can find ourselves sinking to the depths of depression, even contemplating suicide as a way out of the pain.

You were socially programmed to want what others want, to desire to do the things that others do with them as a part of the crowd. Giving you a sense of belonging, in the belief there is safety and security by being accepted by others, for to be alone would be potentially dangerous, or too much to bear.

This social programming has been a disservice to your highest and best because you were meant for so much more than just being just another sheep in the herd.

Blessed are those who were raised in an empowered sense of individuality and personal awareness. They possess the power of seeing themselves as separate, and in the best-case scenarios, also see themselves as part of the greater whole of community and humanity, though these days this represents a very small percentage of us.

To expect someone to know and appreciate you for all that you are sets you up for disappointment and failure, and your feelings will always be hurt because no one can ever know and appreciate you as much as you do.

Likewise, no matter how hard you try, you can’t fully “get” anyone else. So much goes on inside the heart and mind of everyone that you will never know. Just like when you are silent, your mind keeps working and think thoughts you might never convert to spoken word.

What’s the answer?

There is great personal power in realizing that what anyone thinks or says about you has nothing to do with you at all. It’s about them.

You know that you are always intentionally authentic, open, honest, and want the best for everyone in your life. You know you are always worthy of the best things in this life, and you would never do anything intentionally to hurt anyone you cared about. You don’t need anyone else’s validation of these things because you know them to be true. Your knowledge of and confidence in you is unshakeable.

From this vantage point, if someone barks something that might have hurt your feelings in the past, you can feel compassion for the person who felt like he or she had to react in such a say. And instead of being threatened or hurt by what they said or did, you can just look at them lost in their own life-struggle and think (or say, if appropriate), “That’s interesting.”

You know you can respond with love and compassion because you know that you were like that too.

You are emotionally resilient and bulletproof.

You are no longer a victim of anyone else’s disrespect or abuse.

You don’t have to defend yourself or strike back because they didn’t actually do or say anything that could hurt you. You can bless them because you know they are just doing the best they can with what they have.