Are Angels Real?

If you’ve ever wondered, “Are angels real?” you can feel safe in the knowledge that angels are so real. In fact, possibly more real than you and I are, though you are welcomed to deny their presence and they do not take it personally. They are still around you, love and protect you, regardless of what you believe.

Angels are a peculiar lot; they are not human, are dimensionally separated from us but even so, are always present and aware and able to interact with us if necessary. They have seen and heard everything as their existence predates humans and they do not have a limited lifespan like we do, they do not have language barriers and can be an incredible resource with or without our permission but far more amazing if we acknowledge their presence and choose to interact with them.

Contrary to popular belief, angels are not religious.

Angels don’t care if you are of a particular religious persuasion, they don’t care if you’re “saved” or even believe in them – or anything – at all. No matter how we try to explain or rationalize them, angels exist.

You might ask, “Why do angels exist?”

Throughout the course of my life, I have heard many answers to the “why” query in regards to angels, and I have heard the wide variety of answers from both experts and laypersons with responses spanning the spectrum of knowledge from spiritual to scientific. My conclusion is that why is irrelevant and just as elusive as trying to determine “how” they even exist at all (though there is no shortage of hypothesis about angels) as I find myself more inclined to believe in things unseen.


Signs of Angels

How do you know angels are around? Depending on the type of person you are and the life that you are living on this planet, if appropriate, angels will seek to get your attention in the hope that you may understand that, regardless of your situation, you are never alone, even if you are in total isolation.

Though we normally cannot see them (some can or have) they are ever present and will occasionally give us clues or signs indicating their presence. If you are able to get a clue or a sign from your angel it will likely be at the most opportune time, when you’re feeling less than your best and can use a lift. Especially if there is not much around to lift your spirit, angels will sneak through the dimensional divide to let you know you are not alone.

Some common signs that angels will use to make you aware of their presence include the appearance of physical objects on your path, such as feathers or pennies. Other visual cues would include seeing rainbows (especially in the absence of rain) and sparkles or flashes of light without an apparent light source.

Other methods of efforts to communicate their presence may be audible, like hearing someone say your name when no one is around or hearing an angel’s message by highlighting a particular line from a song. Messages may also appear in an otherwise innocuous line of text read in a newspaper, online or even on a billboard or other signage.

Angels represent love and light, and when you can feel being embellished in the tender field of an angel in close proximity you experience an inexplicable sense of feeling love and safety. It’s like the best hug from God or the universe as an angel wraps his wings around you. There is a knowingness that you are not alone, you are loved, divinely protected, everything is connected and will work out for the best.

2 thoughts on “Are Angels Real?”

  1. i believe now it is true that they exist… i remember that one day i was in verge of breaking down, longly feeling empty inside, i was walking alone in a remote area asking myself that god exists… and why i’m drowning in this situation. well i saw a recorded music cd that has written JESUS LOVES YOU, and i was immediately moved by it and what was written there, and smile came to my face once again and i said amen.

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