Disaster or Miracle Find the Blesson

Life is a crazy journey. It’s full of unexpected twists, turns, trials, and tribulations, with the occasional tragedy thrown in for flavor. What you get is a cocktail for disaster or the foundation for limitless miracles. The tipping point, the pivot which lays perfectly in the center of your life delicately balancing every situation and circumstance, is controlled by you. So, it’s up to you whether is is a disaster or miracle and to find the blesson

Every challenge you face comes with emotional weight on either side of life’s balance beam.

The slightest influence, what you feel, what you think, what you do, even the smallest bit of energy equivalent to the weight of a snowflake, is enough to upset the delicate balance, sending all that emotional weight tumbling on the side of either disaster or miracles.

No two life events are the same. Each has different degrees of emotional weight associated with it. Some have such little emotional weight, that whether it falls on the side of disaster or miracle the emotional impact is barely noticeable. In other cases, the emotional weight is so heavy that it could have life-threatening emotional impact if hurled on the side of disaster. On the other hand, if sent cascading on the side of miracles would be cause for incredible celebration.

In either case, the actual upsetting of the balance, the process of tipping it one way or the other, is shocking and unsettling. Even if very heavy emotional weight is sent crashing on the side of miracles, an uncomfortable period of adjustment may be necessary before the celebratory outcome can be felt or realized.

Curse or Blessing

It’s all up to you, whether every challenge you face feels like a curse or a blessing. You will feel the emotional outcome according to which side it falls on.

Turning Emotional Disasters into Miracles

What if all the weight shifted and crashed down on the negative side of disaster? Is there a way to convert negative emotional weight into positive, even miraculous, emotional weight?

The answer is, and will always be, unequivocally, “Yes.”

You can turn bad emotional weight into positive emotional weight, but it will take some inspired, attentive, and focused work to be done by you if you are interested in engaging this transformative process.

This is the work that my colleagues and I do every day when helping people overcome the emotional trauma experienced by individuals just like you who bear the burden of carrying a high-level degree of heavy negative emotional weight.

The very carrying of such emotional weight takes a toll on your body, mind, and soul. You feel the negative impact of it and carry it around with you wherever you go. Sure, you can find ways to mitigate the damages or stave off the effects for a while, but when the smoke clears from whatever method you’ve used to stop the pain, all that weight is safely stored and remains.

To move it from one side to the other will take some work on your part.

Whether it looks like medical intervention, therapy, counseling, consulting, coaching, or private personal or spiritual growth, there are many resources available for you to achieve the process of metamorphosis, turning your tragedy into priceless treasure.

Find the Blesson

The starting point is to find the blesson; the blessing and the lesson that was hidden amongst the pile of negative emotional weight which was represented by the specific event, situation or circumstance to which it is associated.

In this way, you can start the cleanup process. Some of the negative weight can be eliminated, destroyed, demolished and swept away or discarded, if necessary, while the rest (all the good, valuable and blessed weight) can be transmitted to the positive side of miracles. Following the period of adjustment, not only will you feel the relief from there being significantly less weight on the negative side (never having to carry it again), but you will also feel the positive attributes associated with moving weight to the positive side, which makes you feel better, satisfied, fulfilled, even joyous and blessed.

And your efforts of doing the work necessary to diligently execute this process are forever accompanied by a sense of pride in the knowledge of the fact that you did this deep and meaningful work on your own.

Be an Inspiration

Having gone through this process of personal discovery, healing and transmutation of negative emotional weight into positive, you have become an expert, like only you could be, regarding the challenges which you have overcome.

There was a divine purpose for your enduring both the challenge and the overcoming of it, and that is to offer hope to others who without your encouraging story of having been there, done that, and not only survived but thrived from having come out on the other side.

You have become the lighthouse, saving others from the potential dangers of encountering similar plights.

You are the lighthouse beaming your beacon of hope to the world; a world facing little hope of a positive outcome when facing unbearable odds and having little hope, if any.

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