Fading Fear

As you continue to grow, expand, and to evolve into the new you, you will find yourself less likely to engage in negative thinking patterns. Fading fear and doubt will lead you into a more positive attitude toward life and love.

Your conscious confidence is growing day by day, and you are seeing more and more that things are not as they appear. This awareness is making you wise to the methods used by social engineering to keep you distracted by fear and doubt and you are becoming increasingly stronger in your resolve to be true to yourself.

You are spending time looking within yourself to find all those things which make you react negatively to other people, situations, and news stories. You have a growing understanding and you are seeing how much about the way you feel about things (or felt about things) was because of those who are lost in the ways of the world.

There’s no judgment against them, your parents, your friends, teachers, mentors, celebrities, people you trust(ed) because you know now that they were just doing the best they could with what they had.

You’d love to tell them, they need not believe in the pervasive fear and doubt which encompasses the world we live in, but it doesn’t take you long to discover that they are unable to hear you. They are so immersed in the fear and doubt that anything else does not resonate with them. And that’s okay.

Maybe someday it will resonate with them, and if not, that’s okay, too. Everyone must find their own way to his or her authentic self. We all are on different journeys and we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

You are now free to think more fully for yourself, less likely to be emotionally controlled by the invisible forces of negative thought and social programming as the fading fear and doubt continue to dissipate.

There will be times when fear and doubt will be triggered again, but you will notice the decrease in both frequency and severity because you are doing the deep work, and the more time you spend in resonating at higher vibrations, the less you will attract lower vibrational states of mind. And when they do show up, you are less likely to entertain them, as you allow them to flow by, with you being less affected, or possibly not affected at all.

This is tolerance. When you start to embrace the idea of full allowance. Letting everything to be what it is, without having to take it personally.

You are enveloped in a sense of calm and peace of mind which cannot be shaken, as you are able just to let it be and keep moving onward and upward, unaffected by the trappings of this world.

You are more apt to find yourself being in the now than responding to those emotional triggers of the past as you continue to evolve into the highest version of yourself, which is the future for all human beings. And as you become more and more aware of your evolution, you can, along with others who are also evolving, finally…

Say, “Goodbye,” to fear and doubt.

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