Integrity Intuition Imagination

Key components that Holistic Entrepreneurs share (among other attributes) are integrity, intuition and imagination. Emerging amidst this evolution in the business world are entrepreneurs and business professionals who see their professions as so much more than just cash flow, or as a source of revenue.

integrity intuition imagination heart centered business holistic entrepreneurs


First off, these businesspeople have integrity – a sense of doing the right thing even if no one’s watching, keeping their word and seeking to do no harm – while engaged in either their private or business practices. They always seek to arrive at win/win solutions and are more likely to negotiate and compromise for the greater good.

Their professional interested stem from the base resonance of their heart, giving them a sense of fulfilling their life’s purpose while contributing to the community at large in an effort to make the world a better place for this and future generations.

They feel as though their business activities are a result of accepting their life’s mission, embracing their “calling” and finding ways to deliver their personal “message” (also a part of their life’s mission). This congruency of vibration among the areas of living their intended purpose (or reason for coming to our planet) while striving to find ways to stay on-track with their mission while delivering their unique “message,” offers them a great deal of satisfaction.

Staying on the high road of an integrous lifestyle increases efficiency tremendously, while increasing energy, joy and a better life (‘ere it is unlikely you will find an authentic, integrous Holistic Entrepreneur suffering from depression or burnout from their professional endeavors).


Intuition is the Holy Grail of the Holistic Entrepreneur, as they operate from a more heart-centered position (as opposed to purely logical focused on the analytical/money hungry position). Instead of making professional or business decisions placed purely on statistics or science, the Holistic Entrepreneur might be inclined to turn his or her attention inward, checking with his/her heart, while asking themselves

How does this make me feel?

Feelings are their inner guidance system, assisting their navigation, helping them chart the course of their life’s mission, while attempting to avoid distractions or being thrown off-course. For some, intuition coherence comes naturally, for others it must be birthed and exercised for their ability to intuitively discern or identify and communicate with their inner guidance system.

The downside is that unless you’ve surrounded yourself with like-minded Holistic Entrepreneurs who appreciate such things, “Intuition” may be perceived by support staff as being unfounded, unrealistic falderal, dismissing it as nonsensical.


A high-functioning imagination is the Holistic Entrepreneur’s secret superpower, enabling them to see outside the box, have an increased ability to problem-solve or see most anything from other perspectives.

Imagination circumvents years of research and development, great costs and loss of valuable time in our fast-paced get-it-now world.

Visualizing a particular outcome fueled by the power of an empowered imagination increases the potential of a positive outcome exponentially.

Many see imagination as a child-like tool, wielded by immature fools who fantasize for no good reason; for how could you trust someone who lives in a fantasy world? They persist in this perspective of complete denial, even though many of our greatest advancements on this planet are the result of exercising the skillful use of one’s imagination (which is discounted as “luck,” because “even a broken clock is right twice a day,” or some other common dismissal).

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