Meet Your Inner Child

Ever notice someone’s irrational outbursts? Does it trigger recollections similar to a child throwing a tantrum, only in the bigness of adulthood? It’s likely that the person who is acting out in such a manner needs to reconcile their adult life with their inner child.

While it may sound like faux-psych new age folderol, all of us started out as children, and as such that young child within takes up residency deep within our being. For the most part it remains hidden because it has no physical form, but its existence and struggle for survival is undeniable. Your inner child for the most part resides safely protected in your unconscious mind, while your adult mind dominates the conscious mind. When your adult and inner child are in conflict with each other, behavioral and emotional inconsistencies become apparent, often leading to difficulties in relationships and managing adult life in general.

When your inner child asserts itself over your cognitive abilities, you will notice a variety of behaviors that are inconsistent with what would be considered normal thought patterns. Some indications of inner child outbursts range from self-sabotage to criminal behavior. The playground of the unbridled inner child often includes over-reacting, hostility, violent aggression, destructive behavior and other narcissistic tendencies.

Not to worry, we’re all in the same boat. We – all of us – are harboring our inner child. This is not a psychological condition, it is a very real part of who we are and how we evolve as adults. Becoming aware of the existence of your inner child is the first step.

Now that you are becoming aware of your inner child, the next step would be to reconcile, and learn to live with him or her. It is likely that for far too long your inner child has been neglected, abandoned or rejected. You can instead begin to acknowledge, honor, love and accept your inner child, allowing two-way communication and reasoning back and forth.

Your inner child’s identity is the result of the programming that has taken place thoughout our young life. Many of these are considered positive qualities like uninhibited creativity and joy, though negative attributes also become apparent, based on childhood experiences that foster hurt feelings, anger, fear, and other traumas.

The majority of our fellow earth dwellers will not embrace this idea, and God bless them as they continue to suffer from their inner irreconcilable differences. Why? Because we’re programmed by society, to consider our childlike nature be suppressed as we grow into adults and find our place within the societal structure. We are trained to starve the innocence, relentless inquisitive nature, playfulness and ability to fantasize wildly, until there is nothing left but leaving your inner child locked away in a prison, quietly ignored, until he/she asserts their existence.

Now that you are aware of your inner child, take the time to communicate and honor your inner child. He or she ha been neglected for too long. Now is the time to reconcile.

Getting to know your inner child can be one of the most exhilarating experiences, and will help you to overcome the inconsistencies in your life. It’s time to love and accept your inner child as a part of who you are. Invite him or her to play a part in the conscious part of your life and see how life becomes more brilliant.

A severely wounded inner child may be problematic due to unhealed wounds, but with loving, nurturing care and conscious effort, these wounds can be healed allowing you to flourish and a whole being.

Congratulations on creating an incredible partnership with your inner child, get ready to enjoy all the sweet life that awaits, and have some fun.

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