Remember Everything Learn Nothing

Your memory, the things you hold inside you from your past, represents a crippling disease which stands between you and all the good things in life that are waiting for you just beyond your view. Warning: Remember Everything Learn Nothing.

That negative feeling in the pit of your stomach, the ache in your heart, any of these negative physiological manifestations of your incongruence when you think of something from your past blocks the abundance, peace, harmony, prosperity, and true love that awaits you.

Holding a grudge or discontent blocks you from love. The negative feeling associated with any memory from the past pulls you out of the flow of love, the vibration which encompasses abundance, peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Therefore, if you seek all the good things this life has in store from you with the least amount of effort, all you have to do is to attune yourself to loves vibration, take the inspired action, and all these things will come to you.

Everything you’ve ever wanted, or dreamed of, is just waiting for you. God would not have put those ideas in your head or those desires in your heart if He did not want to give it to you. All you have to do is to let go of anything that is preventing you from being in the vibration of having it, and you will find yourself enjoying it, first unmanifested (enjoying the expectant feeling of having it, while it has not been realized), then manifested. Here it is, in your life, in all its glory to be thoroughly enjoyed by you.

Now, you can also have all the things you want in life by making them happen all by yourself without regard of any vibration whatsoever, but this method is generally not associated with joy, at least not for very long.

Living in a higher vibration, attracting the things you desire and love into your life, is far more sustainable and prolongs the joy of the whole affair indefinitely.

To achieve the desires of your heart through the flesh only, by sheer determination, hard-work-and-dedication, or brute force, is effective for the accumulation of material things, wealth, or the appearance of wealth, but there is rarely any lasting joy, and the satisfaction of attainment is fleeting.

And the secret code to unlocking the sustainable love vibration is this:

Remember Everything Learn Nothing

Remembering everything (every detail of something that made you feel bad or caused you pain) leads to holding grudges and lowering your vibrational frequency, and also prevents you from extracting the precious learning which is lovingly provided to you by the experience. The more you remember and think about these things that make you feel bad, the further away you move from what you want.

Every experience you traverse through along your life’s journey has a treasure inside of it just for you. This treasure is usually represented as the gift of knowledge, something for you to learn which may not have been possible (or more effective a lesson to be learned) in any better way.

Every challenge or occasion for you to feel pain, bad, or as though an injustice has occurred, is an invitation for you to move closer to the life and everything that you want. Without the token gained from this experience, you will not be able to make it through the next gate.

Yet, God is holding all the desires of your heart in store for you and desperately wants to shower you with all you deserve, if you will only come to it. So, if you do not receive the token to allow access for you to pass through the next gate, a new opportunity will be presented to you.

As you may have noticed, some people get stuck between two gates for a prolonged period of time because they are unable to take hold of the gift to be learned which is necessary to move on. You may even have noticed yourself caught in this cycle of similar recurring challenges.

Now you know why. It is God giving you opportunities to move closer to everything you want. In this way, all pain is a gift. Pain is God’s way of saying, “Trust Me.”

Pain is a feeling. When you feel it, if it is God begging you to trust, you will find when you actually do trust Him and know in your heart that all things are in divine order, then you find yourself not feeling the pain of whatever it was that was upsetting you in the past.

You must be able to truly forgive, acknowledge the divinity of the conflict, bless all participants without judgment, and let go of the negative feeling. Wipe your memory of the negative associations you previously held in attachment to this event. Retain the lesson, the blessed learning, and move on.

When you are able to do this, you will find yourself hovering in unconditional love’s vibration, free from the negative strongholds (the feelings) of your past.

Now you are

Remembering the Blessings and Learning in Love

This is the fast-track to your heart’s desires.

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