What is my life’s purpose?

Wandering through life you may ask yourself, “What is my life’s purpose?”


Depending upon the life that you’ve lived up to this moment, the answer may – or may not – be obvious. Fortunately for me, I have lived a life in harmony with my life’s purpose, which I have been aware of from an early age.

Others have lived a life unempowered by their sense of purpose, instead being coached by parents, family and friends to focus their efforts on a worthwhile career so they could have a reasonable chance of being able to survive in this rough and tumble world.

It’s not uncommon for someone to be able to remember what their purpose was early in life, only to have it regarded as fanciful folly, as they were urged to spend their time thinking more responsibly with feet placed firmly on the ground.

As you grow in age and responsibility, your sense of purpose slowly fades away…

Until the day comes when you realize that all the things you fought for, the money, the cars, the jobs, the relationships, all the things that you believed in and thought would bring you a sense of belonging and purpose, leave you feeling little fulfillment, as you discover happiness remains elusive.

Still, as you look back through your life up to this point, you’re likely to find clues and have endured a precise succession of experiences designed to reintegrate you with your purpose. In this case, you can see a higher power gently nudging and preparing you for this moment.

While you have not originally focused on your life’s purpose, your purpose has never left you behind and has attracted challenges and circumstances to align you with your purpose, having trained you for this unbeknownst to you.

Ever wonder why you started asking the question, “What is my life’s purpose?” now?

This is how the higher power works. It is no coincidence that you have come to this place at this time, as these moments have been divinely conceived and executed. You have trained and you are ready to fully engage in your life’s purpose.

As you begin to reorganize your life to accommodate answering the call and accepting your life’s charge, you begin to feel a growing sense of meaning which has eluded you until this time and place.

You have a knowingness that you are doing something meaningful with your life and as you take responsibility for singing your song, that song that is uniquely attuned to your mission and message, gratitude and joy begins to well up inside.

Your heart fills with love which spills out to the lives of those who are close to you and fuels your desire to contribute to the greater good and the community at large.

You discover the time has come to Live a Better Life, Your Best Life and Make the World a Better Place.

It’s never to late to start aligning yourself with your purpose, though it does take courage to do so, regardless of what the Nay sayers may have to say about it.

Why would people who appear to care about you not want you to pursue your life’s purpose?

The answer is this:

They, too, have neglected their life purpose. If they could allow themselves to concede that you – or anyone, for that matter – could possibly have a higher purpose in life.


Because that would mean that they, too, would have a higher purpose… and their conscious mind and their life could not accommodate such a thought (at this time).

It’s okay, you can do this without their approval.

Thank them for their support and have the courage to do that thing you were called to do.

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