You’re Not Doing It Right

There comes a time in your life when you get the sense that you’re not doing it right.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are in life and while your friends and family are all envious of the heights you’ve achieved, you’re not sure.

When you’re operating in your sense of purpose, fulfilling your life’s mission you know by how you feel.

When you are “in the zone” you feel incredible about the work that you do, very little effort is exerted (because it seems to come so easily), time seems to slip on by (or there is little or no sense of time passing when your are on task), obstacles are viewed as interesting or fun challenges and there is little or no stress.


How Can You Tell If You’re Not Doing It Right?

No one knows better than you, if things aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. You’ve done the work, you’ve exerted adequate effort, dedication and resources to get you to where you are, yet you know that it just doesn’t feel right.

You may feel as though you are

• fighting an uphill battle
• on the verge of burnout
• competing against others

You struggle with

• lack of energy and/or fatigue
• defending or justifying your work
• lack of satisfaction or sense of accomplishment

You may

• question your own authenticity
• place significance on material things
• desire to keep up with appearances
• have a tendency to want to keep up with the Joneses

You can see how much more satisfying it can be to be plugged in, embracing your gifts, talents and/or special abilities in congruency with your life’s mission and purpose.

While you might think it might be nice if everyone were operating in-the-zone, society and the powers that be dissuade us from an early age encouraging us to think of such ideas as foolishness, asserting that more practical approaches to work and career are more apropos. For if everyone were operating on purpose who would run “the machine?”

The system is convinced that the world must be full of worker bees; none of this fanciful “achieve your highest and best” falderal, so worker bees we are trained to be from the earliest of age. We are trained to go to school, be good and do well, so that we can get a good job. This is the standard by which we are all measured.

You, on the other hand, are part of the evolving being. You mind is expanding. You are realizing there is more to this life than being defined by your job, what you do or what you have.

You know there would be no greater satisfaction than that which comes from being on-purpose, on-track and singing your song.

Nothing is more important to you than embracing and practicing your subdued super powers, exercising and growing in confidence and coherence to deliver the message that is truly yours to share with the local community and the world at large.

You desire to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

You are on your way.

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