Hope After Deceptive Love

Is there hope after deceptive love?

You’re putting yourself out there, meeting, greeting, and inviting people into your life in the hope of attracting that one special person, regardless of your past experience which has opened your eyes to how deceptive and untrustworthy people can be when you’ve opened your heart in love.

It’s easy to say, “After what I’ve been through, I will never love again.” Even though the thought crossed your mind, something inside you still believes love is waiting for you, and it is. You could have said, “There is no honest lover out there,” yet, you know you are honest in your love, so there must be someone “out there,” and there is.

If you are diligently waiting for a really good match, someone who is going in the same direction as you, leading to a sustainable future together in life, with growth, expansion, and love, don’t expect it to happen overnight.

If you’ve been wounded by a romantic relationship it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that your previous lover was a psychopath, sociopath, or narcissist, but chances are, he or she was just not being truthful and was practicing dishonesty, keeping or hiding things from you, and this feels like a betrayal.

There are people out there who will use the platform of “love” to achieve their needs or desired results. It can be as basic as the need to have food, shelter, and clothing, or needs or desires which are far more sinister.

And you (as well as most of us), because you are “in love” are less keen to the warning signs at the outset, then are surprised when your partner’s inconsistencies come to light (when they were apparent from the get-go).

Relationships can be stressful, especially painful in the ending phase of them. Many of us carry deep emotional wounds from deceit in romantic relationships, which can range from not telling the truth (consciously leaving out important details) to infidelity.

Harboring the pain from past relationships can hinder or prevent the attraction of true love to you. Your inner pain attracts another person who is similar to the previous one who caused your emotional wound(s) like a magnet.

Not really what you want. Right?

So, doing the deep work of uncovering all those wounds, treating and healing them, can put you miles ahead to attracting a true love into your life.

And if you want a happy relationship, you need to find all the happiness you can in your life, without him or her, because how you feel attracts someone who matches how you feel. If you are exuberantly approaching life, seeking new opportunities to feel and express your love and happiness, this is what will come to you, because like attracts like.

Be patient and have fun

Above all, love and live life with all you’ve got, and if you’re doing that, who cares who comes around to play with you and love you with all their heart?

And that’s when it will happen.

He or she is looking for you and doing their own deep work, right now. Be a match and be available.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Making a Living from the Homestead

Okay, you want to be off-grid, under the radar, but you’re still going to need cash-flow. Where will it come from how and will you manage it?

By attending my Making a Living from the Homestead workshop, you will be able to overcome the obstacles which have been holding back your personal flow of cash. These various cash-flow strategies include those supported by Internet technology which requires online access and a device to access the services as well as those which are completely disconnected from the World Wide Web.

We understand how important it is for you to be independent and sustainable without being plugged in, though there are two camps on either end of the off-grid spectrum, those who are somewhat connected, and those who are not, at all. And in between those two extremes there exists a continuum which includes varying degrees of connectedness.

The Making a Living from the Homestead course includes a vast variety of business types and styles with a spectrum of protection, and only you can decide what format will apply best to supporting your right to independence as you see fit to your unique circumstances.

Many students are surprised to discover there are so many ways to conduct business while protected by your human (and/or non-human) rights. Most Americans are unaware of all the different types of entities which are available, as only those who are “in the know” are aware of.

The most powerful individuals in the United States are aware of these, while the rest of us (including our attorneys) only knows of a few. Once you have this knowledge, it can be life-changing and priceless as a part of your off-grid toolbox.

Once you have your structure in place there are many ways you can generate cash flow. No matter how disconnected you desire to be from the greater community, you will need money to survive sustainably and thrive.

Some use the power of the Internet, others, not so much. So, you decide from hundreds of methods, which are best for you and yours.

Bartering service-for-service and/or product-for-product will get you so far, but far from thriving unless you are controlling the lion’s share of all the products and services in your network yourself. Trading is not a significant component of the “Living” referred to in the “Making a Living from the Homestead” course while creating multiple streams of cash-flow is the primary focus.

There are many resources required for the basic family unit to thrive, and cash money is by far the best way to grease the wheels of the machine which feeds the family unit.

It is highly unlikely that you can trade organic squash or farm fresh eggs to cover insurance costs or property taxes.

But you do not have to take a job working for the man.

You can establish your independence off-grid, make a living from the homestead, have all the cash-flow you need, and thrive by having access to these powerful tips, tools, and techniques.

I will see you at the Off-Grid Summit September 7th, in Olympia.

What Did You Do Today?

When you’re on a path from where you are to where you want to be, the best you can do is to move a little each day toward the vision which is desperately waiting for your arrival. So, what did you do today?

It’s easy to reduce your action of moving toward your heart’s desire to those things that are easily quantitative in the “real world,” which is a lot less real than you might think.

If you had a dream project journal, there are the 3D things which are easy to track, like putting five dollars in your special account which you have set aside for your dream project, and you feel good about doing it, because maybe it’s the $5 you would have sent on coffee and a donut, and now you can see that you moved one priority from today and invested it in your future.

I don’t have to spell out the math of this, but that’s $1825.00 a year that you can easily accumulate toward your dream, fairly effortlessly, and you can account for it.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of thing you could do each day which move you, even if only the slightest bit toward those things in life that are calling you forth. The $5 is just a simple example which anyone could easily relate to.

What happens on the day you open your dream project journal and you stare at the blank page? After reviewing the day which has gone by you might think you don’t have anything to jot down on the page.

What Did You Do Today?

You’re thinking of your interaction with life as it is and you’ve been sidetracked by this and that, and you know there’s no such thing as a good excuse, and you’re thinking you’ve got nothing to show for you’re moving closer to what you long for today.

Not true.

What you may have failed to account for is something far more powerful than what you could possibly do in the natural world that moves you further ahead and so close to what you want that you can almost taste the fullness of it.

These are the energetic investment of your heart and thoughts.

Do not forget that

Everything is energy

This is your secret weapon to achieve and have anything, everything, and so much more than you could possibly want.

You say, “Oh, I can want a lot.” And I can tell you that no matter how excessive your desires could possibly be, there is so much more that is waiting to be endowed to you.

Ask anyone who you think might have it all, they all want something more, and if they keep moving, even more keeps vectoring in to show up in their lives. Of course, at this point, they – and you – will have built up incredible momentum, so manifestation is much quicker and easier.

Energy is Far More Powerful than Physical

Your energetic work is far more powerful than your physical work, but it’s a little tricky. You are always doing energetic with your heart and thoughts. If you are not diligently aware, you could allow your heart and thoughts to move you away from that which you seek.

You must, therefore, guard your heart and mind to make certain this vast energy supply is working for you and not against you.

Thinking about the desires of your heart can move you so much closer to what you want, but it depends what you’re thinking. If your thoughts are powerfully positive about what you want and you’re allowing your heart to engage in the thinking about what you want so much that it pretty much feels like you already have it.

But, if you think about what you want and are feeling the lack of it, you are moving away from it.

If you’re thinking about your dream project, like, “Oh, I wish it would come,” or worse, “Why isn’t this here, yet?” or “I cannot see any sign that it is coming.” You know these are not good thoughts because when you engage in thoughts, like these, you do not feel good.

On the other hand, if your thoughts infused with your own heart’s energy are positively supporting your dream, this looks more like… Let’s say you want to buy a house.

When you think about your house, you use your imagination to see the house you want. If your thoughts and feelings are excited about having the house, just as if you already owned the house, and you add energy to it, like imagining installing a sauna. What will it look like? What will if feel like, having this new addition in your home?

Just doing this exercise has moved you far further toward your new home energetically.

Even if you’ve not done another thing this day (nothing you could rationalize as moving you closer to what you want).

What did you do today?

You powerfully and energetically supported your dream project by Imagineering your new sauna.

Jot it down in your dream project journal. And when you’re looking at a blank page; take some time out for Imagineering and document it.

Don’t forget your positive emotional investment, and guard against negative thought patterns. When you feel a negative one coming on, switch it to imagining what you want in its fullness (not in the lack of it) and make it even more magnificent.

If you imagine yourself being in the fullness of what you want, one day you will open your eyes, and there you are standing amidst it all and even more.

Then, hopefully, you will want more and dream a new dream, for there is so even more ready and waiting for you.

Strong Not Broken

I had a client with whom I was working who had intimated to me her traumatic past relationships with men which led her to the conclusion that she no longer desired to expose her heart to another man, and she made a vow never to do so again.

I assumed this might put her at a disadvantage when it came to having love in her life, and I suggested that she might reconsider her position because this might be blocking other areas of her life as well, especially because we’re talking about “love,” which she agreed was the most powerful force in (and/or beyond) the universe. It is the key which unlocks all doors which stand between us and the desires of our heart.

She was quick to correct me. She had filled her life with so much love, loving deeply family, her community, others who had little or no love in their lives, animals, nature, all living things, and those beyond. Her life was not one of brokenness but one of love, an enthusiastic abundance of love.

She admitted she had been broken by the men she had allowed herself to be victimized by, those who disrespected her, abused, and terrorized her, but when she decided to deny them access to that most vulnerable organ inside her, it was not out of fear, or fueled by pain from the past.

It was the most powerful decision she had ever made in strength and honor which enabled her to freely open herself in unconditional love in all other areas of her life. Since making this decision, she has been able to interact and work with men in her field, and throughout all other areas of life, without the threat of being vulnerable, hurt, disrespected, or loved by them.

She could powerfully interact with them intimately, for a limited amount of time, without risk of developing a deeper connection, for she did enjoy having them in and around her life, but not allowing them access to her heart.

She had built a stronghold, a mighty fortress, not around her heart, but only around that area which focused only on men, and who could blame her if you’d had the opportunity to learn the depths of darkness, she had endured while her heart was held captive by a succession of abusive monsters.

This fortress was not built in weakness or fear. This fortress was built in love. Pure love, which enabled her to freely love everything that is, protecting her and allowing her to live other days, one after the other, in love.

It has been many years of her living this life of love, without a thought of exposing herself to the idea of romance and she continues to live a happy life, full of love, without regret. She never has the thought of what it might be to have romantic love in her life.

And when she sees someone, a couple who appears to be enthusiastically in the throes of love, she blesses them, wishing for them all the love which they seek to find in each other, without imposing her views upon them. She loves them, the idea of love, and sends them some of her love in hopes that it will help them have all the best things in life together, and that their love will overflow to others.

There is no doubt, this woman is living a life of love. “Romantic love” in her life is not her ministry (by “ministry,” I mean, “her passionate area of specialization”). She declines participation in this arena and blesses others who do specialize in this type of work.

She does not judge others for seeking their individual paths, leading to their own unique journeys, fully supports them on their way, and does not impose her personal stance on romantic love on anyone else.

This is a deeply personal work she has accomplished on her own which has led to a full life or happiness, abundance, and unconditional love.

So, I stand corrected.

In my attempt to understand her from her own perspective, I mistakenly applied a general filter based on my experience in working with singles and couples who are struggling with the idea of love in their lives. And I was wrong.

This extraordinary woman took massive action to protect herself from abuse, which any one of us would have encouraged her to do, to stop the abuse, to find a safe place to do the deep work, and heal traumatic wounds of the past.

She has done the work, the hard work, and continues to do the deep work, in a safe environment filled with love. There is no lack of love here.

She remains a light in the darkness for so many.

Maybe she is an angel, for angels are love and have no need or inclination for romantic love.

God bless her for all she brings to this world.

Because of her, so many of us are blessed.

Healing and Self-Integration

The quantum self invites us to embark on a journey of self-healing and self-integration. By exploring our subconscious beliefs, traumas, and limitations, we can bring them into the light of conscious awareness. This process allows us to release outdated patterns and transform them into new, empowering narratives that align with our authentic selves.

In the journey of personal transformation, one of the key gateways to unlocking our true potential lies in the exploration and healing of our subconscious beliefs, traumas, and limitations. The chapter “The Quantum Self Unveiled” in the book “Quantum Self: Hacking Your Path to Spiritual Mastery and Superhuman Potential” delves into the profound implications of this process. In this article, we explore the transformative power of healing and self-integration, as we shine a light on the subconscious realm to unveil our authentic selves and catalyze personal growth.

The subconscious mind operates beneath the surface of our conscious awareness, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It holds a wealth of beliefs, traumas, and limitations that have accumulated throughout our lives, often shaping our self-perception and inhibiting our potential. By delving into the subconscious realm, we can gain valuable insights into the roots of our patterns and uncover the hidden barriers that hinder our personal growth.

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained thought patterns that restrict our perception of what is possible for us. They often stem from past experiences, conditioning, and societal influences. Through conscious exploration, we can identify and challenge these beliefs, replacing them with empowering ones that align with our true potential. This process liberates us from self-imposed limitations and opens the door to new possibilities and expanded horizons.

Unresolved emotional traumas from the past can hold us back from fully embracing our authentic selves. These traumas may be stored in our subconscious mind, impacting our emotional well-being, relationships, and overall life experiences. By courageously facing and healing these traumas, we create space for emotional freedom and self-integration. Through various therapeutic modalities, such as inner child work, trauma release exercises, or energy healing, we can release the emotional burdens that no longer serve us and experience profound healing and transformation.

Within us, there may exist fragmented aspects of ourselves that have been disowned or suppressed due to past traumas or societal conditioning. These fragmented aspects hold valuable wisdom and untapped potential. By embarking on a journey of self-integration, we consciously embrace these aspects, heal their wounds, and reintegrate them into our whole being. This process leads to wholeness, self-acceptance, and a deep sense of inner harmony.

Our subconscious beliefs and past experiences shape the narrative we tell ourselves about who we are and what we are capable of. By exploring and challenging these stories, we have the power to rewrite our self-perception and create a new narrative that aligns with our highest aspirations and potential. Through practices like affirmations, visualization, and cognitive reframing, we can transform our subconscious programming and cultivate a mindset that supports our personal growth and self-realization.

Healing and self-integration require a foundation of self-compassion and self-love. As we embark on this journey, it is essential to approach ourselves with kindness, patience, and understanding. By cultivating self-compassion, we create a safe and nurturing environment for healing and growth. This practice allows us to embrace our shadows, vulnerabilities, and imperfections with love, leading to profound self-acceptance and a greater sense of wholeness.

By exploring our subconscious beliefs, traumas, and limitations, we embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and growth. As we heal emotional wounds, challenge limiting beliefs, integrate fragmented aspects, and rewrite our self-narrative, we unlock our true potential and embrace a life of authenticity and self-mastery. May this exploration of the subconscious realm serve as a catalyst for your personal transformation and liberation, empowering you to live a life of profound purpose and fulfillment.

Religious Psychopaths

I have delayed putting anything “out there” about my religious clients for a long time who have suffered from spiritual abuse from religious psychopaths. This is the most highly confidential and personal work that I do with any individual.

The reason for the delay is because I began my journey in the ministerial sciences. I love the religious phase of my spiritual journey and have continued to grow and change without having to abandon my own connection with the Creator(s) and thrive.

When you’ve been victimized by a religious psychopath, something to keep in mind is that just because we’ve used the label of “psychopath” for this type of spiritual predator, drop the need to qualify the diagnosis. Don’t be distracted by the highly educated keepers of the “official diagnosis” (which is often very complicated and can take weeks, if not months, to reach an accurate diagnosis).

Let go of the need to get an official diagnosis and do not be distracted by the “professional” who might dissuade you from taking action until you get an official diagnosis. Just stop.

If you’re a victim of spiritual abuse

Stop it.

Religious psychopaths and spiritual sex predators are out there, and they are manipulating unwitting victims using religion or “God” as a weapon to subjugate followers to their own twisted ends satisfying their desire to dominate subjects, followers, or members.

They do so by wielding the most effective tools bestowed by The Creator of all that has been, is, and ever will be, but twist and distort the data to create an environment of fear, demanding the full submission of slavery, “or else.”

This god-like power has nearly unlimited potential in the hands of a religious psychopath which can be used for public “good works” to justify their position but can also be used for evil behind closed doors.

The result is spiritual slavery of otherwise healthy individuals who suffer from emotional abuse and a wide variety of traumatic effects which can be debilitating, rendering the victim hopeless, afraid, and trapped (spiritually imprisoned). This is not the work of God, this is

Spiritual Terrorism

If any religious person is committing acts of “evil” under the so-called protection of an ultimate endorsement of “God Almighty,” of you have a problem with referring to such a person as a religious psychopath, forget about that label, and consider him or her a

Toxic Religious Leader

And take action to protect yourself as soon as possible.

Refer to my, “How to Deal with a Psychopath,” and separate yourself from the individual. Do whatever it takes (and trust me, you will not be “struck by lightning” or die). The fear you have of protecting yourself is not real. It has been sewn into the fabric of your consciousness by the psychopath or toxic religious leader.

Seek help, find someone you can trust, join a group, and get yourself to a safe place in your life.

Your religious or spiritual abuse recovery will not be instantaneous, but removing yourself from your prison of abuse is the first step.

Above all, remember this: God is love. In fact, it’s been said, “Love is all you need.”

God loves you, does not desire to enslave you. God wants you to be living your best life, desires to bestow upon you all the gifts and joy that comes from a life lived within God’s grace, free from any terrorism or abuse, spiritual, or otherwise.

Far too many people who have been the victim of spiritual terrorism have turned their back on God, blaming God for the actions of religious psychopaths.

Just because a terrorist commits horrible acts “in the name of God,” does not mean that God has anything to do with the evil acts committed by such a toxic individual who is beyond help. He or she will do whatever they will, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it, but you can get out of their way.

You do not need to participate in their evil plots.

Get yourself free and continue your relationship with God, discover who or what God is for yourself and what that means for you and your life, on your own terms.

Once you have broken free from the chains of the religious psychopath, you can continue your spiritual journey realizing that you now know the difference between religious enslavement and God’s unconditional love, which is the power of all life.

Remember also, unlike what you may have been told previously, you cannot do God wrong.

Then you can continue to grow and expand to achieve your highest and best, live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.

You might be interested in attending the Victims of Psychopaths Event

Spiritual Coach Certification Course

A therapeutic-spiritual hybrid, a Certified Spiritual Coach combines basic psychological counseling principles and more esoteric or “spiritual” techniques and modalities that take on the appearance of whatever approach the therapist deems effective in his or her practice. Learn how to heal – not just the mind – but the spirit and soul of your client using the power of a higher source.

If you are feeling the call to be a certified Spiritual Coach, your calling is very special, indeed. Many are called to the ministry of the spiritual coach but few understand how deeply important this work is among the growing spiritual community.


Certified Spiritual Coaches (CPC) are a special breed of person who embraces an open mind and often a broad perspective on a range of spiritual practices. Certified Spiritual Coaches are the most tolerant of all spiritual practices because regardless of how the CPC might feel about his or her own spiritual life path, 100% honor and respect is given to the sacredness of each individual seeker’s unique journey.

The goal of the Certified Spiritual Consultant is to place the needs of the client foremost and to assist them on their journey with any challenges and/or opportunities for change they might have along the way.

Once understood, the Certified Spiritual Coach will be able to assist the clients in raising their awareness and connection to the source, as they move up the scale of spirituality if they so desire.

These spiritual coaches specialize in delving into doing the deep work of challenging and expanding belief systems, discovering one’s true nature, and increasing connection with one’s higher power. Bringing into play all the powers within the universe to assist the client in achieving his or her highest and best.

Certified Spiritual Coaches do not teach, but instead help each individual carve out their own awakening path to spiritual consciousness while embracing their own gifts, abilities, message, and purpose in life and beyond.

Existing life coaches, counselors, and therapists are welcomed to join in the expansion of their own practices in a universal evolutionary program which supports the evolution and conscious expansion of humanity amidst an ever-changing world.

By providing your clients, safe and sacred space to share the most intimate details of their lives and aspirations, fully supported, without judgment, your clients grow, expand, and thrive exponentially in all areas of life.

Certified Spiritual Coaches have a higher calling than standard life coaches, counselors, and therapists of all kinds, though many cross-pollinations exist between channels.

Includes a comprehensive introduction to various energy healing modalities and techniques which can be applied to many areas of life, personal, and spiritual growth, offering clients freedom from limiting beliefs, disease, and feeling as though they don’t belong (because they are actively involved in the process of evolution).

The course of study also includes a wide variety of meditative processes to overcome and eliminate traumas from the past by healing hidden inner wounds and extracting all the gifts which are hidden inside formerly traumatic experiences, seen and felt as hidden treasure inside the tragedy.

Empower your clients to have greater faith, trusting their inner guidance system, meet their guides and angels, and increase their intuition as they increase their innate spiritual abilities and practices.

This is a full mind/body/spirit approach to personal and spiritual growth assisting your clients to embrace all they were meant to be, do, and have in this life, as they live a better life, their best life, and make the world a better place.

This is an accredited 13-week course of study, where students who have completed the course will earn certification as a Certified Spiritual Coach (CSC).

Instructor: David M Masters

See: St. Paul’s Free University for more information.

July 2019 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of July, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Focus on What You Don’t Want Social Boxes Fit in One or Else Is It Your Time?
Stepping into the Unknown Feel Like You Don’t Fit In? Love Hearing People Complain
Suffering from Religious Trauma and Abuse Release Emotional Trauma with Tap Cross Therapy Remembering Aaron Fairbairn on the 4th




Focus on What You Don’t Want

Focus on what you don’t want, and you will see more of what you don’t want with more intensity. As you see more of the things you despise, your negative energy rises, exponentially creating even more. This is the basic premise of the “law of attraction.” The more you focus your thoughts on anything (positively or negatively) the more powerful that which your thoughts are focused upon become.


The choice is yours.

You choose what thoughts you will focus your attention on, and you can choose to make a new choice at any moment in time, the sooner, the better.

When you think a thought, you have a seven-second delay before momentum starts to build promoting the thought that you are thinking about.

If you can quicken your consciousness within those precious seven seconds and focus your thoughts upon something you intentionally desire to promote, you have not given your energy away to the thing that is unwanted.

When you catch yourself, you don’t have to rush your thoughts straight to sitting in the sun under a shady tree by a babbling brook, lowing bubbles as butterflies fly around you. You can strategically center your thoughts on the opposite of the thought that you don’t want more of.

If your attention has been grabbed by negative media (this is the intention behind the creation of media, to keep you at a low vibration frequency) of, say, starving children in America, you can wallow in those thoughts of how wrong this is, and pointing it out to anyone you know about how terrible this is, which is a form of vibrational sabotage.

Or you can as quickly as possible start thinking about all the ways all the children in America, even the world could be well fed by people just like you.

More importantly, you. The sooner you can add momentum to the solution by taking action, even the smallest action, you are no longer energetically part of the problem you are proactively part of the solution.

Make a five-dollar (or more) donation to a worthy organization which feeds American children, then if you are so led, use media against itself. Then share on social media links to the organization that is feeding children in America, and tell everyone about this good work, and encourage them to follow your lead in the support of this movement.

The same goes for your innermost thoughts about those things which are not satisfying about the way your life is in the now.

If your thoughts are focused upon things from your past which bring you down, you are inviting more of this negative frequency (what you don’t want) to appear more frequently in your life. If you want to add more power to that which you do not want in your life, talk about it.

Talk to a friend. Like memes which resonate with what you don’t want in social media and share them with the world. Share links about the travesties which have wounded you with anyone you can think of and people you don’t even know, and you will increase the suffering from this thing exponentially.

You already know this is how it works.

Or, you can stop thinking about it as soon as you can.

“But what if my husband is having an affair?”

Infidelity is not just sexual, and if you focus on the unfaithfulness you will experience more of it, you will distance yourself, build a stronger wall separating you, and reduce your personal vibration to places you’d rather not be found.

Or, you can love your husband so much, that whatever he is doing (or what you think he might be doing) doesn’t matter to you, because you are focused on you, and focus your thoughts and attention on maintaining your own vibrational frequency high.

And you dare to love unconditionally. Willing to say (with heartfelt intention), “I love you no matter what.”

Not because your husband deserves it, because it what your heart desires.

Love yourself, don’t focus on what you don’t want, and focus your attention on what you do want.


Social Boxes Fit in One or Else

If you don’t fit into any of the massive numbers of social niches society has carved out for you to align yourself with, you could find yourself headed for prison. That’s what happens if there’s no place for you in our society.

The system we live under today forces us to find tidy thought boxes to fit ourselves into and allows us to freely move from one box to another any time we want. This is supposed to give you the illusion of being able to exercise free will. For the most part, we have accepted this social construct and believe that as long as we are free to choose between the options which have been presented to us, we are free.

But is this true freedom?

Our system is packed full of checks and balances to monitor our progress and to determine if we are being “good little subjects.” So that society can determine whether you have found a place to fit yourself into, if not, they will tighten the reins on your bridle, to steer you into any of the boxes they have carved out for you.

Your family, friends, and teachers will exert a great deal of effort and deep-rooted concern for you in their desperate need to feel comfortable about your station in life. They fear that if you do not find a place to fit in, then you will needlessly suffer, and possibly end up homeless, in prison, or dead. They know that you must choose among the acceptable social boxes and to fit in one, or else, something terrible may happen to you. This fear keeps most of us safely snuggled into our own boxes.

There are so many tools which have been arranged to help you select the box that is a good fit for you, the mainstream media, and even the non-mainstream media, is providing you with ample opportunity to choose between this and that, to decide what is right and what is wrong, and any four choices creates a box. Good for you.

To choose between this and that, to build your own walls of what is right and wrong. This is how your box is defined.

Once you’ve defined your box, your next task to find others that have fit inside a box which is similar to yours. This will be an established group of people who are authorized by society to continue to socialize themselves.

If you are having difficulty finding a box that suits you, no problem. There is an app for that. There are free apps on your cell phone which will help retrain you into adopting a box which you can snuggle yourself into.

But what if I don’t want to follow the status quo? not to worry, there are many authorized boxes that appear to be against the grain or counterculture, but these have also been provided for you to choose between so that there is the illusion of free choice or freedom.

In the event your fear of correction, family, friends, teachers, news media, social media, computer programs, or device apps cannot assist you in your social mission to fit yourself into an acceptable box, there is a pill for that.

Not fitting squarely within a social box may mean that you’ve qualified yourself for a mental health diagnosis, for which there is treatment in the form of medication. This medication will make it easier for you to find a box to fit yourself into.

If you are unresponsive to the treatment or reject it altogether, you may begin to find yourself on the slippery downward slope which your family and friends feared would happen if you were unable to find an acceptable box.

First of all, your ability to support yourself will be cut off. You must have a job or align yourself with societal structure enough to obtain enough support to simply survive. If you cannot do these basic things, how will you live? Where will you live, how will you eat?

Well, you might think it through and convince yourself that, “This is America, land of the free,” and decide to live off the land, like your ancestors. Not socially acceptable. There are so many laws which have been written that all of them are nearly impossible to follow unless you have enough cashflow to obey them properly.

Any broken law can get you fined and/or arrested. Continue to try to live free, outside of compliance, you will receive more fines and arrests. Because you have not found an acceptable station in life to fit in, you do not have the wherewithal to come up with the cash to pay the fines, unless you break more laws to make the payments.

Once you’ve fallen into this cycle, which you found yourself in by trying to stay true to your own individuality, you wake up to find yourself forced into a safe 8×10 box of concrete and steel, where – if you’re lucky – you can finally begin to continue thinking for yourself, but it will cost you.

You won’t be able to choose when or what you eat. You will not be able to choose what media you have access to, except to choose from what options have been authorized and preselected for you to choose from. If you appear to be compliant enough, you will have regular limited access to fresh air, outside your box on a daily basis.

Our prisons are full of people who do not fit in our society. They are not criminals. They just have no other place to fit in.

This is criminal.