Psychopath Victim School

As much as I try to avoid it, there is an area of expertise which I have been introduced to, and people gravitate toward me for training in it. Due to my own experience with predatory psychopaths, my eyes were opened to the existence of a type of person whom I’d believed previously were the result of paranoia or an overactive imagination.

Soon thereafter, I began to attract victims of psychopaths who sought me out for assistance. Not long after that, other practitioners in the therapeutic community were seeking me out for coaching, which developed into a course that I created for therapists and victims.

To help the greatest number of people in the least amount of time, I set out to make a comprehensive 3-minute video which I would make available to the masses, in an effort to get the word out, to help as many people stop these predators in their path, and stop any continued pain, suffering, or loss the victim might experience.

The video, How to Deal with a Psychopath, ended up being 10 minutes, which also led to a Kindle release, and later a textbook for the course the Psychopath Victims Toolkit.

In my personal ministry, I have grown since those days of dealing with psychopaths and their victims, and currently, limit my efforts to ten percent of my time and energy to the continued raising of awareness about predatory psychopaths who are always on the prowl for their next victim(s).

They target certain individuals who possess particular traits which most of us look up to, to aspire to be more like them one day, while it is the chief goal of the psychopathic predator to cut them down, and leave their broken, weeping, body curled up in the fetal position on their bed (if they are lucky enough to have a bed when the psychopath is done with them).

I have found that my efforts are better spent in the training of professionals and laypersons who seek to help others stop the poisonous abuse or recovery from the loss or having been exposed to a psychopathic predator. They are more qualified to assist victims of psychopaths who need empathy and support. In this way, I can help more people in less time.

If you are a victim of a predatory psychopath, then, by all means, seek out the assistance of a coach, counselor, or therapist with experience in dealing with psychopaths and their victims. Someone without knowledge or expertise in this area will be of little real help to you. (Admittedly, just as useless as I was before I learned about these people who walk among us, like wolves in sheep’s clothing.)

While predatory psychopaths are those who are actively engaged in the fleecing and destruction of people whom they’ve qualified as vulnerable or deserving, remember that psychopathy is a spectrum. On one end you have psychopaths who are not destructive, maybe they have a dark side, a sinister sense of humor, and are prone to (almost) harmless pranks. On the other end of the spectrum are serial killers.

And psychopaths do possess particular sets of skills that are invaluable as active functioning members of our society.

In our politically correct world, we no longer refer to them as psychopaths or sociopaths. Now, we refer to their place among the Anti-Social Personality Disorder spectrum.

I would not wholeheartedly throw out the entire lot of psychopaths, for they are not all (as most of the district attorneys I’ve met refer to them as) “evil.” Only those who seek to destroy the lives of others for their own enjoyment or gain are the ones that we need to be aware of and prepared to take action when we, or someone we know, has been assigned as their next potential victim.

I have had non-predatory psychopaths on my caseload and they, just like the rest of us, are just doing the best they can, and are well-suited for many positions which would make the rest of us somewhat squeamish.

If you are in the process of being victimized by a predatory psychopath now, the best thing you can do is watch my video: How to Deal with a Psychopath, take action to save yourself from further pain, suffering, or loss, and find someone you can trust to talk to, who will not judge or downplay the effects of being victimized by a psychopath.

There is hope for a life after your encounter with a psychopath. Be true to you and stay the course for your continued safety and recovery.

You are a good person. That is likely why they sought you out. Don’t let him or her stomp out the best parts of you. Healing is here for you, where you are loved and cherished.

You might be interested in attending the Victims of Psychopaths Event

Angels Feathers

Feathers are one of the methods the angels let us know they are nearby, a common sign of angels. Feathers of birds are used to communicate their support, and if you are aware, you will see them set amidst your path as a signal and a sign they are near. There may be more to angels’ feathers than you believe. What if you find angels feathers, not feathers of birds?

A client came into my office with several jars of angel feathers which were left as signs of angelic support. This client said these were different from the feathers from birds because while they were encapsulated in glass jars they continued to grow from the small white fluffy feathers to full-sized feathers they were becoming.

When angels’ feathers are found, cherished and continue to grow, so does the hope, faith, and courage of the one who has retrieved such a gift from above.

Angels can take on many different forms, and they honor our artistic renderings of them with wings. While their wings are symbolic of their ability to respond to us from above swiftly when in need, they may also appear as normal, without wings, when we interact with them interdimensionally.

Until the moment this client brought a sampling of her angels feathers to present to me, I had no idea there was a difference between bird feathers left as signs of angles’ presence and actual feathers of angels. I do not know if this is a common occurrence.

In my experience, I have been satisfied by knowing that seeing feathers when I am feeling like I could use a hug from above is the perfect sign, and there are also other signs of angels, which bring me comfort at the right time.

Of course, as in all things of spiritual nature, there are those who choose not to believe in the unseen truths which reveal there is much more going on in the world all around us every day, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But even science is beginning to reveal the vastness of possibilities which exist all around us.

One of the recent findings indicating there may be as many as seven universes all coexisting with our own all at the same time. Something those who are spiritually inclined have been aware of for some time.

As science and religion evolve and expand, the day will come when they both find themselves looking into the eyes of God and see all the mysteries of life revealed. And both sides will likely be surprised at what they find, especially in comparison to their tightly held conceptual beliefs of what they expect to find from their current perspectives.

There is no doubt there is a higher vibrational consciousness which permeates all life, all thought, all energy, all matter, and lack of matter, and in this moment, you are the sacred embellishment of this God consciousness, and angels are there to comfort and gently nudge you along your experience.

With as vast as our universe is, how ever-expanding, and as small or insignificant that you might feel amidst it all, you are the unique expression of God that you are.

For you, you will see signs of angels, and the occasional angels’ feathers, when you need them.

Why do People Say One Thing and do Another?

It can be confusing and make you wonder, why do people say one thing and do another? You’re a reasonable person and you go through great lengths to keep your word with other people, and you would think that other people would offer you the same courtesy.

Before we delve into the psychology of it all, let’s remember that we’re all basically good people with good intentions. The problem with good intentions is that the road to hell is paved with them (so they say).

Generally, when someone tells you they’re going to do something, their intent is to actually do it, because they want to please you, to support you, and to feel they are a part of your team. Often, they are so eager to please that they agree to things they may not have thought through fully.

Life is hectic and our desire to “be there” for the people we care about often overrides the realization that things come up in life that may make it difficult to follow through with the commitments we make to our friends. Because of this, we often overextend our ability to do the things we commit to.

So, try not to take it personally when someone says one thing then doesn’t follow through. Keep in mind that their intent was to be there for you because they do care about you.

If you’re the kind of person that does whatever it takes to keep your word and maintain a high level of integrity with those who you make promises to, you know how hard it can be sometimes with the commitments you make to others. While you are to be commended for having such high standards, your expectations of even yourself may be so high that you’re impeding your own quality of life.

Maybe it’s time that you started to lighten up a bit on your own expectations of yourself. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or even panicked about fulfilling your obligations, maybe its time for you to cut yourself a little slack. Sometimes we can get so obsessed about keeping our word that it can lead to destroying your quality of life.

It’s okay to have things come up, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed, this is that greater part of you saying this might be too much for you to bear. So, cut yourself some slack, and be polite about it. Call or text the person you’ve over-committed yourself to and let them know that you might not be able to perform in the manner that you thought you could have when you told them you would do the thing you said you would do.

Once you’ve done that, you can instantly feel the sense of relief that comes from honoring yourself while still letting your friend know that your intention was to keep your word.

It is not the end of the world, just because you failed to follow through on what you said you would do on someone else’s behalf. Forgive yourself and keep moving forward, enjoying honoring yourself.

Keep that in mind the next time someone tells you that they will do something for you, and they fail to follow through. Tell yourself, “I know that things come up,” knowing that you do that, too. Forgive and bless them, because you know that you’re being flexible will be a great source of relief for the person who made you a promise that was just too stressful for them to keep.

Life is not just black and white. There are so many shades of gray in our experience and being flexible actually opens the door for new opportunities that you may have missed along the way when you’re more adaptive to change and allowing the flow of life to progress naturally.

This can be particularly difficult for you if you’ve been trained in a manner to think that life is just black-and-white. For instance, for people who have spent years in the military or a paramilitary organization, they have been trained to see things as this or that without any shades of gray.

This is an effective way to manage large groups of individuals with little or no leeway for life to flow when resources are limited, and chief objectives must be maintained with high levels of performance, but this is unnatural.

Life is flowing, not militaristic.

Of course, there are also toxic people who make it a habit to tell you they will do one thing but do another just to wreak havoc with your life. This is another thing entirely.
These are the people you need to keep at a safer distance, moving them further from your circle of friends. If they are showing you that they are unwilling or unable to do the things they say they will, then it’s on you to stop expecting them to do anything they say. Problem solved.

Release your attachment to expectation, and learn to lighten up on yourself and others.
You got this.

Keep moving and going with the flow.

April 2019 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of April, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Why do People Believe in Angels? Curious Cat Questions Doing What You Love vs Making Money
Religious Recovery You Can’t Do It Wrong Happy Easter
What is your perception of prosperity today? Learn Something New How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
STOP! Heart Says Good Things Happen to Good People Stuff Happens (consequences)
Share Your Sacred Gift Are You a Shaman? Make Time for Fun
You Might Be a Toxic Person Higher Perspective of Trust Betrayal Drama or Dream


Why do People Believe in Angels?

If you’re on the fence about whether angels exist or not, who could blame you? While you’re in the minority, most people in America do believe in angels. Why do people believe in angels?

Because angels are real, and they actually exist. Like many things in life, there is so much going on around us, which we cannot interact with using our natural senses, yet some things which are invisible to us, can reasonably be proven to exist even though we cannot see them.

You might think that angels are simply for religious folks who believe in them. Not so. Twenty percent of people who believe in angels do not believe in God, or have any religious belief at all, including atheists.

It is believed that much which has been attributed to be luck, kismet, good fortune, artistic flair, acts of unconditional kindness, technological breakthrough, or stroke of genius, are actually due to the benevolence of angels who are looking out for our best interests.

Angels inspire and protect us, and they don’t care who you are. They interact with mankind in every station of life, even people you think would be undeserving, because angels don’t see us as good or bad, or deserving. They only see someone show needs them.

If everyone has a guardian angel, then you have one, too. You do not have to believe in a guardian angel to have one. And some people have more angels following them who are interested and proactive in helping them along the way.

The most sensitive of us are able to see, hear, or otherwise communicate with angels.

It is generally believed that caution must be exercised when communicating of otherwise dealing, or interacting, with angels. Because not all angels are good. Though fewer in numbers, there are angels which have natural dominion over our reality which are not benevolent. These are the fallen angels who enjoy messing with our lives, negatively influencing us, sometimes just for fun, and other times with malicious intent.

For those of us who are spiritually minded, or heart-led, the higher dimensional angels are attracted to us, and protect us from fallen angels.

If you call on your guardian angel, it will respond, as they are always aware of what is going on in your life, willing and able to intercede or help you when you feel like all hope is lost.

Life is a team effort. In the totality of life, all that is seen and unseen, angels are there for you, and while your body still has life in it, the source of all life permeates you and all that surrounds you.

This is not a mystery for those who believe.

Believers are rewarded by the knowing that angels are there, and some have seen them or shared encounters with angels, or have seen signs of angels,  so they represent a proof-positive experience with angels. Sometimes, belief comes after an angelic visitation, and that is why people believe in angels who possess no religious belief or background.

Angels inspire us to grow in goodness and unconditional love because that is their nature, and the present evolution of us, which is happening now, leads us in this same direction of benevolence, in contrast to lesser-evolved beings which have the default setting of being more influenced by the fallen angels.

Regardless of your belief, your guardian angel is there for you, 24/7. Ready to redirect your path to a more lovely life of experiencing more unexpected pleasant surprises, or meaningful coincidences.

Curious Cat Questions

No matter what kind of cat you are, you’re likely a curious cat and ask questions.

Depending on what social circles you spend time amongst, the questions from other curious cats will vary.

Here are some of the questions I’ve heard asked by fellow curious cats:

What is your perception of prosperity today?

When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?

Who Do You Think You Are?

When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?

What’s Important to You?

What are some red flags to watch out for in daily life?

If you could have one do-over, what would it be?

What’s wrong but sounds right?

Who Are Your Real Friends?

Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

What does “accepting what is” mean?

What was the last photo you took?

Have you been manipulated much lately?

Where are some unusual places you’ve been?

When was the last time you got to tell someone “I told you so.”?

Has anyone ever twisted your words to make you look bad?

Do you think that aliens exist?

What are you currently worried about?

Have We Met Somewhere Before?

How do you judge a person?

Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money?

What would you do if nobody could hurt you?

What problem are you currently grappling with?

How comfortable are you speaking in front of large groups of people?

Do you have toxic friends?

What did you think was going to be amazing but turned out to be horrible?

Who do you wish you could get back into contact with?

Who is Your Best Friend?

What are some of the best vacations you’ve had?

What about the opposite sex confuses you the most?

When was the last time you unintentionally hurt someone?

What’s your secret talent?

What’s the most embarrassing story from your childhood?

Do You Have a Closed Mind or an Open Mind?

What always cheers you up when you think about it?

What topic could you spend hours talking about?

Who Are You Under Pressure?

What’s your best example of fake it till you make it?

What do you do to make the world a better place?

Who Do You Look Up To?

What’s something that I don’t know?

What do you think you do better than most other people?

Should You Be in Prison?

Doing What You Love vs Making Money

Yesterday, my granddaughter comes up to me and says, “Papa, I know what I want to do with my life!” Very excited, she continues, “You know how you’re always talking about doing what you love vs making money?” I respond enthusiastically, “Yes. Yes, go on.” After some thoughtful framing, she tells me the details of her plan.

When she told me the details of her plan, it nearly broke me, because what she wanted to do with her life, what she was so passionate about, what she loved to do more than anything, her reason for getting up every day, to breathe, and how she defined herself in the world, was reduced to her presenting business plan.

I was blessed and honored to be the first person to whom she reported her heart’s desire, and to know that my encouragement that she seek to achieve her highest and best had found resonance in her. She had thoroughly understood my explaining about doing what you love vs making money to her and developed a sound business plan which monetized her hopes and dreams.

In a million years, I would have not come up with an idea to pursue, like hers, and I would have hoped that she choose almost anything else besides what she’d selected to be her ultimate goal in life, but this did not dissuade me from supporting her completely. For how can you deny or dictate the desires of someone’s heart? You can try, but to do so doesn’t make any sense.

The desires of someone’s heart, what they love more than anything, can change over time, but whatever it is, right now, simply is. You cannot change it. So, bless and support whoever they are in whatever it is that they love beyond all other things in this life.

Doing What You Love vs. Making Money

In doing what you love vs. making money, the basis is that you discover the thing that you’d love to do, what you are passionate about, the activity that you would engage in where time just disappears, to make money doing what you love would be far superior to working just to make a paycheck to survive.

When I am working with a client, it is very rare that I find someone who does not know what they are passionate about. Even so, with a little probing, together we can find out what turns you on.

Now, finding a way to monetize your passion is a whole other process. It takes some creative detective work to come up with a plan for making money doing what you love, and you’re going to have to stretch your imagination enough to look at ways you can make it happen.

It takes a bit of ingenuity to monetize your heart’s desire, and there is a degree of risk in stepping out in faith to make money doing what you love. If your need to make money outweighs your desire to pursue your passion for profit, this can be a problem, and it is the primary reason why more people do not do what they love for money.

In most cases, people are more likely to settle for finding a career doing something they like, or is not too distasteful, in exchange for a paycheck. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but you could do better, if you are courageous enough to tackle such a task.

In the case of my granddaughter, she had done the research, developed her brand, a marketing strategy, and even came up with potential locations to launch her dream business. A grandfather couldn’t be more proud.

Generally, you will need some assistance in working out the details to create or pursue your passion and make your dream come true.

Thanks to the world wide web, you have access to all the resources you need to get from here to there, and if you’re feeling like it’s just too much to take on, seek out a qualified coach or consultant who can help you get you to where you want to be.

You May Fail

Doing so, will not be without risk, and you may not achieve your financial goals the first time out.

There is no need to feel dejected if you fail, for those who have found their way to monetize what they love have failed, but kept going. Look for your Return on Failure Learning (ROFL) and you can use what you have learned to strengthen your resolve to keep going.

Even if you’re feeling unworthy, or like, “My life has been so awful,” and you just can’t see the forest for the trees, look for others who you look up to, and know even though to us it looks as though they experienced instant success, a closer look at their stories will reveal their journey was not an easy one, and they continued to push through and overcome the obstacles which presented themselves along the way.

You can do this.

Do what you love and the money will follow.

If you need help, call me.

Religious Recovery

You’ve suffered at the hands of clergy who you’ve entrusted with the keeping of your very soul. You’ve pledged your allegiance to a religious order, given of yourself in service, sacrificed for the benefit of the organization, then found out it was not what you thought it was. Now, you’re in religious recovery.

Religious recovery is not to be confused with AA, which assumes that you’ve failed if you ever take a snort of alcohol again. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

There is hope for you.

You have had a relationship with God, and you can keep your relationship with your higher power without having to submit to your previous religion. God is not the God of any particular religious organization. Individual religious organizations are stepping stones to a greater relationship with the source of all life.

Had you not had this experience, you might not have been aware of the existence of a higher power. Now that you have been introduced to God and started to develop a relationship, you can keep growing and expanding as you keep pursuing a greater relationship with the creator of all life on your own.

You’ve taken the first step. You’ve exited the influence of an organization whose intent it was to control you, which has held you back from moving forward and beyond the capabilities of the faction you had associated with in the past.

The will attempt to deploy all the fear-based intimidations they can to make you feel like you are unworthy, unwanted, and may even threaten your survivability, tell you you’re going to hell, or decrease your own will to live, and you may occasionally feel like you can’t go on another day.

Your initial reaction might be to rebel, and judge the organization for treating you badly, deciding,

If that’s the way God is, I want nothing to do with it.

But remember, your problem is not with God. It is with the organization run by the people who are doing the best they can to serve God in the only way they know how. They have been programmed by the generations that went before and they live within the confines of a religion based on fear. Fear of doing it wrong, fear of punishment, fear of eternal damnation.

God is not a God of fear. God is a God of love. And you know it.
Now that you’ve taken a step toward your own religious recovery, you have the wherewithal to start your own relationship with your higher power without having to succumb to the heavy-handed mechanisms of religion.

You are empowered to follow your own path to enlightenment in any way that you see fit, sort of like a modern-day shaman. The traditional path of a shaman is more structured, not unlike an organized religion, but the modern-day shaman is widely expanding and evolving along with the rest of the human race.

The times are changing, and the whole planet is evolving from a fear-based system (which is not sustainable) to a love-based system which is heart-centered and seeks peace and harmony for all.

God is loving you, so excited about your finding your own way, and waiting for your awakening.

See you at the Recovery from Religious Trauma Event in Olympia, September 21st

What is 3D to 5D Consciousness? And How to Experience It Now

You may have noticed an uptick in discussions surrounding the concept of moving from 3D to 5D consciousness. This shift is often associated with a growing quantum awareness of multiple dimensions coexisting simultaneously. While many of us currently experience life in the Third Dimension (3D), there is a prevailing belief that the Fifth Dimension (5D) represents a higher state of consciousness, offering an alternative perspective for those seeking a more fulfilling existence.

The Third Dimension: Understanding 3D Consciousness

The Third Dimension, or 3D, is the reality most commonly perceived by individuals. In this dimension, experiences are often shaped by duality, polarity, and the limitations of the physical senses. It is a realm where the ego plays a significant role, fostering separation and a sense of individuality. Materialism, competition, and fear are prevalent aspects of 3D consciousness.

The Call for Transformation: A Planetary Evolution

As humanity progresses, there is a collective shift occurring—a planetary evolution transcending the confines of 3D reality. This transformation is not merely an individual journey but a shared experience, with the Earth itself undergoing a process of ascension. Many spiritual and philosophical traditions proclaim that we are in the midst of a profound transition, transitioning from 3D to 5D consciousness.

The Fifth Dimension: Characteristics of 5D Consciousness

The Fifth Dimension represents a state of higher consciousness that transcends the limitations of 3D reality. Several characteristics distinguish 5D consciousness:

  1. Unity Consciousness: In 5D, there is a profound sense of interconnectedness. Individuals understand that they are part of a collective whole, and the boundaries that define separation begin to dissolve. Love, compassion, and cooperation become the guiding principles.
  2. Timelessness and Non-Linearity: Time is experienced differently in 5D. Linear time, as perceived in 3D, fades away, revealing a more fluid and non-linear concept where past, present, and future coexist, allowing for a deeper understanding of the interconnectivity of all moments.
  3. Heart-Centered Living: 5D consciousness is characterized by a shift from the dominance of the ego to the wisdom of the heart. Decision-making is guided by love, empathy, and compassion rather than fear or self-interest.
  4. Manifestation through Intention: The power of intention becomes a potent force in 5D. Individuals recognize their role as co-creators of their reality, understanding that thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on the world around them.

Accessing 5D Consciousness in the Now

While the shift to 5D consciousness is considered a natural part of the evolutionary process, individuals can consciously participate in this transition in the now. Why wait for critical mass to arrive in this evolutionary process when you, just like many others, can access 5D consciousness in advance?

Here are some practices that can aid in accessing 5D consciousness:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Cultivating mindfulness and engaging in regular meditation practices can help individuals quiet the mind, connect with their inner selves, and raise their vibrational frequency.
  2. Heart-Centered Living: Focusing on love, compassion, and empathy in daily interactions fosters a heart-centered approach to life, aligning with the values of 5D consciousness.
  3. Energy Healing and Balancing: Practices such as Reiki, energy healing, and chakra balancing can help release blockages and raise the energetic vibration of the body, facilitating the transition to higher states of consciousness.
  4. Intention Setting and Visualization: Conscious intention setting, combined with visualization, empowers individuals to manifest positive outcomes in their lives and contribute to the collective shift towards 5D.

Sending Love to the World

This 10-minute guided visualization practice can help to raise your vibrational frequency to 5D compatibility. It is something you can try right now, and know that you are helping to raise the vibration of your family, friends, neighbors, community, city, state, country, and the world as you engage in this simple process. You receive the powerful love vibration as well.

As humanity collectively moves through a period of planetary evolution, shifting from 3D to 5D consciousness offers a hopeful perspective. The characteristics of 5D, such as unity consciousness, heart-centered living, and manifestation through intention, provide a roadmap for individuals seeking a more fulfilling and harmonious existence. Individuals can actively participate in this transformative journey toward a higher state of consciousness by consciously engaging in practices that raise personal awareness and vibrational frequency.



You Can’t Do It Wrong

Looking back, second-guessing your decisions, regretting putting yourself in the place you’re in, making decisions based on fear, being too fearful to take action because of what’s happened in the past, feeling like you’ve made mistakes, but you can’t do it wrong.

You couldn’t do it wrong if you tried to. Sure, there is that fanciful part of you that thinks things would have worked out differently only if (fill in the blank with something you think didn’t turn out the way you intended or liked).

This plays out big-time in relationships. You desire love, the kind of love and affection you’re willing to give someone else. You find a suitable mate. Then you start second-guessing, “Is this the right one?” And start the onslaught of questions, like, “What if someone better comes along?” What if this person is not as they appear?

And if you’ve been through a few relationships, you may have been deeply embroiled in a relationship when something better did come along, and you were ill-equipped to take advantage of the opportunity. You may have thought of this as a failure, regretted your initial decision, or with a bit of self-deprecation, accused yourself of settling for less out of fear that something better might not come to you. When it does, you beat yourself up for making a hasty or wrong decision.

You can’t do it wrong

You get the chance to buy a marvelous home because you feel like it’s the right place, the right time, you have the wherewithal to do the financing, fear that a better time or opportunity might not come, so you strike when the iron is hot, then regret making a 30-year commitment when your heart was not in it. The regret makes you feel as though you’re imprisoned in your own home.

What if you can’t do it wrong?

What if you take a job when you feel like you could have waited it out a little longer for a better job, with better opportunities, and benefits? You might feel like you panicked, made a decision to take the job you have now out of fear, which has prevented you from being in the right place or right time to take advantage of something far better?

You didn’t do it wrong.

“But,” you say, “I know I did it wrong, and I would do it differently if given the chance.” You’re so close. All you have to do is leave off the I-know-I-did-it-wrong part. What came after proves this was part of the learning process. And you learned. There is probably no better way you could have learned that lesson. You won!

Fear of the unknown may keep you from making a decision or taking action, and guess what? It’s okay because,

You can’t do it wrong.

No matter what you do, or don’t do, it is perfect for you and your life.

Do we make mistakes?

No, not really. Every experience you encounter on this path of life is for your highest and best if you can extract the lesson, learn from it, and keep growing and expanding.

The key is to slow down and settle into your life, learning to let your heart guide the way. You have a built-in sacred guidance system, and all you need to do is to relax and trust your heart. It doesn’t mean you will never experience hardship.

It is the difficult times in life that empower you to grow and thrive in ways you could have never imagined because all the best things in life are waiting for you just beyond your comfort zone.

The alternative is to not relax, to allow yourself to give in to anxiety and struggle between the making of two this-or-that decisions. This struggle is fueled by fear, not love.

There is no judgment if this is the place you are at in your life, but how amazing it is, if you’re at the place to move into a new love-inspired place in your decision-making consciousness?

No more will you have to worry about making decisions, or fretting over decisions you’ve made in the past, for now, you are understanding that all things are in divine order, and,

You can’t do it wrong.