Energy Healing Treatment Resistant

What if you’ve sought out alternative methods of health care and healing and are not experiencing the healing you expected? You might be energy healing treatment resistant.

Energy healing in all its many forms focuses on energy, represents not only the energy which is the source of all life but as it encounters and integrates with the energy source(s) which is/are active within your holistic being.

We see this in our work with clients who suffer chronic pain over a long period of time. The patient may have such a strong energetic tie to the symptoms and/or pain associated with the malady, that they may not be able to even imagine having a life without it. In this case, the dis-ease has become a part of his or her very being.

Certainly, there may be many reasons for various healing blockages, and it might be as basically simple as one’s refusal to accept that healing is possible at all. This is not dissimilar to having the malady being a part of your identity, except that it is a more conscious blockage to energy healing, consciously refusing to accept healing because you believe it is not a possibility.

The power source of energetic healing is pure love energy which honors the patient above all. You cannot force energy healing on someone who is not in the receiving mode. To receive energetic healing, one must first be receptive.

Advanced energy healers are able to help determine what your blockages might be to healing, and if you are willing to do the work, these blockages may be released or removed so that true healing may commence. Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is one such method which is highly regarded by many practitioners of alternative healing modalities.

Emotional (and possibly long-hidden from one’s conscious mind) wounds and scars may also be responsible for one’s resistance to healing. The underlying emotional trauma, though not expressed openly in everyday life, can be a heavy cloak which shrouds one’s being, disallowing one who suffers from it to enjoy any of the best things this life may have to offer. All this emotional trauma may be released through the process of love’s energy healing.

In most cases,

Repressed emotional wounds are the source of disease

To think that childhood trauma, family dysfunction, fear of the unknown, stress of work or life, an overwhelming sense of unworthiness, victimization, abuse, and pent up emotions could be responsible for major disease may seem beyond belief, but nothing is more critically true.

The continued denial, covering up, pressing down, and suppressing these negative emotions builds up a growing force festering malignancy throughout the entire biological, physiological, and spiritual system that represents our existence in this reality. And your disease becomes more powerful as your ability to fight it declines and the system deteriorates at a more rapid pace.

Simple negative emotions will eventually manifest themselves by making you sick. Even if you do not speak the words and only think the negative thoughts, your immune system weakens and you are more apt to become ill or susceptible to disease.

This is why alternative treatment methods focus on treating the whole person, body, mind, and spirit.

Our modern society and the lives we live and not conducent to living a life in harmony with the energetic frequency of true love’s vibration. Only as the human being brings his or her own full being (body/mind/spirit) into alignment is one able to be fully receptive to the fullness of one’s true birthright.

Maybe it’s time for you to consider a more holistic approach to healing and if you find that you are initially energy healing treatment resistant, maybe it’s time to dig deeper to see what may be lying underneath the surface. It might be time to take a look at any deep inner work you might need to do.

Energy Healing and Modern Medicine

Early in my ministry, I had the opportunity to study with a small group of enlightened nuns who taught me how to administer energy healing in the form of “laying on of hands” to heal the sick. The sick could be any kind of dis-ease, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.

In those early days, I used this practice with varying degrees of success. It made me wonder if I could increase my effectiveness by embracing and combining other healing modalities? This began my continued quest to seek out and understand new methods of administering energy healing.

Most people cannot wrap their heads around the idea that someone (really anyone) can plug-in to the power source of all life, all that there is (was) and ever will be, and direct this energy to heal the human body, mind and/or soul with more accuracy and efficacy than any hospital, doctor, or drug therapy.

While the medical community will do anything to discount the veracity of the claims of those who have been healed by energy healing methods, the fact remains that statistically, these energy healing methods are every bit as effective (if not more so) when compared to modern medical interventions.

Modern medicine does have a statistical advantage over emergent trauma intervention, thanks to an organizational organizational-wide emergent response system that is quite effective in our present-day society. These efforts to establish such a system should be applauded and honored.

Medical schools teach doctors to prescribe medications which are proving that while they may relieve a particular discomfort (which is highly beneficial) some pharmaceuticals might not have good long-term effects on the human body over time. This will bear itself out by reading the small print on any flyer accompanying a designer pharmaceutical drug or alternatively attempting to listen to the fast-talking announcer reading the disclosure of side effects following a drug commercial.

It makes you wonder why so many people are eager to take prescription medication with the potential of having so many side effects, some of which may include death? No problem, the drug industry responds, we have a prescription for each of those side effects as they appear (and each of those comes with its own set of side effects).

This is why you’re seeing more and more people turning to energy medicine and more natural remedies.

Long before there were patented designer drugs, there were medicine women and healers who rose up within a community. These natural healers used whatever means they had at their disposal to administer healing throughout their communities.

The requirements to be a healer were basic enough. If you healed people, you were a healer and people in the community came to you and supported your gift of healing. If you did not heal, or God forbid, if your patients died, you were forced to find a more suitable vocation.

Not so in modern medicine.

Note that most modern medicines, which may be invaluable in the saving of human life in critical situations, do not appear anywhere in nature, which makes them difficult for the body to process over time, even though they are often chemical recreations of substances found in nature which God has provided us for healing purposes.

In side-by-side comparisons, there are advantages to both energy healing and modern medicine. Except for the negative effects of long-term prescription medication usage, they both have their merits, though tapping into the life power source of the universe has many advantages over modern medicine.

Among other advantages, one is the ability to administer healing over time and space without having to be within the immediate proximity of the patient. This is referred to as distance healing.

Other huge benefits include healing of past wounds, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual all at the same time (or within a very short time), with little or no side effects.

This is why energy healing is creating competition for psychotherapy in our modern society.

Since modern medicine is promoted by the government, natural energy healing and “spiritual” interventions are disregarded as being ridiculous or practicing witchcraft and in many cases are considered illegal practices (if not practiced correctly) which are crimes against the State.

If you practice natural healing modalities, there is some concern that the government will fine you, jail you, even send you to prison for helping to heal people who come to you for help, if you can believe that.

Thankfully, for those of us who choose to seek out natural healing and energy medicines, there is no law against you doing so for yourself if you are of age. Though if you are making the decision to seek out natural healing alternatives for your minor child, there may be legal exposure to you for doing so.

All of this said, note that increasingly more progressive hospitals are inviting natural healers to frequent their campuses and integrate energy medicine with modern medicine. Why? Because patients who use a combination of medical and natural modalities recover and heal more rapidly with longer-lasting results than those who do not.

Go figure that.

So, the next time you come down with something that might need medical attention, what will you do?

Will you rush off to the doctor, or seek a form of natural medicine or energetic healing?

See David M Masters at the

Lunar Energy Healing Event
11:00 July 27th
11:00 July 28th
Oregon City, OR 97045

David will be discussing new types of energy healing with live demonstrations. Bring an open mind and heart.

Why Do You Get More of What You Don’t Want?

Why is it that when you really don’t want something, it seems like you get more of what you don’t want? You don’t want overdue bills, driving around crazy drivers in traffic, being late for school or work, to lose track of your words mid-sentence, forget where you put something like your cell phone or car keys, or God forbid, get into a romantic relationship with a person just like the last one, or worse. Yet here they are.

Why do you get more of what you don’t want?

Here’s the deal, there is far more to you than meets the eye. Sure, you may have your life under control, and you’re able to help others keep their lives orderly, but why is it that your life seems to be increasingly problematic, when you know better?

Because you’re not just a biological machine, an animated bag of meat with a brain. You are also an energetic powerhouse and spiritual being as well. As much as you might like to deny it, this is true, and both of these parts of you are looking out for your highest good, while society and your support system may not be looking out for your best interests.

The Energetic You

The energetic part of you is responsible for attracting to you the things you think about. Like a magnet, this energy draws in what you think and speak about and doesn’t care whether you like it or not. The more powerfully you think about a thing, the more often it shows up.

So, if you’re thinking of something with a lot of emotion attached to it, you will see more of that thing showing up in your life more often and with more intensity. If you really want more of what you don’t want, simply think about what you don’t want and it will come to you.

Want even more of what you don’t want? Then actually talk about what you don’t want. If you want even more, then increase the emotion you have about it, and begin talking about it with negative emotional energy, and try starting off your topic with, “I hate…” and end your sentences with an exclamation point. Now, watch it roll in even more!

Once you understand how this, you can find ways to adjust your thought process to affect your personal energy field. You can not only start managing your negative thoughts and emotions, but you can start to think and speak in more positive ways about the things you really want to see showing up in your life.

This will attract more of the things you want in your life. This is called manifestation in the Law of Attraction 101.

The Spiritual You

Then there is that spiritual being, which you also are. It works a little differently, and it a lot more sophisticated in how it works than your energetic being.

The greater part of you vibrates at the highest of energetic frequencies, knows only love, and is only concerned about what is best for you. It sees all, knows all, and can summon all the powers seen and unseen to see that you are served up only those things in life which will lead to your highest and best.

The thing, here, is that you and your higher self are not always in agreement as to what would best serve you. While you are easily overwhelmed by the details of life, not unlike being lost in the forest, the greater part of you has an aerial view and can see everything around you. Which direction you are headed, the terrain ahead of you, and the footsteps you’ve left behind.

Since you cannot see the forest for the trees, without a compass you may be walking in circles through your life or may actually be going in the wrong direction. Each step moving you further and further away from where you want to be.

Your higher self can come to the rescue, setting up circumstances, which may appear to be tragic and traumatic, calling in your angels and guides if necessary, to get you back on track, moving in the direction of what you really want in life.

This is why bad things happen to good people because it takes that kind of tragic circumstance to wake us up out of the trance of life and begin to see things as they really are. The most traumatic experiences in life often lead to our awakening. And for those of us who are the most resistant to the awakening, we may have to suffer more than others.

When bad things happen to you, it is serving your higher purpose. It may be hard to imagine when you’re in the thick of it, but it’s true, and you’ll be able to see it more clearly once you are on the other side of it.

Your Social Support System

It’s so easy to get distracted and derailed, even totally lost, when you are desiring a better life, and your friends and family are not as concerned about your well-being as you might think. Granted, they don’t want to see you suffer (too much) and they want you to have good things in your life… Only, not better than the life that they are experiencing.

Of course, this underlying energy is not spoken of outwardly, unfortunately, for the most part, the people you care about want to see you have a better life for sure, just not better than theirs. Why? Because they are seeing your intention to move your life from mediocrity to magnificence. An idea that may have crossed their minds earlier in life, only they gave it up for folly, as most people are likely to do.

If you were to succeed, what message would that send to them?

They might think they had utterly failed in their life, failed their family and friends, and above all, failed to their true selves, and ultimately God. This is a process of thinking that no one would like to entertain. So, better to talk you out of it or even help you fail a little bit, than you have to endure the trauma of having to deal with the decisions they made to settle for a “safe and sane” lackluster life. It’s just too much to have to face for the average person.

Often it is a good idea to find support from like-minded people who desire to see you rise to the heights of your highest and best and encouraging you to grow and change, as necessary, to traverse from where you are and transform into the better you which is waiting for you fully embrace all that you can be.

There are many reasons for tragedy to visit the lives of those who are lost, all of them for your highest and best. The more you understand and embrace this idea, loving all the life you are presented with and in a sense going with the flow, the far easy it will be to adjust and adapt to the changes, allowing you to more easily be in the right place at the right time, moving you more swiftly to that which is your highest and best.

You May be a Natural Healer

Back in the olden days, before modern medicine took over, natural healers would rise up within the community. These were people with an uncanny ability to heal people and help them overcome extreme challenges in life, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You may be a natural healer.

Caucasian woman practicing yoga at seashore

Before modern medicine became a powerfully controlled profit-driven machine, anyone could be a doctor. You could go into any community and hang a sign over your door that had the word, “Doctor,” on it. People in pain might come to you for whatever treatment you offered. If you healed them, you ran a successful business or ministry, if not, you might starve to death unless you found another vocation which you were better suited.

This was a far more honest and credible method of practicing the healing arts than the present model of practicing medicine for the most successful doctors today are those who can prescribe the most expensive designer drugs and refer to or perform the most surgical procedures, all driven by profit.

There is no requirement for a doctor to heal, only to manage pain, or sell services, justifying themselves by an oath “to do no harm” rather than heal. For the most part, they are not healing, they are practicing medicine for profit.

This is not to say that all doctors are not healers. Some are natural healers who were fortunate enough in life to follow the path to become doctors recognized by the State and authorized to treat people. But the natural healers go on throughout their lives, possibly never knowing that they themselves were born as natural healers.

You may be a natural healer. You may have been born to be a natural healer. I think most people who possess the innate gift of natural healing find their way into serving the community in ways that are somewhat in alignment with their gift to dispense healing. We refer to their gift as a natural healer, when in reality, they have the gift of channeling source energy to another person’s body, which brings the patient’s body into alignment, allowing the body to effectively heal itself.

Natural healers may also have insight into potions and lotions which may help to promote healing, pain management, health, and/or wellness. Back in the olden days they may have learned about these enhancements from family, passed down generation to generation, or from other natural healers who used the methods because they worked.

Besides nursing and medicine, if you are a natural healer you are probably attracted to certain vocations which offer huge benefit to the community. Natural healers are drawn to professions such as counseling, coaching, health and wellness advocacy, and various forms of activism, following one’s instinct to heal.

You may be a natural healer if you are compelled to help others in your local community and/or have a sense that you were meant for more and have a desire to help make the world a better place.

You may be a natural healer if you are beginning to understand that there is far more than meets the eye happening in our world today, if you are in the process of awakening, and long to play a part in the support of the blossoming human expansion and evolution in consciousness.

You may be a natural healer if you are withdrawn from society, an introvert. This is the result of a knowingness that things are not as they appear to be. You sense the dichotomy of truth as it is presented to you by the community and that which feels vastly more real to you. This is due to your innate deeper connection to source energy, which makes you more sensitive to the goings-on of everyday life that others take for granted.

You may be a natural healer if you find yourself at home in nature, and feel a deep connection to the natural beauty, elegance, and admire the complexities of both flora and fauna. You may find yourself promoting the nurturing of natural resources and the preservation of wildlife and/or rescuing animals both wild and domesticated.

Natural healers bubble up out of the crowd in many ways. First of all, they find it difficult to “fit in” with their peers, though some develop the social skills necessary to appear to be normal while watching others in the maze of life in utter fascination, possibly thinking questions, like, “How could they be so blind?” as they are struggling with their particular growing calling trying to emerge.

Most natural healers today will suffer prior to their emergence because social programming is so severe that they deny their own sacred gifts. This can cause a great deal of stress and conflict in the life of the undeveloped natural healer, leading to dramatic trials and tribulations, including suffering severe illnesses or disease which may reach chronic even near-fatal proportions forcing them to “wake up” their ability to heal themselves first.

Once their healing senses have been awakened, they know first-hand that the body has its own innate ability to heal itself and begin to recognize their ability to channel the healing (in whatever form they are blessed with) to others, enabling their bodies to heal themselves.

Natural healers may also suffer great life traumas throughout their life in effect to equip themselves with the tools necessary to have empathy and compassion for those whom they will serve or will be their “patients” but also to force them to come to grips with their natural healing abilities.

If any of this resonates with you, you may be a natural healer.

Believe in Yourself

Certainly, when you’re feeling like the world has turned it’s back on you, I still believe in you and there are others who also believe in you, but more importantly, you must believe in yourself. When you get down and lonely, and you feel like no one’s there, find some quiet time and turn your attention within.

When things don’t turn out as you planned, its easy to sit back and let your emotional frequency fall. You may start to question yourself, becoming more critical of yourself, may berate yourself, or even fall into a depressive state. Not good and not worthy of you, who you’ve become, and who you are evolving into.

If you start feeling down, remember who you are. Remember that you are more than what you do or a result of your decision-making skills or actions. Your sense of worthiness could come into question. You are as worthy of experiencing a wildly successful and incredible life, as much so as on the day you were born, even more so.

Some people look to others to perceive their sense of value. More importantly, you must be able to ascertain and feel your value and worthiness from within. This sentient valuation of yourself will help you believe in yourself and get from where you are now to where your intention is leading you.

Remind yourself who you are, what makes you, “you.” Not the who you present to your peers or others in general, not your publicity campaigns or how you present yourself via social media, but who you really are.

When you reflect upon your unique abilities, special gifts, talents, your mission, message, all the things that make you special and what you have that can positively affect the world around you, this reminds you of who you really are. You are so much more than just animated matter, you are a spiritual being on a human journey of increasing awareness, making an important contribution to your community and the world at large.

Believe in yourself. This world needs you. Even when you’re feeling like you’re not good enough, you recognize your significance and worthiness from within yourself. Of course, if you have relationships with people who can mirror these ideas back to you, all the better, but it is not necessary.

It is highly beneficial to find like-minded people who you support, respect and care for, especially if reciprocal. They can help support and increase your sense of self-value just by being in their presence.

The key is to be able to get a positive idea about you and believe in yourself as soon as you start to feel your vibrational frequency begin to falter.

Throughout your life, there will be many scenarios, circumstances, and situations which may require you to purposefully embrace lower frequencies to accomplish what is necessary to get you through a crisis or to help others who may not have the ability to fend for themselves.

You have the ability to traverse all the frequencies but believing in yourself can help you to return to your higher base frequency as soon as possible.

When the Rest of the World Has Given Up on You, I Still Believe in You

Once you get the idea that you have a reason to live and you have the knowingness of a better life which waits for you, you begin your magnificent journey. You may stumble and fall, but when the rest of the world has given up on you, I still believe in you.

The people with whom you’ve shared your life ‘til this awareness, may not believe you. While on your journey you will experience challenges and opportunities for growth and change which will prepare you for the next level of growth, expansion, or evolution which may be necessary for seeing your vision become reality.

Once I have seen a vision for a client, the vision is complete and already a certainty and reality, but the client must in a sense become all he can be to be able to embrace the vision in its entirety. Most of the time, the client is able to see the vision, or his or her ability to imagine it is clouded by the deprogramming which has occurred since birth.

When you, or any of us, come to this earth, they know what their mission in life is. By the time you are five to seven years old, the idea has been lost because of the many layers of programming which have all but wiped out your awareness of your destiny, and your existence is reduced to being a worker bee or rat in the maze of life.

I work with people who are awakening. They are in the process of wrapping their heads around the idea that things may not always be as they seem, that there is more to this life than they’ve been told, and much of what they’ve known and believed about this world and this life is not true.

This process of awakening also often reconnects them to their authentic selves, with the ability to reconnect to their higher self and see glimpses, if not fully exposed visions, of their destiny which gives their life meaning, and purpose.

You are one of these the expansion explorers who dare to walk a different path than your peers, and you’ve started taking inspired action which moves you closer and closer to that vision which has already been prepared for you and is waiting for you to arrive.

The journey is not without twists and turns, challenges and obstacles, which are all provided you to help prepare you for the magnificent life with its own idiosyncrasies which lies ahead. Not unlike your past.

If you are awakening, you can look back at your past objectively, and see that as focused as “the system” was to squash and hope of you embracing your true identity and divine assignment, the power that created the universe has walked beside you step by step and created an alternate path within the system to lead you to the point of awakening and giving you the ability of seeing your highest and best.

Those who are unawakened may have little concept of what is happening in your, and they have been thoroughly programmed to see you as someone who has gone astray and have been trained to do whatever they can to bring you back into the fold.

So, when they see you making changes in your life and doing things which are contrary to their expectations of you they are apt to act in ways that will be unsupportive, possibly even reject you, in the hope that you will fail and come running back when you do.

You may feel as if the rest of the world has given up on you and that you are all alone on your journey. Be aware that you are not alone, as there are many people who are awakening and in similar ways facing the same challenges as you with the process and moving forward in divine expansion and evolution.

You are not alone. Find other people who resonate with you. Share and learn from one another. Grow and expand while keeping one foot in the world if you can.
There are many people like me who work with people like you, and we believe in you. We know what is happening and are here to support you on this journey.

Once I have seen your highest and best potential, I cannot unsee it. Once you are on the track to your highest and best, you may falter here and there. It happens. The pull of the world can be so strong that it could derail anyone who would otherwise be on-track.

It is okay. No one will judge you, as your divine vision is still waiting for you. It may change along the way due to any side journeys you will make between here and there but know that these changes will only make it exponentially better when you finally arrive.

While the people watching from the sidelines or afar might look at your experience as a failure and an opportunity for you to be lulled back into your former life, there are those who know that nothing wrong has happened. It is all a part of your growing, changing, and obtaining the skills necessary to make it to the next level.

Everything is still intact, and any changes which have been made are only exponentially far better than envisioned previously.

If you are working with me, when the rest of the world has given up on you, I still believe in you.

Any of my contemporaries would say the same thing,

When the rest of the world has given up on you, I still believe in you.

Your destiny cannot be broken. Of course, for the most part, society is successful at keeping most people from awakening and achieving their highest and best. Many who have had the courage to step out in faith have been lulled back into “normal life” when things get too complicated, and that’s okay, too.

I’ve seen it with my clients, but more and more people, like you, are continuing to move forward i.n faith with enthusiast and a determination helping you to have the wherewithal to overcome and persevere through any challenge or obstacle you may face.

If you feel like you have to take a sabbatical, do so. Your destiny is waiting for you. We will be waiting for you.

And if the rest of the world has given up on you, I still believe in you.

January 2019 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of January, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

You’re Awakening Not Going Crazy You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In Trust and the Past
What Can You Do if You Catch Your Partner Lying? Narcissist or Narcissistic? Watching the People You Love Ruin Their Lives
Seeing Your Highest and Best Potential They Will Never Change My Teen is Out of Control
You can’t want for someone more than they want for themselves Panic Stricken Triggered!
Relationship Repeat Offender Resistance Amidst Change Turn Over a New Leaf
Stabbed in the Back



You’re Awakening Not Going Crazy

People generally do not begin the process of awakening which is the precursor to the ebbing evolutionary tide of humanity. While it is a wave, it hits us all at different times and frequencies. When we are initially impacted with an awakening it can instantaneous, abrupt, and shocking to recognize for the first time that things are not as they appear. You could easily begin to lose your mind, and that is exactly what you need.

You may panic. This is the first line of defense of your ego which has been running the show since you were born. Now your heart consciousness explodes and even if only for a moment you get a glimpse of real life and all its possibilities, it can be overwhelming.

If you’re not ready or caught off guard, you could wake up in a hospital or jail, as your ego fights with every mental, physiological, biological, and emotional tool it has access to in an effort to preserve itself and its host: You. For it knows, if the heart consciousness is to emerge in all its glory, the ego must die.

Chaos can ensue in the bloom of your awakening. The contrast between light and dark is ever apparent and up to this moment, the very fabric of your being was convinced that dark is all there ever was. It was comfortable. You exerted great effort to find ways to make it feel like home. Prior to awakening, your world was everything.

Until that moment you are blinded by the burst of brightest light imaginable in a shocking blast. Frightening, to say the least, for anyone. Not to worry,

You’re awakening
Not going crazy

At this point, you basically have two choices; to embrace the awakening and try to find ways to deal with your expansion and evolution, or to reject it. Shut it down. Cover it up. Pretend it didn’t happen and find ways to snuggle back into the life society and your ego built for you. A little denial and self-medication might get you from here to there.

No enlightened being would judge you for making either choice.

Those who have witnessed your struggle in this moment may judge you, especially if they are unenlightened. Those who live in the darkness would certainly criticize you and try every means possible to bring you back into the fold. They might disrespect you, call you names, punish you, diagnose you with mental disorders, and drug you back into your life in the shadows, using force, if necessary.


Maybe you’re not ready to evolve. Maybe you are. Maybe it’s just too much to ask anyone at this time, or any time, for that matter. Maybe you just want to be “normal.” If now is not the time for you, another time will come. Maybe you’ll be better prepared in your next moment of momentary clarity. Maybe not. This is your journey, you are writing your story.

This evolutionary process of awakening and heart-centered conscious expansion is happening every day. “Normal” is shifting as more and more people awaken. When human evolution reaches critical mass, that shift will permeate every living being.

At that point, the world we live in will be a very different place.

Today, you can choose to be a part of the evolution, or not. There is no judgment here. We celebrate you and your story however it unfolds.

Hope your first glimpse of the truth as not too shocking for you. At least you can rest assured that you’re awakening, not going crazy.

Love and peace to you and yours.

You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In

Every day we’re surrounded by people, all different kinds of people, and no matter how you try, you feel like you don’t fit in. The good news is: This is really a good sign.

If you think about what the majority of the greater community represents the mindless majority blindly following society’s sleight of hand manipulations to keep us all manageable as a herd of cattle. While it sounds simple, the methods utilized by the social engineers to control us all en masse is extremely complex.

So, if you feel like you don’t fit in, this is a very good sign that you are awakening and your heart is evolving. Something inside you knows that there are huge problems with whatever societal view has been imposed upon you since birth.

If you dared to be different and decide to let your freak flag fly, who’d blame you (if not applaud you)?

As much as life tries to corral you and manage you along with the rest of the herd, there’s something inside you which is screaming, “I am not cattle!” You felt it at school, in your neighborhood, at work, in churches and organizations.

Maybe at one point, you did feel more comfortable in your environment, but things change. Your friends change. There was a time when you trusted your best friend and you believed this most trusted friend would be your best friend forever. But he or she changed, and so did you, leading to your drifting apart. At some point you realize you’re so different from each other you have little left except common courtesy at best, sometimes not even that.

Everything changes, even you.

This growing and changing as you adapt to life which is always in a state of flux, makes you feel awkward. Especially if you are noticing inconsistencies in the state of affairs all around you and God forbid, are questioning what may or may not be actually trustworthy and true.

The secret is not to cut yourself off from others or society and become a total recluse. Isolation is unhealthy and can cause psychological and physiological deterioration. You might just toy with the idea of giving up, squelching the beckoning of your heart which is evolving in its connection to your brain, and nestling yourself back into the herd, where you can embrace your former sense of safety and security, as false as it might have been. Taking the easy way out, refusing to be a part of the next evolutionary step of mankind. Or you can find someone who resonates with you.

Just start to gently speak your questions to people you come in contact with. Most of the people you talk to will instantly reject your thoughts and concerns. Do not press the subject any more with that person. Bless them and move on. Keep gently speaking your piece (or peace) to someone else, and move on, until it finds a spark of interest.

Then share your thoughts until that person becomes resistant, then bless them and move on. Using this process of elimination method will keep you true to you and will identify people inside or outside your circle of influence who may share the same thoughts, concerns, or conscious frequency. Feel free to restructure your circle of influence accordingly. These are your people.

Note that your people will change, for each and every one of them are on their own individual journey of growth, expansion, and evolution. At times, you will find those who are keenly matched to you in vibration and frequency.

While you are in the process of expansion be aware of how you represent yourself with the remainder of society. Be careful not to fall into the egotistical trap of thinking that you are in any way better than anyone else. And for God’s sake, do not engage in hate speech, ever. Hate speech is the precursor to hate action and hate crime. Fear masquerades as hate and cannot exist in love.

Choose love. Be respectful. Honoring each person’s right to his or her individual journey, just as you would expect them to respect your right to evolve at this time.

Find security in the idea that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have at every moment, just the same as you. Bless and love them as they find their own way to their individual destiny. You needn’t separate yourself totally from the rest of society while you are finding your people.

Once you have found people to associate with whom you can be open and honest, by remaining among the herd, you can be a subtle light influencing those around you.

Your evolved heart/brain-connected energy is felt by people and the world around you at least three-and-a-half-feet in every direction around you. As you continue to evolve, this energy reaches farther and farther in every direction all around you. No need to speak, just your being there affects the lives of others and the word in a positive way.

You may speak as you let your light shine but do so with grace, dignity, and love, keeping in mind that people can only handle what they can handle, so give them a little something to think about without having to threaten the world they live in. If they start to question, they may seek you out.

You might be one of their people when they’re feeling like they don’t fit in. Let them be able to find you.

Trust and the Past

The longer you’re with a partner or get to know a potential partner, the more you will discover about their past. Even though you know the past is the best predictor of things to come, people do change. So, it’s important to note the past and look for clues that they have changed since then, or not.

Haven’t you done things in the past, that have taught you valuable lessons? Haven’t you changed since then? We all learn lessons from mistakes and sometimes their effects are life-changing.

Sometimes people do not learn the lessons and continue to make the same mistakes over and over. That’s why you must keep your wits about you and be observant enough to see if your partner has changed. Even so, you need to know that he or she is not likely to have a relapse.

You want to look for patterns that repeat themselves.

How they talk about their ex may be a clue about what you may be facing. If they have nothing good to say, chances are when they are done with you, they will have nothing good to say about you.

On the other hand, if they are transparent about the things that went wrong and the part that they played in a past relationship, this is a good sign the next relationship (potentially yours) may benefit from the lessons they learned from their past relationship.

If they intimate details about physical abuse in their former relationship (even if they make it sound like a joke) this may be something to take note of. If it looks like he or she loses his or her cool and has a tendency to fly-off-the-handle, this may indicate trouble down the road. You might want to think about ways to protect yourself or avoid the situation altogether.

You will never have to tolerate and abuse in any relationship. Thankfully, in our modern day and age (unlike in the days of our grandparents) you can simply opt out or an abusive relationship and move on.

Some things that you learn about your partner may feel like a bigger deal than they are because of fear, jealousy, or deeply buried wounds that you’ve collected over time. Do not make your potential or current partner pay the price for someone else’s sins.

You might get a twinge of fear or are emotionally triggered because an ex- had more previous partners than you and moved on too quickly for your taste and hurt you in the process. That doesn’t mean that everyone who has had a lot of partners in the past isn’t going to love you incredibly. If you think you’ll have a tendency to overreact, best just let it be.

Be careful about the questions you ask, and if you don’t like the answers, try not to be too judgmental if you don’t get the answers you expected. Allow your partner to have the available bandwidth to be honest without feeling that the (potential) relationship might be put at risk for the sake of openness and honesty.

What if your partner had a checkered past or a previous occupation or vocation which might be questionable? You might jump to the conclusion that such a person might be untrustworthy. Not necessarily. Being able to be open and honest about your past is a key ingredient in successful relationships. And like it or not, people are not just simple two-dimensional beings. They grow, change, and evolve if given the opportunity. Some more successfully than others, but it happens all the time.

It’s very rare that anyone stays exactly the same all their life, though some are consistently predictable much of the time.

When you’re talking about the past, you can get furious about exes. You can ask (maybe start by telling something about your’s first, a bit of quid pro quo) but be careful not to confuse that twinge of insecurity for your intuition. It’s a common mistake that anyone could make.

It could rob you of any potential you and your partner might have had. Keep your fears in check.

Trust is the most important thing between you. If you want it, you must think about giving it first. Set the example and given the opportunity your partner will rise to your level of trust.

You need to figure out what you can and can not tolerate. This is your life.

Love like it’s the only thing that matters because it is.