Let’s Do This Motivation

You want to, you get the best ideas, even get started on making your dream come true then, well, your best intentions sort of peter-out. What do you do then? Looking for some ideas to help you get back in the game?

Sometimes, just the need to get ‘er done is enough to get you through if your integrity is high and you are in the habit of meeting every deadline in your life, no matter what. If you’re not that self-abusive, you might need to find another way to rustle up some motivation to get you through.

You can look for keywords and catch phrases that get you over the hump. There are lots of quotes which you might find inspirational, search google and find the ones that resonate with you and your project. Review or recite them when your motivation needs a little boost, here and there.

Guilt can be a good motivator. When people depend on you, you might be able to find the wherewithal to follow through with a high sense of obligation to others.

Your sense of pride and integrity might be enough. In fact, many people’s humble sense of pride, the being able to set back and confidently ask yourself, “Did I do that?” Yeah, you did, and you’re very heroic in your effort. Well done, you can congratulate yourself for a job well done, and you pushed through even when the going got rough.

Want to make the world a better place? Your sense of making a contribution, to offer something meaningful for the greater good is an incredible motivation for doing the work necessary to have an impact and make a difference. If your project is congruent with performing your life’s work or accomplishing your life’s mission. Leaving something behind for future generations, having something significant to add to your resume, and possibly be a highlight of your eulogy.

A mastermind group could be huge, and many people report the mastermind being the secret weapon of their success tactics, alternatively any type of group which supports you and your project can help you get over the hump.

Intimidation can also be very motivational. If someone told you that you would never amount to anything, and you know that if you did this thing it would prove them wrong, or even a dare or a bet could be enough to keep you going. Success is the best revenge.

The threat of an undesirable alternative might get you from here to where you want to be. Like, considering what life might be like if you wouldn’t have taken this challenge or embarked upon this particular journey. What if you lost your job, had to take a demotion, got passed up for a promotion, had to take your old job back, or had to learn a new trade?

Setting small goals for mini milestones and achieving them along the way can be extremely motivational and keep you moving forward.

If you’re having a tough time imagining what it would be like to make it through this project to completion, try seeing it in your mind’s eye. Visualization is a powerful motivational tool, to fully see you on the other side of anything that might stand in your way can help give you the oomph you need to make it through.

If you’ve been down this road before and you’ve bailed or failed the last time you tried to put yourself out there, learning from mistakes you’ve made in the in the past can make you more determined not to give in to weaknesses or give you the ability to find more creative solutions this time around.

Review and count your wins. You’ve faced challenges before and made it to the other side, lots of times. Reviewing your success when the going gets rough, can make all the difference, reminding you about how good you are at breaking through.

You might be your own worst enemy unintentionally sabotaging your own success, getting in the way, or making things harder than they need to be. Lighten up, get a second opinion, ask for help, and outsource. You can do this.

Let’s get something done.

Avoid False Love

Have you ever fallen in love with someone only to find out he or she was not everything you thought they were? Who hasn’t? Most of the time if you’ve discovered that someone is not appearing to be congruent with what you thought he or she was it’s on you. You gave his or her the benefit of the doubt and wanted to believe the best about him or her, so you turned a blind eye to inconsistencies in the beginning. Other times, something more sinister is at hand and you may find yourself a victim of false love. Is there a way to avoid false love?

When a relationship which has one or both partners engaged in false love, the relationship is unsustainable, and it will not end well. The false lover asserts, “everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldn’t end.”

What attracted butterflies and roses, in the beginning, has turned to trash attracting flies and decay. This happens to most, if not all, of us, as we learn that some things are only for a season and if you’re able to keep your wits about you, you can extract the learning, let go as quickly as possible and continue on your journey more knowledgeable and powerful than you were before finding yourself in false love.

The false love can be on either side. It could be that your partner is the one feigning love to achieve his or her intended purpose. He or she may have led you along, only to accomplish what he or she needed to do. Then, when you outlived your usefulness, he or she moved on, leaving you holding the bag of confusion, wondering, “What’s happening,” “Where’d you go?” or, “What did I do wrong?”

What did you do wrong?

You didn’t do anything wrong, except for to love someone who you thought was authentically loving, just like you were. How were you to know you were just being played?

On the other hand, you may have been the one who engaged the false love in the relationship. If so, you probably know that you had entered the relationship with little or no intention of following through. You have to do what is best for you and if you are unable to have an authentic loving relationship, good luck to you, and I hope for you that you find the love within you to experience greater love for yourself and others, and have more love to share with the world. If this applies to you, the least you could do is to be more honest and open about what the limitations are which should be expected in this relationship early on. To suddenly disappear in a dramatic display of accusations of your partner’s unfounded transgressions out-of-the-blue, is rude and does not reflect on you well. If you think about it, you could do better.

How do you know you were in a false love relationship?

When one or both of you are having false love in your relationship, things go well but the good times are unsustainable because one or both of you lack the depth of real love. Real love empowers he or she who possess it the ability to work through issues (even if they are difficult issues) that may arise in the relationship, while the false lover can easily disregard circumstances and situations which may not be in the best interest of the relationship. Why? Because he or she who is in false love can always leave if things are not going his or her way.

If you are in a relationship with a false lover, you will probably notice your identity begin to fade into a long list of compromises in an attempt to support the relationship. This is because you are in real love. God bless you for your real love, though, as you may know by now, your real love is wasted on the false lover.

A false love relationship is like an emotional roller coaster, and you might find yourself on pins and needles, in a constant state of alert, so that you can avoid any pending drama which may show up and disrupt your life, like an atom bomb, at any moment in time.

When you really need a bit of help and support from a false lover, you will rarely find it, even if you’ve given and supported your partner immensely, you find out that you cannot expect the same in return. This massive inequality is probably the biggest reason you must avoid false love.

When you’re in a false love relationship, you may have intimacy, and the intimacy may be incredible, but it leaves you thinking that something’s missing. Well, you’re right. What’s missing is the key ingredient: Love. Without it, there is no real connection which is required for real intimacy.

Real, authentic, love is not false; it is true love. You know this because you’ve either had it, given it away or had a glimpse of it sometime in your life. In all of the ways love can be given, received, or communicated, the highest and best form of love is unconditional.

Unconditional love is selfless, honors others, does not disregard them, and makes you want the best for, and to please, someone else.

Whatever you do for someone else, if it is not rooted in true love, there is little or no love behind it, only a false love, whether you use the word(s) or not.

True love awaits anyone with the wherewithal to seek it, though the learning curve may be steep, the process is worth it.

True love is waiting for you.

Avoid false love.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Your Highest and Best

I’ve been in the business of helping people achieve their highest and best since following high school. But what is your highest and best anyway? What does it mean to achieve your highest and best?

Your highest and best represents the state of being where you are in touch with and congruent with your authentic self. Knowing one’s self helps to make the impossible possible, which is the other basis of achieving your highest and best. While the first part, knowing yourself, facing and dealing with who you are, prepares you for the second part which is the achieving of potentials that may have seemed beyond your grasp previously.

The better equipped you are by getting in touch with your unique talents, skills, and special abilities, the more empowered you will be in attempting to take on challenges that will enable you to fulfill your life’s purpose, message, passion, and mission. Doing so is achieving your highest and best, enabling you to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

The work of helping someone achieve their highest and best is fascinating for me because quite often I have the privilege of being in the presence of people when they experience epiphanies. There is no greater satisfaction in my work.

So, what is the work that is done in helping someone achieve their highest and best? Well, it is unique to every person. It is not a one-size-fits-all fill-in-the-blanks-type approach to personal growth. It involves finding that harmonious sweet spot integrating the best (and worst) from your past, exorcising your demons and exercising your unique strengths and special abilities, resulting in an empowered, more evolved, expanded version of your self.

It’s a process of dealing with, rectifying and eliminating regrets from the past while carving out sacred space to fully engage in the now. In this sacred space, you are able to do the work of finding clarity. The more precise your clarity in the things of life, your purpose, message, passion, and mission, the more succinctly you can achieve your most incredible potentials.

Everything you have experienced in this life ‘til now has represented a sacred course of study qualifying you for your fulfilling your life’s purpose by proclaiming your unique message with passion which is part of your mission (over the course of our life, you could be called to a variety of missions).

The goal is to integrate all this into an organized approach to do all this with the least amount of struggle and with the greatest possibility of success.

And who does all this work? You.

Often people come to me and ask me to take on their projects and make their dreams come true because to them, that’s what I do (helping people achieve their highest and best) looks like, offering to pay me handsomely to do it. Nothing could be further from the truth. That is not my ministry.

In my line of work, I am not the hero. All I am doing is to help you achieve your highest and best. You. You do the work. All I am doing is supporting you, and helping you see and avoid potential pitfalls and act as your accountability partner. I am not the magician.

The real transformative magic is all the work of you. Your work determines your ability to achieve your highest and best.

This is your mission, should you decide to accept it, to achieve your highest and best, live a better life, your best life and to make the word a better place. This is you. It’s who you are. It’s what you do.

This is you. This is your life. It all comes down to this.

If you’re ready to make the empowered shift from where you are to where you want to be, this is the time to take charge of your life and make all your dreams come true.

See also: 4 Steps to Specialize on Purpose

Friend Betrayal

What can you do about friend betrayal? You trusted your friend, you believed you could trust your friend, you felt confident that your friend had your back, and now you’ve discovered that your friend could not be trusted. You’ve been betrayed by your friend. You didn’t see it coming, and little feels worse. Your heart sunk and you feel like you’ve actually been stabbed in the back as this person, whom you’ve trusted has betrayed you and is twisting the knife, even now.

Friends can surprise us by doing the darndest things when they betray us. You could never have prepared for friend betrayal and they will betray you in ways you could have never even thought of.

Friends have broken trust with friends and betrayed their friends by having an affair with your partner, by sabotaging and keeping you from achieving your highest and best, rallying your other friends to turn against you, spreading rumors, gossip, dirty laundry, or telling others tales of sensitive information you shared in confidence, talking behind your back, breaking promises, assaulting your financial wellbeing, fronting you off in public humiliating you, judging you for circumstances beyond your control viewing you in a negative light, blaming you for something they (or someone else) did, aligning themselves with someone else’s false accusation(s) about you, and the list goes on and on… as the betrayal leaves wounds and scars.

How can you deal with the betrayal?

Review the betrayal but don’t ruminate over it endlessly, every time you imagine the betrayal, it creates the emotional response and damages your wellbeing. Reliving the betrayal reduces your immune system and causes emotional and physiological deterioration. Stop it.

Try to think about the betrayal from your friend’s point of view. Considering his or her life, what’s led up to this point of betrayal, what might it have felt to the betrayer? Ask yourself, is this a one-time event, or is it something you might witness again?

If you are able to look at the betrayal from a wider perspective, taking all things into consideration, could your friend have thought he or she was doing you a favor or helping you out in some way from his or her perspective? Intention may offer the opportunity to avail the benefit of the doubt, or was he or she deceptive or maliciously motivated?

Remember that your friend is more than this betrayal. There is a real person in there and the person who betrayed you may not have had any intent to do so, taking an action (or not taking action) without thinking through the consequences of his or her action or inaction. Review the good qualities your friend has and balance these against the betrayal.

Ready yourself for having a conversation with your friend about the betrayal. Find a centered and calm space within you for having this uncomfortable conversation, without accusing or blaming your friend. Simply and honestly tell the story from your perspective, let your friend know how you feel, and let your friend respond from his or her point of view.

As your friend explains his or her side of the story, try to listen without judgment, you might be surprised at how differently the situation looked from your friend’s perspective. Or, on the other hand, your friend may only be harshly defensive or defiant and unapologetic. Take the negative response under advisement as a red flag for maintaining a friendship into the future.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

If your friend has betrayed you once, you could give your friend the benefit of the doubt. If you’ve been betrayed twice by the same person, now you know that you can expect to be betrayed again.

Remember that your friend is not a bad person, but you must manage the sacred space which surrounds you. This is your responsibility to create a safe environment for you to live your life. You may have to change the relationship, proceeding with caution in the realization that your friend cannot be trusted with certain things, just understanding that your friend just is as they are, and you cannot (and you shouldn’t even try to) change him or her. Another option is to sever the relationship altogether.

Friend betrayal will certainly have an effect on the viability of your friendship over time, and it’s up to you to decide whether you can successfully manage a friendship which has suffered such a transgression, or whether you’re better off without having this person in your life at all.

Life is short. Create a life for yourself that leans toward your enjoyable, life-affirming better life, your best life, and find ways that you can live in a manner which can lead to making the world a better place with integrity and love.

For more information, see: Trust Betrayal dot com.

Holy Sex Acts

Back in the day when a large part of my ministry was focused on religious couples counseling, often Mary and I would be called on to deal with a couple’s most intimate details of their life. We even conducted training seminars on the subject for groups of counselors, nationally.

Even today, the most advanced religiously-based couples still run into these issues, mostly due to rumor and the bent expressions of other religious people who surround them. While I am not specializing in the area of sex in relationships, these days, invariably, the topic comes up for couples (especially Christian couples) facing challenges in their relationship.

It appears that people have forgotten that God’s first charge for mankind was to have sex. Later (for whatever reasons, according to biblical texts), God restricted sanctioned sex to that which was confined to the marriage relationship.

The best news for a sexually active married couple, is that God blesses anything you might like to try, explore, celebrate and enjoy in the marriage bed, for this sacred space is considered “undefilable” for the couple bonded in marriage, according to St. Paul (Hebrews 13:4). This is your sexual playground, to be enjoyed to its fullest.

There are some things that, according to the Bible, should be avoided in the married sexual relationship, which are reasonable things to be avoided in a relationship. I know you’re anxious to find out what they are, so buckle up for what God doesn’t want you to do sexually when you’re married…

Sex Outside of Marriage

God is very clear about having sex with anyone outside the boundaries of marriage. Regardless of examples of infidelity in the Bible by some of the most respected characters and biblical heroes, this is not an indication of God’s blessing. And, pretty much, if all the details were known, adding additional sex partners to the marriage relationship, has led to less than desirable results. And even though the Bible is a 2,000-year-old document, it still contains valuable secrets of successful relationships and mental health, so consider having an open mind.


Many (including scientists and mental health professionals) people have proven over time that having sex with your family members is detrimental to having a positive impact on one’s life. So, again, the Bible hits the bullseye on this caveat to not engage in any sex acts with any family members. Just don’t do it. (Plus, there are laws against it, which vary state to state.)

Weird Sex

Okay, this is where people get all tied up (stay tuned, it’s okay to tie up your Christian wife or husband if she or he consents). Weird sex, according to the Bible, is sex that takes place outside the marriage relationship which is unconventional. This refers to sex acts with animals, which is prohibited, and prostitution. Including deviant sex acts with someone (or something) outside of the sacred marriage bed.

The Sexual Good News

Everything else is okay!

Think about the opportunities which are open to a marriage relationship and sanctioned by God: Everything.


Yes, everything; as long as the husband and wife consent.

What this looks like to a husband and wife will look very different from one couple to another. There is nothing that is more intimately unique and private than that which takes place in the marriage bed.

By all means, establish “safe words” and experiment with each other to find out what works for the two of you.

Let go of all those old-fashioned restraints, which were not put on you by God, but by others with their own sexual hang-ups. Feel free to express your unrestrained liberty with each other as you explore all the magnificence, exciting, elegant, beautiful and consider being creative in your pursuit of this most intimate exploration.

Keep in mind that love is courteous and kind, so find ways to take your partner’s considerations under advisement. You would not want to do anything that is harmful, destructive, or traumatic for your partner. Be compassionate, gentle, and kind as you explore and if something is determined to be undesirable, avoid that particular sexual activity, but keep exploring.

Sexual exploration is part of the expansion and evolution of the contemporary human experience. This is not only available to you, it is God’s calling you to a deeper, more meaningful, and expressive relationship between a husband and wife.

Money Types in Love

The subject of money is the number one reason for relationship breakdown and divorce, probably because how we feel about money is a microcosm of how we feel about the important things in life. Money is just an easier way to express ourselves, rather than to dig down and do the deep inner work.

Our association with money and our particular money type say so much about who we are and where we’ve been. Yet, here it is, out on front street, wreaking havoc in our most sacred relationship, causing friction between you and your partner.

It’s important to know first what type of money person you are. Are you a Money Spender, Money Miser, Money Slacker, or a Money Hater? Then determine which type of money person your partner is. If you both are completely different money types, not to worry, successful couples are often different money types. It’s not so much about your money type as it is what you do about it, and the earlier the better, in a relationship.

There is no judgment or shame about which money type you are. There is no right, no wrong, and the same goes for your partner. As you may already know, since money is obviously a big deal, you could do your best to adopt your partner’s money type for the sake of preservation of the relationship. While this is effective while you are able to manage it, it is stressful and adds resentment to you. It is a terrible burden to bear, and at some point, your money type is going to express itself in an unlikely manner.

It’s better to be open and honest about your relationship with money because it is not likely to change over time.

How we approach, feel about, and deal with money is not something that has developed suddenly overnight. Our money types are based on a lifelong journey and are intrinsically part of our personality and it is linked to our parents, how we were raised, and based on our experiences with money over time.

Money is a very intimate and sensitive part of our overall personality and likely one that you’re not comfortable about talking about. That’s why most couples avoid discussing the subject of money, or more importantly, how they really feel about financial matters. Even though it should be one of the most important topics discussed, especially prior to marriage.

And if you’ve waited until you are experiencing money conflicts in your relationship, it may be too late to do anything about it.

Following are the basic money types:


You gotta love the money spenders, especially if you’re in a retail business. They love to have things, lots of things, nice, new shiny things. They use money as a therapeutic instrument if they’re feeling a bit out of sorts, buying something new will make them feel better.

The downside is they are less likely to pay attention to their finances, over-finance, have excessive debt and file periodic bankruptcies. They’re more likely to overspend and buy things they do not need or will not use. They have the spending part down, not so much the responsibility piece.


There is no other more frugal person than the money miser, who counts every penny, tucks away money in savings and retirement, is likely rarely buy, but when they do, they’ve clipped coupons in advance or only buy items on sale, seconds or at thrift shops.

The downside is their relationship with money is based on fear and lack. Afraid that at any moment the sky will fall, and they would be devastated. They will often have barely enough to get by and satisfy their need to hide some money in savings and investments in the hopes that one day, they can retire.


The money slacker avoids anything that has to do with money at any cost. Doesn’t mind spending it, but rarely knows if they can afford whatever it is they’re spending it on. They avoid balancing their checkbook, opening or paying bills, saving or investing money is not on their radar and retirement is, “whatever.”

The downside of money slackers is that it’s hard to even have a conversation about money with them, and dealing with money issues is so far removed from them, that they’d rather do just about anything to avoid opening an envelope to expose a depressing bill. To the money slacker, discussing a budget is considered a brutal attack.


Money haters think there is something inherently evil about money. Those who have it are money-grubbing mongrels, punishing, stealing and living off the blood of the less fortunate and poor. They are not likely to spend money on nice things and see nice things as trappings of the greedy and oppressive wealthy, or the wannabe. They’re more likely to give their money away to good causes or to someone more deserving than themselves.

The downside for the money haters is that there is nothing for them to fall back on and they’re likely to self-perpetuate their poverty, which to them, is likened to a badge of honor indicating selflessness and martyrdom.

As all successful couples know, love is not enough to sustain a relationship over time. You need a strong set of love survival skills to get from the initial feelings of falling in love to a successful long-term relationship shared by two over time. Talking about money, how you feel about it, what it means to you, and finding ways to compassionately understand and integrate a lifestyle that honors your partner’s money type, as well as your own, is paramount to a successful relationship.

Waiting for True Love

Sometimes when we’re in search of our significant other, life partner, or soulmate, we can get sidetracked by the part of the process which represents the time necessary for the (metaphorical) alignment of the planets.

When you are young and ruled by your biology seeking a mate to fulfill that part of your life’s calling to “be fruitful and multiply” Mother Nature is running the show on your behalf to accomplish her mission. At this point in your life experience, there is far less clarity in the definition of “true love.”

In those early days, Hollywood’s definition of true love is sufficient. Later in life (or for few of us, this can take place earlier in life), you can come to a point where you realize that Hollywood (who serves Mother Nature) has lied to you, and we understand that you are more than your biology and impulses wrapped in meat. And you look for a better idea of what true love really is.

From this perspective looking for true love takes on a decidedly different appearance. When once you might have been satisfied with aligning yourself with another person who satisfies your desires sufficiently, now your expectations take on a whole new light.

When you first start looking for love, you are much more spontaneous. You don’t realize how this relationship will affect your life, the lives of all the people around you, and the community or world at large. These concerns are not even on your radar, you didn’t even give a moment of thought to reflect on how this particular coupling might affect your whole world. All you know is that you are happy with the feeling of the moment and optimistically have a degree of faith in the hope that this will last.

After you’ve had some life experience (or possibly you realized this earlier in life), you realize that things often are not as they appear, and your expectation and desires are more advanced. Now, you know more about what you want and what you don’t want in a relationship, and you’re willing to relax, resist your biological impulses, and create the sacred space to adopt an attitude of,

Waiting for True Love

Waiting for true love will have you carving out the sacred space and allowing that very special someone to show up who is uniquely matched for you to walk into the future hand-in-hand.

There is a train of thought which insists that it takes a year for you to have a better understanding of what a person is really like. This may not have held much importance when your hormones were running amok, but now you know that in the beginning of a courtship (normally) people are representing themselves in the best possible light. Some of these people might be pressuring you to make a heavy commitment early on because they know that you might be able to see them for who they really are, which might make you want to avoid entering into such a high level of commitment.

So, now you take the time to wait for true love to arrive.

While you are waiting for true love you are more keenly aware and looking for indications that you might be fairly certain that your potential partner possesses certain attributes which you desire and are important to your survival as a couple into the future.

The most important key components to be looking for in a potential partner include,


The most important component to have which is the keystone on a successful relationship is trust. You must be able to trust each other. When you are together, you know you can trust each other. You are not suspicious of your partner, and your partner is not suspicious of you because you know you have each other’s backs. You are connected and committed to each other and bulletproof if your trust in each other is unshakeable. You know that if you or your partner says something, you can count on it, and you know that neither of you would do anything to compromise the sanctity of the relationship.

Going the Same Way

If you are to have a longstanding successful relationship, you want to feel as relatively certain as possible that you and your partner are headed in the same direction in life. You will want to understand what things are important to your partner, and you want to be transparent about those things which are most resinous to you. They do not need to be the same things, but they do need to possess a certain compatibility to survive your journey together into the future.

You want to be going the same way, because you don’t want to wake up one day to find yourselves far apart from each other, on completely different paths, if it is your intention to have a co-creative life with each other that can survive the test of time.

Love Each Other

When you love each other, you make each other the priority and you celebrate your union as an extension of your combined energies. Successful couples are not just the putting together of two individuals, but the synergistic coupling of two powerful individuals which when combined create a greater entity together.

When you’re not together, you still hold a high regard for each other and think of each other often. When you love each other, you accept each other’s wants and desires and support each other’s pursuits, and are each other’s best friends. When you are confused, challenged, feeling awkward, or uncertain, you seek out each other to share openly and honestly, and you feel confident that your partner will support you and have your back.
Couples who really love each other anticipate being together and seek to experience new things together and create memorable events which can be looked back on, like a trail of breadcrumbs that lead to your expanded love together. Your love for each other is witnessed by your family and peers, and they respect and support your relationship, defending your right to successfully grow and co-create into the future.

If you are expected to find this special person, you cannot let yourself be distracted by someone else’s bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors, and you can only hope to do so if you are intent and committed to the idea of,

Waiting for True Love

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Sending Love to the World 2017

Today is Veterans Day, which is also the launch date of Sending Love to the World 2017. The annual event which started in 2014 was an effort to allow peoples to gather in harmony in an effort to join energetically to send love to the world for Christmas.

Sending love to the world november through december 2012

You might ask why one might be concerned about sending love at a time when the world is teaming with joyous love in celebration of the holidays? The point is this: at this love-filled celebratory time while we are all happy and spending quality time with family, there are others with whom we share the planet with (some not far from us, could even be next door) who are taking their own lives at Christmastime. It can leave you wondering why do people commit suicide?

The idea that Christmas could be the one day of the year most people have suicidal thoughts is just too difficult to fathom. As confusing as it might seem, Christmas is the best and the worst of times. This depressive holiday season starts on November 11th, a time of year we set aside to honor those who have served in the United States military. Veteran suicides make up a surprising 18% of the people who have suicidal thoughts and will kill themselves over the holiday season.

It is through efforts of events, like Sending Love to the World 2017, that those of us who are less likely to commit suicide can compassionately reach out to others who are less fortunate and/or struggling with lack of self-esteem, sadness, loneliness, or any other number of maladies which might tip the scale for someone to think that the feeling of being dead would feel better than the pain of being alive. It is in those moments that a person thinks about actually taking their own life, and it is a desperate place to be.

It’s so easy for us to get caught up in the intensity of the season and not have the wherewithal to set aside a few moments to think about what might be happening elsewhere. No one is blaming or judging you for this, but now that you know, you can make it right by doing something that can change (and possibly save) someone’s life.

You can make a difference by sending love to those whose hearts are lacking in a sense of feeling love. It is our hope that by your joining us to send these people love they will have a sense of relief, enough to survive the challenges faced by the holiday season.

Not limited to our intention to have the positive effect of decreasing the rate of suicide over the holidays, it also our intent to send love to others, including the creatures of the earth and the whole world.

3 minutes to send love to the world

3 Minutes for a Better World

All we ask is that you take a minimum of three minutes to send love to the world in any way that resonates with you. Your three minutes or more could have a huge impact on the lives of those who are struggling at this time or year.

Remember it is not just your three-minutes or more, but your efforts are joined by all the other people who are also taking a few minutes to send love to the world. Some people will be spending ten minutes or more each day sending love to the world. Still your three minutes, if that is all you do, makes a huge difference, and who knows? Once you send love for three minutes, you might enjoy the benefits from doing it so much that you might want to do it more often.

Benefits of Sending Love to the World

Not only are you sharing the positive energy of love to others, but engaging in this benevolent activity for as few as three minutes boosts your immune system for up to eight hours, promoting healing and better physical and emotional health. Plus, it fills your heart with even more love.

Isn’t caring and sharing love the theme we all want to see for the holidays?

How to Send Love to the World

Any method that’s right for you. You can pray, meditate, visualize, go to church, light a candle, whatever, just three minutes this year for a better world.

Whatever works for you, do that.

If you’re at a loss for how to send love to the world, feel free to try this 10-minute Sending Love to the World Guided Meditation video:

Click here for Sending Love to the World guided meditation video

God bless you and yours, for taking a few minutes this holiday season to help make the world a better place.

Love to you for all you do.

Rekindle the Flame of Love

How can it be? You’ve been together a while and everything was so good, you were both so connected but lately it feels as though what’s left of the flame of love feels like it’s going out. Before you think about cashing it in or looking for greener grass, think about taking measures to rekindle the flame of love in your relationship.

Be aware that all relationships have a tendency to experience this fading effect over time. It’s not just you. The couples who make it understand this and make it through, not just by mere drudgery and sticking it out whether one likes it or not, not out of fear of loss, but the most successful couples do so by rekindling the flame of love.

In case you’re wondering what these power couples do to rekindle the flame of love, following are some of the secrets to their relationships success. You might think about employing some of these powerful techniques yourself.

Remember when the flame of love was burning brightly? Chances are there were certain gestures and activities which you engaged in back in the day when your love was on fire. It doesn’t require rocket science to think that if you were to reengage in the gestures and activities which you did back then, that the embers of love might begin to burn once again.

Remember the small things. After a while you just sort of get used to someone being there and you forget to do the little things (or there may be the likelihood that you never did. If so, now is the time to start) the less expensive the better. Little things like setting a cup of coffee on the nightstand next to a waking partner. Leaving little love notes around the house, or whatever small concession which communicates to your partner that you haven’t forgotten about him or her and still regard your partner as precious.

Here’s a fun project you can do, and if your partner joins in, it can pull your love out of the slump by remembering all the good things you love about your partner. Make a list. Write down all those things that you think are (or “were”) so adorable when your love was vibrant and alive. Share them with each other. Sometimes you just need to remember why you feel in love in the first place. Also, things can change over time, and maybe something you thought was an incredible quality in the beginning ended up being a nuisance later (don’t put those on the list).

Another powerful tool to use when the love flame starts to dim is to find new interests in each other. There are probably some interests that your partner finds exciting (or at least, interesting) which hasn’t particularly captured your interest in the past. Try learning about or trying to understand what your partner finds so fascinating about this particular thing or activity which you may have avoided altogether until now. You may be surprised how getting involved in your partner’s activity can set your love flame ablaze. The same can also be true for trying any completely new activity together, like a dance class, or parachuting (okay, maybe not parachuting).

Set up a private rendezvous with each other. No need to book a fancy hotel, you can lock yourself in your bedroom without cell phones or other devices, have a private picnic, and just “be” with each other, whatever that means for you, no holds barred. This can be an incredible opportunity for the two of you to reconnect, spend uninterrupted time with each other in a safe and familiar environment. You never know, intimate passion may also visit your private together-time.

Find ways to be playful by creating your own special language, so that you can say a particular word or phrase in a certain manner in public, and no one knows what’s going on, only the two of you know what it means. Find ways to play games with each other that create and grow intimacy while having a little fun while you’re at it. A little playful role-playing in public can go a long way. Maybe pretend like you’re hitting on your partner in a public place, as if you’ve never met him or her before.

Okay, here’s the two-part doozie, “Know what you want,” and, “ask for it.” You might be surprised to know that in the most unsuccessful relationships, either one or both partners don’t even know what they want or need in from their partner or the relationship. So start there. Note this is an advanced tactic because there is so much to be said for presentation. Yes, you want to be able to express what you want, and you should give your partner an opportunity to give you what you want, but you want to do it in a gentle and mindful fashion, so as not to put your partner on the defensive.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Can you think of other ways to rekindle the flame of love? If so, enter your comments below:

The New Human Evolution

What are you talking about when you’re talking about evolving as a human being?

There are many ways to evolve as a human in this current stage of evolution. You may elect to be a part of the evolution by simply being open and allowing the evolution to take place. If you do, you will be adding energy to the evolutionary change that is spreading among the human race, even though the powers that be would rather suppress the expansionary evolution of humans.

You may not be able to see the effects of our evolution from the outside of our bodies, it’s not like seeing the disappearance of your pinky finger. No, this evolution takes place deep within the body and its connection to the source of all life, affecting your consciousness which encompasses your personality, emotions, power of thought and how these are demonstrated via your outward expressions.

This evolution does also have a profound effect on the human body by expanding the health and natural healing capabilities, increasing the immune system, resulting in the living of longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

This evolution is taking place in the psychological and spiritual realms of existence and the results can be measured in increased quality of life and longevity.

The trend is to evolve beyond the herd or mob mentalities and toward individual growth, increased human potential, and energetic expansion.

Expanding human potential encompasses looking at challenges (any challenges, even the most incredibly intimidating and/or frightening) and approaching them with the courageous intent to overcome them in a valiant effort to emerge victorious over the challenge.

This stretches both imagination and super-human ability to ma, e, what may have been thought to be impossible, possible. Once the impossible has become possible, due to the breakthrough of one person, it is now possible for all humans. One example to consider would be the breaking of the 4-minute mile in 1954. Prior to that the common consensus was that the human body could not possibly perform with the speed and intensity necessary to break the 4-minute limit, it was impossible. Once one human being, Roger Bannister, broke through that barrier, it has raised the standard for optimal or excellent human physical performance to expect to endure running 15 miles per hour for four minutes.

Before Bannister could break through the previously set human limitations, he needed to believe it was not only possible, but that he could do it. Belief is comprised of positive energy, rejection of nay Sayers, increased empathy, compassion and a courageous all-in commitment to overcome a particular otherwise insurmountable challenge. And do it, he did. He also enjoyed the benefits of overcoming the impossible limitation (those who overcome tremendous challenges become more resilient, ‘ere the saying, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”) and paved the way for others to follow because,

Once the impossible becomes possible, it becomes possible for anyone.

Making the World a Better Place

Compassionately evolving human beings are raising the bar for expressing gratitude and generosity in helping to make the world a better place for all creation. This benevolent attitude is an indicator of human evolution moving well beyond the survivalist mentality which predominated human culture for thousands of years.

Evolutionary Thought and Expression

Prior to this evolutionary expansion, humans were fairly predictable, as we could be categorized and defined by various personality traits and behavioral patterns. The evolution of human potential makes it possible to avoid being defined or pigeon-holed into well-defined personality types or diagnosis of a variety of psychological disorders.

Unfortunately, the system has developed a series of drug therapies and protocols, which will force you into a particular subset of personality definitions quite nicely.

Nonetheless, there are individuals who are expanding well beyond any formal definition and here’s the exciting (or “frightening” depending on your perspective) news: the evolutionary personality is constantly changing, growing and expanding. Therefore, the person that you are today can be very different from the person that you were yesterday, and tomorrow is another day, and potentially a newer version of yourself waits there for your arrival.

Brain Function

As the human being evolves, this evolutionary process affects the brain, and it is measurable by PET scans and other scientific measurements as active function moves from reptilian-based areas of the brain to more advanced and energetically intuitive areas of the brain, which leads to expanded,

Heart Function

Current science is seeing the evolving human being allowing and embracing the empowerment of the human heart to expand in consciousness. In fact, current scientific evidence is indicating that the heart’s consciousness is far more powerful than the brain, which was previously considered to be the powerhouse for consciousness. While this science is still in its infancy, we’re seeing the ideals of artists and philosophers who saw the heart as the seat of consciousness were more accurate than science had given them credit for.

You Are the Creator

You can take a proactive position in your evolutionary expansion and in essence become the creator of your own evolved self. You may be surprised to find how easy it is. What was not possible for you only moments ago is now possible for you now.

All you have to do is to think about the person you might like to be. Asking yourself, if you could have a particular attribute of any person you admire, no matter what it is, what would it be?

This is like, step one: “Who do you want to be?” What do you want to be like, feel like, look like, act like?

Then believe you can be that kind of person, use visualization techniques or affirmations, imagine yourself in situations where you can react in a fashion which is congruent with the type of person that you desire to be. See yourself as being that type of person (this is your 4-mintue mile).

Put yourself in real life situations where you can demonstrate your ability to be this kind of person, and do it. It may be uncomfortable or awkward at first, but practice will make it appear to be more natural, and sooner or later, it will be.

If you dare to chronicle your evolutionary process, start journaling every day and prepared to be amazed.