Terrestrial Angels Are You One?

There are many types of angels. Commonly recognized are angels in heaven (celestial angels), fallen angels who may include demons or spirit beings of malicious nature, and then (among others) there are the terrestrial angels. Are you one?

Terrestrial angels are natural born human beings who are of both human and angelic decent. These hybrid beings are coming into our world at an ever-increasing rate. They are assisting in the expansion and evolution of us into the next generation of humans who will populate our world in the future.

In this most exciting of all times of human existence, this evolutionary transformation will take place as new generations are born who are more evolved, or the metamorphosis from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 can take place amidst any human’s lifetime.

The growing influence of terrestrial angels is more prevalent these days and we can see the changes taking place before our very eyes as we notice the vast difference between the primitive contemporary humans who dominate our world’s population, and the emerging more advanced, heart-centered individuals who naturally embrace a higher consciousness.

You can easily tell the difference between the less evolved human and a human who possesses angelic DNA (so to speak). They are fully human but are fairly awkward at trying to fit in as society exerts all its efforts to force them to conform to Human 2.0 standards.

All the efforts of our planet’s social engineers are focused on the dumbing down of naturally-born Human 3.0’s and no expense is spared in the prevention of this evolutionary process. Nonetheless, terrestrial angels, the evolution and expansion of the human race continues.

The evolution of the human race cannot be stopped by human beings.

Terrestrial Angels
Are You One?

Terrestrial angles and those who share their genetic expanded consciousness and spiritual nature are coming into the world at a more rapid rate and we are seeing them appear as some of them are labeled as Indigo or Crystal children. They are categorically and naturally less interested in all the social programming and drama associated with it and are resistant to being controlled by intimidation and fear tactics, unlike Human 2.0.

You can easily recognize them, not only by their inability to fit in, but their natural tendency to be attracted to more spiritual ideals. They are often attracted to the arts and have natural abilities to express themselves in the arts, which is driven by the expanded love-capacity of their hearts.

Their more highly-evolved capacity for love and heart-centered intuition helps to defend themselves against being manipulated or controlled by social engineers. This expanded awareness allows them to see the inconsistencies in what others have come to accept and believe as, “The way it is.” They have an inner knowingness that what has been presented to them is not the way it is, nor is it the “way it’s supposed to be.”

They cannot be easily fooled and are likely to voice their noticing that things are not as they appear.

You will feel like you’re from another planet, because… well, you really are. Even so, you are not an alien. You are more human with a greater degree of the divine in you genetic and spiritual makeup. You are more connected with your higher self.

If you have terrestrial angelic blood running in your veins, you have an aversion to any act of violence. Due to feeling as though you just don’t fit in, even though you’re trying, you find yourself apologizing a lot to those around you.

You are likely to trust most every other human you encounter, and you will be very surprised to discover that any human could be untrustworthy, as you learn to make your own way through the maze of this earthly life.

Your increased capacity for love may have you finding yourself in awkward romantic relationships due to your ability to accept others and love unconditionally.

You are not perfect. That’s for sure. But you’re making progress as you try to maintain balance between your humanity and your divine nature. It is awkward, to say the least, but you have a conscious confidence that you know you can do this, and that your existence is necessary (even in the smallest way) for the further evolution of those who inhabit this planet.

You are highly sensitive, probably don’t like being in crowds or be the focus of attention but will often find ways to rise to the occasion if for the betterment of others.

Those who are terrestrial angels or their descendants who carry the evolutionary structure are probably heavier in weight than those who are lesser-evolved and highly influenced by society’s dictating of what should a beautiful (skinny) body should look like.

You will find them gravitating toward occupations which are nurturing and supportive in nature, such as nursing, teachers, coaches, counselors, consultants, and are often interested in natural health alternatives and healing practices. They are compelled to offer help to  others who are struggling with life’s issues.

They want to encourage others to embrace the best things in life, find peace and joy, let go of life’s entrapments and chains of the past, and live a better life in more freedom and love.

Onthe other hand, terrestrial angels often have a dark, difficult, or traumatic past, which causes them anxiety that needs to be tended to, so they do not suffer needlessly from past wounds. Left to themselves, these wounds could fester and spread disease throughout their body, causing them to degenerate, devolve into Human 2.0, or die prematurely.

To all the terrestrial angels and their descendants:

You are love
You are loved
You are welcome here

And we are grateful for your participation in the evolution of our people and this planet.