Blessing Social Media is Good 4 U

When life seems to be a relentless struggle for survival, it’s so good to have someone in your corner. In this day and age when face-to-face relationships are hard to manage, social media has arrived on the scene to help fill in the gap. Even when we are warned about the dangers of social media as it gets blamed for the deterioration of human interaction, the truth is, it has also saved the lives of many.

For those who need to find someone in their corner with whom they can resonate with, regardless of your social status in the real world, you can find someone empathetic to your situation, cause, or plight.

In this way, social media plays an important part in the social matrix of your life. When you desperately need someone on your side, who can see things from your perspective, can feel what you’re feeling or has walked a mile in your shoes, social media can give you access to the people you need for support, when it would be difficult to do so in the real world.

I know when I have been at my lowest, and it seemed like there was no one there, I was desolate, alone, and felt as though there was no hope, or reason to go on, social media bridged the gap and helped me get through the toughest of times.

People, although virtual, were there to care, understand, love, and support me, when the rest of my life in the real world was crumbling all around me.

With all the negative press that social media gets (much of it warranted), there is another side to it as well. This virtual instant access to others can help build up and support the human condition as well.

Certainly, as with anything with huge positive potential, it can be abused and used with negative intent, but on the other side it can have incredible potential for making the world a better place.

Social media is a powerful medium which can either impact the world for good or for evil, and it appears that in order to keep its effectiveness, it must remain neutral. It’s up to you to decide how you will wield the awesome power of this electronic networking tool.

Social media is a microcosm of the totality of life on our planet. All types of people, philosophies, personality types, and beliefs are represented, and for the most part are able, and encouraged, to share their thoughts and feelings freely.

You may not always agree (and there is no reason why you should be required to) and you always have a choice in how you will represent yourself via social media. You can choose to fight, counter-attack, bless, or love. It’s up to you.

It may serve you well to think about how you are showing up in social media.
Are you representing yourself as the person you would like to be remembered as?

I know when Aaron was killed in Afghanistan, his social media was a worldwide representation of who he was, and it still survives him, even today.

I have many friends who have since passed away and their social media accounts give us all something to look back on to remember, honor, laugh, and reflect on the impact they have had on our lives when they were here.

Someday, after I am long gone, the virtual footprints of my social media interactions may be all that remains.

Just remember, your social media might represent the kind of person you are (or were) when you were here, on your life’s journey.

How would you like to be remembered in your social media?

Make an Impact via First Impressions

When people have been exposed to you and you have had the ability to interact with them, what do they do when you leave the room?

While people will make a decision regarding you in as little as 10 seconds, are there ways to influence what they think of you in a good way, given a few more moments? It’s up to you.

Wouldn’t it be nice, if after you left they said good things about you, or at least mentioned that you seemed to be different, insightful or inspirational, or maybe you made people think outside the box, if only for a moment? That’s what happens when you make an impact in public.

You’re not drawing attention to yourself, or demanding anyone’s attention but you’re giving the most you can in the few moments of exposure you have with people who may not know who you are or what you do and making a good first impression.

What Turns Them On?

Find out what excites them and ask them about it. Listen to them and ask questions. If that’s all you do, you will make an impact. If you like, you can work in a little networking if you can think of a story that relates what you do or might like to say in a way that relates to what turn them on.

Edify Others

When someone does a good job or earns some type of accolade, don’t miss an opportunity to edify them, introduce them to others or thank them publicly, honoring their efforts. If you are seen as someone who appreciates the efforts of others and takes the time to honor them and have their moment in the sun, you will be revered as an edifier or cheerleader.

Whenever you hear of someone’s good deeds, by all means, find ways to recognize them and lift them up for doing good, or helping to make the world a better place. This will have a meaningful impact on the person you’ve edified, as well as the people who will appreciate your efforts to acknowledge and honor someone’s good deed.

Tell Stories

One of the best things you do is to be a story teller. Story tellers don’t just spill out the facts all over their audience. No. They tell stories with dramatic detail that sparks the imagination of their audience. With a little practice, you too can become a story teller. Think of colorful ways you can spice up what you have to say and hone your skill of storytelling to make an impact.

Be Creative

You can learn all the skills about how to work a room, and do the best you can, but don’t be afraid to try something new, that may benefit the people you meet, yet leave a positive lasting impression. Especially if you’re sharing the space with peer who may also be trying to make an impact, you need to think about how you can still make a positive impact in a way that sets you apart from the other people who might be working the room.





Put On a Show

You’ve seen people who garner the attention of a room by putting on a show of sorts, multiplying their networking efforts by turning their interaction with one person (or a few people) into a spectacle that causes others in the room to break from the conversation and look to see what’s happening over there. While this kind of theatrics might require a certain level of self-confidence, with a little practice, you might think of ways you could turn an impromptu demonstration into a method of getting people to wonder who you are and what you are doing.

Make Things Happen

Think about accepting opportunities, or volunteering, to take an active role in putting something together, like a group function or event. If the even or function is a success, then you will be recognized as the go-getter who gets things done and makes things happen. This is excellent public relations (PR) for which you can humbly accept the praise for a job well done on the behalf of others. This will definitely make an impact and you will be remembered for your efforts.


Dress Appropriately

Looking good and fashion appropriate for any event can help gain the approval of others when you walk in the door while schmoozing with the folks at any event. Try not to over-dress for the event because you don’t want to appear to be snooty. And even though under-dressing might make you stand out, the effect might not be what you’re looking for, and it can make it harder for you to gain the confidence of your audience if you’re inappropriately attired.

After all, ZZ Top said it best,

Every girl’s crazy for a sharp-dressed man.


Who Do You Know?

Think about who you know, how have they made an impact on your life? Think about emulating the techniques used by the people whom you respect. You don’t have to parrot their persona or hypnotize yourself to act like that person. Simply note how they interact with other people and see if you ca add some of those attributes into your character.

You Are One-of-a-Kind

There’s no one else on this planet who is just like you, so celebrate your unique characteristics and maybe think of a way to let your individuality shine through without overshadowing others. People will love you if you can come across as a real person who is authentically unique and self-confident with humility and grace, always leaving a good impression and making an impact.