Life Choices, Challenges and Changes

It is common throughout one’s life journey to encounter forks in the road requiring having to make a choice of which path would best suit one’s best interests, unexpected obstacles that present you with challenges or unforeseen changes in life circumstance.

You inner guidance system is there for you to assist you in examining all the possibilities when faced with life’s choices, challenges and changes.

life choices life challenges life changes opportunity


We are faced with making conscious choices that we must make as we navigate throughout our life’s journey, everything from the casual choices, like, what clothes should I wear; what food should I eat? How should I fix my hair; or which shoes should I put on my feet? To more consequential choices, like, should I tell my partner how I really feel; or consider a new vocation? Should I continue to conceal, reveal or consider relocation?

When facing more critical choices in life, we must consider all the ramifications of our decisions, enabling us to make responsible decisions; especially when our choices affect the lives of others who we share our journey with. An honorable person considers others outside of our experience in reverence of the greater good. To not do so is to be selfish, self-centered, or possibly narcissistic in the extreme.

Then there are the consequences of our choices that need to be reviewed before making choices, especially decisions that carry gravity in our social arenas, or may even affect the world that we live in.

It is prudent to seek out an unbiased third party to help sort out the best details. Unlike a professional, friends, family and acquaintances do not always have your best interests at heart when consulting them for advice because they have their own vested interests and agendas, when evaluating the details of your quandary.

Your inner guidance system is there to help you with your choices when you can find the proper attenuation or vibration to sense its knowingness, so that you have the highest and best probability of success.


As we travel through this life, it is not uncommon to encounter challenges that we face. In some cases we may feel as though the obstacles in our way are insurmountable. It is your goal to reframe your life’s circumstances and develop a plan to mitigate the damages as you are empowered to face these challenges head on, with the best possible outcome.

These challenges can be at home, at work or in the most innermost part of our being when struggling with identity, (who we really are) or destiny (our life’s purpose) in an effort to enhance and enrich our lives as we move on to the next level of our higher self.


Unlike choices or challenges, which we have much more control over, there are times when we find ourselves in situations that have come about that are completely outside of our control.

This can be the result of loss; the loss of a job, failure of a business, a romantic relationship that has not turned out the way we had planned. The loss of a significant person in our life, either by proximity, participation, or even a loss of life altogether makes one’s journey more difficult to navigate in the light of such significant changes at times.

These situations need not seem utterly unbearable as it may seem. Oftentimes, effective communication with your inner guidance system can get you from the place where you are, often feeling helpless, to where you want to be, empowered, fulfilled and onto the high quality of life that you deserve.

Many tools, techniques and strategies, like the T Chart, are available that have been honed over a time that have helped others, just like you, who have struggled with life’s choices, challenges and changes.

It is time that you begin living your best life, achieving your highest and best.

Take back the reigns of your life and put you back in the driver’s seat, in control of your life circumstances.


Challenge the Impossible

You will discover your hidden strengths by daring to challenge the impossible.

Life, in its intricate dance of challenges and triumphs, often presents us with moments that seem insurmountable. These are the instances where the word “impossible” echoes loudly, drowning out optimism and eclipsing the path forward. Yet, in the paradox of adversity lies an extraordinary opportunity for transformation, resilience, and greatness.

The Encounter with the Impossible

Picture a scenario where the odds are stacked against you, where solutions appear nonexistent, and hope is a fleeting mirage. It is in these critical junctures that the concept of the impossible takes center stage. The magnitude of the challenge may be overwhelming, leaving you feeling powerless and entrapped.

Redefining Impossible as an Invitation

Contrary to its conventional definition, perceiving the impossible as an invitation is a paradigm shift that heralds a journey towards greatness. It is precisely when faced with the impossible that the seeds of heroism are sown. History stands testament to the fact that many of the revered figures in our culture emerged from the crucible of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The Birth of Heroes

Heroes are not born in the ease of complacency but are sculpted in the fiery forge of adversity. The script of heroism often begins with a backdrop of impossibility, where ordinary individuals are called upon to rise above their circumstances. The hero’s journey unfolds not in the absence of challenges, but in the very heart of the impossible.

Rising to the Challenge

When life confronts you with the impossible, it issues an invitation to rise to the challenge. This is not a mere call to action; it’s a summons to elevate your existence, transcending the limits you once perceived. Facing the impossible is an opportunity to harness untapped reservoirs of strength, resilience, and creativity.

Evolution Beyond Limits

Overcoming the impossible is a transformative experience that propels you to heights uncharted. It is a metamorphosis that leaves an indelible mark on your psyche. The person who emerges on the other side is not the same individual who stood before the challenge. You evolve, carrying the wisdom, fortitude, and insight acquired through the crucible of impossibility.

The Irreversible Shift

Having triumphed over the impossible, there is no return to the former self. The journey has etched a new narrative into the fabric of your being. The limitations that once defined you crumble, making way for a heightened sense of self, capability, and purpose. You become a living testament to the fact that the impossible is not a barrier but a bridge to greatness.

Embrace the Uncharted Path

In those moments when the specter of impossibility looms large, recognize it not as a roadblock but as an uncharted path to greatness. Embrace the challenge with courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in your capacity to transcend the impossible. For it is on this journey that you unearth the hero within and sculpt a narrative of triumph that resonates through time. The impossible, once confronted, becomes the catalyst for your extraordinary evolution.


What Do You Do When Facing Difficulty?

Granted, most of the time, we do our best to go with the flow but invariably while on our journey (any journey; whether of love, life, or other pursuits) we find ourselves in a bit of a quandary. Drama, some unforeseen circumstance, tragedy or challenge has reared its ugly head; and there we are in the eye of the storm.

What are you going to do?

Based on time and circumstance, you options vary but in most cases – when reviewing my options – I will consider taking a more difficult approach to managing a dilemma, only IF… I can anticipate a better outcome or achieve growth through the more challenging solution for dealing with a problem.

When facing a desperate situation rise to the challenge change growthSometimes, I will take a more ambitious path to resolution, if I foresee more potential positive results and/or significant improvement in the quality of life for others.

Fortunately, I have had the opportunity (as have many of my contemporaries) to face difficult challenges – head on – and successfully survived the ordeal with enough integrity to grow personally and professionally; and having survived the ordeal has resulted in continued blessing and support for others and the community at large.

When facing a desperate situation, rise to the challenge and embrace the change that leads to growth.

Many of my clients and friends have found themselves face-to-face with the most challenging of circumstance. It is no accident, when they encounter potentially disastrous peril that they have a small team of core individuals whom they can consult prior to engaging in battle.

Based on your base personality type, you will either have a natural inclination to lean toward an aggressive approach or a passive approach to problem-solving. The wise world walker consults with his mastermind team to evaluate possible outcomes before engaging in battle to determine what would be the best tactics to use to achieve the greatest results.

Just like real-life combat, one cannot prognosticate the exact outcome(s) of a particular strategy, but you can – especially with the third-party perspectives of trusted individuals – formulate an effective game plan supporting your goals and values.

My personality leans toward the passive (while some of my contemporaries are always locked and loaded running into any situation with guns blazing), but when confronting a desperate situation, I will man-up and self-sacrificially suit-up in full regalia to protect my family, loved-ones and in some cases, the world at large.

To some, they are truly surprised when they witness the focusing of my attention and resources on a particular battlefront, though they (witnesses, or my opponent) did not realize that I possess, “a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career*,” that can be extremely effective on the battlefield. On the other hand, others may only have known me for my skills in battle.

My personal armory – and my friends’ armories – is not known by all; yours also should be kept private, acquiring and utilizing each weapon judiciously as it is needed either for challenges that you face, or on the behalf of others that may need your assistance in the future.

And each desperate situation that you face, gives you more confidence in the face of fear, the more you engage in courageous confrontations with strength and honor.

* = Liam Neeson in Taken