Your Life is the Result of the Choices You Make

If you look around you, your life is the result of the choices you make, the friends you have, your income level, the home you live in, the amount of happiness you enjoy every day, all are a perfect match to you and your vibration.

Your life is the result of the choices you make. You might not always get what you want, but you always get what you’ve invited or created. Your life presents you with everything you need for your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Always perfectly matched.

You may reject this idea on the surface, thinking, “That’s not true, I want more.” Even this wanting of something different, something more, is a perfect match for you. These desires feel like you wanting something else, but it’s really something else which wants to reveal itself to you. All of the things you want are already there, waiting to present themselves to you.

Your wanting has already manifested all the desires of your heart. Everything you’ve ever wanted is already there, not far off, waiting for you to become a vibrational match for it, then it will be revealed to you in all its fullest capacity.

Do you want a better life? It is there. A better car, education, social network, lover, friends, cash flow, whatever you strongly desire, it is already yours. Only one thing stands between you and everything you want, and that thing is you.

Your life is the result of the choices you make which set the tone of your vibration. You cannot have what you want if you don’t change your vibration, to become a better match for that which you seek.

Now, you can, with your determination, persistence, and through the strength of your own flesh cause certain things in your life to be had through strain and struggle. When you get what you want through brute force, those things you desire will satisfy your longing for a moment, but this satisfaction will fade quickly, leaving you to want something more, and you may not be able to sustain the having of it without some stress or difficulty.

When you are a vibrational match for something and it manifests itself to you, there is a peace and calm that comes with the having of it. You know it was always there, and you were the recipient of it at the perfect time in the perfect place.

You must start to change the choices you make in life to affect your life in such a way that your life changes, becomes a better match to what your heart is calling you to, if you want to see everything you want to come to you naturally and easily. That’s how to get what you want.

By not making new choices, and making the changes necessary to change your vibration, you will see the same old life presenting itself to you, over and over again. Endless cycles of dissatisfaction and all your best efforts to make your life appear to be everything you want will not satisfy, ever.

Every day, you are presented with opportunities to make a new choice that will change your vibration and your life. When you choose based on your current vibration, your life stays the same. Your vibration is affirmed and strengthened.

When you are presented with the opportunity to make a new choice, and you make your normal choice, that opportunity is removed from your potentiality. Don’t go chasing after it. It’s too late. A new opportunity will present itself, and it will be even better for you, offering you even more of what you want as you raise your vibration to love and above.

Make a new choice and instantly your vibration changes to match your new choice. Keep making new choices and you change your vibration. The more you establish your new vibration the more your life changes to match your new vibration.

This is the process of your growth leading to evolution and expansion which will cause the desires of your heart to appear to you in divine order, without stress, strain, or dissatisfaction.

Your new life is waiting for you to step into it.

Make a new choice today, do something different, and your life changes accordingly.

Don’t Slow Your Roll

Don’t slow your roll. You’ve done it. You’ve decided to make the changes necessary to start living a new life, a better life, your best life and make the world a better place. You’ve taken steps to start making the change, then your motivation just seems to wane, and you fall yourself falling back into the same ol’ same ol’?

Even if you’re taking baby steps, keep taking the action, no matter how small to move you closer to where you want to be. All these efforts are cumulative. Even if you miss a day, you can take another step tomorrow.

Certainly, there will be roadblocks or challenges which you will face along the way. Let fear not be one of them.

Facing your fear and not letting it keep you from doing the right thing is what life is all about. I know it’s an over-used phrase, nonetheless, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. It’s all about perseverance in the face of adversity.

Keep on going.

What must you do to change your life for the better?

Do you feel your path ahead is not within your reach? Do you need to take some classes? Do you feel imprisoned by your current situation?

Regardless of how unworthy or incapable, you might feel, you have everything you need right inside of you.

Is there fear about leaving your job for one that will better serve you but will require sacrificing cash flow or security? The false sense of safety and security promoted by society and attached to your “job” is the biggest trap which is used to keep you in your own prison, to keep you controllable and subservient, preventing your growth and expansion.

Be willing to change your world, even if it means taking a pay cut.

Look at the heroes of our age, the people who stood up against what would be insurmountable by others. Who do you look up to? Study them. Use them for inspiration.

If you start thinking, “My life has been so awful,” consider those who have overcome incredible obstacles to live a better life and make the world a better place, take a deep breath and take another step.

Find ways to remind yourself of your dream and make it come true.

Just map it out and do it.

Remember to celebrate your wins along the way. Don’t expect approval or recognition from anyone else, this is your journey.

Looking for back up? Find those people who support you no matter what you do, they have your back. The naysayers? Don’t let them get to you. Kick them to the curb (or put them on hold), at least while you’re moving and shaking to make the adjustments and improvements necessary for your life.

Try to do something different every day. If you are able to do things differently in your life this may put you in a position to meet someone who is likeminded and more supporting, whom you may invite into your circle of influence.

There’s a big world out there, and you are gaining more and more access to it with every step you take outside your comfort zone.

By setting intermediary goal posts, such as completing a course of study, getting a different job, achieving a certain level of income, moving to a different location, starting a business, or whatever it might be, you can see the results of your efforts, and know when it is time to celebrate.

There is no limit to the number of goals you can have, and there is no limit to their size. The smallest of goals, like getting up without hitting the snooze button, or not watching the NEWS (Not Even Worth Sharing), or texting someone in your life a short note of support or gratitude, anything.

The more goals you have, the more you will have to celebrate.

You can repurpose your life and change it massively for the greater good.

You got this.

Repurpose Your Life

I know a great many people who repurpose all kinds of things, taking something that would otherwise be thought of as refuse turned into something of function, value, even art. So it is with your life. If your life has been routine, mundane, meaningless, or ready for the trash heap, don’t bail just yet. The time has come for you to repurpose your life.

Often repurposing a thing takes effort and attention. The result is something of value which is worth more than the raw components used to create something new from something old.

There was a time when the trend was to create everything to not last long. You would buy it, then throw it into the trash without a thought of it. This trend has led us to live a disposable lifestyle. To throw out anything which has outlived the short life which it was intended for.

This disposable lifestyle is not only counterproductive, it is destructive and unsustainable.

If you can break your trance long enough to become aware of your surroundings, you will find people who are scouring the Internet, thrift, antique, and pawn shops, eBay and Craig’s List for hidden treasures from the past which can be repaired, reconfigured, or enjoyed in their current state as a cherished, valuable, and functional purpose.

To apply this trend to your life is a thought which is not far off. You can look at your life and think, “My life has no purpose,” or, “I have nothing to offer the world,” then to think of yourself as disposable. Left by yourself in this state of mind, your body will begin to accept this as your reality and you will find yourself in premature deterioration.

Where is the happiness in a life which is not valued? If you’re in a state of self-devaluation, maybe a step outside yourself will help you to see how valuable you really are, and with a little intention, attention, and work, a new you can emerge enabling you to live a better life.

Take a look around. Are you stuck in a rut? Is the work that you do day-in/day-out satisfying? Are you achieving a sense of accomplishment from the life you’re living? Could you be making more of a contribution to someone close to you or, serving the local community?

If you can agree your life can use a little repurposing, you might consider asking yourself,

What changes can you make to live a better life?

Whatever you are doing that drains your energy, or does not resonate with that higher part of yourself and doesn’t make you feel good, stop doing it, and make the changes in your life which would be necessary to replace it with something that makes you feel good about yourself and what you’re doing.

When you’re considering embarking on this journey of repurposing yourself, be mindful of what makes you feel good and do more of that. Ask yourself,

What makes your heart sing?

What are those things which bring you joy? Find ways to integrate more of these into your life.

After you start this process of repurposing your life, you can imagine a renewed sense of purpose, possibly living out your best life, affecting the lives of others and our environment, in effect, making the world a better place.

Painful Separation and Moving On

You’ve bravely and courageously moved on leaving something previously integral to your life behind and you know you’re better off for it because it was weighing you down, holding you back. You know you’ve done the right thing, whether it was against your will or not.

Even so, your heart is aching and breaking because there was an incredible attachment to what went before, it had become a part of you. It’s as if you’ve walked away from a severed limb, as we feel the pain of a desperate wound, ever reminding you and causing you to second-guess, “Did I do the right thing?”

This is love and proof that you loved, and loved enough to create an attachment to this person, place, thing, activity, thought pattern, or belief. Of course, separation from something you loved and were attached to would be followed by a grieving process.

You have learned from the experience. You know you can live a better life as you grow and move on.

“But,” you interrupt the separation process, and you can, “What if” yourself ad infinitum, creating a spiraling whirlpool dragging you down into helplessness. You must always remind yourself, “This is for my highest and best good.” All things in this life are even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

Traumatic moments in life which lead to a massive change or repositioning always leads to some more grand opportunity and blessing, but you will be unable to see the open door calling you forth, if you are lost in the pain of separation.

Some things in life cannot be rationalized, explained, or have proper closure, especially if you are deeply connected to it at the time of separation. You cannot force any making sense of a thing without the proper context which does not come ‘til later. All things will be revealed later and you will realize the divinity of it all.

If you desire a better life you must move on from those things which do not serve you, no matter how much you love or enjoy them. You cannot hang onto abusive relationships, stay in jobs or careers which offer you no potential for increasing your satisfaction and enjoyment of life.

You need to place yourself in situations and circumstances which support your desire to grow and expand leading to more love and enjoyment in this life.

This is the nature of life. You grow, create attachments to where you are in life, and growth necessitates change. Change can be painful, but it is how we learn and keeps us from complacency and stagnation.

You may have a tendency to recoil to find safety in solitude. This is a natural response to separation from someone or something that you truly loved. To remain in seclusion is unhealthy and may lead to constant rumination and senseless self-abuse. It can leave you longing for the life you moved on from. Not good for you.

Deep inside your heart is all the power you would ever need to continue to love through the moving on process.

Remember, the change you seek, that different life begins with you. It is highly unlikely that you can change your partner, your friends, family, the government, your job, the weather, or the world as it is. You may be able to but doing so against the current is the hardest way to manifest change and is reserved for the fiercest of all warriors.

You can, on the other hand, change yourself and your life for the better at any moment in time.

The more loving, positive, and optimistic you can remain through any process of separation or change will increase the rapidness of the change process with an exponentially greater outcome due to your increased momentum.

Following separation, don’t grasp the first thing which appears to your awareness. Doing so will likely have you grabbing onto something that is too similar to that which you are trying to separate yourself from.

Allow yourself the time to heal and recalibrate, then choose your next step in the knowledge and faith that this is the best next step for you. Select that which is in support you’re your goals, dreams, and desires.

Place yourself in places and circumstances where you have the opportunity to express love. Always continue to love yourself, love yourself even more, and allow your love to spill over to those around you.

When things aren’t feeling right, look for the love inside of you.

All the love of God, the world, the universe, is inside you.

Regardless of what it feels like, you are love.

Change Your Life Right Now

Would you like your life to be different than it is, right now? Did you know that you can start living a different life, right now? You can change your life right now.

Life can be a constant succession of the same ol’ same ol’, day after day, until one day the days finally stop coming and you can rest (in a hole in the ground). Is that what you want out of this life, or are you ready for change in your life?

If you can think of your life as consecutive opportunities to enjoy the now, instead of one long continuous life, you can change your life moment to moment by making a new decision to do something different now.

Stick your finger in your ear, then remove it. Make yourself burp, or make the sound of flatulence with your mouth. (You thought I said that in jest?) Do it. Do it now.

By taking the action to do something different in the now (which is now in the past) you have started a chain reaction which will ripple across the timeline of your life and throughout your home, your community, and the world.

By doing something different you changed your life and the world, in a few heartbeats.

This is referred to as the butterfly effect which presumes that the seemingly innocuous flapping of the wings of a single butterfly can result in creating a massive tornado. One single flap of a butterfly’s wing in Brazil can create a succession of events resulting in a tornado in Texas weeks later.

In the same way, any seemingly insignificant change you make in your day, your routine, the things that you regularly do every day, changes not only in the moment of the now, when you do something different, but creates a ripple effect throughout your life and the world.

The changes don’t have to be big, they just have to be different. Let’s say you normally would visit the supermarket looking for people’s eyes, and when they meet yours, you smile and say, “Hi.” The next time you walk through the store, do something different, like look at the shoes of all the people in the store and imagine what story those shoes might tell, if they could talk? If you see a particularly nice pair, compliment the person wearing them, or do something else different.

It’s not enough to think, to affect change, you must take action or do something.

Likewise, if your shopping excursion is rather blasé, then spice it up by looking for the eyes of other shoppers, smiling and saying, “Hi.”

If you normally stop to get a cup of coffee at the same ol’ place on your way to work, try a different one, get a tea, or a sparkling water. Leave ten minutes early. Take an alternate route, whatever. Just do something different.

By changing any detail of your life’s routine, you change your life. And the more you do it, the more your life (and the world) changes.

Now, you have already changed your life. You’ve read these words and now you know your life is changing as you read each word.

Want to live a better life? Do something better.

Want to live your best life? Take time to exercise your special abilities (we all have them. If you don’t know what yours are, then figure it out and start using your unique skills and abilities, in even the smallest ways), and doing so will usher in, not only a better life, but vastly moving you closer and closer to living your best life, ever.

Want to make the world a better place? You just did, just now. Want to have a bigger impact on the planet, do something different, something intentionally good, and it will ripple throughout your life, blessing you and others.

Your good deed (even if it seems insignificant in the now) changes the energetic vibration throughout your family, your community, and the community at large, changing the world, making it a better place, just from one small act of kindness.

What impact could you have on the world if you took the opportunity to change your life right now? You just did.

What about the next opportunity to change your life right now?

The time has come for you to

Change Your Life Right Now

You Are the Game Changer

You look around and you can see other people living their lives… Some of them are living far better lives than you, and you think to yourself, “I’d like to have a go at a better life.” And almost immediately after you’ve had the thought the negative inner voices begin to sound off and you hear, “But I’m not educated, or good enough to live a better life.”

As if you’ve been led to believe that you are somehow less deserving of living a better life because of your lack of education, your family doesn’t have a high ranking in the community, you’re finding it hard to keep up with the Joneses, or you are so far removed from the Joneses that you can’t even imagine what it might be like to compete with them.

Let me tell you, there are people far worse off than you who have made the leap from the day-in-day-out mediocre rat race life leading nowhere to immensely successful and satisfying life, without a proper education, financial backing, fine upbringing, or any help from someone else.

What separates these people from the masses?

They did something that society hopes you will never do: Awaken. Awaken to the knowledge that this life is a game. It’s been set up by someone else to play you as a pawn in the game of life. You’ve been programmed since birth to believe that you are supposed to just play your part and feel as though doing anything else is impossible for you.

If you’re not feeling like you’re good enough, the creators of the game can sit back in their easy chairs patting themselves of the back for a game well-played, because they’ve built a set of rules for you to play by which state that you are not good enough to be a real player.

It’s All A Game

The truth is, you’ve come to this planet not only to be a player, but to play the game so masterfully that you can create your own game rules and reinvent the game altogether, but you will only have awareness of this gift in those moments of consciousness when you have clarity.

In those moments, you can see that this life is only a game and you are being played by the game players and makers, but it’s not long when your attention is grabbed by the millions of distractors which pull your attention back down into the gameplay.

There are those, and you may be one of them, who are focusing their attention on higher perspectives which gives these particular people the ability to see the gameplay from somewhat of an aerial view. From this vantage point, they can see the game for what it is.

From here, it is easy to see that you are far more than you’ve ever been allowed to think you are. You are perfect in every way. Your life has meaning and purpose. You can have the life and love you’ve always dreamed of.

And all those not-good-enough routines you’ve been running over and over as a result of your social programming are illusions, which you’ve been coerced to believe but have not real substance whatsoever.

You are free, you are powerful, you do not need anything to achieve your highest and best but the love and life that was your birthright. God has given you everything you need to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place, but the gamers took it away from you.

Not anymore.

You’re awakening.

You Are the Game Changer

You’re getting ready to play your own game by your own rules.

You have arrived, as if for the first time, and you are alive. More alive than you’ve ever been allowed to think you could be, and you are far better than good enough.

You are a masterful creator getting ready to unleash your message, gifts, special abilities, and launch your mission and pave the way for a better world for all creation.

You are the light in the darkness. And as you shine your light, it will be seen like a lighthouse’s beacon in the night to be seen by others who are also having moments of clarity. Your light will be an inspiration for others, helping them find their way to seeing the game from a higher perspective.

The time for change is now. We are awakening and the world is changing.

The day is coming when the game of life will no longer be played in the way that we know it as being played today. It is unsustainable, and the revolutionary evolution of the new game is taking place right now. You are part of this change.

You are the game changer.

Change Your Life

Are you ready for a life change?

I’ve seen many people who have led lackluster lives change their lives drastically. You may be finding yourself in a position of thinking that your life would be better off by making some significant changes in your life. Are you ready to change your life?

Do you really want to change your life?

Having a high degree of motivation in changing your life can be the fuel you need to make changes which may be well outside of your comfort zone. Let’s face it, change can be scary business. Changing your life is going to be a contrast to the life you’ve come to know and find comfort in up until this point, regardless of how dysfunctional it might be. When your desire to live a new life outweighs the comfort (complacency) and safety (we have a sense of feeling safe living a life where we know what to expect, even if it’s unhealthy for us, at least it gives us a feeling of being safe at home even amidst the familiarity of the chaos) of your old life, you are ready to try something new.

Why do you want to change your life?

Changing your life is going to take you into unfamiliar territory. It is unlikely that anyone would embrace making massive changes in their life if they didn’t think change would be beneficial. Wanting to take action to change your life is the opposite of complacency or accepting your lot in life. You have a knowingness there is a better life waiting for you on the other side of change, regardless of your motivation. You may find you motivation to change powered by an epiphany, a personal breakthrough, enthusiastic love, or desire to make a significant contribution to your community or the world. Or you might find yourself motivated by loss, economic struggle, battles with family, social conditions, addictions, trouble with the authorities, or by judge’s orders. Whatever your motivation, you’re thinking life will serve you better if you could find a better way to live it.

How much change do you want to make?

The combination of why you want to make changes in your life (motivation) and how you want to change your life results in deciding what changes you actually want to make. Is it time to make Ch ch changes in areas of life, such as your demeanor, apparel, lifestyle, partnerings, friends, phone number or address? Has the time come for you to make such a drastic change so as to move far away from your old life and its location in order to turn over a completely new leaf, reinventing and exposing a new you that is in huge contrast to the old you?

What would a drastic life change look like?

Before you go making changes, it’s a good idea to have an idea of what your new life might look like, though in some cases, you may not have the chance to plan for it, because sometimes you might simply wake up one day alerted by your consciousness that your are amidst a massive change, whether you like it or not. If possible get a good idea, or clues, about what your new life will look like. After you start making changes it’s good to be looking for markers or indicators that you are on the right track which will get you to where you want to be.

Make the change

You have the awareness and you’re take action and making changes. You’re eyes have been opened and you’ve embraced a new outlook on life. You’ve taken control of your life and changed it for the better. You are moving forward, enjoying and tracking your progress as you go. From this vantage point you can look behind you and see where you’ve been, then look forward to see your trajectory of personal growth and change. The contrast between our old life and your new life is clearly impressive and you are proud of the progress you have made. It feels so good to have embraced the change and you have great confidence in, and appreciation for, the great turnaround you’ve made. You’re to be commended for making your courageous change.

How do you know your life has changed?

As you look around you, everywhere you look, everything looks so dissimilar to the life you lived in the past. Your whole world has changed. The thoughts which preoccupy your free moments are different and your internal vibration has changed, so the people who are appearing in your life also share a similar vibration. Your home looks different, if you haven’t moved altogether to a completely new location.

How long will the change last?

People witnessing your transformation are amazed at the noticeable difference. The people from your past are wondering where you are, what are you doing… and they’re wondering how long it will be until you return to your old life. Likewise, the new people who are supporting you in your new life will be hopeful that your new life will overcome any attachments that might be dragging you down, causing you to fall back into your old life. It doesn’t matter to you what they think as your self-assurance and confidence is high. Then something happens: You find yourself facing an unforeseen challenge. What will you do?

Fighting for lasting change

When you’ve decided to make significant changes in your life, invariably there will be occasions when you will find yourself amidst life’s battlefield, battling against forces that may cause you to retreat back into your old life. Though there may be forces your battling outside of yourself, your most difficult battles will be fought from within you. You will discover hidden underlying emotions bubbling up and demanding your attention, and you can try to push them back down, but the only will return with greater intensity. Lasting change will only come from overcoming your own demons though a succession of battles, which if you are victorious will solidify your new life.

Anticipate more change

Now, that you have emerged the victorious warrior, overcoming the hauntings of your old life, don’t get too comfortable with your new life because even at this stage an even better life is calling for you to live your best life which is yet to come, and you can make the world an even better place than it is today.

I wonder what lies ahead for you.

10 Ways to Increase Your Performance

1. Why

Ask yourself why you want to increase your performance, whether it’s at home at the office, in your relationships, in your bank account, wherever you want to increase your performance, ask yourself why? Why do you want to have marked improvement in the area at hand (there may be many areas where you might desire to experience a marked improvement but focus on which area feels the most pressing, right now). Once you define your why (which may change along the way) you have the base of your motivation to change.

2. Visualize

You need to create an image of you achieving your highest and best in this area of your life. What does the endgame look like if you could have anything the way you want it to be, all you dreams realized, the absolute best result or outcome; what would that look like? In your mind create the absolute best result in full color, what would it look like, feel like, smell like. Notice key markers, find visual representations of these key markers and find images that represent them. Images you can cut out of magazines, or print out, and tape it somewhere you can see it. Put it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, your workstation, etc… Nobody else needs to know that that image represents, it’s just for you to act as a reminder that you know what “better than this” would look like in your wildest dreams.

3. Play Hide and Seek

Start looking for opportunities that will move you closer to where you want to be (and alternatively further away from what you don’t want). An amazing thing happens, once you are aware of your “Why” (#1) and you’ve seen in your mind’s eye how much better it could be, if you start looking for opportunities to advance or change, suddenly you start to see them appear. It doesn’t take long, and you will notice these opportunities were always there, only you couldn’t see them because they were hidden from view. Not so much hidden, as your beliefs or a lack of self worthiness obscured them from your awareness. Something has been calling you to a higher state, a better life, a more fulfilling way of living with increased satisfaction and love, but because of your reticence, you were unable to see it or didn’t believe you were worthy of having it better. Keep seeking and you will find ways to close the gap from where you are and where you want to be.

4. Make a Plan

A plan is like a map that can get you from here to there. You need to know where you are and where you’re going. Just as a map has markers between here and there, like you know if you’re travelling from one city to another, there are going to be towns you will have to pass between here and there. Knowing you’ve passed on of those key checkpoints ensures you are making progress (you might even stop to have a coffee or piece of pie – like little rewards or celebrations – along the way, but don’t tarry, keep moving). Thinks of ways you can start to assure you’re moving and making measureable progress. Make a schedule, prioritize activities and constantly check in with your internal GPS to evaluate your progress. Above all, stay on course and keep moving in the direction of where you want to be.

5. Avoid Distraction

Invariably, when you start to make significant advancements in your life, you will face opposition, both from external sources, like other people (including people you love becoming more needy, requiring more or your attention) and circumstances that will appear as to be thwarting your efforts to push through to the nest level, as well as internal sources, like your lack of belief in yourself, or negative self talk, all designed to distract you and throw you off course. And if that wasn’t enough to distract you, you will notice the media, and your personal devices will increasingly be finding was to keep you from achieving your highest and best. Learn to say, “No,” to distractions and resume you’re looking for opportunities to move closer to what you want.

6. Educate and Correct

Read books, blogs, and when you are able, get an accountability partner or coach. When you start making the move from a comfortable (or tolerable) way of living to a completely new plateau, it’s good to have ideas on how to make the journey. You can get these ideas by reading about who others have made the transition. An accountability partner or coach is like having a co-pilot or being able to check in with the weather service and tower (as if you were flying a plane and wanted to know how the weather might affect your flight and making certain the flight path was clear). Having another set of eyes vested in seeing your dream come true can help immensely, when your vision is limited to the view from your cockpit, allowing you to make important corrections along the way.

7. Question and Listen

Being in a constant state of openness can be highly beneficial. Don’t excommunicate others who might have a valuable tidbit that might be helpful for your journey. Don’t eliminate the possibility of learning from someone else (what to do, or not to do) by immediately discarding someone else’s point of view. Ask questions along the way, and wait for the answers, always being open to hear the input of someone else. Realize that whoever is giving you advice may not have the best answer. Even though they are adamant and passionate, don’t judge them, if their advice does not resonate with you. Realize they are only doing the best they can with what they have. (That person, who may sound like a kook today, may be highly valuable to your journey in the future.)

8. Honor and Gratitude

Honor those who have supported and helped you along the way, with the highest respect and gratitude. For if it were not for them (whether their influence was good, or bad), you would not be on the path that you are on today, and you would not be making the progress you are making to achieve your highest and best. Be gracious, seeing the good in all things (even if they look bad at the time) because they are moving you closer and preparing you for what lies ahead. Give thanks in all things, because this is the journey that gives your life meaning and a reason to live a life better lived.

9. Maintain Your Resources

Keep an adequate awareness about your personal resources which you have for your journey, don’t lost them. You’re going to need them. This includes your own personal health and wellness. Take time out to enjoy the journey, to relax and refuel along the way, because the last thing you want to do is to run out of gas along the way. Do not neglect your body, the vehicle without which you would not have the ability to make the journey at all. Think about keeping it in tip top condition – at least the best condition possible – for your journey. Good health will make the journey so much more enjoyable and satisfying.

10. Give It All You’ve Got

Pursue your goals with passion and heart-felt admiration and love. The more you put in, the more rewarding the payoff, as well as all the milestones between here and there. The less you hold-back, the greater the gain. Be willing to push through when the getting gets rough (as you are likely to meet resistance along the way) and have an exciting story of perseverance when you have made it through.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to traverse this path, follow it through to its logical conclusion and to be a light to others in search of taking on the task of daring to live a better life.

What Are You Attracting?

Ever wonder why things are the way they are in your life?

The people, peculiarities, situations and circumstances that appear in your life do so according to your beckoning. You called all these things into being by the power of your thoughts, or even more powerful: your spoken words.


According to the Law of Attraction, what you think or speak about is what you are attracting to you, even if it your thoughts are in the negative form. For instance, if you were to think, “I want to see a black cat,” or alternatively, “I don’t want to see a black cat,” the universe responds by providing you the opportunity to see a black cat.

If you add an enormous amount of energy to what you don’t want, like emphatically telling all your friends that you don’t want to see a black cat as long as you live, possibly scream it at the sky or pray fervently about how much you never want to see a black cat again, guess what?

You got it: A big black cat… maybe even a barrage of many black cats.

If this is true, then everything in life that surrounds you is a product of your thoughts or the words that escape your lips. And it is likely, the more things you don’t want (especially if you’re enthusiastic about not wanting it and/or clearly express your not wanting it) the more opportunities you have to interact with what you do not want.

What do you want?

The answer is easy: Start thinking about and professing what you do want.

Even religious texts urge us to think about good things, so this is nothing new. For if we focus on the negative, this is what we get, on the other hand if we think only about those things that are good and lovely, beautiful, honorable and bring us joy, then more of these things are added to our life.

Stop thinking, speaking (or even worse: obsessing) about what you don’t want and start focusing intently and enthusiastically about what you do want.

The people who seem to have the best lives, the best luck and attract the best opportunities and circumstances think and speak positively about their expectations and (here’s the next piece) believe these things will come to pass.

You are energy

As much as we’d like to believe that we are flesh and bone, there is a much greater more powerful version of ourselves accompanying us on our journey on this planet. We are actually more energy than we are matter. Our energy emits a certain frequency and everything that exists around us is a perfect match to the energetic frequency we send out.

When you have a powerful, energetic thought which is contrary to your normal frequency or vibration, a powerful burst of energy explodes disrupting the vibration to which you have been so accustom.

While this creates a weak spot in your normal vibrational frequency, it is not enough to permeate your field of vibration for longstanding change.


That is where belief comes in. Thinking and/or speaking disrupts your current vibration and belief sustains the new frequency. In this way, the more you focus on the new thought pattern and the longer you trust or have faith that it will come to pass, the more certain your positive results.

What if I doubt?

Doubt is an explosive energetic demand that the universe return you to your previous vibration or state of affairs. You can correct for this by immediately initiating an emphatic positive affirmation, in essence, changing the channel back to your higher frequency or vibration. Continued doubt, will result in sustaining the old vibration and returning you to that which you’re more used to.

What about the how?

We can get distracted by trying to figure out the how. This is where logic gets in the way of the power of the universe. If we can stay focused on only the end result as non-specifically as possible, this allows the universe to fully engage bringing to us on that which is our highest and best, in ways we may not have been able to imagine, with a far greater end result.

To change your life all you need to do is to change your thoughts/words (the more enthusiastically the better), continue to believe the new results will appear, to be open and allow the details to be delivered in the best way possible, and you will find yourself enjoying having the things you want in your life, the way you want them, or even more.

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Yes, you have had the thought of living a life that is better than the life you’ve lived up ‘til now. Yet, somehow you feel as though living a better life is just beyond your reach.

I can tell you, many people started with similar limiting thoughts, just like yours, and decided to begin living their best life ever, regardless of how they felt unworthy of being blessed with an amazing life.

It will take work, tenacity, commitment. You will need to conjure up enough self-esteem and courage to keep pushing forward when the gravity of your old life tries to drag you back into your old life.

Making a massive change in your life – from mediocrity to magnificence – is not going to be easy, so you have to be ready and willing to do the work.



How do you know you’re ready for change?



You’ve had it up to here


It seems like everything is going wrong, every time you turn around you’re faced with adversity and while you do your best to battle it, more often than not it wins over all your attempts to overcome it. You know minor shifts are not going to get you from where you are to where you want to be. You are dissatisfied, disappointed, frustrated and broken but you’re ready to dig in and do whatever it takes to break through come hell or high water.

Life is a prison


You feel as though your complacent life is holding you back. You feels as though you are restrained from the life you desire and cannot break out of the imprisonment of your own life. But you are beginning to see a glimmer of hope. For if your prison sentence is somehow self-imposed, there is an increasing awareness that you must have access to the key and the time has come for you to orchestrate our prison break.

Life is demanding change


What is with the constant struggle in life? It seems you just can’t get a break or catch your breath, and you’re faced with another change. A job that you liked comes to an unexpected end. Your relationship falls apart. It’s like every time to start to find a little comfort, your world changes, knocking you off-balance. It’s as if the universe is demanding you change or forever resolve to live a constantly difficult life.

Love is lost


Once you had an enormous capacity for love. Love for yourself, your family, your fellow man, the community at large, even the whole world seemed to be full of love. Then, due to changes, challenges and circumstances, your love of others and life diminished, leaving you broken and void of love. Yet within you lies the smallest spark waiting to be fully engulfed in the flame of a greater love that cannot be quenched and you know you have been called to share this love with others.

You’ve had a dream


You have had a dream, a plan, goals and aspirations for your life but just can’t seem to create enough momentum to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Whether it is only now occurring to you or it’s been a lifelong vision of the possibility of living a better life, this dream is calling to you to bring it to pass. The magnetic attraction of this calling is getting stronger, strong enough is it’s pull, that you are ready to embrace a brighter future.

It is your time to become a champion


Whether it is out of a sense of duty, or a highly spiritual motivation, you know it is your time to make the move and begin the transformation, unleashing the champion who lies dormant inside you. You know your life has greater meaning and purpose and the time is now to begin the metamorphosis, fully embracing your gifts, talents, special abilities and sense of purpose in an effort to make the world a better place.

The time is now

When is now the time to take the action necessary to create massive change in your life?

It’s time you became who you know you’ve always been called to be, enjoying all this life has to offer and giving to others in a way that creates a better future and world for you, your family, and the community at large.

You know you can live a better life, live your best life and make the world a better place.

Do it now.
The world needs you now, more than ever.