Suicide for Christmas

On Christmas, this year, people will opt to end their lives. Though it has been rumored that this is when most people commit suicide, the tragic truth is that suicide rates are far more consistent all year long.

While the holidays represent the best things in life to those of us with family and friends, there are others who face life’s greatest challenges at this time of the year. Suicide is a very real growing concern in the world in which we live with one person choosing to end their own life every minute including one veteran suicide each and every hour around the clock.


The holiday season is the most tragic of times for someone to opt-out of this life as we know it by committing suicide on Christmas Day, followed by another surge of self-inflicted death on New Year’s Day.

Such a tragic state of affairs when there is so much love in the air.

What will I be doing this holiday season?

I will be joining with friends to set aside time to make the world a better place by

Sending Love to the World

I am not in the least bit suggesting that you not do other things to reach out to those less fortunate during the holiday season. Indeed, we should continue to help in the every same ways we have in the past, but this year consider augmenting your efforts by

Sending Love to the World


My friends and I will be taking time out of our Christmas Day festivities to take breaks in order to Send Love to the World.

How to Send Love to the World

The idea consists of taking out a few minutes starting at midnight Christmas Eve through midnight Christmas Day to send love to the world. Amidst all the holiday spirit of love and celebration my friends and I will be consciously excusing ourselves to send love to the world.

sending-love-to-the-world-december-25-2016-sendinglovetotheworld-comSending love to the world can take any form you like. It is not a religious activity, but can be if you so desire. It is a decision to take a break from holiday festivities to send mindful thoughts, say a prayer, sing a song or meditate – in any way you see fit – for the benefit of others who may be struggling at the very same time.

I believe this concerted effort of my friends and I will help to raise the overall vibration (which is already high at this time of year), enough so as to be able to help someone consider staving off their feeling that life is too painful to have hope for a better day, at least one more day.

I know that when I’ve felt like I just couldn’t take it one more day, and death would be a pain-free alternative to life… not killing myself has allowed life to show me how amazing it can be.

I would hate to see someone rob themselves from the opportunity of enjoying the best this life has to offer by just giving it one more chance for one more day.

If I’ve ever learned anything, the importance of allowing one more day is the greatest opportunity offered any of us, which more often than not, we take advantage of every waking day.

Top 5 Holidays to Commit Suicide

The top five holidays to commit suicide are 1) Christmas, 2) New Years Day, 3) Thanksgiving Day, 4) Veterans Day, and 5) 4th of July.

Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255.

Remember, everything is always getting better.


Why Do People Commit Suicide?

There is no doubt that the current suicide statistics are off the charts. Suicide is one of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States today. Today 117 people died from suicide, of those 22 of them were Veterans. 30 of the suicide victims were women, while the other 87 men also took their own lives. It not only happened today, but it happens every day in the USA.

why do people commit suicide depression suicide suicidal thoughts commit suicide why do people kill themselves

Why do people commit suicide?

Determining the specific details about why people are actually moved to take their own life is somewhat of a mystery, but many share some of the same characteristics. Depression is the default answer, but since everyone who is depressed does not commit suicide, what do those who actually commit suicide have in common?

Some key components that suicide victims appear to share include pain, loneliness, abuse, guilt, rejection, helplessness, and deep sadness. As we collect more data the answer to, “Why do people kill themselves?” becomes more clear. The single most significant constant appears to be an overwhelming concern of being a burden on others or the community at large.

So, the common feelings among people who commit suicide include:

My life has no value
I have nothing to offer the world
There is no reason to live
The world would be better off without me

The Suicide Attempt 80/20 Rule

Twenty percent, or one out of five people who attempt suicide and fail, will successfully commit suicide in the next five years.

By all means, when reviewing any statistical data on suicide, keep in mind that these are people, not statistics. Resist the temptation to categorize or judge, because any of us at any time could be in a position to feel that not living might be the only way to stop the pain of living.

Here’s the Good News

One out of five people who attempt suicide will change their lives and be living a wildly satisfying, happy, and fulfilled life in the next five years.

You might be surprised to find that it takes the same amount of effort, determination, conviction, and commitment to kill yourself as it does to change your life for the better; in fact, so much better, that the very same person who was willing to commit suicide can enjoy massive success, happiness and live a long and fulfilling life. Consider being a thriving survivor.

Suicidal Thoughts

That said, thoughts of suicide can be the most important indicator that your life is at a critical juncture of dramatic change. The universe is offering you all the desires of your heart fulfilled if you choose to accept the challenge in this moment.

The Suicide Opportunity

This distinct pinpoint in your life indicates the greatest opportunity in your life. It’s as if you are standing on a tightrope suspended over two choices, for it takes the same amount of effort to choose a massively successful life on the one side, or managing the taking of one’s own life on the other. Either way, it takes a great deal of thought, planning and careful execution of your plan to achieve either self-inflicted death or massive success. Sixty percent of those who have attempted suicide will shimmy across the rope without making one of the two decisions, accepting their lot in life, to live out their days doing the best they can with what they have.

If you are considering committing suicide, this is a clear indication that you are at the most important place in your life, the decision that you make in this moment will change your life forever, either for the better or to prove that you refused to take the offer provided you by the universe.

I have worked with many successful people who have been there. Even though for the most part (for obvious reasons) they are unwilling to tell their stories to the general public, so many highly successful people found themselves, staring down the barrel of a gun, holding a handful of pills, contemplating stepping off the chair, or swirling poison in a wine glass.

The best stories start that way.

This is when you decide that

I can have everything I ever wanted
I have a mission and purpose for my life
The giving of my gift to others is my reason to live
I can help to make the world a better place

Instead of planning your suicide by searching for how to commit suicide, or how to kill yourselves painless and easy, maybe consider that you are at the most meaningful crossroads that you will ever face in your life, and you may choose to begin your

Most Amazing Life Ever

If you can’t seem to get a grip on how to stop suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You are in no hurry, talk to someone anonymously first and consider reaching for just one more day because once you decide to kill yourself, the effects can be permanent and you may not get a second chance.

Don’t let your song die

But please, see this as a moment of clarity indicating that your life does have a meaningful purpose, and now is the time to find and begin singing your song to the world.

I would love to congratulate you on your decision to turn your attention to achieving your highest and best.

All it takes is being open to the possibilities and to start living the life you were given to its fullest.

You can do this

May God bless you in all you do