Are You a Shaman?

A Shaman is a spiritually evolved individual who bridges the gap between humans and the course of all life. They possess spiritually advanced sensitivities are often considered to have psychic abilities and are referred to as seers and healers who access the energetic source of all life (God).

A Shaman serves the local and greater community to see life as it is, not as it is presented by social or governing bodies. They possess a higher divine perspective on all things of the earth, the cosmos and are multi-disciplinary explorers of consciousness.

Depending on where the Shaman is located on the earth, he or she may be referred to as a minister, priest or priestess, healer, psychic, medicine man/medicine woman, conjurer, sorcerer, and the like.

Commonly they practice their faith-based spiritual and healing arts outside the realm of academia and outside legal or governmental control as serving a higher authority (God) embracing the separation of church and state.

Natural abilities are inherited or handed down generation to generation and the current spiritual evolution of the human being is seeing these gifts as more accessible by the masses who, if so inclined, may expand their own potential shamanism via study and practice.

Shamanism espouses a greater connection to source with the ability to offer instruction, counseling, transfer insight, messages, or healing via energetic dissemination or exchange with others.

Shamanism is no respecter of sex as women or men can be equally empowered to embrace their shamanistic abilities and to answer their individual calling to such a spiritual mission.

Traditional shamans spend many years as an apprentice with commensurate training in a wide spectrum of religious, spiritual, and esoteric influences along their shamanistic journey, which often include a series of uncommon initiations, rituals, and experiences.

Many a student of shamanism does progress to the stage of being a full shaman but seek only to study shamanistic ways in an effort to expand their own consciousness and connection with source (God).

The study of shamanism is not without risk, as some who have aggressively sought out the ultimate shamanistic experience have crossed-over to the other side leaving their lifeless body in the wake.

Shamans have a special ability to look at things differently, to foresee potential obstacles, and have the ability to pre-navigate to circumvent things that would otherwise be problematic, so they often function in society as advisors, coaches, counselors, consultants, and therapists.

You also see them active in traditional healing arts using their gifts and abilities to augment the healing of their patients, either secretly or openly, depending on their circumstances and local religious, social, legal, or governmental constraints.

Shamans are also able to channel source energy to create individualistic works of art.

They may find their home among any of the arts, including public performance, or more private expressions of art. They may be artists, singers, songwriters, dancers, painters, digital artists, filmmakers, actors, actresses, documentarians, writers, etc.

You may also see them successfully thriving amidst the sciences as researchers, forensics, psychologists, physicists (quantum and otherwise), professors, as well as amidst the therapeutic sciences.

They are highly intelligent, intuitive, sensitive and connected to nature, drawing information and may be in communication with the spiritual world, earth’s elements, flora, and fauna.

What do you think?

Are you a shaman?

God’s Spark in You

Deep inside you, there is a burning ember which is God’s spark in you. Without God’s spark in you, you would no longer be living flesh. You would cease to be if God’s ember were to go out completely.

Having God’s spark in you is what makes you human. You are created with this internal burning ember which is the key to enjoying all this life has for you and living your life to its fullest.

You were born with all this power and potential if only you were allowed by family, peers, and society to fully fan the flames of your God spark and release it in all its glory.

Once you begin to awaken to see there is much more to this life than you could have possibly imagined, you become aware of God’s spark in you. Even if the idea of your having a “God spark” is uncomfortable because you are not cozy with the word, idea, or concept of “God,” it is still there. Without it, your lifeless body would collapse onto the floor.

This God spark is your connection to the infinite source of all love and life allowing you instant access all knowledge (known and unknown) unrestrained by time and space as we (our living bodies and awareness) are.

There is a growing body of scientific evidence which supports the idea of the God spark, which you should investigate on your own if you so desire.

Hidden within your heart is the God spark which enables you to access infinite love and wisdom. It may be difficult for you to fathom or believe it, but nonetheless, it is there. Even if ever so tiny, it continues to burn, if you are alive.

In what I have referred to for many years as The Greatest Conspiracy, “society” controlled by the “powers that be,” is doing everything possible to prevent your fanning the flames of the God spark within you.

You probably think you are just a human being trying to make the best of this life until you die and nothing more. Even so, there is a part of you who yearns for something more. This is the still small voice of God’s spark in you, yearning for release. If you’re like most of us, you disregard your desires for a far better life as childish fantasy, brush away the idea, and settle back into the slavery of humanity.

You have an inner knowingness that your life was meant for something more than the life you’ve been living. You know just like everyone else, yet you are also aware of things that come easier for you than other people, and you notice this about others. It’s as if we all have come to this planet with innate skills and abilities which come naturally to us and make each of us unique.

Often, if you listen to the greatest minds of our time, they have at various times referred to a source from without themselves where they received the most original thought(s) which led them to fantastic ideas, discoveries, creations, and inventions.

The God spark has been attributed as the source of authentic creativity, drawing on information which is not available to the masses.

Deep inside you resides your unique purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) waiting to be embodied by you and released to the world, while you are blessed with the desired of your heart. The reward for your courageously answering the call.

While you may not realize it, the God spark is growing amidst all humanity as we enter a new evolutionary age of the human being.

Not only is the God spark growing, but you may notice a growing population of terrestrial angels who also possess the angelic spark besides.

The world is changing, and so are you.

Your Higher Self

There is that higher part of you which resides off campus which is very much a part of you, just as your mind and your body is a part of you. Some people refer to it as your soul, your spirit, or your higher self. Others maintain that these are all different parts of you, your higher self is that part of you which is both outside the body as well as inside and a part of your body.

This is the divine part of your body which has a fuller knowledge of who you are completely, where you have been, where you are going, and seeks to guide and nurture you as you travel this journey of life. Your higher self knows your purpose, message, passion, and mission in life and desires to see you live your life to the fullest, enjoying all that this life has to offer.

Part (if not the primary focus) of society’s mission of is to program you, to keep you separate from, unaware, and even fearful of your higher self. So, it’s no surprise if you think the idea of having a higher self seems preposterous the first time you hear about it. Nonetheless, it is there, waiting for you.

Whether you are aware of it, or not, your higher self is always there inside you, walking beside you, above and all around you 24/7.

While your mind is more focused on your body’s concerns in the third-dimensional world, your heart, intuition, and your feelings are more connected to your higher self which is more concerned about the big picture of your life.

Because of our social programming, usually, it is our mind which stands between us and our higher selves. Knowing this, your higher self uses your heart, intuition, and feelings to knock on the receptors in your head to urge you to break free from your societal trance.

Every once and a while, it does, and you have clarity, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense, but the more it happens, the more sense it makes. Your higher self will present you with circumstances and decision-making opportunities which will result on realigning yourself with your higher purpose.

These redirections may be unpleasant to the experience of the body but are necessary to recalibrate your life and get you back on track.

At some point, as you become more aware of the existence of your higher self and the divinity of it all, you may seek to take a more proactive role in connecting to your higher self to better accomplish your highest and best.

When you awaken and become aware of your higher self and begin the process of integrating the power of your mind with the power of the superconscious part of you, you make a massive evolutionary shift from a slave of society to master of your own destiny.

You possess the power needed to fully engage in all your gifts, talents, and special abilities to accomplish all the greatest things in this life, to enjoy life to its fullest, filled with love, peace, harmony, and happiness. This is the personal empowerment which affects not only your world but the world at large. This is your true reason for being. This is your destiny.

Knowing that your higher self uses your heart, intuition, and feelings to communicate with you, means you can start trusting and listening to what that part of you is trying to say.

When you want something, and your desire is inspired by your higher self, in the moment that you became aware of your desire for it, it was given to you in all its fullness. The higher part of you can see you already having it because this part of you is unencumbered by the same restrictions of time and space that you are. If you can trust and listen to your higher self, it can guide you through the maze, removing anything which stands between you and your heart’s desires.

You can use your higher self as a compass to help navigate and guide you throughout life, more effectively from where you are to where you want to be.

You know when you are on track when you are feeling good, you know it’s time to readjust your direction when you are not feeling good. When connected to your source, the right track feels good. Trust your feelings.

Just like anything else that you desire in life, good health is waiting for you and your higher self will help guide you to a healthier you, full of joy and longevity as you achieve and receive more from this life than you previously thought possible.

It is not uncommon for those who awaken and maintain this connection to find themselves receiving healing from life-threatening disease with little or no effort by stepping into their divinity.

Quieting your mind and listening for what your higher self has to say to you in the spaces between your thoughts is another way to deeply connect to that part of you which is divine in nature. So, you may see yourself prone to consider taking time out for rest, relaxation, and meditation.

As you allow this relationship to blossom, life will get easier as you start to understand the truth behind what is going on, and you will be able to find joy in all things as you celebrate your newly expanded life.