What is Your Teaching Message?

You’ve heard me talk about your “message” as if there was some divine assignment, which was bestowed upon you by God to fulfill here on Earth, and “the system” is doing everything it can to keep you from sharing that message with the rest of the word. And it’s been so effective that you probably cannot even conceive of what your message might be, right now.

Let me tell you, it is likely there was a time when you knew exactly who you were. When you were very young, you knew who you were and that you had a purpose to fulfill to make the world a better place. But by the time you were six or seven, our sociological system beat it out of you. And by now, you can barely recognize your calling, if at all.

Well, today is the day that you take your life back, the life that is your birthright. The life you’ve come here to live. Today you start fulfilling your life’s purpose and sharing your message to help others and make the world a better place.

Today, you are going to honor your sacred call and start delivering your message, doing the work which you are uniquely qualified to do, and you are going to be making a difference in the world.

But what is your message?

Now, if you already know your message and are in sync with your purpose, then hang on for a minute while we bring the rest of the class up to speed.

For those of you who are having trouble understanding more about your message and your purpose, let’s take a few moments to get you synced up with your life’s mission.

First of all, you have spent your life training in the battlefield of life. So, right here, right now, take out a piece of paper and a writing instrument, and those of you who are using tablets or computers, you can use them, but note that the preference is to hand-write the following list.

Draw a line down the middle of the page, and on the left-hand side of the page, make a list of all the drama and trauma episodes in your life that still leave a sore spot in the center of your stomach when you think of them. And for those of you who have already done this work, just go along through this process with us. You might be surprised to find that you uncover something new, since the last time you performed this inventory.

Write down life situations where you endured challenges and today, you find yourself, if not completely, for the most part, on the other side of the issue,

Did someone make a promise to you? You trusted and believed them, then they stabbed you in the back?

Write it down.

Have you ever been victimized by someone who exerted power over you, intimidated you, or abused you?

Write it down.

Have you ever struggled with anything which you fell victim to, maybe substance abuse, or self-sabotage? Has there been a time in life where you make have been your own worst enemy? What was that about? Write it down.

Has there ever been a time when you felt like your whole world depended on your doing this one thing, and you dropped the ball? Write it down,

Have you ever felt like you’ve been a victim of injustice? In the legal system? Have you been let down by your government? Have you ever felt like you’ve been betrayed by an organization or religious order? Write it down.

Life is a battlefield, and you’ve spent all this time training, fighting the battle, and if you think about it? You’re surprised that you’ve made it this far. I mean, anyone else who would have lived the life that you have lived may not have made it this far.

Why do you think that is?

Could it be that you were divinely selected to help others who may be facing similar challenges in their life, right now?

Now, on the right-hand side of the page, across from your list of drama and trauma, create a positive affirmation about that episode.

An example might be, in the left column it says, something like, “I was a victim of sexual pressure from my boss.” In the right-hand column, you might put something like, “I survived and now possess knowledge and skills I didn’t have before.”

Another example might be, “I trusted by Rabbi, Priest, Pastor, who lied to me, betrayed me, victimized me.” The right-hand column might say something like, “I now have a method to protect myself from abusive religious authority.”

You get the idea.

And even if you haven’t made it all the way to the other side?

Consider what Richard Bach has to say,

“You teach best what you most need to learn.”

That is to say, “Hey, I don’t have all the answers, but I will step out in faith, answer the call, and share what I have learned and continue to share new findings and learn from others while I am doing the work of recovering and helping others in the process.”

This is the beauty of organizations, like the anonymouses. They’re not just for alcoholics, they serve people with challenges with drugs, sex, food, money issues, gambling, love-seekers, low self-esteem, mental health issues, dysfunctional families, prescription meds, workaholics, obsessive behaviors, anger issues, cult members, and the list goes on and on…

And all of these, are people helping people, to the best of their abilities, without judgment. People who have been there, and hold a torch for others to find their way out of the darkness to the best of their abilities.

It takes someone, like you, to start the work, and your work will grow as you reach out and help others in a way that you are uniquely qualified to do so.

For you, according to this list that you have just made, are an expert in these fields of life study.

No one’s saying that you have all the answers, right now, but you can offer hope to those who are wondering if they can make it one more day under the same type of pressure that you endured.

You are the hero of your story and you can be an inspiration for others who are going down a path that is somewhat similar to yours, and if you can spread your message, in essence, sing your song, you will find others humming along, as you give them hope, that maybe one day, they too, can be on the other side of this issue.

Now, you are starting to realize that what looked like chaos, tragedy, and trauma, in the past, was all divinely orchestrated to bring you here, to this time and place, where you start supporting others, your community, and the world, as only you can.

You are amazing!


Share Your Sacred Gift

Sometimes you feel like your life means nothing, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. The exact opposite is true: Your life means everything. You came to this planet with a divine mission, to share your sacred gift.

You’ve felt the tug on your heartstrings. Inside you know you were meant for something more in this life, but you feel unworthy. Any time you even think about having a grander mission, message, or purpose for living, you hear all those negative inner voices telling you all the reasons you are not qualified.

The fact of the matter is that there is no one who is more qualified for you to share your message than you. The most effective method for God to disseminate your message is via someone exactly like you, who have had the experience, witnessed and experienced all the life you have endured.

Perhaps, to you, you think this life has been unfair or cruel and nothing good comes from this life, or any life which has smelled, seen, tasted, heard, or felt the things you know first-hand.

I can tell you this for certain, there are particular people who are in desperate need of receiving your sacred gift, and they would not receive it from anyone else but you. Someone else could use the same words that you might use, but those words would fall on deaf ears because they did not come from your lips, your pen, your keystrokes.

You have felt the same way, haven’t you? Someone tried to tell you something with a kind heart, sensitive, and caring, but their words did not resonate with you because you knew they could not possibly know what you were going through. They just had no real frame of reference.

You might find effective methods of distracting yourself from answering the call by spending time online, out with friends, playing video games, shopping, or other ways to make yourself comfortably numb, in an effort to avoid your inner nudge to step out in faith to make an important contribution to your people, the local community, and the world who desperately need your sacred gift.

You must let go of the things that are holding you back, your negative self-talk, insecurities, and anything else that is preventing you from reaching out in faith. You do not need to be 100% confident in your abilities to fully express your sacred gifts, only courageous enough to step into the void, confident enough to know that God and all his angels will be there to support you and catch you if you fall.

It is more important to do a thing in faith than to have everything set up to be perfect. You and your gift are perfections. It may be awkward at first, but you will find it becoming easier and easier as you answer your divine calling, exercising your gifts and honing your skills along the way.

I was never an exceptional singer or songwriter but that didn’t keep me from using this as a method to communicate at a time when I knew of no other way to reach out to my perspective audience waiting to hear my words. For me, this was a stepping stone that would lead me down a different path, finding new ways to connect with others through writing, counseling, public speaking, teaching, and training.

If I’d let my lack of self-confidence keep me down, I would have never been able to help those I’ve assisted in achieving their highest and best, in only ways that I could have. This is my divine calling.

We do not have to be perfect, only brave enough to trust that something bigger and wiser than we could ever be is at work behind the scenes, and has selected you, and only uniquely you, to accomplish this task.

What if you never answer the call? No problem. You have free will to do, or not to do, things and to live your life in any way you decide. God will use someone else to do the best they can to pick up the slack, but you were God’s first choice.

One of my dearest friends, whom I loved dearly, committed suicide, leaving a note with only these words,

“My life means nothing.”

This was after spending years of fulfilling purpose in the assistance of others with the empowered sharing of sacred gifts, then something happened. I don’t really know the details of what darkness befell my dearest friend, but clearly, it had been too much to bear for another moment, when the following day would have been an altogether new day.

Many people do not cut their life short in such a dramatic way but do spend a great deal of time and effort, sometimes spanning the whole of their lives avoiding their sacred calling.

Will you answer the call today?

Reach out to me, and I and my people will help you get from where you are to where you will be able to honor your sacred fit, and in a sense, sing your song, as only you can sing it.

Your calling is calling you.

Call me.

Your Highest and Best Potential

You have much more potential power than you can possibly imagine unless you are very highly evolved, know, and are in the process of having and being it all. Most of us, mere mortals, are just doing the best we can with what we have, but you could choose to have and be so much more.

Have you reached your true potential? Do you know what your highest and best potential is?

When you start to think about the possibilities which lay ahead of you, different things begin to appear to your consciousness. These are all true potentialities. Your heart brings awareness to your mind’s eye all the desires which you are fully entitled to.

It’s easy to get distracted by the day-to-day details of life and the just-getting-by of it all. It leaves little available bandwidth for imagining a better life for yourself. (And this is no accident. “Society” wants you to remain small, just being a cog in the machine.) I mean, if you’re well over basic survival, what more is there to want for? And if you did want more out of life, there just is no time to consider some legal way to obtain the things you want.

You are the key that unlocks the fullness of your potential in this life.

If you look at the regrets of the aged, what bubbles to the top is the realization that it was they, themselves, that let them down, even though throughout their lives they tried to blame anyone and anything for not achieving their highest and best, in retrospect hindsight is 20/20.

They come to the awareness and accept the responsibility for not living a better life because as they’ve aged they can look back and see that they could have made different choices or taken more inspired action.

These regrets can pile up emotionally and cause disappointment, conflict, and stress to the aging individual leading to their rapid deterioration of health and wellness unless they find proactive ways to fill the void.

If we could learn any lesson from our elders it would be to heed the warning that is echoed in their distress caused over missed opportunities or chances not taken that could have led to a far better life for themselves, their families, their community, and potentially the world at large.

You should have a growing notion that you could live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Faced with this awareness, you can start to make better choices and take inspired action to move you closer to achieving your highest and best, especially if you live in a relatively free society, like we enjoy in the United States, where you have the ability to make choices and take action independently (within the confines of the law of the land).

It can be very helpful for you to start to get in touch with what the potential of your highest and best might entail.

Every tale of success or rags-to-riches story has a base theme where the hero has an inner knowing that he or she was called forth to do something great, something counter-intuitive to the person he or she would have expected based on his or her life up to this point.

There comes the point in time when inspiration meets inspired action. This is that pivotal point in life when the individual faces their fate and jumps in, all in, pushing aside all fear and does whatever it takes to make it happen.

Once you have an idea of what your highest and best consists of, you will be miles ahead in your path to your best life.

You will discover everything in your life has played an integral part in what comprises your calling. Your highest and best is a unique combination of your genetics, your past (both painfully tragic and magically magnificent), how you were raised as a child, what you have learned since then, the body you’ve been blessed with, your unique talents, gifts, and abilities.

You are divinely qualified for your special purpose in this life.

To uncover your divine potential, document your personal inventory. Take a moment and answer these questions…

What have people told you, you’re good at?
What are your gifts, talents, and special abilities?
What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?*
What are your highly-held beliefs?
What inspires you to want to change something or to make a difference?
What do you love more than anything?
What are your deepest desires (your secret wish)?
What would make you feel the most at peace?
What activity can you engage in where time just seems to fly by?
What profession might you like so much that you would do it without getting paid?

Answering these, and other similar, questions can provide you with clues or a specific roadmap leading straight to your highest and best.

* See your Personal SWOT Analysis

You Are Called No Lies

There are two versions of yourself trying to express themselves in your world today. Most of us are allowing the pre-programmed slave of the flesh to dominate our existence. That’s not to say that you’re expressing yourself as a bad person, just that you’re more yielded to the social programming you’ve been subjected to ever since you took your first breath.

The other part of you which remains hidden for the most part is that highly sacred part of yourself that has come to this planet to express itself fully, adding value, sharing and caring for others in expansive growth and change, ushering in increased human performance and evolution.

This higher part of you is the only thing that frightens the powers which seek to control and profit from all the peoples of this world. These are the social engineers who will stop at nothing to get people to believe that we are destined to just play our part in the societies which they have created for us.

They taught your parents how to think, what to believe, and their parents before them, going back countless numbers of generations, to the beginning of humanity.

But the times are a changing, and you are becoming aware of your higher self as he or she longs to be revealed and expressed in all its divinity, which is your purpose in this life, if you let this part of you come forth, answering the call of love.

Recognizing the difference between these two parts of you, you can begin to hear the distinctions which separate the inner voices you hear within. Depending on where you are in your growth and awakening, the pre-programmed inner voice which does not serve your higher purpose dominates because this is the default setting for most humans.

Your higher self will be encouraging you, even daring you to grow and change, while your programmed mind will be giving you every excuse to stay just the way you are and do not aspire toward anything above the status quo.

When your inner voice starts barking limiting excuses, stop listening to them, and start listening to what your heart has to say instead. Stop believing any of the following lies…

You can’t do this.

You can, but your critical inner voice will tell you it’s too hard, or if you try to do something different, it will never last. You’ll just revert to your former self. Maybe someone else did it, but they were luckier than you, or more entitled in some way. You will hear the myriad of excuses about why you are not good enough to see this through. You’re not thin enough, good-looking enough, don’t have appropriate apparel or an adequate car. Your house is not nice enough. You don’t belong to the Country Club, don’t have the right friends, proper pedigree, or education.

All lies, because if you look around, you will find people who are or were far worse off than you would ever think of being who persevered, pushed through and accomplished so much for themselves, their families, and helped to pave the way for others, just like you. That is the truth.

You just want to be comfortable.

Yes, you do deserve to enjoy the comforts of life, unless they are standing between you and your true calling. Let’s face it, it’s much easier kick back on the on the sofa, chill, and watch Netflix than it is to get up, get out, and do something that can impact your life and the lives of others. Who wants to go to the gym and work out, when you can stay at home and relax? Building muscle is not unlike growing outside your comfort zone where al the best things in life are waiting for you. Comfort represents the same ol’ same ol’ which represents mediocrity and complacency for those who are otherwise called to some higher calling.

There must be an easier way.

Growth necessitates change, and change can be uncomfortable. Challenges will abound as you push through to respond to your sacred calling. There will be opposition, and people who you thought had your back may no longer be supportive. There will be times when it’s hard, but there will also be times when answering your call is extremely rewarding, even easy, as your determination to move forward helps enhance your life, affecting the lives of others, and makes the world a better place.

You don’t know what you’re doing.

Okay, any uncharted territory can be scary, when you don’t know exactly what to do or what lies ahead. How many things have you done in your life that you have never done before? If you think about it, your life is full of a succession of firsts, all cumulatively leading to the full life you experience now.

Today you have tools available to you now that you live in the information age. You have access to the tools you need to familiarize yourself with the potential unknown territory, with maps, pictures, video, and lots of data to help you get acclimated to any calling which beckons you forth. There are online recordings, podcasts, vlogs, classes, seminars, summits, and webinars. This puts you miles ahead of generations which went before who were forced to go forth blindly.

Not knowing is not a valid excuse any longer.

You’re not ready, maybe tomorrow.

Procrastination is the thief achieving your highest and best. How can you justify putting off the answering of your sacred call when so much hangs in the balance? Those who are waiting to be introduced to your purpose, message, passion, and mission are neglected or suffering while you put off your taking action, claiming, and stepping into the fullness of your sacred birthright.

Taking that first step leads to taking the next step, even if they’re small steps. Every step is cumulative and brings you closer to the goodness and blessings which is in store for you, others, and the world as you answer the call.

Now is the time to take that step in faith. Don’t let any negative self-talk stand between you and that for which you were created. You are an invaluable part of the coming evolution, and we need you now.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

When you start embracing your life’s purpose, moving in alignment with your mission, sharing your message with passion, you start small. There’s a good chance you’ve already been doing the work you’ve been called to do. God is like that.

God will put you in situations where you can recognize and exercise your special gifts and abilities which are all a part of your unique and individual calling. Ask yourself these 5 questions:

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Do you feel like you just don’t fit in?

If you’re feeling like you just don’t fit in with the rest of society, it is likely that you are marching to a different drummer because you are called to a special purpose with a unique counter-culture message and mission.

No matter how hard you try to cover it up, play nice, and blend in with your peers, something inside you knows this is not the life you came here to live. There is something more. So much more, and it is calling you out.

Sure, you can push it down and cover it up, just like you have in the past, and don’t worry about it too much because God still wants to accomplish this thing, and if you refuse to embrace your calling, God will find someone else. Your right to choose is always honored. You are blessed for all your decisions, and never judged.

2. Are certain people with similar problems drawn to you for support?

If you are seeing a distinct pattern in the types of people with particular problems drawn to you, that’s like the Cosmic Director shining a spotlight on you, and sometimes you get the idea of this being your calling, other times not so much.


Mostly because you second guess yourself, feel inadequate or let that inner voice do whatever it can to talk you out of it. You’ll find some reason that you’re not good or worthy enough to accomplish the work you are being called to.

Yet, all the while, you are still attracting these people to you (who while they come to you for advice, they do not honor you fully for your gift and abilities because you haven’t fully embraced them).

3. Do you find yourself in recurring problematic scenarios?

You may be a problem-solver with world-transforming potential but resign yourself to just being good at your job, or lucky when you step into uncomfortable situations which resolve positively.

You just accept your ability but humbly downplay your potential impact for the greater good because you lack self-confidence or are shy.

Or maybe you find yourself in these situations but refuse to do the work of learning to move through these challenges for your own benefit, as well as being able to help others to do likewise. If this is your choice, it is like that you will continue to find yourself in these circumstances, until you do.

You are potentially a game-changer, not just for your local community but the world at large.

4. Are there things happening in the world that upset you more than others?

You may have been called to be a warrior or champion, standing up for the rights of others, or defending those who are unable to defend themselves.

5. Do you see things differently from other people?

Those whose things differently from their peers are the visionaries, the people who have been called to challenge our belief systems, to break us free from the societal trance the rest of us have fallen victim to,

Again, you let the doubts of your insecurities keep you from moving forward.

Yet, all these types of people who struggle with this inner conflict are drawn to me. This is my calling.

Maybe it’s time for you to come out of the shadows and embrace the life you were blessed to be called to.

I have a gift which allows me to see glimpses of you at your highest and best, and I am unlikely to let you know what I see because to do so would only break your heart if you continue to stand in your own way, preventing you from embracing all you were meant to be, enjoy, live your best life and make the world a better place.

On the other hand, if you are ready to go, and give it all you’ve got, I will be there with you every step of the way.

I Want My Life to Mean Something

Since you come to this planet with a specific purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) it’s no surprise when the desire to seek more meaning in your life arises. Even though the purpose of societization is to control large numbers of people in groups, and to do so it must squelch your awareness of your PMPM, still you awaken from the fog periodically and feel, think, or say, “I want my life to mean something.”

For what is a life without meaning?

To be a productive member of society, you should maintain the prescribed status quo, align yourself with particular groups, and maintain your function as part of the machine. Within the confines of acceptable societal behavior, you may express some individuality (but not too much) as you play your part amidst the herd mentality of the general population.

While this is an extremely effective method of controlling a large group of people, the fact remains that the current version of the human experience has far more potential, and people just like you are awakening to this realization, either querying or insisting that there must be more… and there is… so much more than you’ve been allowed to imagine.

I want my life to mean something

is the beckoning call of your spirit crying out for freedom and empowerment to be uniquely you and to exercise your life’s divine assignment; to live your life on purpose, delivering your unique message (singing your own song) with passion as you pursue and accomplish your own mission while traveling along your life’s journey.

Upon your arrival to this planet you knew your calling, even as a young child, but your family, peers, and educators (as well-trained as they are at subjugating others who might have a tendency to stray from the mainstream), supported by the media and enforced by controlling organizations, were able to stifle your awareness. Usually, by the age of seven, or so, any thoughts you might have had about your purpose, message, passion, and mission, were written or as the wild imaginings of a child or forgotten altogether.

But they never go away.

Your reason for coming here in the first place is to serve and add value to someone, if not everyone else. Your life is full of meaning and desires to express all that you have to offer the local community and the world at large. While there is breath in your lungs and your heart yet beats, your mission is waiting to be embraced and launched.

Your life, the very life that you have lived up to this moment in time, was perfectly aligned for the integration and release of your mission. You were born with specific gifts and special abilities, and along the way, you were afforded the opportunity to amass a wide variety of experience and knowledge in perfect harmony with your life’s message and mission.

This is the meaning you seek in your life.

When you look back at your life from an objective point of view, you can see how all the events of your life, the precious, the good, the bad, and the ugly, all have contributed to making you the person you are today, and you are more qualified to embrace your purpose with passion than ever before.

Those who are waiting for you to make your contribution are praying to hear what it is you have to say.

So, if you’re at the point in your life when you’re looking back at your life and saying, “I want my life to mean something,” then it’s up to you to take the next step. It doesn’t have to be an enormous step but just moving closer to your life’s purpose is worth the effort.

Try to remember who you were before the age of seven, discover and document all those things in life which resonate with you, those activities and thought patterns which seem to come naturally, and time just slips away when your fully engulfed in them. What are your gifts and special abilities? Those things that come easily to you that others are impressed with.

Is there a certain type of people with a particular concern or complaint who seek you out for information, advice, support, or a gentle word? This may be God’s way of telling you what you should be doing on a wider scale.

There is nothing better than living a life aligned with your purpose, message, passion, and mission. This is the life that is calling you to a better life, your best life, and you through your contribution(s) will make the world a better place.

Will you dare to exercise your birthright?

Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything happens for a reason and the reason is you. For without you, would any of this, anything you could possibly witness or experience on this planet, exist at all. This was all, all of creation, created for you.

On the surface, to even think about all of this being created for you seems a bit beyond your cognizant reach, yet you (yes, you) are God’s eyes and ears. You are here to witness creation, all that it is, from an experiential point of view that only you could provide.

Your experience here, along the journey you travel, is unique to you and your experience, and no one but you could survive and thrive in the life you have lived, and the creator is experiencing your life with you in lockstep fashion.

The creator and the greater part of you sees and feels everything you go through in this life, though you, in your physical three-dimensional form, are for the most part ill-equipped to see your life from the perspective of source.

From the perspective of source, there is no time as we know it, and all is known as it could be known as your life has unfolded and will continue to unfold. From this vantage point of clarity the landscape and meaning behind all things, the utter precision and intricate harmonies of all things is perfectly clear.

You, before you came to this planet, were endowed with a divine purpose which includes your unique message which you chose to share with the world. You also possessed your own individual passion, those things in life which you are enthusiastic about, excite you and give you the energy to accomplish your mission in life.

In opposition to your purpose, message, passion, and mission (pmpm) are the people, principalities, and powers who run the social construct and attempt to control and manage our planet and its inhabitants.

These oppositional forces do not want you to have any knowledge of your purpose-message-passion-mission because if the people were to each embrace his or her calling and live their life accordingly it would result in chaos for the powers that be and the controlling an empowered population would be impossible. The ruling regime would no longer be able to function.

The “powers” program our minds via social engineering and by forced medication through the food we eat, air that we breathe, the water we drink, and the medications we voluntarily (or involuntarily) avail ourselves to, effectively prevent us from being aware of our own divine purpose in life.

Even though from birth we are keenly aware of it, by the time a child reaches the age of six or seven, any knowledge of it has been squashed. Even so, the embers of that part of you remains, striving to be revealed, embraced, and released.

Everything Happens for a Reason

You are the reason everything happens for a reason. Everything that happens to you, to someone else, or in the world around you, harkens to that inner part of you which has been squelched and all but snuffed out, giving you the opportunity to call upon your unique gifts, talents, and special abilities which are your birthright.

You have a unique story that only you can tell. I met a newspaper reporter from Salem who said, “There are 100,000 people here in Salem, and everyone has a unique story. Our paper, and I want to make sure every one of them gets documented and recorded.” A lofty goal, indeed, but he (and his paper) was on to something. He was right. Everyone is a hero, a walking miracle, and so much more; a powerful influencer with incredible insight, a purpose in life to share their message with passion and fulfill their life’s mission. Some call it, “Destiny.”

There is a unique and heroic story in you which encompasses all the experiences of your life. In fact, it is the best story ever told. You may not be able to see it all until your life has run its course but after your race is run all things become clear, or you can embrace that part of you now, and begin looking at your life and everything that happens as being in divine order.

The intention of the social engineers to keep a constant barrage of information, situations, and circumstances which confuse you, overwhelm, or make you feel helpless are all part of the social engineering process, to make you believe there is nothing you can do. The flow so constant and unrelenting that it would be next to impossible for you to have the time or attention to stop and look inside yourself for the answer, to understand that you are either an integral part of the answer, or you’re being the solution was your destiny all along.

In this respect, there is no judgment for any of us, for we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. Though, every now and then, one of us awakens to our life’s PMPM, what happens then?

We see these people, recognize them for breaking through to the other side, embracing all they’ve been endowed with and helped to change the world. Some of them we read about in historical documents, or hear about them in the news, while others continue to grow, evolve, live better lives, and make the world a better place with little recognition or pomp and circumstance.

People are awakening at an increasing rate every day and are breaking out of the social construct, continuing to evolve, and affect the world at large. These people know they are the reason all things happen, and they are doing something about it, even if you cannot see the results directly.

If you can step outside of yourself briefly to review the things that have happened in your life, can you recognize that everything happened for a reason? Didn’t every challenge or unexpected circumstance change the direction of your life, even if in the slightest degree, enough to move you closer to something better? Or if now, didn’t you feel something inside you rising up with the desire to do something about it?

Everything in your life that happens to you or around you is either leading you to something better or calling forth the restrained/ignored/denied hero within you which is eager to be acknowledged, embraced, and released.

Now you know everything has led to this moment.

Is something happening to you right now?

If so, is it leading you in a different direction?

Welcome it.

Or, is it calling forth your inner hero?

Let this part of you emerge.

Could it be both?

Now is the time to realize,

Everything happens for a reason

and the reason is you.


What Other People Think or Say

You know you’ve come to this planet with a unique Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM). Yours may not be hugely star-spangled and glorious with your name in lights and a guest spot on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday but yours is just as significant and meaningful, if not more so, because your intention and the effort you exert to communicate and engage with your calling helps to raise the vibration of our planet, encouraging and allowing others to begin to awaken and evolve.

All thanks to you and what you do, because all growth, expansion and inspired action has a cumulative effect on the world. Every inspired heartbeat, display of devotion, encouraging word, loving thought, meditation, smile, or tear shed increases the energy which positively charges our planet for our expansive evolution and makes the world a better place.

In many cases, fear will keep you from doing that thing you’ve been called to do. You’re intimidated by what other people might think of you, so you’re more likely to do what others want you to do, to look, act and try to feel like others expect from you. You’re likely to not pursue a track to your highest and best because of the people you love the most, your family, friends, co-workers, even people you barely even know, because of what they might think.

You spend your life in the service of others, adopting the people-pleaser mentality, for a meager sense of feeling as if you’re doing the right thing, as you neglect your own needs, wants, and desires, in a form of martyrdom. You’re probably engaged in work that is unsatisfying and feeling as if you are not respected or honored for the sacrifices you make on the behalf of others.

What Other People Think or Say

What if I told you that the most powerful people affecting the world for change and evolutionary expansion don’t really care what you, or anyone else, thinks?

If you want to do your thing, stop worrying about what other people think or say.

This is about you, your calling, your contribution to making the world a better place, even if in the smallest way, as you step into the inspiration and power of that which gives your life meaning and allows you to achieve your highest and best.

Loving Me Time

It’s time you carved out some sacred space for you to engage in some loving me time. As you may already have gotten wind of the idea that if you really want love, and to really love others, you have to start by loving yourself.

Dedicate your loving me time to loving yourself, everything about you, from the day you were born until now, and become your own best friend. The more you learn to fill you, your soul, and your life with an empowered higher vibration of love, the more you have to share with others, and the more love, the truest of loves, comes into your life. Turning you into a virtual love generator and love magnet.

From this powerfully love-energized position you are better equipped to positively charge and affect the world around you in your service to others. How much more effective can you be now, when you desire to care for and share with others, as your overflowing love cascades over everything you do?

What if someone puts me down?

When I was a young man, I found a way to make extra money by playing music in bar bands. As a tenor, I was able to harmonize with other band members and add value to the performance. I later decided to do my own music. Intimidated by what people said about my lack of professional singing voice, I surrounded myself with singers who could sing the songs I was writing.

This led to an endless rotation of singers, as well as other musicians, and any chance I might have had to establish “my sound” or make an impact with my music was lost. All because of what someone said about the quality of my singing voice (and my lack of self-confidence).

Later, when I got involved in the ministry, I was so inspired, nothing could stop me from speaking my piece, or singing my songs about God and our relationships with Him and each other. I had to come to the point that I would powerfully pursue my mission to spread love and help others achieve their highest and best, regardless of what other people thought or might say.

As my inspiration, commitment and resolve grew within me, as well as my love for myself and others, embracing my own unique gifts, skills and abilities, I had become bulletproof in my passion and in the expression of my ministry.

Your purpose, message, passion, and mission are your sacred birthright. Nothing anyone could say or do could make that untrue and the onus is on you to embrace your calling and forge your path being true to yourself, sharing your unique skills, gifts, and special abilities, which is the least you can do for being blessed with the opportunity to experience this life.


what other people think or say doesn’t matter.

You are raising the vibration of our planet, encouraging and allowing others to begin to awaken and evolve.

Thank you for everything you do.


I Want to Do Something with My Life

Many people spend the majority of their life not knowing who they are, not realizing they came to this planet with a divine assignment. I have been so blessed to have had an awareness of my unique and solid purpose, message, passion, and mission which has led me on an incredible journey as I have been answering my call to help people achieve their highest and best since high school.

No matter what twists and turns were there in my life, I stayed congruent with my sacred calling, which takes on different forms from time to time, but always boils down to the original underlying theme of helping people achieve their highest and best.

In doing so, I attract people to work with who have come to the point in their life where they are saying,

I Want to Do Something with My Life

When I meet people who want to work with me (and many call on me due to my specific skillsets and special abilities) it is incumbent upon me to be responsible to my calling when approached by someone who may not be a good match for my area of ministry.

While I talk to or enter into an exchange with someone, I am listening for those keywords that resonate with my calling. Invariably the words and phrases they use are similar to, if not precisely,

I Want to Do Something with My Life

Which is not to be confused with, “I need help with my life,” or, “I don’t know who I am,” or even, “I want a better life.” While these are issues and patterns that show up when I am working with my clients (which could include any challenges one might face in life along the way) the key component I am looking for is that of doingness.

It is not enough to want something, you must actually be willing to do something about what you want. If you are willing to do the work, then let’s roll up our sleeves and do this thing together, and I will march alongside you in lockstep fashion to help you achieve your highest and best, whatever that might mean for you.

Regardless of your age, color, or creed, there is something inside you that yearns for expression, making a contribution to the local community, the community at large, or the world. Considering your own mortality, you might like to leave behind something, proof you were here, that your life had meaning.

We are so blessed to be able to have lived this life, it just doesn’t seem right to take it for granted and not want to leave something behind, something that could possibly make the world a better place is some (even if small) way.

Ever wonder why you feel this urge?

It’s because you came to this world with a calling, a purpose, message, passion, and mission specifically fashioned for you and your life. And you knew exactly what it was, what you were sent here to do, from the moment you were able to think. Now, later in life, you still feel the calling, but you can’t figure out why, and you ask, “If I have such a calling,”

Why don’t I know?

Unfortunately, society and social programming (including parents, other family members, friends, teachers, role models, mentors, the government, and the legal system) has programmed you not to wonder about such things, and if you do… well, that would just be too silly or nonsensical to even dignify with any logical response.

Still, as human beings continue to evolve and the lifeforce inside us continues to grow and emerge, the social programming is becoming less effective. Not a problem for the powers who want to keep you from evolving, their tactic to prevent your evolution is to flood your mind with so much entertainment, information, news, and data, that you couldn’t possibly have time nor the attention to have an original thought, let alone to get in touch with that inner, most sacred, part of you which longs to commune with you, see your life come to fruition, and have meaning.

You’re too busy.

You don’t have the time, nor the resources to even conceive of such a thing as to look for your life having meaning. What it is is what it is, and that must suffice. You lived a good life, you were not a bad person, and you did the best you could with what you have, and God bless you for that.

Still, you can hear the second hand on the clock ticking and wondering if there’s something more… There’s that still small voice calling… and unfortunately, you don’t know when you will no longer have the chance.

A dear friend and former mentor came to me and said,

I Want to Do Something with My Life

This is someone I’d looked up to admired throughout much of my life, as we worked together in the ministry right out of high school. He had a wonderful life, a successful business, and he was revered as an expert by many, still, he felt as though something was missing. So, with my help, we set out to have him write and publish a book.

I was holding his freshly finished manuscript in my hands when I received the call that he had passed away.

You never know when your time is going to run out. We all leave something behind, and we will continue to live in the memories of the people whose lives we have touched, and we may leave our mark on social media, or in other ways when our time has come.

You might even be honored as a hero in memoriam, like Aaron, who left us from his post in Afghanistan at a mere twenty-years-old. He left behind hundreds of people who knew and adored him, as well as some of his adventures as documented on social media and the Internet. We didn’t know, he didn’t know, no one really knows, until the time has come.

The fact remains, if there is still breath in you, there is still hope that you can discover, connect, and fulfill your purpose, message, passion, and mission, if you dare.

According to the legal community, “If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.” Shouldn’t your life be documented?

Think about it…

Could you have lived the life you have lived, if it wasn’t for the benefit of others?

No. Every breath you’ve taken, every step you have taken, has led you to this point in time, and if you are ready, you are saying with the rest of us,

I Want to Do Something with My Life

What will you do about it?

What is my life’s purpose?

Wandering through life you may ask yourself, “What is my life’s purpose?”


Depending upon the life that you’ve lived up to this moment, the answer may – or may not – be obvious. Fortunately for me, I have lived a life in harmony with my life’s purpose, which I have been aware of from an early age.

Others have lived a life unempowered by their sense of purpose, instead being coached by parents, family and friends to focus their efforts on a worthwhile career so they could have a reasonable chance of being able to survive in this rough and tumble world.

It’s not uncommon for someone to be able to remember what their purpose was early in life, only to have it regarded as fanciful folly, as they were urged to spend their time thinking more responsibly with feet placed firmly on the ground.

As you grow in age and responsibility, your sense of purpose slowly fades away…

Until the day comes when you realize that all the things you fought for, the money, the cars, the jobs, the relationships, all the things that you believed in and thought would bring you a sense of belonging and purpose, leave you feeling little fulfillment, as you discover happiness remains elusive.

Still, as you look back through your life up to this point, you’re likely to find clues and have endured a precise succession of experiences designed to reintegrate you with your purpose. In this case, you can see a higher power gently nudging and preparing you for this moment.

While you have not originally focused on your life’s purpose, your purpose has never left you behind and has attracted challenges and circumstances to align you with your purpose, having trained you for this unbeknownst to you.

Ever wonder why you started asking the question, “What is my life’s purpose?” now?

This is how the higher power works. It is no coincidence that you have come to this place at this time, as these moments have been divinely conceived and executed. You have trained and you are ready to fully engage in your life’s purpose.

As you begin to reorganize your life to accommodate answering the call and accepting your life’s charge, you begin to feel a growing sense of meaning which has eluded you until this time and place.

You have a knowingness that you are doing something meaningful with your life and as you take responsibility for singing your song, that song that is uniquely attuned to your mission and message, gratitude and joy begins to well up inside.

Your heart fills with love which spills out to the lives of those who are close to you and fuels your desire to contribute to the greater good and the community at large.

You discover the time has come to Live a Better Life, Your Best Life and Make the World a Better Place.

It’s never to late to start aligning yourself with your purpose, though it does take courage to do so, regardless of what the Nay sayers may have to say about it.

Why would people who appear to care about you not want you to pursue your life’s purpose?

The answer is this:

They, too, have neglected their life purpose. If they could allow themselves to concede that you – or anyone, for that matter – could possibly have a higher purpose in life.


Because that would mean that they, too, would have a higher purpose… and their conscious mind and their life could not accommodate such a thought (at this time).

It’s okay, you can do this without their approval.

Thank them for their support and have the courage to do that thing you were called to do.