Reprogram Your DNA via Meditation

Your basic DNA is naturally inherited from your parents, but you do not have to be the victim of your parent’s DNA. You can reprogram your DNA by many methods, but one of the easiest ways to reprogram your DNA is by meditating.

Reprogram Your DNA via Meditation

Meditation is known to extend life, but it also alters your DNA in a positive way for greater quality of life and longevity. It is the type of process that can affect future generations, and the most inexpensive method of reprogramming your DNA (it is free) is growing in America today.

The regular practice of meditation extends the telomeres at the end of the DNA strands which is a huge determinant of one’s lifespan.

If both of your parents were regular meditators, they have passed the health benefits and markers for living a longer life onto you by way of their DNA. Likewise, if you have meditated regularly for seven years prior to conception, you will pass these genes onto your unborn child.

Meditative practices also counteract the aging process by rejuvenating and preventing the deterioration of human cells in aging individuals. Meditating every day is like taking a dip in the fountain of youth.

There are many forms of meditation and the practice is referred to in many ways. You might call it prayer, quiet focused attention, introspection, reflection, deep thought, or no thought.

It doesn’t take long, just a few minutes a day in the beginning and the end of the day are enough to start reprogramming your DNA.

I recommend and use the Sending Love to the World guided meditation because it not only aligns me and reprograms my DNA but it also sends positive love energy to my family, friends, my community, the state where I live, the whole country, and abroad to make the world a better place.

You can find my Sending Love to the World meditation online or at

There are so many ways to enter into a meditative state. You must find the one(s) that resonate with you best.

There you go. In just a few minutes together, you have learned three secrets to reprogram your DNA (1. Stress Response, 2. Calorie Restriction, and 3. Meditation) for, well, maybe not immortality because that is a different subject and would take much longer to tackle. But these three secret techniques can increase the life you have left by 30%, just like that.

This is my basic formula for living a long life and being able to pass this work on to future generations, either informationally by spreading the word, or genetically if you are fortunate to start early enough in life.

So, here’s to you, and your new extended life. You don’t have to stop here, keep going, expand your knowledgebase, to extend your life even more.

If you are interested, you might like to enroll in the Immortality Life Extension Masterclass at St. Paul’s Free University, or any other course of study that will help you to continue this process, setting you free from the aging process that plagues your family and peers.


Reprogram Your DNA via Calorie Restriction

There are a great many ways you can take charge of and reprogram your DNA for longevity. Yes, you can experience life extension and live a longer, happier life by initiating a bt of calorie restriction.

If you can dial back your daily calorie intake you can enjoy a longer life. You can increase the remainder of your lifespan by 30% by eating one meal every three days. Let’s take a look at calorie restriction for life expansion.

Reprogram Your DNA via Calorie Restriction

You might be surprised to discover that calorie restriction is also a key to longevity, but it is true, and it is not that much different from the stress response. By restricting your calorie intake daily, you induce a bit of stress on your biological system and it responds by calling on the other body’s resources to survive.

Over time, as your DNA is reprogrammed to genetically respond to your calorie restriction, your body grows ever stronger… and is equipped to live even longer.

This reaction strengthens your immune system and reduces the otherwise normal deterioration of your biological system by harnessing the quantity of your diet each day.

You may have had some experience with counting calories in some fashion of diet control in the past. If you already have experience with that skillset, use it to you your advantage now.

Intermittent Fasting

I know, the idea of intermittent casting sounds counter-intuitive, especially since as far back as you remember you have been programmed to believe that three meals per day were necessary for basic survival.

This is one of those things that you will have to research for yourself and decide if you want to take action or let this opportunity for reprogramming your DNA for a longer life pass you by.

Intermittent fasting can be as simple as skipping one meal every day.

Skip 1 Meal a Day

The best results appear to come from skipping the evening meal. This places more time between dinner (supper) and breakfast in the morning, it also increases the body’s nighttime rejuvenation process by reducing the drain of digestion during sleep.

This may be the easiest way to reduce caloric intake and reprogramming your DNA by skipping a meal, and there are so many other youth-revigorating benefits from skipping the evening meal, this could be the best key to unlocking the fountain of youth.

Eat Once Every 3 Days

Many youth seekers and life extenders are raising the bar or intermittent fasting so high, so as to eat only one meal every three days. At first, this may seem like it is incredibly unsound, but if you think about it, our ancestors, when they lived to be hundreds of years old, food was not readily available throughout the year, and some sources of protein were few and far between.

So, to survive, they would only eat once every three days, and they lived incredibly long lives; hundreds of years. Doe this today and you could reprogram your DNA and increase the remainder of your life by 30% in years.

Of course, the food that we eat today is devoid of the classic vitamins, minerals, and proteins, so if you are considering any form of intermittent fasting, it is imperative that you use supplements to assure that you are getting the proper nutrients.

As in all things, managing your diet is on you. It is up to you to decide what kind of caloric restriction(s) you will impose upon yourself. For me, I am quite content by cutting what I had previously considered my normal intake of food in half.

You Can Reprogram Your DNA

In the seven years, I was a part of the DNA project, I learned a great deal, that what we put in our bodies, and how we live, affects and changes our DNA, and we pass this onto our children.

In the meantime, we can start reprogramming our DNA for maximizing each and every day for the rest of our lives, and the possibilities for changing your DNA for increasing your longevity and vitality are vast and nearly endless.

What? Your dad died of an aneurism at age 54, and your mom died of heart failure at 72? Do you think that determines your lifespan?

Trauma and its effects on the human body can visit future generations via the DNA, so you have inherited multigenerational trauma from your biological parents, and so much more. You might have been able to blame your parents before today, but from this day forward, no more.

You can control your genetic predisposition to allergies, addictive behavior, or depression, and maladies such as obesity, diabetes, failing gut health, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer, just to name a few.

Prepare to let go of all that DNA and psychological programming, right now, because you are taking back your life, right down to the DNA, today, right now.

Reprogramming Your DNA

From this point forward, your life will never be the same. You could pretend that you did not have this information, but once you have had access to it, you can never make it go away. You can deny it, and pretend you never had access to it, but the future, your future, and the future of generations is now in your hands because now you know that even if you do nothing, you are programming your DNA. By default, if you do nothing to reprogram it, then the world around you will continue to do all the programming for you.

Now, you can start to initiate and run psychological and physiological routines to run in the background that will do the heavy lifting of reprogramming your DNA. Together, you and I can start reprogramming our DNA for greater health, including resistance to disease which may have plagued our parents or ancestors.

If you choose to do so, you can join me and others as self-engineering DNA re-programmers.

7 to 14-year Commitment

Reprogramming your DNA does not happen overnight. It will take 7 years to reprogram the first pass through your entire DNA. The next 7 years reinforce and solidify the changes you’ve made. So, this is a 14-year commitment to making it through this process.

I know, everyone is like, what if I miss a day?

It’s like, there you go, already setting yourself up for failure, but know that missing a day is going to have little or no effect on your DNA. Even if you completely bail out of your DNA reprogramming project, you will still enjoy the benefits of going as far as you have. Of course, the changes you have made to your DNA while engaged in the process will fade over time, as your DNA reverts to its prior state. But for more permanent results, you will need to be prepared for this 14-year span for maximum and long-standing benefits.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins

It’s no secret that before you get started in the reprogramming of your DNA, that you will need the basic raw materials to do the work and be able to sustain the process over time. The minimal requirement for your body to do this work is to have all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your physiology needs to do this sacred work.

It’s also no secret that the food which most of us have access do not have the proper nutrients to supply our bodies with the vitamins, minerals, and proteins that we need to get the job done. So, we are going to have to find ways to supplement to help make up the difference and give us the edge that we need to start tweaking our DNA positively.

I cannot tell you what to take, or where to get it. But I know that we have resources and access to supplements in this day and age that we haven’t had access to since the days when our ancestors lived off the land, and they are much easier to get ahold of today.

It’s up to you to figure out what sources and proportions of vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your body needs. And know this: Your body and your DNA will respond as you are blessed by the energies of all that is because you are reclaiming your life in a way that is sacred and true to you.


Self-engineering Reprogramming Your Own DNA

After being in a 7-year-long DNA reprogramming trial, I became aware of the fact that much of your DNA may be reprogrammed by you and me. This is in stark contrast to the idea that we are victims of our DNA, that we are doomed to suffer the fate of our parents because they passed their DNA onto us, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Unfortunately for me, I learned about this technology long after passing on my DNA to my children, but I have hope that they can grasp this technology and consciously make an effort to change their DNA to pass along to our further generations to come.

In those seven years, I learned a great deal, that what we put in our bodies, and how we live, affects and changes our DNA, and we pass this onto our children.

So, Mary and I bundled up our DNA and this was our gift to our children. Knowing what I know now, we could have done better, but we didn’t have this knowledge when we were passing on our genes to our offspring. We, like the rest of us, we’re just doing the best we could with what we had at the time.

Increased Longevity by DNA Alteration

What I can do, is to take what I’ve learned and take action upon it. I can initiate psychological and physiological subroutines that will allow me to outlive my biological parents and the generations that lived before me. I can be healthier and live longer by tweaking my own DNA on my own.

And you can be your own self-engineering DNA re-programmer as well.

If you want to live a longer life, there are things you can do that are known to reprogram your DNA for healthy, vibrant longevity.

7 Year Cycle

It takes seven years to complete one cycle of DNA reprogramming. The next seven years, if your reprogramming is unaltered will help to solidify your programming efforts. So, you will need at least a fourteen-year span to see this through. Although any efforts you make towards reprogramming your DNA will enhance your life for the time you have focused on doing so, though they will begin to fade, and your DNA will begin to revert to its previous state.

1. Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins

The basic building blocks are necessary for building a healthy, reprogrammable DNA structure. At the very least, you will need to have the basic nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, the raw materials that are mandatory for taking charge of your own genetic restructuring.

The vitamins and minerals that our bodies require are unavailable in the food that is available to our population these days, so we must supplement. It is up to you to determine what your body needs as the minimal requirements of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. No one can tell you this.

Everything that I have discovered about what your doctor or the FDA might tell you about what nutrients your body needs does not seem adequate, nor does it sound like good advice to me, but you must investigate these things and decide for yourself, and source your vitamins, minerals, and proteins to the best of your ability.

2. Stress Response

Being exposed to stress, physiologically, and psychologically, helps to exercise the regeneration response of the body to strive to survive longer. It’s as if

What doesn’t kill you makes you live longer

This is the least glamorous thing you can do for life extension, because who wants to regularly subject themselves to stress to have a longer life?

It is not just meeting stressors head-on that is the key to longer life, it is how you respond to it which holds the keys to vital longevity.

Note that unresolved trauma hides in the DNA and the physiological effects will be passed on to the next generation. So, resolving repressed trauma is the only way to prevent it from visiting your future family line.

If your general disposition is to exercise a fight or flight response, this will help you to avoid the immediate pitfalls of the stressful circumstance. In this scenario, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and there’s nothing wrong with that. This may be the key to making it another day.

If instead, you can respond to any stressors you might face with a calm knowing that the entire universe is in balance and that all things to which you might be exposed are all here to increase your life expectancy in perfect harmony… now you are on the path to immortality.

Every time you initiate this peaceful and serene response to stress, your DNA is reprogrammed for longer life.

3. Calorie Restriction

Reducing your calorie intake is not dissimilar to the stress response. It does send signals to the brain and the entire physiological system that something is not right, and so it calls on the other mechanisms to strive to survive.

This strengthens the immune response and reduces the deterioration of the physiological being by exercising it daily in response to the calorie restriction.

Again, it is up to you to determine what your caloric intake will look like on a daily basis. For me, I think cutting my normal intake in half feels tight to me.

4. Meditate

Meditative processes are a known way to extend life. It doesn’t take long, just a few minutes a day in the beginning and the end of the day are enough to start reprogramming your DNA.

There are so many ways to enter into a meditative state. You must find the one(s) that resonate with you best.

There you go.

This is my basic formula for living a long life, and being able to pass this work on to future generations, if you start it early enough.