Make Your Dream Come True or Not

I know you’re hearing people tell you that you should, “Do what you love,” and the most optimistic encouragers might add, “and the money will come.” While a good part of my work is helping people find their passions and monetizing them, when you hear someone say you can make a fortune doing what you love (which is true) you may have noticed that while it sounds so good at first, something inside you is making you feel like this is not true. You can make your dream come true or not.

Both thoughts are right. While it’s true that you can do what you love and get paid handsomely for it, it is also true that you might not be able to make a dime doing what you love.

When I meet people and they have an idea about the work I do, most of them tell me they have this great invention, business idea, or unwritten book that will change the world and will make a bazillion dollars overnight. Great!

These are the kinds of people that I work with every day, but most of them disqualify themselves as a prospective client by answering the following questions:

1. What have you done today to promote your project?
(Talking to me doesn’t count.)
2. What have you invested in your project before today?
3. What other projects have you completed in the past?

If you don’t have passionately positive answers to these three basic questions, you are a dreamer. No problem with dreamers; we love them, we need them, life would be lackluster without the dreamers in our lives.

Not to be dissuaded by feeling like their answers may have disqualified them, they usually follow up with something like, “No, I don’t want to do it. I want you to do it; you can even put your name on it. I just want you to do it because you’re the master doer. You make things happen. Just do my thing and we’ll split the bazillion dollars 50/50.”

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are serial marketing money making masters who are always searching for the next thing they can exploit, make as much money as they can, then bail out and go on to the next thing. These are not the kinds of people that I work with (okay, maybe I do work with some people, like that).

My preference is to empower someone who is passionate about their project, mission, or message, and they’re actively doing something about it.

Make Your Dream Come True

You can make your dream come true; no doubt about it. I see it all the time, people making their dreams come true, and there’s little more satisfying for me than being able to watch the transformation take place in real time. But the key to making your dreams come true is found in the first (most important) word, “Make,” your dreams come true.
Just like you can’t just imagine a chocolate cake, or repeat the affirmation, “I am enjoying the chocolate cake which is materializing in hands,” and expect it to materialize before you, like magic (although, this can happen, it takes more than just imagination and affirming statements), so it is with your dream; you must “Make,” your dream come true.

The manifesters and creators are busy doing the work of making their dreams true. This is “the secret” to their success; they do the work of making their dreams come true every day.

Everything is Energy

Energy creates all things and if you’re a fan of Einstein, you know that Energy equals MC squared. M represents mass; that means you must have something to work with. C represents speed (the speed of light in a vacuum). So you need something physical to start with, and speed; moving in a particular direction… Squared. That means you’re actively moving twice the speed of anyone else. This is the formula for manifesting or creating anything from energy (which everything is).

Even when you hear about an overnight success, you have no idea what work went on that no one was privy to, going on diligently behind the scenes, laying the foundation for the sudden impact of the idea burgeoning into full expression.

There’s nothing glamorous about doing the work of building your dream when it appears to be fruitless. The law of sowing and reaping is never more clearly apparent than in your life as the manifester or creator. You diligently work your project until you reap the reward of your efforts, the juiciest and most satisfying fruit of all.

Or Not

“Oh, that’s too much work for me. I don’t need another job.”

Awesome. Instead, then, focus on your innate skills, what you’re really good at, and do that. If this is your calling, do that. We need you just as much as we need the manifesters and creators and by all means,

Keep Dreaming

You never know when your dream will fall into place, in the perfect planetary alignment, in the right hands at the right moment in space and time.



You’re Making a Difference

We’re all making progress on our respective life journeys, and while we’re in the progress, it’s a good idea to take a moment to review where we’ve been and try to get a better idea about where we’re going.

Chances are you’re feeling a strong sense of congruency with how your life is going, you feel like you’re making a contribution, you are feeling good about your life and life as having a positive future, feeling like the world can be a better place, and you’re just one of the people striving to do your part to make it happen. And happiness? You’re so happy, you downplay it to your family and friends because you don’t want to make them feel bad, see how good their lives could be, or think you’re off your rocker… So, you keep a low profile and try to blend in a little.

Nonetheless, when the alarm goes off, you reach over, turn it off and smile, because today, today is going to be another exciting, great day. Woot woot!

That, in itself, is a pretty good indication that you’re making good progress and you’re headed in the right direction. And while most days start so wonderfully, sometimes, just like anyone else, we go through transitions and changes of mood, too. What then?

Sometimes, when we’re trying to push through a personal level, it can take more time than we’d like it to. Let’s say, you had a goal and gave yourself 90 days to achieve it, but when you get to the third month, you realize you’re not as far along as would have liked to have been. What then?

Journaling sounds like a pain in the butt, but everyone that is on a path similar to ours, swears that whenever they hit a bump in the road or are feeling blue, a wandering through the old journal, infuses them with an indestructible resolve and unbound energy to go the distance.

Nonetheless, you got this, because now, when you pass a mirror, you smile because you know you’re good people and you’re so good with that.

You know you’re living a better life when you can’t remember the last time you had a bad day and you’re making changes in your life naturally, without even thinking about it, and you look forward to challenges, rather than stressing over potential trouble.

You know you’re living your best life when you have no fear or reservations about making new friends and expanding your circle of influence, and the way you integrate with them takes on a whole new flavor.

For instance, if you make a mistake, you don’t start looking for someone or something to blame for it, you just accept that it is what it is, and maybe even find humor in it, while looking for the meaning or hidden treasure inside the experience.

What others think about you doesn’t really matter anymore. They can like you, or not, and you don’t feel like you have anything to prove to anyone, and find comfort in doing the things you enjoy and make you feel good, regardless of what others might think, and you’re exercising your right to establish boundaries and use the word, “no.”

And as you are having an impact on those around you and are taking an active part in making the world a better place, you feel really good about the good work that you are doing.

And just in case you didn’t notice, others are taking notice of your good works and are even starting to comment on your change, growth, and contribution.

As you’re in the process of contributing, you are more concerned about the outcome than the preciseness of the execution, for it is better to do, than not to do. If things don’t go exactly as planned, no problem. Either you or someone else will do it differently the next time.

Goal setting just comes naturally and achievement of those goals comes easier as you find yourself more and more in the flow, and you’re not too concerned with the details that may have prevented execution in the past. Procrastination isn’t even on your radar because you’re a mover and shaker.

And you know what? You are making a difference, and you’re an inspiration.

You can do it.

Keep up the good works.

Put Off Procrastination

Why do today what you can put off tomorrow?

In my line of work, I am blessed to find myself among the movers and shakers of the world. These people are visionary masters who take action and see their dreams burst into vibrant life before their very eyes. To you and I, it looks like magic, but in real life, the only difference between these abundant leaders who manifest miracles and the rest of us, is their propensity to do today what they could have put off tomorrow. In other words, they have an impeccable ability to do.

It doesn’t mean their doingness comes easy. In fact, in many cases it comes at great sacrifice, but they do it nonetheless. They are the doers, and you see their fruits of labor as they continue to take action and help to make the world a better place. Even if their personality is more subdued, their answering to a higher calling precludes and trumps their inclination to hesitate or procrastinate.

What about you? Do you have a tendency to put off until tomorrow what you can do today?
Procrastination is rooted in complacency and lack of motivation. Some people might label such a person as lazy, or a couch potato, if they are more apt to be reluctant to take action. But isn’t that the common vibration all across America today? In general, people just are not as motivated to take massive action anymore. Hell, they’re not even prone to think for themselves anymore. It’s just easier to let someone else deal with it and enjoy what’s left over.

I mean, life in America has gotten a lot easier that it was only a hundred years ago. It’s hard to imagine a world without planes, trains and automobiles. It wasn’t that long ago to suggest living a life with media, computers, instant communications technology and online shopping would have been considered witchcraft or science fiction, and if you persisted, possibly an invitation to change your address to the loony bin.

So it’s easy to hang out with Jack and Diane and get high and watch the tube, two American lovers with nothing better to do, or surf the web, spend countless hours scrolling through social media, or whatever other pastimes might be distracting you from your opportunity to do something.

You have things you want to accomplish, but it seems like it gets harder and harder to get things done, because it seems like there’s just not enough hours in a day anymore. There’s just not enough time to get done, the things that you might like to accomplish. It seems like you’re always in a rush to get things done at the last minute. In fact, if it weren’t for the last minute, you might not do anything at all (and there’s nothing wrong with that).

You look around and think, “What’s the big deal?” as you notice that no one else you know is doing anything, either, so it just must be normal, and it’s good to be normal.
Lucky for us all, there is an amazing example of normal people accomplishing amazingly significant things every day, that they are not able to avoid doing. If you’re not one, find a woman who has given birth to a child, and you will be in the presence of such a person.

This is the ultimate act of creation, to see life magically burst before your eyes.
Was it fun? Hopefully parts of the process was enjoyable, but much of the process was challenging and in those final moments before birth, excruciatingly painful. But she pursued, pushed through, and so did the baby. And in that moment of success, when creator holds her creation in her arms and looks that baby in the eyes… There is no more meaningful moment in this life.

Moments, like this, are experienced by the doers who take action and do the work necessary to see their projects come to life, too.

So what’s keeping you from getting from here to there?

You might begin by looking around at ways in your life where you can tweak your life to create more opportunities to do something noteworthy of significant; maybe something you’ve felt compelled to do, but just thought putting it off would be easier.

If there’s something welling up inside you, and you’re thinking about taking action, maybe start with a simple to do list. This is an easy way to get your feet wet in the arena of productivity. Just by making a list of things you might like to accomplish today. You can ramp up your productivity by assigning a numeric value indicating how important an item is on your list by using a scale of 1 to 10, or 1 to 100, whichever feels better for you. And be diligent about getting the most important things done.

The next step to further improve your list’s efficiency is to take a moment to review what might be involved in accomplishing the things on it. How long will it take? Set aside the time necessary to accomplish specific tasks. The better you get at estimating and making time for things, the more time you will have for other things throughout the day.

As you begin to make changes in your life, you will notice things falling into an organizational arrangement, allowing you to adjust and make changes to maximize your time. The more tidy you are able to keep things around you, the more efficiency will be realized as you continue to streamline your daily activities. At this point, you may want to use some of your newly acquired free time to further streamline your environment. Then make time to reward yourself for doing so.

You are no longer a victim of the ticking clock as you begin to create time for activating your goals, dreams and desires. You’re making simple adjustments and creating more time for you to take the action necessary to prepare for the birth of your dream. If a particular task seems overwhelming, break it down into smaller steps which can be taken a bit at a time. Before you know it, you will have conquered the seemingly impossible as you move closer and closer to your goal and you find yourself on the other side of procrastination, leaving it far behind for those who are more “normal.”

You are accomplishing the most important things earlier in the day, so that you are being able to enjoy the easier tasks as the day goes along, so that you can enjoy more peaceful evenings, and find yourself sleeping better, knowing that you have made progress today.

You are dealing with the issues as they arise. You’re finding ways to take action over feelings of inadequacy, second-guessing, and varying states of emotional stress. Every day, you are better than the day before, and you are emerging as the confident, take charge person you need to be, to make your best contribution to a world waiting to hear your voice.

Map It Out and Do It

Today’s the day you’ve decided to take action and start living a better life. You’ve thought about it, even talked about it but today is the day your entire being, body, soul and spirit, is aligned with the idea of actually taking the action necessary to life a different, wildly meaningful life and contributing to making the world a better place as you humbly differentiate yourself from who you were yesterday.

Taking action unlocks the door to your new life.

What are you going to do?

Today’s the day, but what are you going to do to start living your new life? Then, after you’ve done it, what will you do after that? What about tomorrow or the next day?

While taking action has gotten you through the doorway to your new life, having a detailed plan is the map keeping you on track, getting you from where you are to where you want to be.

You’re taking action and each step (or action) that you take moves you a little closer to the life you desire. Every step is cumulative and moves you closer to where you want to be – if – the step you’re taking is in the direction of what you want. Steps taken this way, or that, are steps taken and are not without value, as these missteps often have meaning, education and knowledge that can be used when you resume your journey to your new life. Taking deliberate steps focused on moving you closer to your destination gets you there more rapidly.

Having a map is an invaluable tool in navigating your life, keeping in mind that you must allow your internal GPS allow for recalculating based on new information as it becomes available along the way. So, if you’re ready (and I know you are) let’s get to mapping out your journey.

Reduced to its simplest form, your map is based on my grandfather’s formula:

What You Want + What You Do = What You Get

Let’s start at the very beginning (a very good place to start), according to grandpa’s formula, you need to know what you want.

What Do You Want?

Doesn’t really matter what you want, long as you know what it is. Whatever your destination is from losing 20 pounds to accumulating a million (or a billion) dollars, and everything in between, you must know where you’re going and have an idea about when you’d like to get there.

By knowing when you want what you want helps to make your thought more real as you move toward it and it begins to materialize. The “when” offers you periodic intervals to review your progress and can keep your observation skills honed on clues to see indications that you are nearing your destination. Without an estimated time of arrival (ETA), you could wander endlessly and be lucky if you ever arrived at all.

Once you have a clear idea about where you want to be and when, write it down. You have to take the idea from the invisible ethers and invite it into your 3D world by delineating it on paper. You can do it on your computer, but I think it’s better to create a physical map that you can hold in your hands as part of the conversion from thought to real world, as well as having a copy on your other devices, so that you can have access to it at any time on any device.

Now that you have a starting point and an ending point on your map, you can chunk your when into manageable sections, that can be reviewed and adjustments made if necessary along the way. Let’s say you wanted to lose 20 pounds in five weeks. Divided into weekly chunks, that would be a weight loss goal of four pounds per week. Every week you can weigh in and see where you are in comparison to where you want to be and decide whether celebration or buckling-down is more prudent for you for the next week.

[Wk 1: 4 LBS] – [Wk 2: 8 LBS] – [Wk 3: 12 LBS] – [Wk 4: 16 LBS] – [Wk 5: 20 LBS]

With manageable chunks or mile markers, you can have maps between each to optimize your advancement along the way. In this example, you might specify a particular diet plan each week to keep your weight loss goals moving the way that you want.

In this manner, each week could have a daily list of things to do to accomplish your goals along the way, such as eating meals of a particular content at specific times with healthy snacks in between and a 20 minute exercise break. At the end of every day you can review your daily progress and celebrate when you’ve successfully completed your daily to-dos, as well as each week’s celebration – including rewards for achievement – for meeting your goals.

Your commitment in the doingness – or taking action – to follow your map will assure you arrive at your destination. Keep moving and maintain a positive attitude. Use whatever skills and tools you have access to in making your dream come true. Use your imagination to visualize you, celebrating at the end of the road. What does it look like, feel like, sound like, smell like and taste like?

Keep On Keepin’ On

Keep it moving. Don’t let nay sayers dissuade you, knock you down or derail your journey. This isn’t about anyone else but you. Certainly things will come up and thwart the best laid plans and intentions, but don’t let it get you down and by all means,

Don’t Quit

To be the hero in your own story, stay focused on the prize even in the face of adversity. No broken hearts or spirits are allowed (for long) decide, “Ain’t nothin’ gonna break-a my stride…” For god’s sake, don’t quit.

You got this.

How to Get What You Want

I’m in the business of helping people achieve their highest and best and this often also means I can help you get what you want. Now, I can’t give it to you. Where would be the fun in that? But I can help point you in the right direction to achieve your goals, dreams and discover how get what you want, though you must do the work yourself.

Looking for a free ride? Okay, there are free rides available for freeloaders, although my clients are what I refer to as “doers.” That is to say they are willing to do the work to achieve their goals and get what they want. You might think, “That’s the hard way,” and indeed there are many ways to get a thing done, though the most intelligent people focus on doing what appears to be hard or overwhelming in the easiest way possible. If you’re in the know, you may find it is not as hard as it seems.

My favorite – and easiest – way to get from where you are to where you want to be is by simply taking

Baby Steps


I mean, think about it; every baby wants to learn to walk, so they start with the smallest wobbliest steps. As difficult and awkward as it is, the stepping process in cumulative, every step makes the next one easier and before you know it, the baby’s walking confidently.

We can apply this same principle to ourselves, and you actually have been doing so your entire life, or else you would still be living in your parent’s home (no disrespect to those who are still living at home, you know what I mean).

One Step a Day

Even if you only took one step a day, eventually you would reach your destination. Some days you could take many steps, or walk a mile bringing you even closer to that which you seek. But even the smallest step brings you closer than you were the day before.

This concept can be applied to anything; obtaining physical items, amazing experiences, good health, healthy relationships, financial health, education, personal satisfaction, increased quality of life, happiness, whatever you want.

While this is a simple concept it is also profound and useless if you do not continue to take action and keep stepping toward what you want.


It is on you to keep yourself accountable for your progress.

If you really want to get from here to there, then by all means track your progress. It not only allows you to see how far you’ve come, but it establishes the reasonable expectation that you will take a step to move you closer to what you want every day, no matter how small.

If you’re serious about getting what you want, you will review your steps every day. Every evening before you call it a night and ready yourself for slumber, ask yourself, “What did I do today?” to move closer to what you want.

In the event that you cannot recollect any step, there is still time. In those final moments do something – anything – that will move you even the slightest bit closer to that which you desire and make a promise to yourself to purposefully move closer tomorrow.

There is no judge or jury here, only your own accountability to yourself.

These daily steps are key to the success of the doers who make things happen and enjoy the best this life has to offer.

What do you have to show for today?

If the answer is “nothing,” then all your wanting is for not and you are not likely to get what you want.

You can do this.

What will you do today?


Sometimes Things Don’t Go as Planned

You may be a doer (you know I love doers, happen to be one myself) and if you are, you may find yourself at risk of finding yourself in awkward situations resulting from your tendency to do a thing (rather than just sit around and talk about it, like other folks).

We all have to deal with fear of the unknown whenever encountering a new opportunity in uncharted territory. While some people allow this fear to overtake them, some of us rise to the challenge, muster up as much courage as possible and forge a new path through an unfamiliar terrain.

While many onlookers watch us in amazement doing things like nobody’s business, they are thinking or caught saying things, like

Wow, I wish I could do that

Or alternatively

Whoa, I’m glad that’s not me

Depending on the circumstance.

Swing batter-batter, swing!

It’s not unlike a batting average. You have to swing at a lot of balls to hit a few out’a the park. The more you swing, the more you are going to totally miss. Some will be good base hits, and a few will be home runs.

Regardless of your confidence level, if you keep swinging, your chances are you will do one of two things

You will achieve a level of success or competence


You will learn something and do things differently next time

Of course, there will be those who will internalize the circumstance, fueled with self-doubt will bail out of the game altogether; never to play again because they believe they were better off not having tried at all.

Nonetheless, there are those moments when things do tend to get awkward, or embarrassing. Not just in business, as we tend to apply these very same stormtrooper methods to other areas of life also.

All the while, our friends continue to look on in amazement, uttering those very same lines, “Wow, I wish I could do that,” or, “Whoa, I’m glad that’s not me.”

Being the doer that I am, I have a laundry list of faux pas that could fuel a career as a stand-up comic, though I remain focused on my personal mission and message. So, I’m more likely to find myself staying on track, rather than try my muster at the local comedy club. But, it is great fun and entertainment to swap stories with other doers who have similar tales to tell.

Although, I’m tempted to relate a few of those stories here for your amusement, I don’t really see any value in memorializing the most awkward or embarrassing moments of my personal and/or professional life. Suffice it to say, that no one who is gathering enough courage to go where no man has gone before (or, at least where the individual has never been before) is likely to do so without dealing with challenges, obstacles or unforeseen occurrences, only to find themselves thinking, “Well,

“That’s not the way I planned it.”

How could anyone have known?

Okay, maybe a little more due diligence may have avoided this or that. Maybe a better background check might have been warranted. Maybe projections were off, finances could have been handled better, packaging or branding should have received more attention, and what is it they say about location, location, location?

The list goes on and on… because hindsight is always 20/20. And this is how we learn.

Sometimes all the education, practicing and planning in the world cannot adequately prepare you for that moment, when you’re staring down the pitcher, noting the position of all the other players on the field. Bases are loaded as you wind-up… It all comes down to this.


That ball travelling at 80 MPH lands smack dab in the pitcher’s mitt.

It happens.

Just as Tennyson wrote, “Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all,”


It is better to have tried and failed, than never to have tried at all.

This is the most common regret of those approaching this life’s exit point: “If only I’d…”

Don’t let this be you.

Dare to do that thing, and…

Don’t quit.