How to Do What You Want

How to do what you want, if you really want to.

Sometimes you want to do something so bad but it just seems too impossible, distant or out of reach. You can feel like you’re unworthy, not educated or qualified enough, or feel like someone else would be better or more respected for doing that thing that you want to do.

Focusing only on the ultimate goal, the end game, can be just too intimidating because it seems so far off or impossible from where you’re standing right now.

You have the power to take complete control over making your dream come true, or not.

What’s the answer to how to do what you want, if you really want to?

Keep the idea of your ultimate goal out there but take your focus and refocus it on taking small steps that lead you closer to your goal. You don’t have to do it all in one fail swoop. Just move a little closer to it each day or each week.

So, what do you want?

Want to live a stress-free life?

Do something relaxing every day, meditate, take a walk in the park, take a bubble bath with scented candles.

Want to start a new, or build a better, business?

Schedule time to research strategies and ideas – being certain to include taking action (not just research) – every week.

Want to write?

Then write. 500 words a day doth a writer make.


You can prioritize whatever you want and if you are moving toward it on a regular basis, sure enough, you’ll get there.

To prioritize and move closer to what you want (what you really, really want), all you have to do is what everyone else does (I know, they make it look so simple. Right? Well, it is).

Do the Doing of It

Make a plan, and do it. The difference between those who take and those who don’t is all in the doing of it.

Let’s say you wanted to publish a novel (you can use these steps to achieve any goal)

1. Write down what you want

Publish a novel

2. Break down your steps in miniature, each one moving you closer

Create a main storyline plot

Create character profiles for key players and their roles
Create an outline of major events (or chapters)

Write the first chapter as a rough draft

Write the second chapter (rough draft)

Followed by subsequent chapters…

Revise each chapter, flushing out the characters, dialogues, and interplay… (one chapter at a time)

Edit each chapter in succession, one-at-a-time.

3. Determine how much time you will have to allocate for moving toward what you want (daily, weekly, monthly)

I will set aside one hour each day to write my novel, a little each day.

4. Make dates with what you want, set times and dates to keep with yourself for the doing

8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. weeknights

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on weekends

There you have it.

Make time every day for the doing, and every day you’re closer than you were the day before. Before you know it, your first novel is ready to submit.

Then you can,


Make Your Dream Come True or Not

I know you’re hearing people tell you that you should, “Do what you love,” and the most optimistic encouragers might add, “and the money will come.” While a good part of my work is helping people find their passions and monetizing them, when you hear someone say you can make a fortune doing what you love (which is true) you may have noticed that while it sounds so good at first, something inside you is making you feel like this is not true. You can make your dream come true or not.

Both thoughts are right. While it’s true that you can do what you love and get paid handsomely for it, it is also true that you might not be able to make a dime doing what you love.

When I meet people and they have an idea about the work I do, most of them tell me they have this great invention, business idea, or unwritten book that will change the world and will make a bazillion dollars overnight. Great!

These are the kinds of people that I work with every day, but most of them disqualify themselves as a prospective client by answering the following questions:

1. What have you done today to promote your project?
(Talking to me doesn’t count.)
2. What have you invested in your project before today?
3. What other projects have you completed in the past?

If you don’t have passionately positive answers to these three basic questions, you are a dreamer. No problem with dreamers; we love them, we need them, life would be lackluster without the dreamers in our lives.

Not to be dissuaded by feeling like their answers may have disqualified them, they usually follow up with something like, “No, I don’t want to do it. I want you to do it; you can even put your name on it. I just want you to do it because you’re the master doer. You make things happen. Just do my thing and we’ll split the bazillion dollars 50/50.”

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are serial marketing money making masters who are always searching for the next thing they can exploit, make as much money as they can, then bail out and go on to the next thing. These are not the kinds of people that I work with (okay, maybe I do work with some people, like that).

My preference is to empower someone who is passionate about their project, mission, or message, and they’re actively doing something about it.

Make Your Dream Come True

You can make your dream come true; no doubt about it. I see it all the time, people making their dreams come true, and there’s little more satisfying for me than being able to watch the transformation take place in real time. But the key to making your dreams come true is found in the first (most important) word, “Make,” your dreams come true.
Just like you can’t just imagine a chocolate cake, or repeat the affirmation, “I am enjoying the chocolate cake which is materializing in hands,” and expect it to materialize before you, like magic (although, this can happen, it takes more than just imagination and affirming statements), so it is with your dream; you must “Make,” your dream come true.

The manifesters and creators are busy doing the work of making their dreams true. This is “the secret” to their success; they do the work of making their dreams come true every day.

Everything is Energy

Energy creates all things and if you’re a fan of Einstein, you know that Energy equals MC squared. M represents mass; that means you must have something to work with. C represents speed (the speed of light in a vacuum). So you need something physical to start with, and speed; moving in a particular direction… Squared. That means you’re actively moving twice the speed of anyone else. This is the formula for manifesting or creating anything from energy (which everything is).

Even when you hear about an overnight success, you have no idea what work went on that no one was privy to, going on diligently behind the scenes, laying the foundation for the sudden impact of the idea burgeoning into full expression.

There’s nothing glamorous about doing the work of building your dream when it appears to be fruitless. The law of sowing and reaping is never more clearly apparent than in your life as the manifester or creator. You diligently work your project until you reap the reward of your efforts, the juiciest and most satisfying fruit of all.

Or Not

“Oh, that’s too much work for me. I don’t need another job.”

Awesome. Instead, then, focus on your innate skills, what you’re really good at, and do that. If this is your calling, do that. We need you just as much as we need the manifesters and creators and by all means,

Keep Dreaming

You never know when your dream will fall into place, in the perfect planetary alignment, in the right hands at the right moment in space and time.



You’re Making a Difference

We’re all making progress on our respective life journeys, and while we’re in the progress, it’s a good idea to take a moment to review where we’ve been and try to get a better idea about where we’re going.

Chances are you’re feeling a strong sense of congruency with how your life is going, you feel like you’re making a contribution, you are feeling good about your life and life as having a positive future, feeling like the world can be a better place, and you’re just one of the people striving to do your part to make it happen. And happiness? You’re so happy, you downplay it to your family and friends because you don’t want to make them feel bad, see how good their lives could be, or think you’re off your rocker… So, you keep a low profile and try to blend in a little.

Nonetheless, when the alarm goes off, you reach over, turn it off and smile, because today, today is going to be another exciting, great day. Woot woot!

That, in itself, is a pretty good indication that you’re making good progress and you’re headed in the right direction. And while most days start so wonderfully, sometimes, just like anyone else, we go through transitions and changes of mood, too. What then?

Sometimes, when we’re trying to push through a personal level, it can take more time than we’d like it to. Let’s say, you had a goal and gave yourself 90 days to achieve it, but when you get to the third month, you realize you’re not as far along as would have liked to have been. What then?

Journaling sounds like a pain in the butt, but everyone that is on a path similar to ours, swears that whenever they hit a bump in the road or are feeling blue, a wandering through the old journal, infuses them with an indestructible resolve and unbound energy to go the distance.

Nonetheless, you got this, because now, when you pass a mirror, you smile because you know you’re good people and you’re so good with that.

You know you’re living a better life when you can’t remember the last time you had a bad day and you’re making changes in your life naturally, without even thinking about it, and you look forward to challenges, rather than stressing over potential trouble.

You know you’re living your best life when you have no fear or reservations about making new friends and expanding your circle of influence, and the way you integrate with them takes on a whole new flavor.

For instance, if you make a mistake, you don’t start looking for someone or something to blame for it, you just accept that it is what it is, and maybe even find humor in it, while looking for the meaning or hidden treasure inside the experience.

What others think about you doesn’t really matter anymore. They can like you, or not, and you don’t feel like you have anything to prove to anyone, and find comfort in doing the things you enjoy and make you feel good, regardless of what others might think, and you’re exercising your right to establish boundaries and use the word, “no.”

And as you are having an impact on those around you and are taking an active part in making the world a better place, you feel really good about the good work that you are doing.

And just in case you didn’t notice, others are taking notice of your good works and are even starting to comment on your change, growth, and contribution.

As you’re in the process of contributing, you are more concerned about the outcome than the preciseness of the execution, for it is better to do, than not to do. If things don’t go exactly as planned, no problem. Either you or someone else will do it differently the next time.

Goal setting just comes naturally and achievement of those goals comes easier as you find yourself more and more in the flow, and you’re not too concerned with the details that may have prevented execution in the past. Procrastination isn’t even on your radar because you’re a mover and shaker.

And you know what? You are making a difference, and you’re an inspiration.

You can do it.

Keep up the good works.

Put the Sexy in Success

In the event that you’d like to make a contribution to your community to help make the world a better place, you might need to find ways to maximize your potential. You will need to find your source of motivation and learn to focus on what it is that you’d like to achieve.

Its fairly easy to imagine the endgame, because you pretty much know what you’d like your contribution to look like, but how do you get there from here? Especially with all the distractions that you face every day. You have a constant barrage of media, devices and the ongoing struggles of life to deal with. How could you ever find the time for the doingness necessary to get something done for the greater good?

First of all, your brain is preoccupied with the needs of your body, and will seek to get your needs satisfied first, and it doesn’t always have your best interests at heart. The struggle for survival, and the potential worrying about it, is one of its primary functions, followed by finding things that feel good, or avoid pain.

Oh, your mind means well, it knows that watching TV feels better than doing homework, a mocha tastes better than lemon water, shopping is more fun than exercising, interacting on social media is better than networking, cake tastes better than raw veggies, and YouTube videos are more entertaining than journaling.

That’s why it’s going to take a conscious effort, care and diligence to get you from where you are to where you want to be. How can you possibly take control of your body and mind stuck in the rapid flow of life’s torrential stream?

Your mind sees anything that resembles work as drudgery. It sees no value in working your day job, except that it is necessary for survival. It will allow you to do what you need to do, but is keenly aware of the approaching lunch breaks or the final tick of the clock indicating that this day is finally over.

You’re going to have to find ways to convince your mind that the things you want to accomplish are meaningful and important enough to make the sacrifices necessary to get some done. Otherwise, the things you want to do to serve the greater community are going to look like more work.

Put the Sexy in Success

What does your mind find gratifying? Entertainment, activities that make you feel good, decorating or finding beauty in your home or surroundings, getting admiration from the opposite sex, and being recognized for doing something good or meaningful, are probably on the top of your list.

Finding ways to connect what you want to accomplish to those things that already fire off those pleasurable synapses in your brain will persuade your mind to support what it is that you want to do.

Don’t allow what you must do to make it happen to look like work. Work is boring. Instead, find ways to make working toward your goal empowering, gorgeous, sexy and delicious. Know that doing the work that is necessary to get from here will give you a great sense of accomplishment, establishing your authority and recognition for your invaluable contribution.

An excellent tool you can use to bridge the gap between here and there is found in something that only we have as humans on this planet, and that is the ability to visualize anything we want using our imagination. For instance, if you were to imagine cutting a lemon in half and taking a big bite out of the center of that imaginary lemon, you’re probably going to find yourself salivating. But there is no lemon. It’s all in your mind. But your visualization of it made your body react as if it was happening in real life.

You can use this same technique to find motivation for accomplishing the necessary steps to achieve your goals and ultimately make the world a better place. Your mind is a powerful manifestation machine and its natural inclination to move away from what you don’t want and toward what makes you feel good, is a tool you can use for your benefit.

Using the power of your mind to visualize you doing the things you must do as being beautiful, sexy, and any other manifestation that makes you feel amazing, even orgasmic, can do the trick. If you can associate doing the things you need to do with the best, most amazing feelings you can imagine, will help motivate you and convince your mind that this is not work, at least not in the mundane, daily grind sense. No this is exciting and the rewards are incredible.

Our head can also wrap its mind around the idea of sacrificing for a period of time to achieve an excellent result later. Like dieting or working out at the gym three times a week (or more) to be more appealing to the opposite sex. You might not like it, but your mind might be willing to make the sacrifice in the interim to achieve the payoff later. As soon as you start to see the results (the extra attention), the easier it is to keep going.

So, you can do the same thing using the same donkey-and-carrot visualization and apply it to your efforts to make your contribution to the planet.

Develop a vision of you achieving your highest and best and see in your mind’s eye the impact having accomplished all that you want to do has had on the world. See and feel the gratitude of others you have blessed with your efforts. You, no doubt, can think of people who have made a significant contribution by doing something (even small but) significant that has had huge impact on society (like refusing to sit in the back of the bus), and they were recognized for making a difference.

See yourself as being recognized and remembered for your contribution.

When you start to sense feeling like whatever you’re doing to accomplish your goals is boring or feeling like work, find ways to connect the dots with the pleasure centers of your brain and make it as exhilarating as possible, and find and embrace the passion and joy inside as you achieve your highest and best and make the world a better place.