Do Dream Then Do

If you do dream then do what is necessary to bring your dream to fruition, it is yours. Having a dream, an illusionary desire or goal that inspires you, makes you feel good when you focus your thoughts upon them is the basis of readying yourself to receive your heart’s desire. If not followed by inspired action, your dream may just remain a fantasy.

Walt Disney taught us all to dream, and the Law of Attraction took us to the next level of transforming a dream to reality, but in general, there was more of an emphasis on the act of dreaming and less on the doing, and currently, there is a wave of thought that promotes the idea that the act of “doing” is counterproductive to manifesting one’s dreams.

Let me ask you this,

If you dream and do nothing,
can your dream come true?


This does happen occasionally, and we have all heard the stories of this happening. When this occurs, it is miraculous, and it affirms our belief in miracles.

If you look at the numbers, miracle manifestation accounts for less than one-tenth of one percent of all dreams that do come true. Just examining the statistics reveals that all the other dreams that come true are followed by generous portions of doingness.

Your act of doing added to your active dreaming greatly enhances your manifestations. Any movement via inspired action moves you closer to your dream, and all steps that you make toward your dream are cumulative.

Every action you take, no matter how small, moves you closer to what you want.

And for those who are in the habit of making their dreams come true repeatedly, they take massive amounts of action steps toward what they want.

These masters of manifestation may look like workaholics to the average fan of the Law of Attraction, but when all this effort may look like hard work to you (some of it is uncomfortable, difficult, or “hard”) to the master of manifestation, it is fun because this work is performed enthusiastically, powered by the passion of seeing one’s dream come to life.

This is the sweet spot of manifestation, and it is where the majority of all dreams that come true happens.

So, by all means, do dream, then do whatever you can to move yourself toward what you want.

You could start by submerging yourself in the vibration of what you want. Like if you want to manifest a yacht you should join a yacht club and start hanging around people to have yachts.

If you want a Mercedes, start collecting Mercedes merch, display it prominently, wear the pin on formal occasions and the T-shirt informally, and hang out with people who already own Mercedes and as you do, you will be moving closer to having one to call your own.

When the club that represents what it is that you want sponsors a fundraiser, volunteer to assist in any way you can. When you are hob-knobbing and rubbing elbows with the people who are actively plugged-in to the things your heart desires, you will be able to take advantage of rare opportunities to manifest even more.

Make opportunities to hang with the people who are already in the full vibrational flow of what you want to have or where you want to be, and you will increase your rate of manifestation exponentially. This is all a part of the inspired doing that you could be accomplishing to get what you want.


Feeling the Draw of the Bow?

You know what you want. It takes an incredible amount of energy to get you from where you are to where you want to be. The moment you have this thought, the universe gets to work to make your dream come true.

God, or the universe, takes your idea from the quiver of life and set your dream into the energetic bow.

You are focused on the target (what you want). Then the master archer pulls back, you can feel yourself moving further and further away from the target. Building the energy required to get you from the bow to deliver you to the target builds as the bow is slowly drawn.

At full draw, you feel like you couldn’t be further from what you want, and you might feel like it’s time to give up and do something else, something more within your reach.

Many people, frustrated with the process routinely dismount, exiting the energetic process.

For those who diligently stay focused during the entire process of the drawing of the bow persist remaining locked into the bow regardless of the feeling of moving away from the target (their dream) trusting in the process in faith.

The master archer continues to draw back on the bow, takes a deep breath, and you’re tempted to feel as though this has been a worthless process. The faithful remain.

Then the universal archer exhales. You’ve come so far, if you can just trust and hang-in-there, even when it doesn’t make any sense. This is your dream, your promise. You hold on, in faith.

The archer releases.


You hear about these people who have trusted the process in the news and the media as being overnight successes, and we cheer. Witnessing this sudden superior flightpath of the arrow precisely securing itself in the target, gives us hope.

We believe, and it is true, that any of us can do it, any one of us can do it.

And you dare to dream. You focus on your target, and God, or the universe, removes your dream from the quiver of life, and sets your arrow into the seat of the bow.

Do you have what it takes to hang on, and fight the odds, your own disbelief, and do what it takes to stay true to the process?

It may take work, a lot of work, time, effort, even blood, sweat, and tears, especially if the amount of energy that must be built up over the drawing of the bow is significant.

It is easy to get discouraged.

Will you be able to maintain the sustenance necessary to withstand the process?

If not, no problem.

The universe still wants to see your dream come to fruition, so if someone else is willing to adopt your dream who is willing to see this thing through, no matter what, they are loaded into the master’s bow.

If they can sustain, they will hit the target.

You can always dream a new dream.

The more you build your strength and commitment to your dream, the longer you can stay in the energy of this process, the better the chance you will be securely in the grip of the master when the grip is released.


You made it.

Top 20 Complaints

Going over the details of the most popular complaints of one-on-one clients last year, one can’t help but wonder if to following Top 20 complaints are congruent with the complaints dealt with by other coaches, counselors, and consultants.

Here are the

Top 20 Complaints

1. I Am Depressed

There was a dominance in the number of people dealing with issues related to depression from a wide variety of root issues. Out emphasis on treating those struggling with depression included non-medical/pharmaceutical approaches to dealing with their issues.

2. Stressed Out

It appears that these days, people are more and more stressed out all the time. Our team of specialists deliver high-end quality results quickly without resorting to pharmaceutical medicines or interventions which relieve stress but result in depression.

3. Loneliness

You wonder how anyone could feel lonely on a planet with seven-and-a-half billion people on it. Nonetheless, due to the lack of authentic connection people are feeling more alone on a consistently increasing basis. With the movement from real-life interactions to digital interactions, it’s no wonder people are feeling disconnected and alone.

4. Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is a constant complaint among those who seek us out for assistance along their life’s journey. Their fears range the gamut, everything from fear of attempting to fix something (for fear of making the issue even worse) to trying something new.

5. Money Matters

This last year was a struggle for many with unexpected changes in the world and money matters of all kinds. There is a great deal of anxiety in areas surrounding finances and struggling with money issues.

6. Unworthiness

It seems with the lack of self-esteem and emotional baggage carried forward from childhood, more people are standing between themselves and all the good things in life that are waiting for them. It takes concerted effort, but our clients are now more confident and living better lives.

7. Fear of Death and Dying

A lot of people have passed away of late from natural causes and from the results of unhealthy lifestyles. Grief is ever-consuming and for those who are left behind, they are reviewing their own lives and fearing their own demise, which is a good thing because there’s still time left for them to make a difference.

8. Life is Not Fair

There are a lot of people who are feeling like they’re unrealistically “under the gun” feeling like they’re being treated unfairly at work, at home, in social circles and even within their own families. We all know that life is not fair, and the good news is that tools and techniques are available to empower you to take charge of your life and turn the unfairness around.

9. Lack of Love

Love is the most powerful energy in the universe and feeling as though you have no love can have you feeling as if you just can’t do it alone. There is so much love for you here. If you’re not feeling loved, we can help you find so much love that is waiting for you and basking in this love will attract even more love to you like a love magnet.

10. Lack of Opportunity

There are those who are looking for the next big thing, maybe they’ve once had a piece of some good action in the past, or maybe they’ve never know riding that amazing winning horse called, “Opportunity.” There is so much opportunity, you don’t even know, and there is an unlimited supply for those who seek it.

11. Lack of Abundance

We all want a better life, but it can be hard to make the ends meet, let alone grasp a handful of abundance here and there along the way. For those who are in the know everything you’ve ever wanted is waiting for you not far off. We can help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

12. Is There a Higher Purpose in Living Life?

There is a higher purpose in life waiting for you. In fact, you were born with your life’s purpose in tact but by the time you were six or seven years old, your family and society had you forgetting it for fitting-in, playing your part in the play of life, and being an effective part of the machine. One of the most important things you can do in life is to awaken to your higher purpose and empower your life full by embroiling yourself in the accomplishment of your divine mission.

13. Lack of Positive Enthusiasm

Positive enthusiasm is also referred to as motivation. No one can motivate you, at least not for very long. We help you find ways to find your motivation and positive enthusiasm from within, placing you back in the driver’s seat of your enthusiastic life (maybe for the first time).

14. Declining Health and Wellness

The world is a crazy place and people are becoming more and more aware that doctors, while they may be necessary to save your life in an emergency, long-term care is not their strongest skill set. Awakening people are seeking out natural alternative resources for increasing health and wellness for a happier and healthier long life.

15. Illusive Happiness

Unhappiness is running rampant in our society. People are so disappointed to be living a good life but never being able to taste real happiness. There is so much potential for true happiness all around you, it’s just that you’re distracted by life and any hope of being happy is just lost in the fog of everyday life. You enjoy otherwise illusive happiness in a heartbeat, increasing your quality of life.

16. Can’t Seem to Get Ahead

Stagnancy is making people feel unsatisfied about their lives as they feel like they’re helpless to change their life for the better. They are commonly stuck in the frequency of the “same ol’ same ol’” drudgery of life in their job, family, personal pursuits, and love life, leading to accepting complacency in life. We help people start living the lives they’ve always wanted and start living a better life every day.

17. Little Sense of Personal Value

Some of us have a sense of skills and talents which we have and contribute to our jobs, the community, and/or our families but rarely, if ever, get recognized for the value we bring to the table. Get ready to realize your life fully charged with all your super powers and special abilities intact.

18. Exhaustion (mental and physical)

You can only take a beating in this life for so long before you start feeling as though you just can’t go on. There are natural supplements and lifestyle changes and tweaks which can put you back in the empowered energy flow of life.

19. Lack of Trust (myself or others)

We’ve all trusted someone and then realized we were foolish to do so. It is disappointing and painful to learn that some people cannot be trusted, and it’s easy to assume that there is no one who can be trusted. Trust betrayal can be an enormous challenge for you. Maybe it’s time to learn how to deal with breaches of trust, healing from the betrayal(s), and learn to trust again.

20. Distressed by Negative News and Media

The negative news and reporting in the news and media can keep you moderating at lower level vibrational frequencies and helps to keep us as people separated and polarized against each other. There is a better way. You can start by not burying your head in the sand, but by taking control of the news and media which you are exposed to.

Make Your Dream Come True or Not

I know you’re hearing people tell you that you should, “Do what you love,” and the most optimistic encouragers might add, “and the money will come.” While a good part of my work is helping people find their passions and monetizing them, when you hear someone say you can make a fortune doing what you love (which is true) you may have noticed that while it sounds so good at first, something inside you is making you feel like this is not true. You can make your dream come true or not.

Both thoughts are right. While it’s true that you can do what you love and get paid handsomely for it, it is also true that you might not be able to make a dime doing what you love.

When I meet people and they have an idea about the work I do, most of them tell me they have this great invention, business idea, or unwritten book that will change the world and will make a bazillion dollars overnight. Great!

These are the kinds of people that I work with every day, but most of them disqualify themselves as a prospective client by answering the following questions:

1. What have you done today to promote your project?
(Talking to me doesn’t count.)
2. What have you invested in your project before today?
3. What other projects have you completed in the past?

If you don’t have passionately positive answers to these three basic questions, you are a dreamer. No problem with dreamers; we love them, we need them, life would be lackluster without the dreamers in our lives.

Not to be dissuaded by feeling like their answers may have disqualified them, they usually follow up with something like, “No, I don’t want to do it. I want you to do it; you can even put your name on it. I just want you to do it because you’re the master doer. You make things happen. Just do my thing and we’ll split the bazillion dollars 50/50.”

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are serial marketing money making masters who are always searching for the next thing they can exploit, make as much money as they can, then bail out and go on to the next thing. These are not the kinds of people that I work with (okay, maybe I do work with some people, like that).

My preference is to empower someone who is passionate about their project, mission, or message, and they’re actively doing something about it.

Make Your Dream Come True

You can make your dream come true; no doubt about it. I see it all the time, people making their dreams come true, and there’s little more satisfying for me than being able to watch the transformation take place in real time. But the key to making your dreams come true is found in the first (most important) word, “Make,” your dreams come true.
Just like you can’t just imagine a chocolate cake, or repeat the affirmation, “I am enjoying the chocolate cake which is materializing in hands,” and expect it to materialize before you, like magic (although, this can happen, it takes more than just imagination and affirming statements), so it is with your dream; you must “Make,” your dream come true.

The manifesters and creators are busy doing the work of making their dreams true. This is “the secret” to their success; they do the work of making their dreams come true every day.

Everything is Energy

Energy creates all things and if you’re a fan of Einstein, you know that Energy equals MC squared. M represents mass; that means you must have something to work with. C represents speed (the speed of light in a vacuum). So you need something physical to start with, and speed; moving in a particular direction… Squared. That means you’re actively moving twice the speed of anyone else. This is the formula for manifesting or creating anything from energy (which everything is).

Even when you hear about an overnight success, you have no idea what work went on that no one was privy to, going on diligently behind the scenes, laying the foundation for the sudden impact of the idea burgeoning into full expression.

There’s nothing glamorous about doing the work of building your dream when it appears to be fruitless. The law of sowing and reaping is never more clearly apparent than in your life as the manifester or creator. You diligently work your project until you reap the reward of your efforts, the juiciest and most satisfying fruit of all.

Or Not

“Oh, that’s too much work for me. I don’t need another job.”

Awesome. Instead, then, focus on your innate skills, what you’re really good at, and do that. If this is your calling, do that. We need you just as much as we need the manifesters and creators and by all means,

Keep Dreaming

You never know when your dream will fall into place, in the perfect planetary alignment, in the right hands at the right moment in space and time.



Those Who Take Action and Those Who Don’t

There are two kinds of people, those who take action and those who don’t. All of the people on this planet are born with a dream, a dream to believe, achieve, be or do something unique and meaningful, but few, very few, do what is necessary to realize their dream; that is to take action.

How can you tell the difference between those who take action and those who don’t take action?

Those who don’t take action are all around you. Wherever you see large groups of people, most of them are just like the majority of the rest of us. They are passive in their pursuit of life. At best, how they spend their time and efforts are basically focused on being a supportive part of the machine, which is integral to the continuation of the machine.

They engage in all the activity the powers behind the machine have given them to distract them from the dream they once had and keep their minds so busy, I mean frantically busy, so they couldn’t have the attention or time to focus on their dream if they had one.

Then there are those who vaguely remember their dream, and think about taking action. These people might even start to research about their dream and taking action to start creating their dream in an attempt to raise their awareness about their dream. They spend the spare moments they are able to glean from the crowded highway of life to research, to increase their knowledge, until they feel confident enough, that they know enough, to take action. But there’s so much to learn. So much information, in fact, that you will never feel like you are informed enough or prepared enough to take action. You’ve spend so much time on preparation and learning that there is no time left for taking action.

Then there are those who boldly take action. You may not know them, personally, but you know who they are. We spend our time and money on them and we focus our attention on them. We watch and support the people who have taken the action to live their dream. We watch them living their dreams in the movies, on TV, on the stage, or on the field. We buy their tickets, play their games, and wear their clothes. We admire the way they think, display their skills, and share their lives with us. We listen to their music, their words, and pay attention to the action they take. We see them, we watch them, we love them and we hate them for what they do.

And what is it that they are doing?
They are living their dream.

Sometimes, we wish we could live a dream, like they have, but feel that we’re just not good enough, or lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time for good fortune to shower down on us, like it did those people. But the truth is,

There are two kinds of people, those who take action and those who don’t.

The people whose work we admire had a dream and took action. In fact, they took massive action.

They didn’t have the time; they didn’t have any more time than you or me. They made the time… Every day.

They’re no better than you, anyone you know, have ever met, or anyone else on this planet. They’re just like you and me.

You might be sitting next to one of them right now. It’s easy to tell the difference between someone who has taken the action to achieve their highest and best and someone who hasn’t. Want to know how?

Ask them what they did today.

You can tell if a dreamer is tracking their dream and taking the action to make it come true by what they did today to move closer to their dream.

Oh, they might talk the talk; talk is cheap. Did they take action, today?

If they did not, they are still a dreamer, and that’s a good thing. Sometimes our dreams are all that we have, and even if we don’t live our dreams, maybe our dreams can inspire someone else to break free from the mob and take action.

It’s so simple. The people, who achieve their dreams, take action to move them closer to their desired outcome every day. Every day.

Just the fact that you have a dream alive inside you means that dream has already come to pass in the future. It’s already there, already a done deal. Your dream is just waiting for you to arrive. And right now, it’s wondering where the hell you are.

Do you have a dream? Are you ready to take the necessary action to achieve your dream, to make it come true once and for all? Are you ready to live your life on the other side of the screen? Not always watching, but becoming the person you were meant to be? To do the things you were called to do?

Then do it.

Yes, study, raise your awareness, courage, and prepare. But don’t get stuck there.

Take action.

Take action every day.

Be the best you can be.

Live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.

Remember Your Dream and Make It Come True

How many of us had a dream of living a better life, but just couldn’t seem to get there?


It just seemed so far away, out of reach, or impossible, because of all the reasons or excuses you could think of that would justify not even trying to a achieve your highest and best. By now, you might have given up on the dream or erased it altogether, just so you wouldn’t be bothered by it any more. Maybe it’s time to remember your dream and make it come true.


That’s right; I said it, “Maybe it’s time to remember your dream and make it come true.”

That’s part of what I do and have been doing pretty much my whole life, in my ministry of helping others achieve their highest and best. There are many paths that lead to realizing your dreams but before you can start your journey to making your dream come true, you must know where you’re going.

Since most of us have forgotten our dream, or have had it beat out of us by family, friends, teachers, other societal influencers and/or naysayers, you must start at the beginning by remembering and recapturing the vision of your dream, which is a projection of what you really want out of life, and you know in your heart that this represents your highest and best.

Try to get a grasp of what your dream was, and if you can’t remember it (which is very possible if you lost track of it very early in life) you retain a sense of it, a longing to be or do something significant, which does not seem possible from your current vantage point, this is your dream.

Your dream may not be complete, but it is there. Like you might know that you’d like to write a song, or a book, but don’t know what type, style or subject matter might be. But you know that creating something using language is in the right direction.

Find a way to give meaning and life to your dream, attach a strong sense of purpose or benefit for you, your friends, family, the community, or the world at large. Make your declaration of the significance so great that it gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment for following through. Answer the question, “Why do I want to do this?” And answer it with meaningful benefits. Attach as much emotional energy to the achievement of your dream, that this sense of purpose will be able to fuel and carry you through those times, when the journey to your dream gets tough. Create a journey-to-my-dream journal, and put your list of whys on the first page. We all hit rough spots in our journey to our dreams; the meaningfulness of the outcome can help you to keep moving toward it and making progress, even if you’re not feeling it.

While keeping your eye on the dream, create mile markers from where you are now that will lead you in the direction of your dream. For instance, if you wanted to be a songwriter, or author, your first mile marker might be something like, “Writing 100 to 400 words every day.” It doesn’t really matter what the content is at this first mile marker. After you’ve accomplished this for a while, you might think about the next mile marker which might mean reading a book about songwriting or writing a book. Keep going, creating new mile markers or goals that lead to your dream, each one getting you closer and closer to realizing your dream.

Make a map, numbering as many sequential mile markers or goals as you can between where you are today and your destination, where your dream is waiting for you to arrive.

Make time to take action. A dream without taking action will never be realized. You need to do the work of taking action, every day. It needn’t be a huge gain in your journey, but even if it’s only the slightest movement in the right direction, you can rest assured that you are closer to your dream than the day before, even if you’re a fraction of an inch closer, you have made progress again today.

If an entire day has gone by and you haven’t had time to contribute something to your journey, do not beat yourself up over it, quickly forgive yourself and be determined to make even more progress tomorrow. A little guilt over not taking any action yesterday might motivate you to do better today.

Be willing and ready to make sacrifices in making progress in the direction of your dream. There are things that you find fun or exciting that keep you from achieving the progress you would otherwise be making. It may be time to put some of these things that could be distractions on-hold, while you’re staying focused on moving toward your goal.

Be aware and willing to make the necessary sacrifices, which might feel like you’re actually giving up something you really like and might make you feel good. Good things like meeting with friends after work, valuable time at the gym. or hanging out with family (having to sacrifice family time in the short-term can be very hard if you have a tight-knit family). There’s nothing bad with these things (and you might miss some really significant life moments) or any other activities, unless they’re taking up time that you could be using to move closer to your dream.

Know that dreams take time to come true and documenting your progress in a journal can be exciting and rewarding. Your path to your dream journal can also come in handy when things are not progressing rapidly or easily. A quick review of your journal can remind you how far you’ve come. Even if it is not very far, you are still closer than when you started, and if you give up now, all your efforts will have been in vain, so rationalize and realize that continuing to forge forward is the only way to assure that you get there. Recall your whys (they should be on the first page of your journal).

Make your journey to your dream as exciting and fun as possible. Try to integrate joy in the process of reaching your mile markers, or goals. You may be surprised as you are reaching or have reached your dream, you might be entertaining the idea of charting a path to a new, even grander, dream. This is normal for dreamers who take action. Once you’ve achieved one, many others appear for you to enjoy, and it’s always easier, once you have one conquered. So, by all means, keep dreaming.

Dream Catcher vs. Dream Smasher

You have found an amazing treasure… the most incredible, life-changing discovery (or one of the most significant treasures, if you’re in the habit of uncovering them often). You are so excited. You can’t wait to share it with the person whom you care about the most.

Have you ever brought something of powerful personal significance home to share with your partner (or to some other Very Important Person, someone whom you give significant importance to in your life) whose first response was one of disregard, or worse to make fun of you for considering any value in the thought, idea or focal point of your inner most emotional connection to your discovery?

How does that make you feel?

How do you feel about your newly discovered treasure now?

How are you feeling about your partner or VIP?

Depending on who you are and who your partner/VIP, you’re likely to either to toss your discovery in the trash and walk away from it, or put it on the back burner, feign respect for your partner/VIP but feel a disconnect from that person. If you’re disconnecting, your respect and affection for your partner/VIP is waning and you find yourself drifting away, especially if this has happened before, or you expect it to happen more often.

This is the conundrum you can find yourself in if you’re in a relationship where the roles played are,

Dream Catcher vs. Dream Smasher

Dream Catcher

Obviously, you are the dream catcher. A dream catcher is so much more than just an optimistic person. The dream catcher is constantly not simply aware of or actively seeking to see the good in things (like the optimist) but is foraging for meaningful, hidden treasure in life (and beyond). These precious treasures, when uncovered attach themselves deeply within the treasure hunter, often including a direct connection to the heart.

Invariably, every dream catcher has a dream smasher lurking in the wings, not far off from where the treasure has been discovered. Sometimes the dream smasher is very close, maybe a friend, roommate or someone you share your most intimate moments, whom you care about, respect and/or love.

Dream Smasher

The dream smasher is more than just a pessimist or a cynic. The dream smasher is compelled to disregard, ridicule, or totally squash your newfound treasure. They are compelled not to just do so once. Try to share another breakthrough of epiphany and they will laugh it off, or otherwise smash your dream again. Why? Because the dream smasher is hard-wired for this dream smashing response.

The dream smasher hard-wiring can be due to a life-long chemical balance in the brain, like that of a psychopath, or it could be learned behavior. Why would someone learn behaving like a dream smasher? The answer is: Fear.

People will smash your dreams out of fear.

Fear that you will follow the dream, and leave them behind.

Fear that you will move forward in some way, which would make them feel bad about their lack of desire to move (in thought, lifestyle, or time and space).

This fear can either be imagined, or based on a life experience when they experienced loss due to someone else who abandoned them for something better. This person will smash anything that threatens any potential loss or disconnect.

Interestingly, the learned behavior dream smasher will smash your dream in an effort to preserve and save your relationship with (and /or dependence on) them, when in reality, it has the opposite effect; refusing to embrace and support another’s precious treasure(s) only causes disconnect and a falling away.

While there is no hope for the psychopath who feels a sense of power and superiority from smashing the dreams of others, there is hope for the dream smasher who is smashing your dreams out of fear.

If you cannot break through the dream smasher’s issues, you will continue to drift apart. If you can break-through, heal and create a more intimate connection, the relationship will continue and may thrive.

You may be able to share your treasures, learn to catch and explore dreams together.

How to See Things Differently

And Make Them Real

The first step in seeing things differently is to see things differently, to actually purposefully see something differently. You can immediately see something different if you can imagine it being different.

Viewing the three dimensional view from your prospective analyzing the data a rendering a conclusion are all thought processes of the conscious mind, alternatively accessing the imagination harnesses the power of the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind which performs logical functions and routines.

It’s like the difference between singing, whistling or humming the melody of your favorite song. You are limited to the capabilities of the physiological capacity of your upper body, which as magnificent as this composite of biological components and characteristics is, is nonetheless limited in comparison to the power of your unconscious mind which can imagine to hear the entire song, all the background instruments, melody, harmonies, all combined, just as though you were actually listening to the recording.


Make It Real

The ability to imagine – or visualize – anything, causes whatever you focus your attention on to become more real.

Imagination is a powerful tool that must be used with care to avoid creating a state of being, circumstances or materialization of that which you do not want.

For instance, if you use your imagination to visualize a positive scenario or circumstance, the positive energy created by your mind, body and inner force field will begin to attract other positive fields in an effort to enable you to see that which you desire in the real world.

On the other hand, if you use the power of your imagination to visualize a negative scenario, the negative energy created from a low level vibration, like fear, will attract and visit you with exactly the outcome you would rather have avoided, or absolutely did not want as a result.

The greatest minds of our time have used their imagination to visualize futuristic – otherwise unimaginable and impossible – systems, processes, products and devices, while we, the buying public enjoy the advancements that all are the result of someone’s vibrant unconscious thought which was first imagined, then was brought to life in the real world for all to behold.

There are several components of successful visualization and manifestation (the realization of that which is imagined in our 3D world). Those who are masterful at both visualization and manifestation combine the number of times that they take time to visualize what they want, with increased supporting data, feeling and exquisite details. And as their imaginary visualization tarries on, they increase its detail, size and see it coming true with all the effects on the person doing the imagining as well as everyone else this visualization could possibly affect when brought to fruition, while increasing the focused time spent visualizing.

This process certainly brings about nearly every major breakthrough, though admittedly, many breakthroughs also occur by accident (this refers to a completely different process), it is the purposeful methodology that we focus on at this time, because you can use it to bring to pass

Your Wildest Dreams and Fantasies


Your Greatest Fears and Disasters

It all depends on how you use this powerful mechanism in your life.

So, if you want to see anything differently, simply do so by visualizing it differently using your imagination. If you really want to make something different do it more often, add more detail and feeling, increase its intensity and do it more often.

Suggestion: If you’re going to utilize this power, keep your focused energies positive.