Vibrational Sabotage

You’re on a path which includes increasing your vibrational frequency, you might be surprised at the vibrational sabotage you are participating in which prevents you from raising your vibration. If the higher vibration is that of love, not being in the love-vibration is keeping you where you are.

If you ever want to know what level of vibration you are at, just look around you. The world as it appears to you, all around you, what you notice, and how you feel is the perfect representation at what level you are vibrating at.

vibrational sabotage

Making decisions in your life based on fear, rather than love, you are cementing yourself at the lower vibrational levels of fear instead of the power of love, where you want to be.

Thought patterns which vibrate in fear go something, like this, “I need something that I don’t have, and I can’t find it anywhere within my reach.” Now you can readjust that powerfully fearful statement of lack by replacing “something” with anything which eludes you, like any physical or material thing, monetary status, social standing, emotional state, state of health or wellness, specifically.

When you think thoughts from an emotional state of lack or fear, you are locking yourself into that lower vibration. A short list of other states of mind which are in the vibration of fear includes anger, suspicion, distrust, anxiety, worry, envy, and comparing yourself and your situations and circumstances with others.

Anything which is not fueled by your pure unconditional love for yourself and others and has an underlying emotional state of not having enough, being unworthy, or feeling as though what you want or what you need is just beyond your reach, you anchor yourself in fear resigning yourself to the struggle for survival.

You are surrounded by, and bombarded with, a constant flow of negativity. Even if you are in a love-or-powerful-vibration, it doesn’t take much negativity to break your state and send you straight into a lower vibration.

For instance, assume you’re watching a positively impactful television program which has your vibration soaring, then during the commercial break, you are exposed to shocking video of starving children or abused animals. This kind of thing happens all day long, at home, during your commute, at work, around the water cooler, from the time you get up ‘til you finally get to sleep. And then, even during sleep, your dreams are invaded by negativity.

Subjecting yourself to negative programming on TV or other streaming media is sure to keep you in those lower vibration, especially if it is violent in nature is vibrational sabotage. When you start paying attention to the vibration of your television programming, you might be shocked by how negative the programming can be in comedies and romantic films and shows, all which will sabotage your vibrational frequency.

Toxic or closed-minded people and their negative topics of conversation, talking behind other people’s backs, discussing what’s wrong with the world, judging others, promoting separation, even talking about how miserable someone’s life is, all can be sabotaging your vibration.

Personal compromise can cause your vibration to sink, rather than staying true to your core values. You know you’re better than this, yet here you are engaging in an activity which does not resonate with you. You can’t help but feel as though you are either being forced to do this or have to fake as though you might agree with this thought or act which you know is beneath you. Find ways to let go of feeling like you need to be sneaky, lie, cheat, steal, withhold information, or cover your ass.

Mind-numbing activities, such as losing yourself in the maze of the Internet, meaningless video games, social media, or streaming media, which just waste away your potentially precious moments of life, all sabotage your vibration.

Other mind-numbing activities which include drinking alcohol, partaking of mind-numbing prescription medications, or getting stoned, all prevent you from being in powerful vibrational states of love and above.

These mind-numbing activities may or may not lead to addiction, which certainly is a concern if you’re interested in not sabotaging your vibration. Other addictive behaviors which may be forms of vibrational sabotage include addiction to drugs, sex, gambling, food, shopping, cell phone interaction, social media, complaining, television viewing or streaming media.

These are just some of the ways you subject yourself to vibrational sabotage which is toxic, thwarting your attempts to attain and maintain higher vibratory states.

You can avoid vibrational sabotage by letting your love filled heart guide you, trusting that all things which you subject yourself to are divine in nature and for your good, even if it doesn’t look like it at the time.

A life lived in the higher vibrational state(s) of love and above, is a life of peace, harmony, ease, and abundance. Raise your vibration and enjoy all the best things this life has in store for you.

What Does Over 200 Look Like?

What about people who maintain a vibrational frequency of over 200, what does there life look like?

Before I answer what your life will look like if you raise your vibration, keep in mind that this is not a competition. This is not a method to use against someone else, to judge or categorize certain kinds of people, this is only for you.

The care and maintenance of your vibration and the frequencies you aspire to on your own individual path of personal growth is your business and yours alone. It’s no one else’s business but yours. Likewise, anyone else’s state of vibration or frequency is their own.

Also note that no one (or very few or us) arrive at a particular frequency and stay there. In most cases, you have a base frequency that we refer to as your set point. This is where you vibrate at most of the time, say 50 percent of the time, while visiting other frequencies, like 20% higher and 30% lower, but returning to your base or set point after experiencing other states for a time.

The goal is to continually expand your awareness, raising your set point as you grow.
So, in respect to your life, and your life only, when you are experiencing higher vibrations over a frequency of 200, you will find yourself…

You are becoming more aware of yourself (who you are, who you have been) and are getting more attuned to listening to you (your heart, your body and your mind). You find a state of awareness, where you can virtually see yourself from outside yourself, as you look in and listen to and witness all your various functions and processes. This is the vantage point where the greatest self-work is done.

Being more aware of your body, you have a greater concern with its care and maintenance and taking responsibility for it yourself (instead of deferring to medical treatment, unless it is necessary). Honoring the body you were given and taking good care of it makes you feel so much more healthy, vital and better. You are more attentive to what you eat, and seek a more nutritious diet.

Being more in touch, listening and aware of your heart connection, makes you far more intuitive than possible at lower vibrations.

You are more aware of and feel a connection to a higher power outside of yourself that is in all things (and you are finding a comfortable way to refer to and honor it, as you might call it God, love, nature, the universe, source, or your higher self, whatever you are comfortable with).

You are more attentive about how you act (what you say and do) and are concerned at how others interpret how you present yourself. You want your life, your message, and your persona to be congruent with what you think and how you feel about life.

You are more concerned about other people, empathetic about what is going on in their lives. You find yourself using your mind to imagine what it must be like to have experienced what other people are going through to answer the question, “Why are they approaching life in this way?” as you try to see (and possibly feel) what it must be like for them from their perspective.

You are more patient and understanding with other people, circumstances and situations in life.

You are open and aware of all the different types of people and points of view and you realize this is all a part of the awesome matrix that makes this life so amazing.
Forgiveness comes easily for yourself and others.

You find yourself coming up with new ideas, creative solutions for advanced problem-solving, and inspiration for making a positive contribution.

Your emotional states are less likely to go to such extremes as you are more comfortable with your life, and adjusted to both the certainties and uncertainties of life. You are finding more ways to essentially go with the flow, than to fight against the current.

You are happier, and more comfortable with sustaining states of joy, as you are more prone to smile, laugh, or see the humor in things that you might find irritating at lower vibrations.

You find yourself more in a natural state of happiness and joy in life, as it is, rather than in commercial endeavors, exploitations or celebrations.

You are more likely to delay pleasurable activities or purchases for a more appropriate time and place.

Discipline and integrity are more important to you as you are raising your vibration.

You are less concerned with yourself, your importance, or rightness as you are becoming more tolerant about life and your interaction with it.

You are less defensive and more tolerant and supportive of the unique perspectives and views of others. You don’t have to be right. In fact you feel a sense of benevolence in letting someone else assert their need to be right, as it is more important to them, where they are in their life’s journey, and you don’t judge them for it.

You are more gracious, finding gratitude in all the things this life provides for you and your loved ones.

You are living life less as a competition and more as a celebration. You are much less likely to be disappointed, and less attached to the importance of material things, self-satisfying indulgences, or even people to whom you may have tethered yourself to at lower vibrations.

You take the time for good self care, as well as looking after others.

Things in life seem to progress more smoothly and more and more you are finding yourself in the right place at the right time, with the appropriate skills or just the right words to speak.

You are more concerned with living in the now, than worrying about the past or fearful of an uncertain future.

Order in all that surrounds you finds a comfortable balance that is tidy, clutter-free but not obsessive.

Your life takes on a sense of purpose and meaning, as you are more aware of your calling, unique message, special purpose or ministry.

You are more confident in yourself and becoming more proficient at recognizing and exercising your special skills and abilities.

Your attention to media takes on a new focus, as you are no longer attracted to the sensation and/or fascination of negative material.

Others are attracted to you, reveal the deep recesses of themselves, and find comfort in your presence and confidence in your advice.

Good things, opportunities, and blessings come easily and are more frequent.

Life is good.

See also: What Do You Mean Under 200?

Love Magnet Vibration

Love is a vibration that when activated acts like a magnet to attract good things to you. Most of us can only maintain the love vibration for short periods of time, due to the interruptions and distractions altering our vibration to lower levels.

love magnet vibration

Love and Above

The longer you can maintain the Love vibration opportunities will abound for increasing your vibrational state even higher. Higher states of vibration include Joy, Peace and Enlightenment.

Striving to maintain the love vibration will attract more love to you like a magnet. You will have more opportunities to love and bless others with your high love frequency. Plus, as a love magnet, you will have the benefit of being closer to even higher frequencies putting joy, peace and enlightenment more readily within reach.

If you imagined your vibration as a spectrum on a number line from 1 to 1,000, Love would populate the center point with a value of 500, to the right would be Joy, Peace and Enlightenment, to the left in descending order would be Logic, Forgiveness, Optimism, Trust, Courage, Pride, Anger, Want, Fear, Grief, Hopelessness, Guilt and Misery.

emotional vibration spectrum as a number line

The spectrum of emotional vibrations on this chart includes the following emotional markers for vibrational states from low level vibration to higher levels of vibratory states: Misery – Guilt – Hopelessness – Grief – Fear – Want – Anger – Pride – Courage – Trust – Optimism – Forgiveness – Logic – Love – Joy – Peace – Enlightenment

Each vibratory state will have a tendency to move to a neighboring state, either higher or lower, creating a standard range. The interruption or distraction disrupting your current state could either plummet or ramp up your vibrational state instantly, depending on the situation, circumstance and/or your emotional response to the disruption.

Most of us, when learning about the death of a loved one would instantly sink to the depths of low-level vibrations, while winning the lottery would rapidly send us higher up the vibrational chart.

Each of us maintains a standard range of emotional vibration, though this range may change periodically throughout your life, depending on the stage of your life in time and space and your relationship with the world.

The prudent life traveler on his/her journey seeks to manage his or her vibratory emotional state, with the intent on raising their standard range of vibration up the chart. My standard range varies between 200 and 500, but I am working on living a better life with a tighter range of 400 to 600 or more. It is a process and just like any other skill in this life, learning to manage one’s emotional state and vibration can be learned, though it is highly individual. So, what works for one traveler may not work the same way for someone else on a different journey.

Whether there exists a worldwide conspiracy to cause regular disruptions to your vibrational state is debatable. The fact remains for those who are focussing on raising their vibration, it appears as though any number of circumstances or influences can break a higher vibration, this could include interaction with other people or exposure to negative media reports among an endless supply of negativity surrounding the general populous.