Energetic Resonance

The interconnectedness of consciousness and energy enables us to experience energetic resonance with others and the world around us. As energetic beings, we are influenced by the vibrations and frequencies emitted by individuals, environments, and even the collective consciousness. By raising our own energetic vibration through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-care, we can positively impact ourselves and the world, contributing to a higher collective resonance.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt an immediate shift in the atmosphere? Or encountered a person whose presence uplifted your spirits and made you feel lighter? These experiences are glimpses into the realm of energetic resonance, where the vibrations and frequencies emitted by individuals, environments, and collective consciousness intertwine and influence our experiences.

Energetic resonance is the phenomenon through which our own energy field interacts and responds to the energies around us. Just as a tuning fork vibrates in harmony when placed near another tuning fork of the same frequency, our energetic being resonates with the vibrations it encounters. This resonance affects us on multiple levels – emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

Every person, object, and space emits a unique energetic signature, a symphony of frequencies that defines its essence. When we come into contact with these energies, we naturally seek out harmonious frequencies that align with our own. Positive and uplifting energies resonate with us, elevating our mood and expanding our consciousness. On the other hand, lower vibrational energies can create a sense of unease or discomfort within us.

Understanding energetic resonance opens a doorway to self-awareness and conscious living. By becoming attuned to the energies we encounter, we gain insights into the influences that shape our experiences and interactions. We can begin to discern which energies support our growth, well-being, and personal transformation, and which ones may hinder or drain us.

To navigate the landscape of energetic resonance, it is crucial to cultivate self-awareness and sensitivity to the subtle energies around us. This involves tuning into our own energy field and noticing the sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise in different environments or when interacting with various individuals. Mindfulness and presence are key tools in this exploration, allowing us to observe and discern the energetic qualities of our experiences.

Practices such as meditation, breathwork, and energy healing can help us attune to our own energy and create a harmonious resonance within ourselves. These practices clear energetic blockages, raise our vibration, and strengthen our ability to discern the energies we encounter. As we become more aligned with our own authentic frequency, we naturally gravitate toward people, places, and experiences that resonate with our higher selves.

Energetic resonance also extends to the collective consciousness, the interconnected web of energies created by humanity as a whole. We are not separate entities but interconnected threads in the grand tapestry of existence. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions contribute to the collective energetic field, influencing and being influenced by it in return. By cultivating positive and uplifting energies within ourselves, we contribute to the collective resonance, creating a ripple effect of transformation and healing.

So, I invite you to explore the fascinating world of energetic resonance. Pay attention to the energies you encounter in your daily life, noticing how they impact your well-being and state of mind. Cultivate practices that support your energetic alignment, and surround yourself with people and environments that uplift and inspire you. As you become more attuned to the energetic dance of resonance, you will discover a deeper connection to the vibrant essence of existence and the profound influence it has on your journey of self-discovery and growth.

Energy The Vibrant Essence of Creation

Energy, the life force that flows through all things, is intimately linked with consciousness. In the quantum realm, energy takes various forms and vibrational frequencies. It is the subtle yet potent force that animates the universe and shapes our reality. This energy exists within and around us, constantly interacting and influencing our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

In the quantum realm, where the fabric of reality is woven, there exists a profound and vibrant essence—energy. Energy is the subtle yet potent force that animates the universe, giving rise to all that we perceive and experience. It is the dance of vibrational frequencies, the symphony that orchestrates the grand tapestry of creation.

In the realm of energy, everything is in constant motion. From the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast cosmic expanses, energy flows and interweaves, forming intricate patterns of existence. It takes various forms and vibrational frequencies, each carrying its own unique signature.

Just as entanglement reveals the interconnectedness of all things, energy serves as the unifying thread that binds the universe together. It permeates every aspect of our reality, from the gentle hum of nature to the pulsating rhythm of our own beings. We are immersed in this energetic web, intricately connected to the vibrant essence of creation.

Our consciousness, too, is intimately entangled with the dance of energy. Our thoughts, emotions, and intentions are not isolated occurrences but rather energetic expressions that reverberate throughout the fabric of existence. Like ripples on the surface of a pond, our energetic vibrations interact with the quantum field, influencing the nature of our experiences.

To harness the power of energy and engage with the vibrant essence of creation, we must become conscious participants in this dance of vibrational frequencies. We can start by cultivating awareness of our own energetic state. Through practices such as meditation, breathwork, and energy healing, we tune into the subtle currents of energy that flow within us.

In meditation, we quiet the mind and enter a state of deep presence. We become attuned to the energetic sensations that arise within our bodies, observing the ebb and flow of energy with gentle curiosity. Through conscious breathing, we draw in revitalizing energy and release stagnant or discordant vibrations, harmonizing our being with the larger energetic symphony of creation.

Energy healing practices, such as Reiki or acupuncture, allow us to access and balance the energetic meridians and centers within our bodies. By working with skilled practitioners, we can release blockages, restore the free flow of energy, and align ourselves with the vibrant currents of life force that permeate the universe.

Beyond our individual energetic exploration, we can also engage with the collective energy field. By consciously directing our thoughts, emotions, and intentions toward love, compassion, and harmony, we contribute to the energetic tapestry of humanity. Our vibrational frequencies ripple outwards, influencing the larger energetic web and shaping the collective reality we co-create.

As we attune to the vibrant essence of creation and engage with the dance of energy, we begin to recognize the profound influence we have on our reality. We understand that we are not passive observers but active participants in the co-creation of our lives. By aligning our thoughts, emotions, and intentions with the highest vibrational frequencies, we tap into the expansive potential that energy offers.

So, I invite you to embrace the vibrant essence of creation and explore the dance of energy within and around you. Cultivate awareness of your energetic state, engage in practices that harmonize and balance your being, and consciously direct your vibrations toward love, joy, and harmony. By doing so, you become an active co-creator, shaping your reality and contributing to the ever-unfolding symphony of the universe’s vibrant essence of creation.

You Are More Space

I know, it’s easy to get all wrapped up in what’s real and what’s not, then that trickles down to what’s right or wrong, good or evil, and if you’re frustrated in knowing that the universe is expanding at an alarming rate, and when you look at our tiny galaxy floating in perfect harmony among all the other galaxies, that can leave you feeling quite small. And if that wasn’t enough, try throwing on, “You are more space than matter,” for size.

You Are More Space Than Matter

You are less than 1% matter, the rest is space. I don’t know about you but this literally blows me away and it a glimmering testament to the magnificence of life on planet earth and our privilege of being able to participate in this amazing journey called life.

We are made up of atoms with a nucleus at its center. Quantum physicists maintain that if the nucleus were the size of a peanut, the atom would be the size of a football stadium and what’s inside? Space. Lots of space.

But what holds us (and everything we believe to be a solid, to have shape or form) together? For quantum physicists, there is a whole lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo going on, which reduced to its simplest form, represents energy.

This is not the energy that you think of when you think about putting batteries into a flashlight or plugging your toaster into the wall, this is energy which mills around in the space in and between the atoms holding them in perfect balance resulting in our ability to interact with the world around us in all its forms.

Your body, if you were to remove the space, would be the size of a dust particle.

The energetic space which accounts for the vastly greater part of you is conscious and consciously connected to all the other space in all the other dimensions, in all the other galaxies in the universe, past, present, and future.

You can start to imagine the possibilities of being connected to an infinite network of consciousness, opening a whole new area of independent and scientific study. Independent researchers who are more sensitive to the energies which surround us, are considered as outside-the-box thinkers but are making discoveries, expanding their consciousness, and are growing by leaps and bounds, even though the fields of independent study of these expansion explorers may not yet be embraced the majority.

It’s like being in the same room with the most advanced technology network which holds the answers to everything, seeing the lights blinking and feeling the surge of the energy underneath your feet, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, and not being able to figure out how to interface, or access any of this infinite information, yet there it is, and there you are in its midst.

Many believe the increase of this conscious connection and the ability to communicate with this infinite energy network is the next step in human evolution.

What do you think?

Stars and Stripes Motivation Fuel

In my work with people and their businesses to increase their prospects in life, I find the underlying motivations for increasing their market share has a long reaching impact on their potential success and sustained longevity in a particular marketplace.


Stars and Stripes

They can be basically represented by two categories, Stars: those who are driven by a desire to achieve fame and/or fortune and alternatively, Stripes: those who are driven by a deep sense of purpose and/or desire to disseminate information, skills, techniques or insights that may significantly impact our planet or its inhabitants.

Stars are those who will do anything to raise their status whether in terms of celebrity or increased cash flow or financial status.

Stripes are compelled or inspired to help others and/or make the world a better place. They would serve the greater good or community regardless of recompense.

All personality types and economic conditions are represented in both categories of Stars and Stripes.

The only significant difference is found within the heart of the individual which fuels the fire of desire.

There are basically two types of fuel that powers the engine enabling a person to take quantitative action toward establishing a particular goal. One is ego-centric, while the other is soul-centered in nature.

The ego-centric fuel burns brightly for the shining Stars but does not sustain power for long requiring more fuel to be added to the motivational furnace. Ego-centric fuel originates from outside the body. It must be measured and obtained from exterior sources, such as the response from, or comparison to, others.

The soul-centered fuel which powers the Stripes comes from within, it may not burn as brightly but sustains a consistent flow of energy that is both efficient and sustainable over long periods of time. Although approval and support from others may increase the ultimate effectiveness of the impact of Stripes, it is unnecessary for sustainable results.

While Stars may leave behind a decent degree of recognition or in the best case scenarios a significant inheritance, Stripes leave behind a legacy and an aura of having made the world a better place, even if only in some small way and may also have acquired substantial wealth doing so.

We may often think that money is the result of hard work or the ability to take from others to achieve a desired result, but money also seems to come to those who are congruent with their sense of purpose and service with a pure heart, if they are open to the idea of receiving. In terms of abundance or the Law of Attraction, the process is effective if worked properly regardless of whether you are a Star or Stripe.

The main difference between Stars and Stripes comes down to the way they feel about what they do.

Stars tend to experience more anxiety and are driven by measuring themselves in comparison to the competition. Always measuring their level of fame or success which may (or may not) sustain the power required for pushing through boundaries with little more than brute strength, leaving one feeling exhausted in trying times.

Stripes experience more peace, a sense of losing track of time because they love what they do, as they focus their efforts to achieve the results they are so compelled to pursue. While they, too, may face obstacles and challenges they keep moving forward with a sense of doing the right thing, though they may tire and reward themselves with a bit of relaxation to regain their composure.

Are you among the Stars or Stripes?

Energetic Exploration

Ever know someone who seems to be an over-achiever possessing almost superhuman abilities to go and go this way and that, with enthusiasm and energy that seems to never run dry?

Their energy generates a magnetic field that attracts new possibilities and opportunities they seize the ones appealing to them as they race past the others. They appear to have the best luck, achieve more than the rest of us and are generally happier most of the time.


And you think, “I want some of that,” as you try to reverse engineer it. Is it the Starbucks? Green tea? Working out at the gym? A magical supplement? Or you wonder if he/she made some kind of deal with the devil?

This energetic magnetic field is created when you spend more time exploring uncharted territory. This unprecedented stamina is the result of continually pushing forward into areas of life that are new, different, challenging and unfamiliar.

It doesn’t take any magic pill or concoction, what it does require is enough raw courage to begin the process of launching your exploration of the unknown.

There is a certain amount of comfort associated with the safety of keeping things the same, at an even keel, surrounded by familiar faces and circumstances (even though they might be undesirable at times) there is an uncanny feeling of security associated with our complacent lives as we continue to feather the nest around us.

Then there are those jumping out of the nest from tree to tree soaring and exploring the vast horizon.

All it requires is you willing to take the leap out of the nest of your comfort zone. Albeit, it doesn’t have to be all at once, you can exit the next the first time as awkwardly as possible. It’s likely that you’ve been in the nest so long there is no one to toss you out, so you’re going to have to do it on your own.

It’s reasonable to experience an amount of trepidation when first launching from the nest, in fact the first attempt may more resemble falling than flying, but it gets easier and you get better at it every time you do it.

I’m a big fan of baby steps. No need to bite off more than you can chew, just make progress between where you are and where you want to be – no matter how small – it still moves you closer to the things you desire and can have, if you close the gap between what you want and that which you possess.

There are some components which can make closing the gap more expedient and efficient; they are courage, determination, planning, commitment and reward.

Courage: We’ve already ascertained courage is required to initiate the process.

Determination: It will take a certain degree of determination – of overcoming the inner dialogue which is resistant to change – to move into uncharted territory. Resist negative self-talk and start affirming your impending better life.

Planning: This represents charting a course from where you are to where you want to be, with mile markers along the way. For instance, if you were travelling from Seattle to New York, you might have significant stops to make along the way, like Spokane, Glacier National Park, Fargo, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, then your final destination of New York.

Commitment: It will take commitment to leave your home and head out for New York with your first goal of making it from Seattle to Spokane, then each other destination successively between where you are and where you want to be. With courage initiate the fortitude necessary to stay true to your journey.

Reward: Make sure to reward yourself and celebrate each charted milestone as a win bringing you closer and closer to the end result of everything you desire.

Of course, I’m using an example of a coast to coast road trip but any goal including subsequent goals can be used with this process.

Allow for the unknown: On any journey the traveler is likely to encounter unforeseen circumstances. Embrace the challenges appearing along the way, conquer them, retain the learning and resume your journey. No need to let a bump in the road to cause you to abort your travel plans altogether.

Ever notice how exciting it is to go on vacation or a road trip to some place you’ve never been before?

At the beginning 3,000 miles seems like a daunting challenge, but moving from milestone to milestone gets you there… and the trip is enjoyable, possibly with stories of challenges that needed to be overcome to get from here to there, but it was exhilarating.

You had more energy, excitement and attracted new possibilities along the way.

This is the life well lived, the secret ingredient, of the energetic explorer.
What do they do when they reach New York? Chart a new path. And you might be surprised to discover they are running many journeys concurrently, ‘ere their overzealous enthusiasm.

How much better does it get?

Unbelievable Truths

In my work with individuals breaking through social barriers, pushing through the limits of leading edge science and technology, experimenting with new thought, expanding awareness and consciousness, I am privy to ideas and concepts that are in direct contrast to mainstream thought and ideals.

This has put me smack dab in the middle of situations, circumstances and to actually witness unbelievable – if not impossible – results. I don’t know if you’ve ever been exposed to quantum mechanics and/or quantum theory, but I have the privilege of commiserating with these mind-bending researchers and scientists (and to tell you the truth, some of the concepts that they share are well beyond my comprehension). Some of the discoveries that are being made are challenging everything we’ve ever known or believed.

unbelievable truths science fiction technology that became real

It’s difficult to deal with having your world being rocked with higher revelation of concepts that we believe to be fantasy or science fiction. What occurs to me is that we are living in a time of science fiction becoming reality. It wasn’t long ago when we watched science fiction movies and TV shows with flip phones, hand held computers, 3D virtual reality devices, etc… all here, right now, in real time. These advancements were once thought to be impossible, now are here.

These leading edge new thought advancements infiltrate all technologies, industries, daily living concepts, spiritual thoughts and ideas. Data is being downloaded and bestowed upon certain individuals (everyone from Noah to Tesla and beyond) that could potentially change the world as we know it.

I am aware of technology in existence today (and has been for many years) eliminating the need for our accepted forms of energy consumption, systems and devices exist (working models) that provide electricity that are independent and not connected to the grid. Cars, trucks and other industrial vehicles powered by anything (you wouldn’t believe what) but petroleum-based fuel.

Even traditional medical thought is being rattled by these unbelievable advancements, quickly discarded as snake oil or con games, yet individuals who were once greatly diseased and dying are now healthy and flourishing without traditional medical intervention or designer drugs.

It seems like, more and more, almost every day, I realize that ideas, concepts, truths and facts that I was taught since a very early age, are not as authentic as the emerging data that is trickling down to those with more open minds… and I find my own mind opening. Can’t say that I am impressed with the false information I was force-fed, apparently in an effort to prevent me from thinking that things could be different that I’ve been led to believe.

It appears (though I am no expert on this) that although we (you and I) are for the most part unaware of these advancements, there are factions within (and concurrently without) our government with a working knowledge of all these thoughts and alternative technologies. Though they may be utilized in secrecy within covert operations, the masses are protected (prevented) from having access to these technologies.

Yet, there are some individuals who feel so passionate about telling the truth, that they will risk their reputations, subject themselves to rejection, ridicule and possibly premature death due to “natural causes” in an effort to reveal the truth.

It is a widely held belief that individuals in the last moments of their lives are delusional; this presupposes that any death bed confessions made in someone’s final moments are to be discounted as the ridiculous wild ramblings of the near-dead. Just laugh it off, they’re just saying that in an effort to have the last word, as if the “jokes on you.” Or is it truth they knew they would be silenced for speaking? Left to its self, it could be crazy ranting, but if it lined up with other emerging data… don’t things become curiouser and curiouser?

Certainly there exists certain conspiracy theories, but it does cause one to contemplate if everything we have been led to believe to be true is a conspiracy.

What do you think?