Transformational Energy Drain

You’re growing, expanding, evolving, and you can feel every cell of your body alive for the first time, feeling as though you may be invincible and live forever. The last thing on your mind is a potential transformational energy drain. You’re on top of the world, then all of a sudden, without notice, BLAM! Every ounce of energy you had is gone. You feel as though the vital energy you felt just yesterday has been totally drained and you are overwhelmingly fatigued.

The energy necessary to transform from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 is enormous and different phases of metamorphosis require more or less energy to complete the transformation of each phase, and your body’s energy storage capacity can be taxed heavily to get the job done. During these times, you can feel as though the bottom dropped out of your energy reserves.

Once you have embarked on your journey of evolutionary transformation, you need to settle into a new way of being, and if you’re a go-getter, like me, it can be hard to let go of some of your push-push-push-through to make things happen and pick up the gauntlet of let go and go with the flow.

Using your energy reserves for making things happen in the flesh, using only your brute strength will quickly deplete your energy reserves. So, when your evolutionary process needs to use your natural energy reserves to conduct a transformative process, it can leave little or no energy left for your daily routine maintenance.

If you’re in the process of awakening, you need to find better ways to manage your day to day life with less energy exerted, leaving your precious reserved for the sacred evolutionary transformation which you are allowing to take place.

You must move from living a life of force to living a life of love. You can do this by raising your vibration, which harkens back to the work of David R Hawkins’ Power vs. Force. I routinely refer to his work because it gave me a clear picture in my mind of what the various human energetic frequencies were and made it easier for me to manage raising my own vibration.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful,
you’re not doing it right.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful, you’re not doing it right. You can feel it inside you. You know something’s wrong. Find a better way to get ‘er done, or let it be.

Find new ways to live your life, to charge up your personal energy reserves, to maintain your energy, gain a better knowledge of how and when to use energy.

Don’t waste your precious energy on things which are not likely to change, no matter how much energy you put into it, and relax into the okayness of letting things remain as they are, for if it weren’t for some higher purpose, it would have changed already. Settle into the knowingness that all things are in divine order.

Finding time for quieting yourself, in nature, or in another sacred place, for reflection and meditation can be helpful but this is not a cure-all for your energetic management requirements.

Spending time in nature, with your feet on the ground, can go a long way in raising your energy and your vibrational frequency. Different people respond differently to different natural interactions. Live water has a tremendous effect on my energy. What gets you going?

Doing the deep work of clearing the energetic blockages, or stores of toxic negative energy which may be deeply hidden inside of you can go a long way to greatly increase your capacity for building massively positive energy and filling those areas with love and peace.

All this to say, there is nothing wrong with you, occasional energetic fatigue is normal in the process of transformation.

Although, if you are pushing yourself and the energies all around you in the flesh, burning the candle at both ends, and not getting adequate sleep, you may be suffering from a physiological type of fatigue which could be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. If you’re doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, then you can rest assured that you are evolving.

Learn Something New

For those who like to learn new things, I am in an enviable position because I learn something new every day, and if you’re like me you also look forward to learning something new regularly if not on a daily basis.

If you truly anticipate learning something new, opportunities to learn new things occur regularly. Granted, depending on the base-setting of your vibrational frequency, they may not all be good things, but even at higher frequencies, bad things are considered good things, for, at the highest frequencies, there are no bad things.

Those who are on the track to learn something new are generally on a path of constant and never-ending improvement (CANI) in their personal and/or professional lives. You will find them taking classes, courses, attending workshops, reading books and blogs.

If you’re on the quest for attaining greater knowledge you are more than simply an academic, you are on a path of empowering self-improvement and personal development, and there’s a good chance that if you’re continually growing and evolving, you may also be heading toward enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

It is inevitable, as you get access to new, emerging data and technologies, that the world as you know it gets turned upside down, the contents spill out, and you begin to understand things aren’t always what they seem to be. This is the evolutionary awakening of humans is taking place as you read these words right now and you are a part of it.

This enlightenment and spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery which is unique to everyone amidst the transformative human evolution. Your mind, body, and spirit are expanding exponentially, and you are starting to think of yourself as growing away from the forest of social programming which could not be seen from the perspective of being lost in the midst of so many social trees.

Just as the sciences are finding out the things we once believed to be immutable facts and truths, were only stepping stones to a greater awareness which is unfolding before our very eyes as we develop microscopes so powerful so as to see the galaxies inside our cells and telescopes so powerful we are discovering there is more to the universe which we are a part of.

The science of science is leading us into realms which were inconceivable years ago, as we are discovering multiple universes and dimensions coexisting in tandem with the third-dimensional world which we’ve become so acclimated to.

Our sense of security we once felt as being the highest life form in the universe is being challenged by emerging quantum sciences, and for many, the very same science which denied the existence of God or a higher power is conceding the existence of a powerful intelligence which permeates all things seen and unseen.

This is crazy talk

This sounds crazy, if you try to relate this new science to the sciences you’ve been accustomed to, as well as the trying to rationalize this leading-edge information by comparing any of it to what you’ve known previously. And who could blame you? No one. For we all have been there.

We all (well, most of us) have been deeply programmed to reject such ideas as being ridiculous ideals which are only the fanciful imaginings limited and assigned to science fiction. Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and quantum theories are making science fact out of science fiction. Things that were empirically implausible just a few years ago are the fodder of scientific breakthroughs across the board of reality.

Dare to learn something new while continuing to be open to personal development, quantum, and spiritual sciences. Be forewarned you may be surprised by what you find waiting beyond the opened door.

Allow this new information to flow over you, take in what you can, expand and get cozy with the idea that you are evolution.

This is the new you expanding and evolving into your emerging new world.

Your Deepest Darkest Secrets

What is the most important secret in your life? That secret that you would protect from others at any cost? There are basically two types of secrets, those which are of light and life, and those which would be more associated with darkness and death. Of which substance is your most tightly held secret?

You most tightly held secret influences and is reflected upon and permeates your life, determining how you will navigate and interact with the rest of the world.

By holding onto a deeply held negative secret, your natural abilities to thrive deteriorate and your mind exerts a great deal of energy to discover and implement processes which can be deployed to help overcome the loss of your natural ability to thrive.

These schemes employ a wide variety of methods and have varying degrees of efficacy in producing the quality of life you feel you are (and you are) entitled to.

Through trickery and sleight of hand you are able to manifest things and circumstances which will provide for you the life you want, or at least a version of it which is pleasing enough to you. No one knows more than you, how much your life is built on illusion. You can become a master of illusion, in a sense, becoming the master illusionist of your own life.

Or, if you do not have a propensity to engage in the magic of illusion, you may sink into a dark despair and depression, while your mind and your body devolve into desperation, disease and death. Of course, these are two ends of the spectrum experienced by those who harbor deep and dark negative secrets inside themselves.

Keeping negatively-charged secrets, the avoidance of the, the pushing down and locking away of them can keep them

If you struggle with harboring these deep dark secrets, there is hope. You can, by accessing the multitude of endless possibilities, set yourself free of you hidden past, by embracing your true divine nature.

If you go beyond the depths of your dark past, you will discover underneath all the trauma of your past is a sacred being who is who you really are. You came to this earth holy and flawless. Since then you have accumulated a lifetime of experiences which have separated you from who you really are.

You have built a fortress of impenetrable ideals which have served to protect you from the damage incurred by your past. The pushing down and covering up of these hidden traumas has served you for a moment, in a sense giving you ways and means to isolate you from the pain, so that you can make it through life with some sense of sanity, but this is only an illusionary therapeutic approach.

These experiences have left you with festering wounds that will poison you, your soul, as you keep these things buried deep within your psyche.

The more you connect with your divinity, the more you can begin to see the things that have hurt you in the past from a higher perspective.

If you could see the darkest parts of you from God’s perspective, you can begin to see the sacredness in all things for suffering does not come without blessing. That is the divine nature of all life. The hardest turmoil leads to the most incredible blessings, if you will allow the sacred fruit to be born from your trials and tribulation.

You can do this by exploring your past by studying your past with your higher self, in a sense, looking through the eyes of God.

As you become more aware of and connected to your higher self, you can begin to take divine action influencing all areas of your life with goodness and mercy. You find ways to influence the world for good by basking in your own sacredness and spread love by being more gracious.

True love starts with gratitude for all things and leads to inspired action of doing good deeds and random acts of kindness. These inspired acts help you to imagine your unlimited potential, and the more you explore your infinite sacred self, you expand and evolve.

As you evolve your life moves from being centered around your mind (which as you now know does not really serve your highest and best potential) and your life gets more based on the central nervous system which originates and emanates from your heart.

Opening your heart and connecting it to the source of all life really does open you up to unlimited possibilities in your life for increased health, wellness, quality of life and longevity. Your body starts to rebuild, regenerate and heal itself of anything that does not serve your highest and best.

The more spiritual you become the more your divinity permeates all that you are even on a cellular level and throughout your DNA.

Your heart’s sacred connection to the source of all life imbues you with the same power that creates worlds and things that you thought were impossible before are now imaginable, and if you can imagine it, you have the ability to manifest your dreams, right here, in 3D.

When your deepest darkest secrets are illuminated by the light of true love, your life becomes a reflection of your love light which greatly affects not your world but the whole world around you.

7 Points of Evolving Expansion

One of the components of evolutionary expansion is the ability to allow base beliefs to expand beyond the primitive definitions which you have been groomed to hold onto with every fiber of your being. Even so, with all that familial and social programming, something inside you is gently tapping on your shoulder, quietly whispering the question, “Is there something more?” Indeed, there is. Here are 7 points of evolving expansion that you may notice as contrasting as you continue to open, grow and change into the higher version of yourself.

1. Be a Good Person

We’re all told to be a good person, to not try to buck the system or be a rebel. There is a basic tenant which harkens to us to not be a bad person, to treat our fellow beings as we might like to have them treat us and to feel sorry for others who are struggling (maybe even lend them a hand in one way or another). Avoid criminal activity, obey the laws of the land, understand and reinforce the ideals of what is right and what is wrong, and influence others to comply.

Expanded Version

Evolving to the grander version of yourself includes allowing the good person that you’ve been raised to be to expand into an even better person, only this next level of goodness is not defined by others. The good person you’re becoming can only be defined by you, as the result of your expanding self, establishing a greater, more sensitive heart connection with the energies of life. This expanded good person is likely to see things quite differently than their other well-programmed and compliant neighbors. Still, the inclination to be a good person remains, though it takes on a new vitality and flavor than what others might definitively expect.

2. Gather and Believe

In the United States and other countries, this is usually an expectation to have an inclination to some kind of belief system. While some are more popular than others, there is a wide range of belief systems available for anyone to adhere to, everything from Catholicism to Atheism and then some.

Expanded Version

The expanded being begins to break free from the confines of any box which adheres to a specific and limited belief system. As you evolve you see that things are not as they appear to be and certainly not as you were led to believe. This opens the heart and the mind to new possibilities. While you may have a desire to continue with your present belief system, if you were to clearly voice your new revelations, or question the inappropriateness or inadequacies with their prescribed belief system, this could cause problems for you. You are developing your own belief system, which cannot be fit into someone else’s restrictive box of thought.

3. You and Your Self

You’ve been raised to believe that you must fight to preserve your sense of self. You know what you feel, want, believe and you are compelled to fight, or risk all to defend it. This is an egocentric point of view which keeps all of us separated from becoming one. Even in the sacred bond of marriage, or among blood relatives, this “fight for your right” mentality is pervasive, keeps and tears us apart. We form organizations, factions, religions, governments, laws and military forces to defend our separateness.

Expanded Version

As you evolve into the higher version of your self, your “self” decreases as you become more tolerant and tune into the vibration of love and independently connect more to the source of everything. As you bid your ego, Adieu, you can understand what Jesus meant when he said, “He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) It doesn’t refer to your literal loss of life, but to your moving forward for the greater good, leaving your ego behind; not an easy thing to do. Your ego has been in the driver’s seat far too long to be willing to leave without a fight. Nonetheless, letting go of this part of your self is and welcomed and important part of your evolution.

4. When Bad Things Happen

The old you was programmed to get up and fight or sulk in sadness when things don’t go the way you want, always having to choose between accepting victimization or becoming the warrior willing to fight (compromise morals or commit crimes) for what you want, when things don’t go the way you expected. Ultimately, the powers that be are too powerful to do battle with, so most of us, sulk, fall into depression, or try to ease the pain by leaning on a wide variety of addictions which avail themselves to help us mitigate the damages and pain associated with having to accept our lowly lot in life.

Expanded Version

Your expanded-self looks at challenges, difficulties, inadequacies and incongruent ideas from an entirely new perspective. From this viewpoint above and outside yourself, without your ego in tow, you are more able to see things as they really are, not as you’ve been programmed to see them. You are understanding more that when Jesus said, “And we know that in all things God works for the good…” (Romans 8:28) that they truly do. “All things,” even the worst of things you could possibly imagine, all pave the way for something so far better, but we are more likely than not unable to see what good lays beyond the struggle we may be engaged in at the time. With this understanding, you are less prone to worry, and unable to be victimized, because you know there is something better not far off, eliminating what we previously considered, “bad things.” Now you’re realizing that these are only necessary changes of direction or attention.

5. Mistakes and Coincidences

You have been trained to believe that mistakes are bad, and you’ve learned to beat yourself up for your missteps and accept ridicule from others when you’ve stumbled. And coincidences, are just that; some unassociated or random thing that has transpired for no apparent reason, which could be a fortunate unexpected good thing (or a bad thing). In any case, these things, your unfortunate missteps and any coincidental manifestations are just that; random and disconnected. Sometimes stuff just happens; that is all.

Expanded Version

As you continue to evolve you begin to understand that there are no such things as mistakes or coincidence because you are becoming more aware of the divine connectedness in all things. You know that all mistakes carry with them a sacred treasure of a hidden message or learning that you may not have been able to receive having not gone through this process leading to your growth and attainment of more wisdom. This gives you a unique perspective and knowledge that is priceless to anyone who might be struggling with a similar set of circumstances. Then there are the coincidences, of course, you realize that these are divine gifts and blessings (or corrections) that all serve as blessed rewards or ways to put you back on the path to your highest and best.

6. Negative News

We are programmed to keep one ear and one eye (if not both of them) leaning on the newsfeed spoon-fed to us by the media, books, films, “reality shows” news coverage, and “live feeds” via the Internet. This exposure to mass media is the main source of disseminating your programming, in addition to and following your public or private schooling, to assure that you become a good citizen, amiable to the control of the powers-that-be which are charged with your control. Their favorite tool for delivering messages and thought patterns that run deep is to strongly associate them and deliver them in a state of fear or danger. Then we become unpaid foot soldiers, spreading the message and monitoring our neighbors by doing the responsible thing with the innocuous, “Did you hear in the news…?”

Expanded Version

As you grow and learn more about how things are not as they are, or how they were presented to you, you develop a sort of Spidey-sense when you’re being exposed to the propaganda and lie(s) promoted by the powers that be, in an effort to distract you from your growth and expansion. The most effective tool used to manipulate you and the masses is fear, and they will use it, exploit and spin anything and everything they can to keep you in a fear-based vibration, because you and everyone else is so much easier to control when you’re in a state of fear and are more likely to believe that you need someone else to keep you safe from the things that you are unable to witness first-hand. The more evolved you become, the less interested you are in propaganda and lies.

7. Love Is…

When you think of love, you’ve been programmed to have certain ideologies associated with love; and this is perfect for the masses. It goes something, like this, the different kinds of love include love for your family and friends, love for fauna and flora, love for your pet, love of one’s country, love for persons, places, and things, and romantic love between two people “in love.” Love initiates within you, your heart, for someone or something outside of yourself.

Expanded Verson

Love is the carrier wave of all energy, it is in everything, throughout all that is or ever was, holds all things together and provides appropriate separation, exists in the absence of anything amidst any void, has no beginning and no end. Even in negative energy, love is there. As you expand you learn to tap into this limitless energy from outside yourself, allow it to envelop all that you are, letting it consume you and flow out to others. You now know that love is not limited to individuals, and your love for individuals changes, as you move away from selfish love to the unconditional forms of love and its expression. Additionally, as you learn how to harness its power, you can learn how to use it to share, heal and be the light to an otherwise dark and thirsty world that longs for the release of this powerful energetic influence.

These are just some of the areas you will notice major shifts of consciousness when you expand and continue to evolve into the highest and best version of yourself.

Live a Better Life? Why?

Okay, people are getting to know me as the, “Live a better life” guy, and periodically I get the occasional wise guy or gal who comes up to me and says something, like, “What? Why would I want a better life?”

It stands to reason, that the idea of living a better life does not apply to everyone. As a matter of fact, it only appeals to a very small percentage of people. So, if the ideas that I and others are suggesting sound unreasonable to you, guess what? It’s not intended for you. Although, just because the idea doesn’t sound good to you today, doesn’t mean it won’t be more appealing at some other time, because we know that people change. Not all of them, and not necessarily en masse, but there’s a tendency for people to change and/or evolve.

And for the changers and evolvers, these changes and evolution is very appealing. Those of us who realize it and are welcoming change and evolution are quite a bit ahead of the curve, but as each one of us awakens, a spark is ignited in someone else and they start to seek a better life. And sometime soon, the whole planet will be ablaze with evolutionary change.

Of course, there are those who would like to keep things from changing. Many people like things just the way they are; so much, in fact that they might be willing (and able) to do anything in their power to prevent the idea of an evolutionary change from taking place. These people see no benefit of an evolutionary change, because they see their station in life as being very good, maybe even perfect for them. But if other people did change and/or evolve, it would affect their lives in a negative way. This could be for a wide variety of reasons, which I will not offer speculation on at this time. You might ask yourself why someone might not want the world to change… and see what you come up with.

Keep in mind, while I am encouraging people to live a better life, I am not telling them how to do it. I think that if someone is leading a specific method of change, it might be more cult than evolution. For a real evolution to take place each person who evolves must allow, negotiate and manage his or her own evolution. The evolving person no longer desires to be herded, like human cattle. This is the emergence of a higher version of individuality.

As we are a part of this evolution, we are open to ideas and stories that challenge our (many) years of programming that has effectively prevented our inclination or ability to desire anything more than what we believed to be within our reach. But we are survivors; not unlike pests who can be controlled by dangerous toxins. After a while, the pest evolves and develops immunity to the toxin that once might have had deadly consequences.

Our evolution is rendering toxic ideals useless as we (some of us, and more of us, every day) are developing an immunity to the systems that prevented us from wanting a better life for ourselves, others, and future generations.

So, why might you be considering the idea of living a better life?


You may have had the occasional joyous experience, though it has often been just a fleeting moment. You start to wonder, could it be possible to maintain a state of joy for a longer period of time? (You may have even tried to create states of joy for you that might have thought were sustainable, only to find that no matter how you tried, they left you unfulfilled.)

People who are on the evolutionary journey are experiencing greater states of joy and happiness that are sustainable for long periods of time and are not dependent on outside circumstances, situations, or material things.

For the people who are living a better life, they are finding joy in the most amazing places, their work, their activities, even their innermost thoughts. They are living a better life and are enjoying all this life has to offer.

Feel Good

These evolutionary folks are in the habit of finding ways to feel good, also without dependence on what the world might like to impose upon us. They are finding the love within themselves, for themselves, others and the world. They are more likely to be positive and see the good in all things. Even though they are increasingly more independent, they are also developing a sense of the idea that we, the human race, all of us, are not only in this together, but are one, as a whole. And while they are celebrating their individuality, they do not compare themselves to others, or expect conformity, celebrating everyone’s right to find their own self, and respect their right to celebrate it.

Deeper Connection

The people who desire a better life seek a deeper connection, to themselves and others, as well as inviting a deeper connection to their higher source (referred to by many labels and names). These people are less likely to be attracted to surface conversation, or what’s in the news. They are more likely attracted to connecting with people who are in tune with who they are, how they think and how they feel, in search of deeper meaning in life.


If you are in the process of evolving to live a better life, you are more tolerant, loving and respecting of yourself and others. You don’t hold yourself to impossible standards. Neither do you expect compliance from anyone else. You are less likely to judge yourself harshly, and increasingly finding yourself less likely to judge others. You realize that we are all only doing the best with what we have.


As you expand and evolve, the things you value begin to change. You start seeing the important and meaningful things in life have greater value to you than the things that you might have once coveted, if you were previously a victim of vain commercialism. While you might still find joy in the finer things in life, the true value of the people with whom you share a deep connection, love and care about take precedence over the value of material things. Real relationships take on a new sheen as the people in your life, your family, partners, and friends become your life’s priceless treasures (not as belongings or possessions, but they are the reason you love to love and value them so highly).

I don’t know about you, but these things are very appealing to me and I am allowing this evolution to take place in me.

Mediocre Personal Best

There comes a time in your life when you look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Is this all there is?”

mediocre personal best moment of clarity

And you might just find as you contemplate the meaning and quality of your life you’ve allowed yourself to accept. At some point, you may feel incongruency with accepting a life that is mediocre at best and you begin to consider you deserve the best and you will no longer resign yourself to living a mediocre life.

You draw the line in the sand – it stops here – you know your worth and never settle for less.

Society has programmed us to find comfort in mediocrity, to never expect too much from life, commercial products or services, or other people (even those closest to us) for that matter. These low expectations have lulled us into a basic state of trance where complacency is not only acceptable but begins to feel safe, if not good. And for the most part, it’s an effective method of controlling the masses with the least amount of effort, if we can all stay in the haze of confusion feeling as though we’re all in the same soup; until you’re hit with those brief moments when the state breaks down.

Don’t worry. You are surrounded by enough hypnotic stimuli to pull you back into the trance state no matter where you are. If you’re looking at yourself in the mirror, you notice your hair, clothes, other items behind you… If you’re walking or traveling, there’s architecture, signage, cars, other people wearing different apparel… If you’re in the wilderness, there’s the sound of crickets, birds, flora and fauna to focus upon… There are the everyday concerns of life firing synapses in your brain, or your cell phone begs for your attention… and all of these are triggers that snap you back into your state of unconscious consciousness.

When you shift back into the comfortably numb soup you think, “I’m okay enough,” as you get what you settle for and you’ve resigned yourself to being okay with that, too. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Overcoming Mediocrity

Then there are those who for whatever reason, resist returning to the state immediately, prolonging that moment of clarity. If you’re one of these people, the time may have come for you to evolve into a grander version of yourself.

You focus intensely on the inconsistencies of mediocrity and vow to never settle for less. With your undivided attention, you pledge to expect more, give, live and love more, perform better with higher efficiency and increase your quality of life to achieve your personal best.

Personal Best

As you separate yourself from the fog of acceptable compliance you begin to explore the expansiveness of all this life has to offer. Armed with your new sense of clarity you’re beginning to see things are not always as they seem. Your awareness is expanding as you start to take on individual characteristics that are uniquely you as you not only dare to be different but begin to transform and evolve into the new you, affecting every cell of your body and reprogramming your DNA.

All the while you’re attracting and acquiring new skills and abilities (some you were born with) as you explore this emerging frontier being more pliable, open and give it all you got so as not to hinder your expansion and accelerate peak flow.

To be different you refuse to accept mediocrity and never settle for less than your best as you give it all you’ve got to only settle for the best from this point forward because you deserve the best. You know that now.

And for those who continue on their path accepting mediocrity, you realize we’re all just doing the best we can with what we have. When their time comes (and it will) they will realize they don’t have to continually settle for less than the very best this life has to offer. You do not focus on the evolution of others, while you allow them the time and space to find their own way with love and acceptance.

It’s all on you as you begin to cycle and recycle through your ever emerging new personal best.