Expect Miracles

The holidays represent a magical time of year where goodwill and love for your fellow man abound. For those of us lucky enough to spend time with our families, it is a joy and love wells up within us, especially if you’re able to hold a newborn baby in your arms. We anticipate the possibility of miracles but you can expect miracles at any time of year, not just over the holidays.

With the new year just around the corner, it might be time for you to expect miracles every day and see what surprises lay in store for you throughout the coming year.

To put yourself in the state of being which attracts miracles, you can establish a state of awareness and expectation that miracles will occur on a daily basis. Some of the things you can do include creating a vision board, a montage of images representing the things you would like to attract into your life. Put it in a place where you can view it every day. Starting a journal of miracles is also a good idea.

In your journal of miracles, you can jot down all the miracles you witnessed throughout the day. These may not be huge manifestations, but could include anything, like being treated nicely by a server, someone opening the door for you, someone complimenting you, or your receipt of a genuine smile. The more you look for the little miracles, the more they appear, and they grow in their magnificence.

The more you cultivate the frequency of expecting miracles the more the vibration becomes a normal state of mind for you and your life. Like changing the thermostat setting on your climate controller. If it was previously set for 50, the temperature may rise or fall but the climate control works to return you to its set point of 50 degrees. If you change the setpoint to 70 degrees, then the climate control seeks to maintain that temperature instead.

Changing the frequency (or temperature setting) on your body’s vibrational control system can take as few as 21 days in succession. Then your expectation of miracles will be your set point and you will be seeing more and more blessings headed your way. Your ability to bless others will also increase.

As you create an environment where you expect miracles, you influence the ability for others to expect miracles with whom you interact with throughout each day, without even trying.
The expectation of miracles is found within the love vibration, so maintaining an environment around yourself which fosters love will help to substantiate your expectation of miracles being manifest in your life.

Find things to do and purposefully place yourself in situations where you can feel love and love the environment around you. Snuggle a little baby and look into his or her eyes, pet your cat, play with your dog, compliment someone in the supermarket, hold the door for someone with an armload of something, or take a walk amongst nature.

Any acts of kindness you gift to someone reinforces your love vibration and will support your ability to open to receive miracles that are waiting to show themselves to you.

At least within the first 21-day frequency reset period, think about limiting your exposure to media which is negative in nature, and avoid talking behind other people’s back. Try to maintain as much positivity and love in your heart as possible for the first 21 days.

People who have done this, and have succeeded, note they’re being introduced to challenges to maintaining a positive, loving state of mind. Those who have fully been engulfed in regular miracle manifestation faced the challenge(s) and overcome it/them in a positive way, with a positive outcome.

Those who saw the challenge as an attack and found themselves succumbing to the pressure, found themselves returning to their normal setpoint and claimed that expecting miracles could not work for them.

Many of those who failed to achieve the state of miracle expectation the first go-round were able to maintain the state by facing the challenges positively as they presented themselves and were able to find and maintain the love vibration and found themselves expecting miracles.

Miracles come in many shapes and sizes, and this thing I know, there are a great many miracles waiting to be revealed to you even now.

84% of Americans believe in miracles, you may as well be one of them.

Expect miracles.