Love Hearing People Complain

I absolutely love hearing people complain, followed by what they’re gonna do about it.

When you notice some story of an atrocity which rocks your being piercing your soul to your core, you recoil and understandably upset. What happens next determines whether your opposition to this offensive subject will oppose it, or add power to it.

If you complain about it, great. That makes you feel better about it, because you’ve found a way to release the burden of it and pass it on to someone else.

I get excited when I hear someone complaining about something passionately. It instantly attracts my attention as I anticipate what comes next. I listen… if nothing else follows, I am disappointed. Instead of complaining and in a sense, courageously making a stand, by placing themselves in the bullet’s path, this person has just promoted the very thing that made him or her upset.

Instead, I love hearing people complain, followed by what they’re gonna do about it.

Tell me about the thing that upset you, tell me that you researched it to make sure the matter in question is valid (and not simply a false story to distract your attention from the good things in life and to make you fearful), and tell me what you’re doing about it. Even if it’s only donating $5 to an organization that is combating this offense.

If you complain in a venue which is highly public, like social media, then you have exponentially impacted the offending subject, intentionally or unintentionally, either for or against the thing which has upset you.

Do you want to promote this thing that has upset you? Fine, post something offensive in social media, with you acting as it’s PR promoter. Post about how horrible this atrocity is, without offering an opposing solution.

Do you want to be a part of the solution, to quash this thing, to stamp it out forever?

Then, complain. Post to your heart’s content. Put yourself on the line by telling me and the world what you are doing about it, and let your inspired action inspire me and others to join the cause.

Now, I’m excited!

Elizabeth Cady Stanton could have just complained about not having the ability to vote because she was a woman. But she complained and said, “I am drafting a Declaration of Sentiments and Grievances,” which addressed the basic rights which were being denied women at the time.

How crazy it might have seemed, when she, Lucretia Mott and a few friends met in her home to draft her declaration. Anyone looking in from the outside must’ve thought this an impossible task. Really? That one woman would stand against the mightiest political machine ever contrived. Are you kidding me? This dwarfs King David’s youthful account of slaying Goliath by hundreds of times.

She complained, followed by inspired action. She started a movement, complaining, and allowing others to join with her voice to be heard. 72 years later, because Elizabeth Cady Stanton complained and stood in the bullet’s path, the 19th Amendment was passed, granting women the right to vote.

This is only one small example among hundreds of thousands of true stories depicting what people can do to make a difference in a troubled world, and it starts with one.

Will you be the one who adds to the confusion and dysfunction of the world or will you be a part of the solution?

The choice is yours.

It’s a Mirror!

You just never know how wisdom will come to you. How about a man screaming at a woman and she holds up her hand flat palm to his face and asserts (almost screaming), “It’s a mirror!”

This is happening to me in real time across the parking lot. A man is screaming about something at a woman who is clearly with him. He’s outside the car on the driver’s side and she’s outside the passenger’s side and he is yelling at her, but clearly not about her.

I was far enough away to not understand what the man was upset about, maybe something that happened inside the establishment, or something else personal, but he was clearly upset and a little out of control.

The part that came out loud and clear was the woman’s holding her hand up between her face and his, and boldly asserting, “It’s a mirror!” Which would stop the man dead in his tracks, disrupting his explosive rant.

I could almost feel him going inside himself to take a look in there. After a brief pause, he would murmur, then get himself all worked up again. Only to be interrupted by the woman’s, “It’s a mirror!” again.

Now, I have no idea what is happening in real life across the parking lot, but what I am witnessing through the lens of higher potentiality is blowing my mind.

He might be a highly suspicious person extremely upset about breaking a mirror in the store which would give him 7 years of bad luck, but in my mind’s eye, I saw a man upset about anything. And I saw the woman as one of the most enlightened therapists I had ever seen in action.

For there is little that could be any truer than:

If you are experiencing anything in life that causes you to feel upset

It’s a mirror!

For those of us on the path of personal growth and expansive evolution, we know that when our caveman-like defense mechanism is triggered, unless it is an actual emergency, it is a signal indicating we have some unresolved issues to look at.

These are the sensitive, most intimate, and integral details of our life asserting their need to be noticed. For the most part, people are programmed not to look inside, and instead blame, feel threatened by, or threaten anyone or anything as we project our feelings of upset, fear, or rage on whatever is within reach at the time.

Some of us are better at seeing negative feelings as a mirror. I, for instance, have not mastered the recognition of the mirror at the first inclination to feel something negative. So, I am more likely to exert a negative emotion, than to first look inside for hidden trauma, unresolved issues, or answers.


Because I don’t have someone to hold their hand up in front of me to say, “It’s a mirror!” when I start to look at or feel something negatively.

This is the profound takeaway I was given in this moment in the parking lot.

And I pray, the next time I begin to feel a negative emotion or start getting upset about someone or something, that I can hear that woman’s voice in my head asserting,

“It’s a mirror!”

That would be enough to break my emotional state and cause me to look within to see what mysteries are waiting to be revealed.

Why Everything in My Life is Going Wrong

You know what I mean: That chaotic point in your life when you raise your hands, look up at the sky and ask yourself, “Why is everything in my life going wrong?” It’s frustrating and can be very painful to be at the place when I wonder why everything in my life is going wrong.

This crazy part of life, which doesn’t seem to make any sense to you at the time, is a lot less crazy than you might think.

If I want to know why everything in my life is going wrong, I know that it will probably be impossible to see from my perspective. When things are not making sense, when everything seems out of sorts, and it appears that nothing is going right, I know there’s something going on that I am not aware of.

It’s in these times when we need to get out of our heads, into our hearts, and do a love-scan of the area to see if we can get a sense of what is going on that is trying to get our attention.

It might be a good time to see a coach, consultant, or counselor (anyone from a friend, member of clergy, or professional; whatever suits you and/or your budget at the time) to help you see the bigger picture.

Perspective is everything. If I’m lost in the woods (or maybe I’ve made a comfortable spot for myself in the woods because I’m proactive, like that) I might not be able to see what is calling me just beyond the trees.

There may be tremendous opportunities well within my reach, but I can’t see it through the trees. So, I make due and find ways to be comfortable and happy where I am.

Not a bad thing, unless you have lured into complacency and forgotten about your journey to achieve your highest and best, or your decision to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

If so, there comes a time when the convenience of just maintaining the status quo no longer serves you, when the higher part of yourself, God, and all the angels know you are not rising to your calling. People may be suffering, and may even die, who are unable to hear your message.

Your message. That unique song that only you can sing, which can break through all the barriers and wounds of the past which might be suffocating the life of others who desperately need to hear it.

The more experience I have with life, its signs and signals, I can have a better idea of why everything in my life is going wrong. It probably means that I am not in alignment with my purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) in life.

Life can get like that. You can get so focused on and burdened with the everyday affairs of life, which can be very overwhelming, making you feel like all you’re doing all day long is just putting out fires and hope to god you have enough energy to put out tomorrow’s fires.

If the fury of life gets too hectic it can feel so overwhelming and unmanageable that you might consider an early checkout. Many people, when they reach this chaotic juncture of life, volunteer to pull the plug, contemplate suicide, opting out of any potential benefit they may have been able to bring to the world.

It breaks my heart when someone isn’t able to see the immense value they can bring to the world. For every seven or eight suicide attempts, one of them wakes up to his or her calling, and one successfully completes his or her journey.

There are many reasons why someone might want to end his or her journey prematurely. The basic rationale is when the pain of being alive is greater than the relief from not having to suffer one more day, suicide may appear to be an attractive option.

Sometimes, even I might contemplate taking my life if I didn’t know why everything in my life is going wrong. Now I know why everything in my life is going wrong. It’s my wake-up call.

If only we all could know when it seems like nothing is going right, it might be a clear indication that something is wrong. Maybe you are in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, when something far better is calling you away from what seems safe, comfortable, or (god forbid) “normal.”

You have a higher calling, and if it seems like nothing is going right, there’s a good chance that something far more amazing is beckoning you to join it somewhere outside your comfort zone.

If so, the sooner you are able to recognize it and start making the changes necessary to embrace your calling, your suffering will continue, and you will see even more things going wrong.

It’s up to you.

It’s time for a change. Most likely a big, uncomfortable change. You can do this. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Get a better perspective. Find out what’s just beyond your knowingness, and start making plans to move on, up and out of where you are into your more empowered and passionate self, achieving your highest and best.

Feeling Bad About Negative Feelings

It’s okay to feel bad. Sometimes, the motivation to be positive or to consistently be a good influence on those around you can make you feel like you cannot allow your positive persona to be interrupted by feeling negative. If you do have negative feelings, you might like to cover it up or push it down, and for god’s sake don’t let anyone see your emotional falter because you wouldn’t want anyone to misinterpret any upset in your powerful baseline as weakness.

Are you a human being? Don’t you think others might be able to feel closer to you if you occasionally allow your humanity to show through? You are not a deity. You are a man or a woman making your own way through this life, just like anyone else. Yes, you want to remain positive, but you don’t want to separate yourself from the rest of humanity so much that you are no longer a member of the human race.

There are few cases in history where the attempt to do so wasn’t met with severe emotional conflict. A mentor of mine used to say, “Don’t become so spiritually-minded that you’re no earthly good.” Be in the world but not of the world. In essence being here but also maintaining a residence elsewhere simultaneously.

Here, amidst humanity, we all express a wide range of emotions, and you must find a way (or ways) to express these emotions. To not do so is a denial of the human condition, and your psychology and physiology will deteriorate, health will decline, and you may put yourself at risk of disease, psychotic breakdown, rapid aging, or a premature exit from the human condition altogether.

Yes, being positive and maintaining high vibrational states is preferred. St. Paul encourages us to fix our thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. To think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8) which is integral to the maintenance of higher vibrations of the power of love.

You must also allow for the natural ebb and flow of life, especially if you intend to grow because the greatest growth spurts take place in the time of struggle, when things appear to not be going so well. You need both the good and the bad to move to the next level, sometimes more than others.

This complexity in life gives us the ability to enjoy all the richness this life has to offer. This contrast, as Esther Hicks says, “knowing what you don’t want helps you to know what you do want.” This is the balance of life, enabling you to know what it is that you want less of and what you desire more of in your life. You, then, can make the necessary adjustments in your life accordingly.

Your intention to remain so positive can keep you from seeing potential obstacles or danger. It is prudent to keep one foot on the ground, aware of your surroundings in the “real world” to avoid finding yourself in an undesirable predicament, or to find yourself falling into complacency.

Adversity leads you into growth, allowing you to come to increased clarity about what you want, empowering you to delineate specific goal for further advancement and achievement. In essence, being able to squeeze all the best juiciness out of all this life has to offer, all thanks to those less than desirable moments in this life.

A natural emotional response to not feeling right, or having negative emotions, might be to reject these feeling or to push them away but they are really an attention-getting pique to your awareness if instead, you start to look within, rather than to become defensive.

Since these feelings are in contrast to what you want, it is an exciting opportunity to break your positive flow, which is just comfortable enough that you can glide unaware of your surroundings, in a kind of sacred trance. This interruption can break your state or being just enough to look for new opportunities for potential alternative exploration, growth, or expansion.

The more you push against a thought with your consciousness, the more it expands in your unconscious mind, where the lower vibration undermines your ability to remain in higher vibrations in the background. This is why the Law of Attraction doesn’t care whether you want a thing or don’t want a thing. It is attracted to you whether you want it or not.

It’s like telling yourself not to think of a lemon. The more you resist a thought, the more apparent it becomes either consciously or unconsciously. This is also the nature of nightmares, where your unconscious mind runs rampant, unbridled by your conscious mind’s ability to squash your thoughts.

There is wisdom in inviting and allowing the negativity to flow over you, even to allow yourself to be fully engulfed by negative emotion for a predetermined period of time. In a sense surrendering to it in an effort to fully feel it. After fully expressed, you can examine the source, or look around for new opportunities which may be trying to expose themselves to your awareness.

In some cases, just letting it out and letting it go is all that is necessary.

Looking within yourself when your regular flow of life is interrupted by negative emotions might be the door through which you must pass to become aware of some lingering deep inner work longing to be addressed.

You might want to find or create a safe space or the company of another who will hold the sacred space for your expression of these negative emotions without fear of judgment.

Embrace the fullness of life, the good, the bad, and the potential for change, growth, exploration, and expansion.

An amazing journey lies ahead.

Toxic or Angelic?

“I don’t know what it is, but every time this person comes around, I get upset.” If you’re in a relationship, especially a close or intimate relationship with someone that drives you crazy and you just can’t seem to see eye to eye, you’re likely to think this is a toxic person in your life. Is this person toxic or angelic?

If you’re in the stage of personal growth where you need to extricate those people in your life who have a negative effect on your life, then setting boundaries to avoid exposure to others who tend to irritate you is definitely warranted.

But what if some of these people who irritate you are angels or brought into your life to awaken your conscious mind to something which is hidden deep within your self that can be the key to unlocking a brighter future for you releasing the flow for peace, joy, and abundance to envelop your life.

This person could be toxic or angelic

Life can be hard, and we can get accustomed to working very hard to have a better life. While this is effective and generally accepted as a good method of creating a better life for yourself by exercising your brute strength to make a change or evoke something better for yourself, consider there might be a better way.

A better way might be allowing yourself to go with the flow of the life you were destined to live, full of all the best things in life. Believe it or not, this is your natural state.

The moment you were born, you were perfect in every way, and all the best things in life were perfectly attuned to you. Yet, not long after you were born, you were subjected to the social programming of those around you which robbed you of your divine destiny. This continued throughout your life and you became acclimated to life’s struggle for survival. Yet, struggle is not your destiny.

If you look at the body chemistry of those who struggle through life, you can see high levels of Cortisol, the reward for fighting for a better life. For those who allow all the best things in life to come to them, they are rewarded with Dopamine and have very low levels of Cortisol in their bodies.

Don’t believe me. Google it. Cortisol makes you feel stressed and causes deterioration of the body system, while Dopamine makes you feel good, and increases the body’s immune system.

How you approach life makes a difference

The sooner you can start to change your thinking process, looking for precious learnings or gifts when your emotional triggers are firing, the happier and longer life you will have.

You can apply this approach to those who make you upset. While these people may seem toxic on the surface, they may have been attracted to your life at just the right time, when you were ready to consider talking some deep inner work which may be hindering your personal growth or potential.

This is common in romantic relationships, where we are magically divine mirrors, one to the other, reflecting back those areas of our lives where we can find deep work waiting to be brought to the surface, so they can be dealt with.

Remembering that we all get upset when we are triggered is a normal human condition. No need to berate yourself for feeling this way. It happens to everyone, especially the more we expose our true selves to someone who is close to us. You are not broken or in need of fixing. There is nothing wrong with you.

If you are a highly sensitive person, you will find you are more sensitive to the things people say or do, and even those things that are not said or done, as you rightly (or wrongly) interpret the meanings behind or underneath that which is obvious to the naked eye or attentive ear.

The basic function of triggers is to protect you from potential danger which may or may not be present but projected onto the screen of life. This is rooted in fear, and while this method is instilled in you to protect you, the fear of it all does hinder your progress.

Often, if you are in the process of excluding others from your life who do not make you feel good (though this may be necessary for a time, while you define and get acclimated to who you really are, it is limiting your becoming aware of those things which block you from the best things in life.

The next time someone triggers you, think about it. Ask yourself if there’s any shadow experience of belief hiding inside? There might be something lurking to be exposed and expelled when you feel like you’re getting upset, especially if your reaction seems to be more than the present circumstance requires.

Love is waiting for you.

Your greatest love adventure of all

Your greatest love will require vulnerability, trust, and welcoming all the good things of life, which long to be found in all things, even those which appear to be bad at first glance.


Looking through the eyes of love

Remember Everything Learn Nothing

Your memory, the things you hold inside you from your past, represents a crippling disease which stands between you and all the good things in life that are waiting for you just beyond your view. Warning: Remember Everything Learn Nothing.

That negative feeling in the pit of your stomach, the ache in your heart, any of these negative physiological manifestations of your incongruence when you think of something from your past blocks the abundance, peace, harmony, prosperity, and true love that awaits you.

Holding a grudge or discontent blocks you from love. The negative feeling associated with any memory from the past pulls you out of the flow of love, the vibration which encompasses abundance, peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Therefore, if you seek all the good things this life has in store from you with the least amount of effort, all you have to do is to attune yourself to loves vibration, take the inspired action, and all these things will come to you.

Everything you’ve ever wanted, or dreamed of, is just waiting for you. God would not have put those ideas in your head or those desires in your heart if He did not want to give it to you. All you have to do is to let go of anything that is preventing you from being in the vibration of having it, and you will find yourself enjoying it, first unmanifested (enjoying the expectant feeling of having it, while it has not been realized), then manifested. Here it is, in your life, in all its glory to be thoroughly enjoyed by you.

Now, you can also have all the things you want in life by making them happen all by yourself without regard of any vibration whatsoever, but this method is generally not associated with joy, at least not for very long.

Living in a higher vibration, attracting the things you desire and love into your life, is far more sustainable and prolongs the joy of the whole affair indefinitely.

To achieve the desires of your heart through the flesh only, by sheer determination, hard-work-and-dedication, or brute force, is effective for the accumulation of material things, wealth, or the appearance of wealth, but there is rarely any lasting joy, and the satisfaction of attainment is fleeting.

And the secret code to unlocking the sustainable love vibration is this:

Remember Everything Learn Nothing

Remembering everything (every detail of something that made you feel bad or caused you pain) leads to holding grudges and lowering your vibrational frequency, and also prevents you from extracting the precious learning which is lovingly provided to you by the experience. The more you remember and think about these things that make you feel bad, the further away you move from what you want.

Every experience you traverse through along your life’s journey has a treasure inside of it just for you. This treasure is usually represented as the gift of knowledge, something for you to learn which may not have been possible (or more effective a lesson to be learned) in any better way.

Every challenge or occasion for you to feel pain, bad, or as though an injustice has occurred, is an invitation for you to move closer to the life and everything that you want. Without the token gained from this experience, you will not be able to make it through the next gate.

Yet, God is holding all the desires of your heart in store for you and desperately wants to shower you with all you deserve, if you will only come to it. So, if you do not receive the token to allow access for you to pass through the next gate, a new opportunity will be presented to you.

As you may have noticed, some people get stuck between two gates for a prolonged period of time because they are unable to take hold of the gift to be learned which is necessary to move on. You may even have noticed yourself caught in this cycle of similar recurring challenges.

Now you know why. It is God giving you opportunities to move closer to everything you want. In this way, all pain is a gift. Pain is God’s way of saying, “Trust Me.”

Pain is a feeling. When you feel it, if it is God begging you to trust, you will find when you actually do trust Him and know in your heart that all things are in divine order, then you find yourself not feeling the pain of whatever it was that was upsetting you in the past.

You must be able to truly forgive, acknowledge the divinity of the conflict, bless all participants without judgment, and let go of the negative feeling. Wipe your memory of the negative associations you previously held in attachment to this event. Retain the lesson, the blessed learning, and move on.

When you are able to do this, you will find yourself hovering in unconditional love’s vibration, free from the negative strongholds (the feelings) of your past.

Now you are

Remembering the Blessings and Learning in Love

This is the fast-track to your heart’s desires.

Help I Can’t Take One More

Aaahhh! I am so far over my head, “Help!” I don’t think I can take one more thing! Ever feel like you’ve had all you can stand? It’s as if the hits just keep coming, and you think about the saying that “God will not give you more than you can take,” and right about now, it feels like it’s a lie because you are well over your head.

You’re losing it. You feel like you have zero control of anything as your world crumbles all around you, and you ask yourself (or some deity), “What’s happening?”

Okay, you asked for it, so here it is:

This is all on you.

(Take a moment to express your disagreement with the idea that this might all be your fault, then come back and give me a chance to explain.)

Here’s the deal, when something happens that you don’t like, you have seventeen seconds to feel bad, after which if you don’t pull your head out, the eighteenth second begins to emit the frequency which matches the vibration of you are enveloped by. This energy (which is clearly negative) attracts like energy.

So, every second that follows while you are wallowing in the negative energy is calling more negative energy to you. More bad news is on the way; here it comes…

The only way to stop the spiraling whirlpool which is dragging you down and draining you of the possibility of having the best things in life is to stop the negative energy and start getting into a positive frequency. Even if it’s a low positive vibration it’s so much better than remaining in the negative, and it stops the attraction of more bad news.

You must get in touch with you, all the good things about you. You know you’re here for a reason and you were not called to be in this negative vibe. This is not your natural state. You are called to love yourself, embrace your power and continue to draw a line between what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad. You have the power to choose to feel good or to feel bad. When you are feeling good, you are in touch with the real you. You are attracting good things and not bad.

In this positive state of mind, you are thinking clearer, you are creative, resourceful, you are open to all good things as they unfold before you, you are able to find a sense of peace, and things are leaning toward increased clarity in your life.

You must cut out some positive space for you to separate yourself from the negative and immerse yourself in a positive vibration. Take a day off, disconnect from the madness, take a break. Take time to focus your attention on doing something, putting you in a place where you feel good; and the better you can get yourself to feel, the better.

Take a walk in nature, or watch a comedy film or a tear-jerker but find a way to release some pent-up emotion and embrace the cleanse. Count your blessings; get out a piece of paper and a writing instrument and start jotting all the things you can be grateful for in your life (even when things are at their worst, there are some good things that can be found, even if the process feel daunting at the outset). Write down the good things in life you can look back on.

I love you

Everything will be okay

If you’re like me, all you want to hear and feel is, “I love you,” and, “Everything will be okay.”

It’s up to you to put yourself in the state where you feel loved and assured that everything will be okay by no one or no other thing than you, yourself. This is your responsibility, as counter-intuitive that it might sound or feel at first, this is up to you and you alone. You need to accept this responsibility and start loving yourself, truly loving, appreciating, encouraging and empowering yourself.

Sure, someone else can help to make you feel these things, but this energy which comes from outside yourself fades, and when it fades, it requires finding another source outside of yourself to re-energize yourself.

Your source of energy from within is limitless and divine. It doesn’t depend on anyone or anything else. As long as there is life within you, that limitless source of energy resides within the recess of your heart, just waiting for you to call upon it.

When you are feeling better, reminded of those things for which you can feel grateful, loving and supporting yourself, you are at a much better place to look again at the challenges that you face.

From this perspective, you are able to see answers and have access to skills and tools which weren’t within reach when you were drowning in despair.


You got this.

Will Work for Food

Buddy, can you spare a dime?

Panhandling has been around for as long as we have. Someone less fortunate (or appears to be less fortunate) is begging for leftovers from others with compassionate hearts who empathize with the beggar and offer him or her money to help them with their plight.

will work for food

Of course, it is reasonable because you think to yourself, “What if I were in his shoes?” As you imagine what it would be like if it you were homeless, hungry and penniless. Wouldn’t you appreciate someone reaching out to you to offer a helping hand, maybe a little spare change or a couple of dollars to get some food?

Just last week, I was at the grocery store, where a man was sat on the sidewalk next to his bike. He asked if I had $1.63 so that he could finish his purchase inside. I said, “Sure,” and dug out all the change from my pocket (which was closer to $3.00). He thanked me, and I continued into the store (where I expected for him to follow) as he peddled away on his bicycle.

Not long ago, I was strolling down the street while commiserating with a minister, when we were approached by a panhandler requesting spare change. As I reached into my pocket the minister told the man that he gives his money to the mission, and gave him verbal directions to the location of the mission and invited him to get what he needs there.

The minister told me that his church, along with all the many other churches in the city, go through an extensive amount of effort to make certain that no one goes hungry. They have outlets to supply them with good clothing, shoes, food, shelter and a place to sleep. They have programs to put the less fortunate to work, even those with minimal skills. He said, “If they’re panhandling, it’s not for something they need – because their basic needs are met. We see to that – it’s to support their addictions, which we do not provide for.”

I have an eccentric friend who is a multimillionaire. He is the most frugal man I’ve ever known. He spends little or no money on himself. If he desires something for himself (he could just write a check), he suits up in shabby apparel (he doesn’t dress well, in the first place) and drives to a mall in a neighboring city. He makes about $100 an hour asking people for, “spare change to make a phone call.”

Then there’s the time that I took my son to the mission, in an attempt to see what life might be like, if he didn’t apply himself in school, enabling him to be gainfully employed. My son and I waited in line with all the other folks, which included men, women, and children of all ages. When we got inside he was amazed (and so was I) seeing the spread of good, hot food, fresh pastries, like a first-rate buffet at a restaurant.

Dad tip: If you’re going to show your son how the impoverished life, check it out first, so as not to contradict your teaching opportunity.

That said, what about you?

If you were down and out – right now – what would you do?

Okay, in an emergency, you might ask someone for a hand out for something in the moment, but chances are you would make a way to take care of yourself and your family.

I met a man who washed the windows at my store. He lost his job when the factory shut down – which was a trend in his industry – he was on unemployment for a while, until that ran out. Rather than commit suicide so that his wife and children could go on welfare, he had some soap and a bucket, invested in a “nice” squeegee and went from business to business offering to wash the windows. He made his own way.

I think most of us would.

What do you think (or do) when you see someone holding a Work for Food sign?
What would YOU DO, if you were down and out?