Aliens are Here!

You’ve read the sci-fi, heard the conspiracies, and heard people proclaim the aliens are here! The question remains, are the aliens here are or on their way? Thanks to uncovered evidence beneath sedimentary layers of our Earth, it appears that someone besides us, indicating aliens may have been here before we arrived.

With all we know about who we are and are learning about what else might be “out there,” its hard to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, and it might cause you to rationalize that our race may be quite primitive in comparison to intelligent life that may predate our species.

I admit, the existence of aliens is not my area of expertise, though I have made the acquaintance of others who specialize in this area of study, and the evidence on which they base their conclusions is quite compelling.

When you hear the word, “Alien,” your first thought could include anything from a fellow human from outside the country where you reside to alien greys, the thin figures with large heads and big black eyes.

The possibility of existence has grown in popular awareness over the last couple of hundred years due to increased signs and various methods of visiting the third rock from our sun.

Some alien experts believe that some extraterrestrial aliens look just like we do, cannot be easily identified, and walk among us. Even SpaceX CEO Elon Musk publicly claims the aliens are here (while attending at the World Government Summit in Dubai).

Then there are those who believe that there are human/alien hybrids who are living among us. Reports are coming in from researchers and those who believe they are alien hybrids.

Allegedly starting as early as a hundred years ago, pregnant women were abducted in their sleep and subjected to a procedure to overlay alien DNA over the naturally occurring human DNA.

Why would extraterrestrial races want to do such a thing?

The common consensus appears to be they’re being concerned about the long-term survivability of the human race. It’s as if these more advanced races have a benevolent desire to see humanity advance and evolve beyond our naturally-inclined barbarian ways of life on planet Earth, which is unsustainable.

There is also the likelihood that we are related to and possibly deeply-connected to these beings from other worlds, for just as God created us, they are also creations of God. The same life-force which gives us consciousness is also a part of their consciousness.

Certainly, the current evolutionary status of human metamorphosis is measurably present, even with the concerted efforts of society’s ability to clearly deny anything which is not to be believed.

Does the government know aliens are here?

Hundreds of billions of American tax dollars spent on fringe science attributed to alien technology and the covering up of data “forbidden” for release to those who finance the research and development (taxpayers) of said otherworldly knowledge, would indicate there is much more going on here than meets the average eye.

The American government’s military leaves no paranormal stone unturned in an effort to weaponize any technology, extraterrestrial or otherwise, which might give us an unfair advantage over our enemies. Plus, what if these off-world beings are far less benevolent than they appear to be? How could we defend ourselves from an advanced alien invasion?

If you are paying taxes to the United States of America or their designees, you are paying for the research, development, and the preventing of your knowledge about these alien affairs. And if you believe that there is no truth in the “aliens are here” story, then you are regarded as a good American citizen. You may not be ready to meet aliens from outer space.

If you are compelled to think there may be a degree of veracity to the alien idea, please proceed with caution. The government will spare no expense in the silencing of this growing knowledge base among those in “the know” and you wouldn’t want to expose yourself as possessing independent thought or asking questions which are unsanctioned.

You wouldn’t want to be accused of suffering from Individuality Psychosis, now, would you?

I fully support the asking of unsanctioned questions and believe the discovery of unauthorized data as our God-given right, not to be impeded by any regulation.

Whether the aliens are here or not, may or may not matter at all, or it might be very important, indeed.

What do you think?

True Conspiracies

When we first hear someone ranting about some conspiracy theory, our initial reaction is to toss such an idea aside as rubbish, because to even consider such an idea would be preposterous. In most cases, if the conspiracy were actually true, it would shake the very foundation of ideal which have been firmly planted as the foundation on which many of the things we believe are built.

So, we cast it away, regarding it as some lunatic ranting some crazy ideas and continue to forge ahead with our lives, believing that such things could not possibly be true.

Then there are the conspiracies we once thought were preposterous, with new information and time to consider the cover story. Now the cover story doesn’t seem to line up with the facts, and the conspiracy theory was far closer to the truth, if not completely spot on.

Then what?

If we look back at some of the conspiracy ideas we once thought to be ridiculous, that now appear to be more factual than we once thought, we find that things are not always as they appear, or how they were presented to us and may be unbelievable truths.

For instance, the idea that President Roosevelt had any knowledge about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance and actually allowed it to happen, when we had the full capability to prevent the attack would be enough to shake the very foundation of everything we believe. There is simply no way to entertain such a thought about a country to which we pledge our allegiance. Yet, today, more people believe the conspiracy is true, and fewer people are likely to believe the cover story as documented in the history books.

Likewise, fewer Americans are confident that the assassination of JFK was truthfully documented and now are more likely to believe that the truth was covered up.

Other government conspiracies are also beginning to be unable to withstand the test of time, even though they continue to print the cover stories in history books, and teach our youngsters in our schools what should be believed, favoring myth over truth. After all, all you naysayers aren’t going to outlive our youth, and these young ones are far more likely to think their elders are a little kooky, or a bit off.

Our youth might even feel sympathy for their elders who believe in silly conspiracy theories, much like we did, when we were younger. And over time, I think, the system hopes to outlast most, if not all, of the accusations of conspiracy.

If enough time has passed, there is simply no way to prove or disprove something, as there is not enough information to come to a logical conclusion, like the pyramids being built by aliens. While more and more people believe that being built by preindustrial man is highly unlikely, there is not enough evidence to accurately conclude they were built by otherworldly means. But there are a growing number of people who think the alien conspiracy is more likely a scenario than what we are expected to believe.

As time marches on, more and more Americans are starting to ask questions. Questions which are not being answered sufficiently enough only breeds more question, doubt, lack of faith and a tendency to believe that something sinister is afoot.

Since many of the cover stories were presented to us by our government, it can help but make us wonder if the government really has our best interests at heart.

For instance, we are now realizing that the government created Lyme disease, allows the pharmaceutical companies to keep us ill for profit, is protecting top secret technology at Area 51, which may be alien technology as the government continues to “debunk” any indication and continue to cover up any ideas that there might be life on other planets.

Then there are other conspiracies that are seeming to be more true than that which we are expected to believe, like alternative free energy technologies being suppressed, chemtrails being sprayed overhead for some nefarious reason and the truth about 9/11, just to name a few.

Maybe we are living in a world where we desire to know the truth and nothing but the truth, where truth does not exist.

I know there are many things I believed to be true, that I no longer believe, including information regarded as conspiracy theories. I know that I believe things to be true for me today, but I cannot speak for tomorrow, for this thing I do know:

I know a great many things, though I really only am doing the best I can with what I have now. The next moment may be a completely different world on which I stand.

I live each moment in anticipation of new information, which may bring confusion or clarity. I realize that just as I am doing the best I can with what I have, so is my neighbor, my government and all the power it wields.

Who knows? If I were in charge of trying to manage 325 million people in America, I might follow the same path of logic in an effort to prevent chaos, and I might even resort to employing fear tactics to accomplish a sense of confidence and trust in my country to keep them safe and secure.

It is what it is, so I will find time to embrace the idea that everything is connected, relax, love, and enjoy the show.

My wish is that you, too, may find peace in the chaos.

So it is.

The Greatest Conspiracy Continues…

When I started communicating and telling others about The Greatest Conspiracy back in the eighties, the concept was relegated to the societal programming that encourages us to deny our individual gifts, abilities, purpose and message to deliver to the community at large.

Reduced to its simplest form these ideas comprised my definition of the greatest conspiracy.

That was then. This is now.

Since then, I have remained open and observant, slow to speak, but diligently aware as I continued to accumulate data. I have worked with people on the inside who have told me intimate details of things that are difficult to comprehend and even harder to believe.

My awareness of the greatest conspiracy years ago was but a pinprick in the fabric of the greatest conspiracy which covers everything we know, believe or have been told represents the truth.


Far from being an expert on the vastness of the greatest conspiracy (for who could possibly be?) there are many compelling individuals with first-hand knowledge who are sworn to secrecy, or face the consequences, to die prematurely of “natural causes.”

I have become privy to these unbelievable details directly from the individuals themselves who were careful to establish the clergy-penitent degree of communication prior to speaking the prohibited truth about factions, circumstances, events and the parts they played in explicit detail.

This is a great weight carried by all clergy as there is no greater non-disclosure agreement known to man and those of us who are charged with safeguarding the information are responsible to a court much higher than that of common mankind.

That said, I cannot possibly disclose the details of these seeming inconsistencies in the facts of life as we know them. But, I can conduct a bit of research on my own to see if there is any probability that their accounts are in line with any other data which could corroborate their stories.

It turns out, that there is much data to verify their stories, though most of it has been relegated to fanciful folly by myth busters (not the television show) who intimidate the masses into believing the “official cover stories” of the events, or be considered run-of-the-mill conspiracy fodder for the loony bin.

Even though everything that has been told to me in the strictest of religious confidence can be found via standard research channels, has been reported to the media (and scoffed at) by others who have shared their experiences. If the subjects were less than credible, they were laughed at and humiliated, while the more credible sources died of natural causes.

The media is seeded equally with truth and lies, only we are persuaded to believe the falsehoods and regard the actual authentic truth as hilarious ranting of the comically insane.

Don’t believe me, because I haven’t said anything about anything.

I only propose that one might consider that things may not be as they appear. There exists the possibility that the things we believe to be true and factual, may not be so.

How ridiculous is it for Americans to believe that the definition of “freedom” in the United States is limited to having freedom of choice (between two or more options which “they” have preselected for us)?

For me, I cannot allow myself to be distracted by such things as conspiraciesscientific discoveries or the media as it is important that I stay true to my life’s purpose and I shall. For those who are the warrior truth-seekers, be aware as you research, ask questions and collect credible data, keep it to yourself.

No one would believe you anyway, and least of all, it would be a great loss should you pass on due to “natural causes” needlessly.

Weaponizing Spirits Aliens and Ghosts

Take a look at all the science experiments that our government and its agencies such as the CIA, NASA, Department of Defense, FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (not to mention independent covert projects) spend billions of dollars researching and you might find the off-the-wall and unbelievable crazy television shows depicting weird science, is exactly what they invest their research dollars on behind closed doors.

weaponizing spirits aliens ghosts government paranormal cover up conspiracy

Starting with UFOs (and their related technologies), extra terrestrials, psychokinesis (affecting matter using only the power of mind), teleportation, parapsychological phenomenon, remote viewing, non-human entities (ghosts, spirits, demons) the list goes on and on… all the while, we’re expected to believe this is all nonsense, as our government continues to conduct cross-dimensional and interstellar travel/communications and weaponize every paranormal phenomena (not just the killing of goats with one’s mind).

This is not just fodder for sci fi movies armed with visual movie magic, in fact in any given group of 100 people in the United States, someone (probably several) will have a personal account regarding spirits, aliens, ghosts or UFOs (though depending on the group, may be reluctant to share their personal account).

While mind-reading may be the playground for gypsies, street-side psychics and carnival exhibitors, our government may have the wherewithal to extract thoughts directly from both your conscious and subconscious mind and listen-in with you being none the wiser. And the technology exists, whereby planting thoughts in your own voice – only heard from inside your own head – are clearly recognized and accepted as originating from within your own mind.

I may, or may not, have second-hand knowledge about some or all of the aforementioned phenomena, all I’m saying is that all the stuff we’ve been led to believe is hocus pocus, fantasy, science fiction and/or parlour tricks is being researched, experimented with, utilized, deployed and weaponized at great expense every day by our government.

The possibilities and potential abuse of these fringe technologies or paranormal sciences is alarming to say the least.

It’s no longer a question of whether these things are real or not, though the powers that wield them would prefer we stay ignorant of their existence (for either obvious or nefarious reasons).

It begs the question: How is it possible to know what portion of someone’s life is being affected by natural occurrences of these phenomena or possibly part of testing on an otherwise unaware public?

For the curious inquirer, an overwhelming amount of data, personal accounts, scientific studies and declassified documents are within a few keystrokes tickling Google’s fancy. The only problem with searching Google is that it has been flooded with a lot of bad information. Sources say the government is behind the false flood of erroneous data in a conspiracy effort to encourage a logical person to rationalize the entire idea is utter poppycock.

How to know what is real and what is pure craziness is anyone’s guess… but you can bet your bottom dollar, some of it is so factual that it’s worth billions of dollars spent every year by our government to harness it.

While society is battling over whether an American population with the right to bear arms is prudent or not, what about the invisible powers that could be weaponized all around us? These weapons leave no DNA, no powder burns, no residue and no trace whatsoever.

Would it surprise you to consider the government might promote the idea of exposing the general populace to substances and elements that might prevent our minds from harnessing the same powers that military psychic assassins possess? If so, could you blame them?

What if you could literally kill someone with a thought?
You can.

Just food for thought…

See also: Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories The Truth

In my work with powerful individuals associated with leading edge technology and thought, I often find myself face-to-face with someone (or someone who knows someone) who knows the truth about varying conspiracy theories.

There is definitely a part of me that engages when someone approaches me with new information that is contrary to public opinion concerning what is highly regarded as truth. I think that history provides us with a valid foundation to logically predict that what we believe about some things in the future may not be what we believe to be true today.

Some of the most interesting stories I’ve heard from “experts” in the field of research in these otherwise unbelievable conspiracy theories include conspiracies, like:

Conspiracy Theories The Truth area 51 aliens

Roswell and Aliens

The crashed UFO reportedly recovered in Roswell, New Mexico complete with alien crash victims, and the ensuing cover up orchestrated by the United States and the connection to Area 51. More and more, the general consensus is the statement, “We are not alone,” is true.


We all have seen it, planes flying through the air leaving trails of “something” resembling contrails, but is believed to be a sort of chemical spraying. The spray is associated with any number of purposes including DNA manipulation, spreading of disease, weather control and affecting the sensitive eco-system. Also known as aerial geo-engineering.

Medicine, Disease and Big Pharma

About 150 years ago patent medicine changed the landscape of medical treatment. Government regulators teamed up with corporations to allow them to synthesis natural cures and market them through medical universities to doctors who would presescribe the patented pharmaceutical medications to their patients in their practice. This wreaks of conspiracy may be the reason why we are seeing the proliferation of both designer drugs and designer disease.

Fluoride in the Water

We all know there’s widespread water fluoridation(and who knows what other additives are put in our water and what it’s purpose might be). We’re told npot to swallow toothpaste because of the fluoride in it, but there it is: in our main water supplies. TH fluoride in you water is actually hydrofluorosilicic acid. What purpose do you think that serves?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

My original thought was that GMOs were a good thing. Turns out: Not so much. As a matter of fact, could be really bad for us. Other countries refuse to have the stuff inside their borders, yet they continue to force-feed it to us and our kids… Then there’s Monsanto trying to protect their interests, but at what cost?


It turns out that there’ this huge facility (the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) located in Gakona, Alaska that’s run by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Many conspiracy theories surround HAARP. Could be used for controlling weather, “natural” disasters or controlling the minds of human beings.

Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups

Thanks to whistleblowers, like Edward Snowden, we’re finding our government may be more suspect than we had previously believed. Big Brother is alive and well, is watching every move you make and listening to every word you speak. They hire large numbers of personnel and control the media to manipulate the minds of their citizenry.


The events of September 11th, 2001 have left so many unanswered questions, that it leads one to believe this particular incident has many hidden secrets that seem curious today. Even a normal (non conspirator) resident of the United States would scratch their head and the confusing information. Though it may not be fully disclosed, it is certain that the cover story is not very close to the truth, not unlike cover stories of Pearl Harbor and the JFK Assassination, which we know now to be contrary to the original reports.

Who Controls the World?

Are there a chosen few actually pulling all the strings? Are we being groomed for the New World Order? Is the U.S. Federal Reserve System and nearly all of the world’s banking systems run by a few (if not two) predominant families part of another plot to further shackle us and what part (if any) do secret societies, like the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones have to do with it?

And that’s just a few of the many ideas I am privy to “inside information” on, which doesn’t even scratch the surface of more detailed information that I’ve been sworn to secrecy on.

So, you might ask, “How do you respond to that kind of data?”

Firstly, I am very interested in hearing the truth. I am hungry for it and desire to know it…

But I cannot let it distract me from my mission. I must resist the temptation to delve into the research, much like scientific discoveries, to protect and maintain the integrity of my special purpose.

So, I defer to others, of whom it is their mission, to ferret out the details and keep me informed.

What do you think?

Any other compelling conspiracy theories we should know about?