It’s Hard to Talk to People

Being among the evolving awakened can make it more difficult to engage in a positively conducive conversation with someone who is not privy to your enlightened perspective. It’s hard to talk to people as if you’re a stranger in a strange land and only visiting this planet.

You may have a rudimentary recollection, understanding those around you, but they have no idea who you are becoming. You might look the same but you’re quite different, now. You are evolving and your level of understanding is quite different from the standard Earth’s inhabitant at present.

It occurs to you that you might like it if some of your contemporaries could join you on this evolutionary journey, but it’s not the kind of thing you can simply talk someone into because they have no frame of reference and find it extremely difficult to understand the mysteries you have discovered by unlocking them with the secret codes within your evolving DNA.

There is no feasible way to communicate your discoveries in a way the unenlightened can correctly perceive them. Understanding is just not possible unless the divine spark within them begins to energize their own evolutionary process, even then, their growth and expansion will take place in completely different ways than yours, for each awakening and the path which follows is individually unique.

As your life becomes more heart-centric, it becomes easier to see how ego-centric others are, and you can have compassion for them, because that’s how you were, too, prior to your evolutionary awakening. You understand what is happening when you sit amongst a group of people who can talk for hours about all the things wrong with other people and this life.

The ego sees itself as the center of the universe and sees everything outside of itself as being of less value and significance, putting down anything else it can find to make itself (feel) even more superior.

You can observe them asserting their superiority over everything going on around them, the people and things within their circle of influence and those with no connection to them whatsoever. You understand this as the ego, in a sense, trying to justify their lives as being separate from other beings and all things. An effective method of social engineering which has proven to be effective over time. Until awakening, the idea of everyone and everything being part of one and the same (extension of God), and seeing nothing as broken, wrong, bad, or evil in this world, is not likely possible.

Conversationally, your interaction with others will take on a different flavor. You realize that you are but a reflection to others of themselves, for if they find fault with you, are accusatory, or are disrespectful toward you, you understand it has nothing to do with you in the “real world.” They are only responding to seeing the reflection of their own shortcomings, inadequacies, and hidden secrets within themselves. Who could blame them?

They are doing the best they can with what they have, besides they are also part of God, to be loved and honored by you while also being an extension of you, so you can have compassion, empathy, and respect for we are all one.

You have grown and expanded onto the version of who you’ve become so far, and see the universe with a renewed sense of wonder. You can continue to grow, expand, and coexist on a world that may be difficult to relate to at times, without being confused or perplexed by the vast differences in the perceptions of its inhabitants.

This evolutionary process of the human being is in its early stages, and you are blessed to be a part of it. At some point, in the near future when this continued expansion reaches critical mass, the entire world will fall into sacred sync. Until then, you are part of the chosen minority, yet also part of the emerging evolutionary wave of advanced humanity.

You have the ability to compassionately carry on a conversation without judgment because you love, honor, and respect your fellow human beings, who are a pre-evolutionary part of you.

I Have A Bad Feeling About This

You know that feeling that you get just before something bad happens? You might think, “I have a bad feeling about this,” in a precognitive manner seconds before something goes awry.

Well, say, “Hello,” to your little inner guidance system, or intuition. The heart is the seat of intuition. It’s just not the fodder of artists and philosophers of old anymore, as science is finding this is true, and it’s just not Jedis from Star Wars who can sense these things enabling them to announce, “I have a bad feeling about this,” seconds before something unexpected takes place.

We all have it to varying degrees. Our cognitive central nervous system which is seated in the brain, if you are aware of it, can provide you a good three-second advance notice via a feeling (like Spiderman’s spidey-sense) to brace for something, which can be highly advantageous, especially in a potentially dangerous situation.

Three seconds of advanced notice and heightened awareness can make the difference between potential-loss and prolonged suffering, or even life and death.

What if you could increase your intuition awareness from 3 seconds to 7 seconds?

It would have a massive impact on the difference it would make the next time you utter those words,

“I have a bad feeling about this”

Due to the advanced scientific research being conducted on the human heart, we are now finding the heart’s possessing a central nervous system separate from the brain, and more high functioning than the brain with far more accuracy.

While the brain emits an energetic field which can be measured a few inches from a person’s head, the energy which is broadcast from the heart projects a peripheral information-rich energetic field which transmits electronically for feet in every direction, consciously immensely further.

When an unexpected event is about to take place, the heart is the first physical organ to respond, immediately sending impulses to the brain for interpretation. The heart signals an urgent need for heightened awareness to the brain a full 7 seconds, and it takes about four seconds for the brain to process and react to the heart’s communication.

The brain is so busy thinking and it has been trained to disregard the heart’s nervous system, and until now, the most educated humans disregarded the heart’s significance on the human contribution to the human body as simply a blood pump.

The question of whether you are,

Thinking with your head or your heart?

Has far more significance today than it did at any time in the past.

Heart and quantum science are discovering the heart as the new frontier in scientific advancement, and it appears the heart’s energetic connection to the source of all energies of life is not just the subject of fantasy or fiction anymore.

Things like psychic connections and communications, telekinesis, and the like, which have been regarded as either science fiction or secret government researched potential weaponizations are not as ridiculous an idea as we were previously led to believe, as much of science fiction is increasingly becoming science fact.

The issue of whether there was a grand conspiracy to cover up this knowledge is moot, the fact of the matter is that we the people are becoming more aware, and as more and more of us awaken to this knowledge, honoring and connecting more with our heart’s intuitive intuition and the vast energetic source and storehouse of infinite wisdom and possibilities, the world (and mankind as we know it) looks increasingly different as it evolves every second.

There is so much going on here that far exceeds a four-second advantage.

Where will you be focusing more of your energies?

In your head or on your heart?

How is that working for you?


Your Growing Awareness and Others

A new day has dawned and you’ve found yourself on an expanding journey of personal growth and a blossoming inquisitive nature you could have never imagined as you were before you embarked upon this expedition. Along the way you’ve been beckoned by the universe to become a seeker or truth, which has rocked your world. The things that you once held as infallible truth are appearing to not hold up in the light of your expanding consciousness.

You’re learning more about yourself and the world around you (and possibly even vastly beyond these perimeters) and you’re finding meaning in your position in time and space.

As you continue upon your path to somewhere else, you notice the people who were in your life have chosen not to follow their path, have decided to stay behind, and they and their influence fades away. You know it’s probably better that way, because as you are peeling back the layers of thought and programming, they’d rather not hear about it anyway. You can remember a time when you, too, felt safe and secure in the dark murk and mire of socialized belief strategies, and today, it’s difficult to imagine trying to play the game, like that, anymore.

Life as we know it begins to take on new shape and form as our preconceived ideas are challenged and either strengthened or destroyed. Our relationships and friendships are subject to this new vibration and if the destruction takes a loved one you experience the pain of separation, but life holds something so much greater ready to emerge from the ashes. Loss, change and new life are all important components of your awakening.

Your interest is piqued by travelers who have forged ahead, documenting their steps in their journals and telling their stories giving you insight to your own yet unforeseen road trip. You pay attention, but do not follow, because you are forging your own path. Your journey is not based on anyone else’s journey as you understand to truly achieve your highest and best, you must find your own way.

You are aware that society uses a variety of devices to distract you from your enlightened exploration and ensuing expansion. While unbridled access to important information can accelerate your growth, it may also prevent it, especially if you can be overwhelmed by frivolous and deceptive data. Deceptive devices of the day include cell phones, tablets, personal computers and the Internet, with more devices being introduced on a regular basis to further impede human evolution.

As your consciousness is expanding, you should be developing your intuition which will help you to interpret data and add to your overall experience as you are becoming more in tune with the inner compass of your heart, as well as enhancing the connection between our heart and mind.

Love is a huge part of my life’s purpose and most (if not all) of us have a huge longing for love. This longing to be loved, or feel akin to another, can lead us into relationships that may not be in our best interest, including groups and individuals. This can also be a distraction from continuing one’s focus on their individual journey by trying to share steps with another traveler or group of travelers. This could lead you off your path, onto someone else’s, or could lead to your own stagnation.

Though you need not be the lone wolf, you can find like-minded people on similar paths and enjoy their presence, sharing information and edifying each other’s journey along the way, while being aware that self preservation is the key, which could have outsiders confused about who you are at any given time. Why? Because the thought police will find difficulty in determining your state of awareness and mental capacity as they are being trained to keep an eye out for folks who stray from the herd. Due to where you might be amidst your own personal journey you could be diagnosed with anything spanning from depression to narcissism. This journey is a process which can have any of us anywhere along the spectrum as we continue to learn and grow in faith and intuitive heart-connected awareness.

Celebrate your uniqueness and individuality and integrate with the herd as necessary along the way, while staying keenly aware of your own progress and those who may be inhibiting your growth and your progress can lead to achieving your highest and best.