Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

If you really want to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place, you’re going to have stop settling for less than your very best. Mediocrity sucks the life out of your highest potential. Bold determination, dedication and persistence, even when you don’t feel like it, wins the race to achieve your highest and best.

This is the difference between those who live the best lives, and those who settle for what they can get from life.

If you are confronted with a roadblock or obstacle in life, do you turn away, feeling rejected, unworthy, or consider yourself a victim of the system, resigning yourself to utter those “woe is me” lines, “I guess that’s just the way it is.” Do you approach a volunteer project, or any potentially explosive undertaking, by eeking out your bare minimum effort because you just want to get the job done so you can go off to do something else?

If you’re not pushing through, or giving everything you have in everything you do, and laying to waste what you might even have considered to be your limits to achieve new levels of ability and competency you didn’t even know you had, you’re settling for less than your very best.

Oh sure, everyone says, “I want to live a better life,” and, “I want to make the world a better place.” They might even dare to utter the words, “I’d like to have the best things this life has to offer,” but fail to do the work, to take the action to make their life different, it will remain the same, day after day, until the day they die. And that’s okay, because that’s what keeps the sociologically powered money machine running.

Most of us are just eating, working, consuming, sleeping and keeping ourselves so busy participating in distractions and doing nothing meaningful, leading us nowhere and leaving nothing behind.

Is that the life you want to live? Okay. It’s not bad. But if there’s something inside of you that longs for something better then you have to stop. Stop settling for mundane mediocrity and make a stand against just being another sheep in the herd, and do something about it.

Is it scary? Yes. Will it take pushing back when people expect you to just do what you’re told and nothing more? Yes. Will it make you stick out from the other sheep? Yes. And if the other sheep don’t like it, “too ba-a-a-a-d.”

In order to even consider living a different kind of life, a higher level of living, you must want a better life, and the more you want it, the more likely it will be better. You have to have a reason to make your life better that is so profound and meaningful that you will continue to break through the barriers that stand between where you were and where you want to be, no matter what obstacles you are presented with.

Oh, it’s happened to all of us. God gave you an idea an inspiration, a burning desire to do something or to reach out and help others, and you waited, second-guessed yourself, let someone whisper into your ear (probably yourself) about how you’re not good enough, not rich enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not healthy enough… on and on, until you’re so knotted up, you couldn’t do anything if you tried.

So, you had been given the vision, the keys, all you had to do was to push through and do the work, but you didn’t, and God gave that idea to someone else. And you saw your gift come brought to fruition by someone else because you didn’t embrace the gift you were given.

Your idea was given to someone who refused the knots, pushed through the barriers and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He or she kept knocking on doors, putting his-or-her-self out there, in difficult situations, every day proclaiming their message until their seed found fertile ground. They were dedicated and committed enough to endure countless objections and thousand of no’s, or “that won’t works,” in order to get to that one, “let’s give it a try.”

People who make it, aren’t just given “it” on a silver platter, they aren’t the lucky ones; they “make it.” With blood, sweat and tears, in the face of any and all fears they might face, they persist. These are the people that make it and they make it, by the sweat of their brow with their own two hands, and nothing can stand in their way.

Oh, they may hit that one big setback, that knocks them off their feet, but they don’t give up. They don’t give up, turn away and walk home in tears. No. They get up, wipe their tears, take a deep breath, and keep going, because for them, there is no going back.

Now, they’re smart about it, they learn on the way. Even if they start out awkwardly all alone they get better, they hone their skills and gather a support system along the way.

Sometimes it takes a village to make a thing so, but it starts with the one. One with an idea, a dream, a message, or a mission… Someone special. Someone who is not going to settle for second best, someone like you, who can see this through to its incredible conclusion.

It’s going to take steadfast nerve, some strategy, assembling a team along the way, and doing the work that needs to be done, making progress every day, whether you like it or not.

Are you going to shy away? Or are ready to do this thing now?

Then do this thing.

Do it with everything you’ve got.

You got this.

Those Who Take Action and Those Who Don’t

There are two kinds of people, those who take action and those who don’t. All of the people on this planet are born with a dream, a dream to believe, achieve, be or do something unique and meaningful, but few, very few, do what is necessary to realize their dream; that is to take action.

How can you tell the difference between those who take action and those who don’t take action?

Those who don’t take action are all around you. Wherever you see large groups of people, most of them are just like the majority of the rest of us. They are passive in their pursuit of life. At best, how they spend their time and efforts are basically focused on being a supportive part of the machine, which is integral to the continuation of the machine.

They engage in all the activity the powers behind the machine have given them to distract them from the dream they once had and keep their minds so busy, I mean frantically busy, so they couldn’t have the attention or time to focus on their dream if they had one.

Then there are those who vaguely remember their dream, and think about taking action. These people might even start to research about their dream and taking action to start creating their dream in an attempt to raise their awareness about their dream. They spend the spare moments they are able to glean from the crowded highway of life to research, to increase their knowledge, until they feel confident enough, that they know enough, to take action. But there’s so much to learn. So much information, in fact, that you will never feel like you are informed enough or prepared enough to take action. You’ve spend so much time on preparation and learning that there is no time left for taking action.

Then there are those who boldly take action. You may not know them, personally, but you know who they are. We spend our time and money on them and we focus our attention on them. We watch and support the people who have taken the action to live their dream. We watch them living their dreams in the movies, on TV, on the stage, or on the field. We buy their tickets, play their games, and wear their clothes. We admire the way they think, display their skills, and share their lives with us. We listen to their music, their words, and pay attention to the action they take. We see them, we watch them, we love them and we hate them for what they do.

And what is it that they are doing?
They are living their dream.

Sometimes, we wish we could live a dream, like they have, but feel that we’re just not good enough, or lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time for good fortune to shower down on us, like it did those people. But the truth is,

There are two kinds of people, those who take action and those who don’t.

The people whose work we admire had a dream and took action. In fact, they took massive action.

They didn’t have the time; they didn’t have any more time than you or me. They made the time… Every day.

They’re no better than you, anyone you know, have ever met, or anyone else on this planet. They’re just like you and me.

You might be sitting next to one of them right now. It’s easy to tell the difference between someone who has taken the action to achieve their highest and best and someone who hasn’t. Want to know how?

Ask them what they did today.

You can tell if a dreamer is tracking their dream and taking the action to make it come true by what they did today to move closer to their dream.

Oh, they might talk the talk; talk is cheap. Did they take action, today?

If they did not, they are still a dreamer, and that’s a good thing. Sometimes our dreams are all that we have, and even if we don’t live our dreams, maybe our dreams can inspire someone else to break free from the mob and take action.

It’s so simple. The people, who achieve their dreams, take action to move them closer to their desired outcome every day. Every day.

Just the fact that you have a dream alive inside you means that dream has already come to pass in the future. It’s already there, already a done deal. Your dream is just waiting for you to arrive. And right now, it’s wondering where the hell you are.

Do you have a dream? Are you ready to take the necessary action to achieve your dream, to make it come true once and for all? Are you ready to live your life on the other side of the screen? Not always watching, but becoming the person you were meant to be? To do the things you were called to do?

Then do it.

Yes, study, raise your awareness, courage, and prepare. But don’t get stuck there.

Take action.

Take action every day.

Be the best you can be.

Live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.

How to Get What You Want

I’m in the business of helping people achieve their highest and best and this often also means I can help you get what you want. Now, I can’t give it to you. Where would be the fun in that? But I can help point you in the right direction to achieve your goals, dreams and discover how get what you want, though you must do the work yourself.

Looking for a free ride? Okay, there are free rides available for freeloaders, although my clients are what I refer to as “doers.” That is to say they are willing to do the work to achieve their goals and get what they want. You might think, “That’s the hard way,” and indeed there are many ways to get a thing done, though the most intelligent people focus on doing what appears to be hard or overwhelming in the easiest way possible. If you’re in the know, you may find it is not as hard as it seems.

My favorite – and easiest – way to get from where you are to where you want to be is by simply taking

Baby Steps


I mean, think about it; every baby wants to learn to walk, so they start with the smallest wobbliest steps. As difficult and awkward as it is, the stepping process in cumulative, every step makes the next one easier and before you know it, the baby’s walking confidently.

We can apply this same principle to ourselves, and you actually have been doing so your entire life, or else you would still be living in your parent’s home (no disrespect to those who are still living at home, you know what I mean).

One Step a Day

Even if you only took one step a day, eventually you would reach your destination. Some days you could take many steps, or walk a mile bringing you even closer to that which you seek. But even the smallest step brings you closer than you were the day before.

This concept can be applied to anything; obtaining physical items, amazing experiences, good health, healthy relationships, financial health, education, personal satisfaction, increased quality of life, happiness, whatever you want.

While this is a simple concept it is also profound and useless if you do not continue to take action and keep stepping toward what you want.


It is on you to keep yourself accountable for your progress.

If you really want to get from here to there, then by all means track your progress. It not only allows you to see how far you’ve come, but it establishes the reasonable expectation that you will take a step to move you closer to what you want every day, no matter how small.

If you’re serious about getting what you want, you will review your steps every day. Every evening before you call it a night and ready yourself for slumber, ask yourself, “What did I do today?” to move closer to what you want.

In the event that you cannot recollect any step, there is still time. In those final moments do something – anything – that will move you even the slightest bit closer to that which you desire and make a promise to yourself to purposefully move closer tomorrow.

There is no judge or jury here, only your own accountability to yourself.

These daily steps are key to the success of the doers who make things happen and enjoy the best this life has to offer.

What do you have to show for today?

If the answer is “nothing,” then all your wanting is for not and you are not likely to get what you want.

You can do this.

What will you do today?


How I Achieved Everything

Whatever it is that you seek to accomplish in your own life, it makes a lot of sense to do some research, do our due diligence and possibly find someone who has already accomplished that which you seek.

So you find those who are willing to share their story

• How I won the lottery
• How I lost 40 pounds in 20 days
• How I found my soul mate
• How I saved my marriage
• How I brought my family back together
• How I cured myself from cancer
• How I created a Top 40 song
• How I wrote a best-selling book
• How I created a viral video
• How I became famous overnight
• How I went from employee to CEO
• How I became a multi-millionaire
• How I came up with the most profitable invention
• How I grew my home business to worldwide corporate success
• How I achieved enlightenment
• How I saved a village from starvation

Regardless of what you are looking for, there is likelihood that someone has already accomplished it and is willing to tell their story of how to achieve anything. The most popular way for us to have access to the story and its accompanying data is via the printed word. What does it cost you to get access? Simply the cost of purchasing a “How I did it” book.

As you hold the book in your hands (or on your device) you have the author’s blueprint, the step by step process, walking through the very same process as revealed by the author.

You take copious notes, and chart the step-by-step process and ready yourself to duplicate the author’s journey.

No one would blame you for expecting to achieve the same results as the author if you acquire the same ingredients, apply the processes and closely adhere to the ABC’s of the extrapolated formula.


No matter how hard you try to duplicate every possible detail of the formula, your results will not be the same as the results experienced by the author. You might ask


And insist, “But I did everything right…”

What you failed to note in your equation was the quandary of the extraordinary.

The truth of the matter is this: You cannot duplicate the success of anyone else because you are not the other person. You were not at the same time and place in space and all the possible variables could not possibly be duplicated.

Can you do something similar?
Yes, but not exactly the same.

You can achieve success and you can look at the work and results achieved by others, but to have a chance at your own lightning strike of success, it would be prudent to have at least one (the more the better) lightning rod(s) in place to be in a state of readiness when lightning strikes.

The universe is always expanding and growing and good fortune is coming down from the heavens to strike some “lucky” individual with a great idea who is in the right place at the right time.

Only, in many cases, the overnight success we hear about has much less with luck than you might think. Even though in the rarest instance someone does get hit by success’ lightning strike, in many cases the lightning has struck one of the rods that one has erected to attract the point of impact. This preparation can take a great deal of time and effort and has less to do with luck and more to do with the Law of Attraction, immense fortitude and commitment to see a thing (or many things) through.

So, don’t worry so much about following someone else’s footsteps on their path to success. Focus on blazing your own trail in your own way, continue to do your research and the work necessary to be in the right place at the right time when lightning strikes.