Imagination and Creation

The first order of creation is thought. Everything that ever was, is, or will ever be was preceded by thought. Sometimes an unintentional thought brings a thing into being, sometimes intentional. You can create change by brute force, with determination, will power, and rigid discipline.

But if you really want to take an active role in seeing anything change in your life, or the world, you can actively take part in the creation process by engaging and incorporating other systems which come from outside of your flesh, which can magnify your efficacy exponentially.

The most powerful tools you have to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place from what you know today as being your reality and not only bridge the gap but cause your heart’s desires to show up in your life are your imagination and inspired action.

Let’s take a look at imagination.

The powers that try to control you, the world, and keep us subdued, know how powerful your imagination is, so they have built sociological constructs which make you believe that imagination is nothing but a fanciful toy used by children. And by all means, you and everyone you know should abandon such silliness if you are to become a responsible adult and effective member of society.

If you are caught using your imagination or daydreaming, your peers who have been programmed just as you have will speak up and attempt to correct you. The correction may take the form of a warning or reprimand, an assertion that you get your feet back on the ground and grow up. In essence, to “get real.”

If you do not snap out of it, you may be at risk of being diagnosed with any number of various psychological disorders for which there is a treatment regimen that will knock the imagination right out of you. So, be careful about using the power of your imagination, and be cautious as you continue to practice using it because your strength and expertise in wielding such a powerful tool will grow as you learn to embrace this source of creation.

Regardless of what other people might think or say, I challenge you to dare to invite a bit of imagination to your life, right now. This little exercise doesn’t require changing your environment or achieving a state of relaxation, it can be done anytime anywhere. I mean, if you’re watching or listening to me right now, you’re already multitasking, so just keep going, and imagine your life.

By using your skill of daydreaming, you can function normally and exercise your skills of imagination while having very little impact on your waking and otherwise productive life.

Using your power of imagination, think and answer this question, “If you could have anything you want any way you want it, all the love, health, and wealth you can envision. What would that look like?”

Just for a moment, suspend your disbelief, and actively visualize, see in your mind’s eye, all the things you would really like to see and be around you in your life.

In your perfect life, if you could have everything the way you wanted it, what car would you be driving? What kind of house would you live in? Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world, and money was no object.

What would the people who are close to you look like? What would your friends look like? How would they support and respond to you as you were living your perfect life? If you could have your family members be any way you wanted to be, how would they be?

Would you have a job? If you had a job, what kind of job would you love to have more than anything? Would you be financially independent? How would you achieve that? Might you be a business owner, inventor, artist, actor, singer/songwriter, game or app creator, or the recipient of an inheritance or some other financial windfall?

Remember, reality plays no part in this exercise. Push your desires out beyond their logical limits, where anything and everything is possible. After all, this is just your imagination.

What would your health status look like? When you look in the mirror in your imaginary perfect world, what do you see? What’s your default facial expression as you’re living the life of experiencing the desires of your heart every day in every way? What does your happy healthy body look like? What clothes are you wearing?

In this place, what would you do for fun?

Would you travel? Have your own swimming pool? Throw parties for your friends, celebrating everything, in your own event center or on your yacht? What would you do that you would love to do more than anything? What would make your heart sing?

Okay, bask in your imaginary life for a few more moments, imagining what your life would look like if you could have it any way you want it.

And while you do that, I want to make a confession to you. I just played a trick on you, and you fell for it. Now don’t worry, a beautiful thing just happened. While anyone else in their right mind might have cautioned you against it, what you just did is amazing.

Using the power of your imagination, just now, you created all those things that you ever wanted and they are coming toward you to be realized in the 3D world for you in all their glory. This is taking place, right now. They are coming to you.

This is the power the greatest minds of our time from Aristotle to Tesla, Einstein, and Jobs, who knew how to use this tool to bring us a planetary status and quality of life where we can have access to anyone anywhere in a heartbeat. Anything you can think of, it’s either already here or on its way.

And everything that is, started just like that little exercise you did. You planted those seeds and you germinate them with your thoughts and they continue to grow, mature, and get closer and closer as you do, but it will take more to bring them to fruition mort rapidly.

Outside the Box

Waking up to the idea that everything you’ve been taught, everything you believe, and everything you know, is a lie, can be just too much for the average person to imagine. No one would judge you if you got a chance to get a glimpse behind the curtain, or look outside the box, if you disregarded it as folly, a dream, or a nightmare.

So much of what we know about this life, as we know it, was beat into us, the result of being reared by parents, taught by teachers, and supported by our peers and the media, which keeps us in a manageable state of mind, safely inside the box, easy to control by the factions on the planet with the authority to do so.

Yet, there remains a part of us which cries out from deep within, it’s been so stifled that it can barely be heard above the noise of society, that something’s not right. It doesn’t sound right, look right, fell right, when we’re restricted to life inside the box. Most of the time, when our inner voice breaks through, we disregard looking outside the box as a silly thought. If you’re foolish enough to raise the idea to a friend, he or she will laugh at you, as if it were meant to be a joke. For if they thought you might actually be thinking outside the box seriously, your friends would be very worried about your sanity.

Let’s say you have a dream of doing something significant, maybe owning your own business, or teaching others about an insight you have, which you think will benefit the greater community. You are likely to disregard this dream as a silly passing thought because you are not worthy of undertaking such a project.

You talk yourself out of it very quickly so as not to entertain the thought too long because you are not wealthy enough, unqualified or not educated enough, or lack the credibility to engage in such an activity. Not to mention the impending doom brought on by fear of failure from within the box.

Even though the thought or the dream may be an indication of your calling. Had you not been programmed not to dream, you would be able to imagine or realize that even the thought of your dream was actually a premonition, a scene from your future outside the box if you only had the ability to imagine it and step into the dream.

But your ability to use your imagination and dream (as it pertains to you and your life, as dreaming and imagining works of fiction are often encouraged) has been squashed early in life and reinforced throughout your life inside the box.

Imagination is the most powerful weapon you have against the machine of programmed life inside the box. Dreaming and visualization are keys to new life, new possibilities, and you’re having the ability to have an impact and make the world a better place.

You have been programmed with a sort of self-restraint which keeps you moderated, afraid or inhibited about embracing the idea that your life has purpose, that you have a divine assignment or mission in life outside the box.

We live in a constant state of fear which prevents us from daring to think or reach outside the box. Having the courage to take the risk of engaging in thoughts or activities which are socially acceptable helps to break the chains of the fear and restraints which have been imposed on us by the controllers.

Outside the box is where all the adventure and truth can be found, allowing you to grow and expand beyond what would have ever been possible from inside the box.

When you start thinking or moving outside the box, your world starts to change as you become more self-empowered, willing to go places and do things which you may have felt were not possible before. The real you start to emerge from your cocoon.

From this expanded point of view, you can see others who remain inside their boxes, and you do not pity or judge them. You realize that at this time in space we are all just doing the best we can with what we have. You feel fortunate to have found your way outside the box, but do not judge others for doing the best they can with what they have. You have compassion for them and you love them, no matter what.

As the numbers of us who venture outside the box increases, the day will come when the box is irrelevant and lose its effectiveness to control any of us, and the whole world will be free, but for now, you are but an explorer exploring the vastness of life which few could relate to from inside the box.

Once you step outside the box, it’s easy to become focused on the initial concept which garners your attention. Keep looking, exploring, and expanding your horizons. There is always something else waiting to reveal itself to you. Retain the ideas which resonate with you and your calling, and file away those which might not appeal to you. These concepts are waiting for the explorers to whim they are a match.

You will cross paths with people you will meet outside the box. Exchange ideas, and learn from one another, but be cautious not to be overwhelmed by someone else’s mission, if it is not in harmony with your mission. There is a tendency to be distracted by the fanfare of someone else’s momentum. Seek your own energetic vibration, and be true to that.

The more you grow and expand, the smaller the world appears to be. When you might have resigned yourself to live in a particular part of the world because it was within your box of safety, you will become more apt to want to move about the planet freely as part of your exploration and expansion.

Will you dare to look outside the box?


When it comes to changing your life, there is no greater tool to utilize when you’re contemplating a major shift in life than visualization.

Julie Valenti

In case you’re wondering what topic(s) I will write about each day, there really is no preconceived or premeditated program. Whatever comes up that day, either in my life, the life of a client, friend, or family member determines the subject I write about. Like today, I was studying childhood PTSD, reading Julie Valenti’s Knowing How, then followed up with a client who needed some coaching in visualization. So, there you have it.

Visualization is powerful because it helps to “rewire the brain,” as Valenti says. In my practice, visualization followed training in Christian ministry and prayer, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Hypnotherapy (in that order) and ended up as a progression of these techniques culminating in guided visualization or meditation with concepts of the Law of Attraction thrown in for flavor.

If you have seen Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, you can get the idea about how to approach the idea of visualization and how it can change life all around you, based on where you focus your attention and practice the feeling of having whatever it is you desire, and it works.

The truth is, my mother told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, even though very early in life I was non-verbal. I didn’t talk much as a young child, but I could mimic comedy recordings word-for-word and with some degree of enthusiasm. When company would come over, my mother would call me out of my room to put on a performance for the guests. Everyone would laugh, and then I would slink back to hide in my room following my delivery.

This was me exercising visualization by mimicry and pretending, and after a while, I learned communication skills and began to interact verbally with other people. A powerful skill that would come in handy throughout my entire life’s journey, and my mother was right, I could be or do anything. Likewise, you can be or do anything you want.

All it takes is a little visualization, practice, using something we all have been programmed to disregard in adulthood: Imagination. The more powerfully you exercise your imagination muscles and engage your actions, the more powerful your results.

It’s up to you to decide to do the work of using all your powers of imagination to visualize your life, the way you want it to be, bask in the feeling of it being your reality, and act as if it’s the real deal.

The doing of anything is a key component. What you do today determines who you will be.

In the beginning, once you start this effort, it feels ridiculous. You’re thinking this is fakery, and you start to second-guess your efforts with thoughts like, “Who would do such a thing?” followed by a flood of negative self-talk, like, “I’m not good enough,” talented enough, or the other dissuading themes reinforcing your lack of education, resources, finances, abilities, standing in the community, or an endless number of “reasons” justifying your unworthiness.

Norman Vincent Peale

To combat this onslaught of self-doubt and negativity, you kind’a have to go a little overboard in an attempt to rewire your brain. As a young man, books like Norman Vincent Peale’s Power of Positive Thinking and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill were resources that helped to encourage my growth and expansion using my imagination to bridge the gap between here and there.

Napoleon Hill

So, you might have to look in the mirror and practice positive affirmations, study the lives of others who have overcome obstacles to achieve the results you are looking for, create vision boards, and remove yourself from any negative influences during your reprogramming phase. Whatever it takes, do that, don’t let anything prevent you for going for it, and when it doesn’t feel real, allow yourself to pretend and fake it until it becomes true for you.

Thanks to my seizing every opportunity to turn every challenge into an opportunity allowed me to have the most tremendous experiences one could ever imagine in this life. In most cases, when facing insurmountable odds, all I had to do was to use my imagination and pretend that I was fully competent to survive and thrive through the adversity, and the Creator of the universe would support me in kind.

Even when it doesn’t make any sense, and it seems impossible, if you go forward in faith, putting yourself in the proper mindset and acting as if you are fully capable and trust that everything you need will appear in just the right time, your brazenness is rewarded by everything falling into place perfectly.

“Perfectly,” is not always the way you imagined it. Sometimes God knows there is something better He has in store for you, so try to be flexible enough to allow the power of love to override your expectations in your best interest.

You got this.

The Sound of Expansive Evolution

Where does all the weirdness come from? Images and scenarios that play out when you sleep, that feeling of Déjà vu, when you find yourself nowhere you’ve ever been before, yet have the knowingness that you’ve been here before, meet someone who seems so familiar, done or said something before, when you know better. Or have you?

There is a great field of energy that we all walk around in. It surrounds us and permeates every tiniest piece of everything that is, and even assists in the assembling and holding together of molecules and provides order so we can have the privilege of enjoying all matter has to offer, including the bodies we’re so blessed to inhabit.

The very thought of us, floating in space on a planet in a solar system, in a universe that contains millions of galaxies ever-expanding (if you thought you were feeling insignificant before, I apologize), but there’s good news.

If you allow your mind to consider the idea, you could access and meld with the intelligence that makes sense of all chaos and powers everything, everywhere, at all times. Yes, the same One that hung all the stars and planets in space, made our little blue ball and put us here to enjoy all the amazing things which surround us.

Obviously, attempting to define this intelligence and power in any intelligible manner, would be like trying to teach a worm how to build a Mercedes from raw materials. The only hope you have of getting any idea about what’s happening is to spend time experiencing this energy and allow our minds to expand enough to hopefully get some idea about what’s going on from the perspective of our human experience.

Now, this is not a new idea, and people are doing it every day. People from all walks of life wield this limitless energy every day. Some on purpose, some witness it’s power by accident, yet there it is.

Trouble is, when someone gets a glimpse of the power, and discovers a duplicatable method to predict a plausible result (that may well be unexpected at first blush) from accessing and deploying this energy, they’d like to patent it, if they could. Instead, they start a movement of some kind based on this very narrow scope of their discovery.

I am not discounting their discovery, God bless them for figuring out how to expand beyond the constraints of thought which keeps any of us other structured thinkers from doing so. Yet, this harkens to the idea that there is hope for those of us who see them embroiled in the ecstasy of their discovery, and have hope for ourselves.

Each and every discovery of this accessing and/or harnessing of this intelligent energy is but a spec, a very small sampling, like discovering a grain of sand among all the grains of sand all over our planet (and other planets, too).

The only hope of accessing this energy is to use a powerful tool we are all imbued with from the moment we are introduced to this planet, and that is your imagination. Your imagination is far more effective and powerful than any manmade weapon, and more effective, sensitive, and intricate than any scientific instrument ever conceived on this planet.

Expansion explorers are only scratching the surface of what the potential and power of the imagination is, but as much as we’d all like to release the information freely, we all realize there is a great opposition to the dissemination of discoveries of this type en masse.

We, all of us, you and I, have been programmed from birth to reject any of these magnificent high-level thought processes, to laugh at people who would dare think outside our comfortable little thought boxes. Some even go to school to learn how to diagnose, treat, or otherwise remove these energetic rebels from society altogether, for our own protection. To protect us from evolving past the limitations (and control) of our socialized humanity.

Okay, so there’s a growing underground movement that is slowly expanding and integrating with The Source of all that is, was, or ever will be. And while we may be few, our numbers are increasing, and one day, when this energetic evolution reaches critical mass, a very different world will emerge.

In the meantime, we will remain to be somewhat quiet about our expansion, while we continue to do so.

Shh… That’s the Sound of Expansive Evolution

Your Mind’s Whiteboard

Did you know you have within you the power to create anything your heart desires? Whether in business, or your personal life, you can create a life, a community, a whole world, and entire universe, all with the power of your mind.

Let’s just look at your mind as a huge whiteboard. You’re armed with a fresh set of colored whiteboard markers, and you can write anything you want on the whiteboard in your mind. What thoughts would you write on the whiteboard of your mind? Positive thoughts? Negative thoughts?

This simple whiteboard tool allows you to be able to initiate the creation process. In the boardroom of your mind, you can create new goals, visions and make plans, sketching out plays to achieve your highest and best. And it all starts, right here, in the boardroom of your mind.

Every time you enter your board room, you have complete control of your whiteboard. No one else and you’re armed with an unlimited fresh set of colored whiteboard markers chart out any path through any challenge you may be facing. If you start using this process, no matter what you may be feeling outside, in here, in your boardroom, you are the inspired, powerful master coach, planning your next coup.

You can change your whiteboard at any time. You came to this planet with everything you would possibly need to create the life you desire, and if you persist to forge forward on the path of what you desire, those things that don’t make sense to you now, will emerge from the fog and become crystal clear at just the right time. And the people and tools that you need to push through to the next level will be there, if you honor your journey, are sincere and diligent.

If you walk into your boardroom and see negative thoughts, feelings or opinions on your whiteboard, you can use your dry eraser to wipe them away and replace them with positive thoughts, feelings and better ideas for a bright future.

If you see someone else’s words scripted out on your white board, you can mark it up, correct it and rewrite it, like a master mathematician or scientist solving a mystery of life, and restate it in it’s power and beauty, retaining the pearls of wisdom and projecting a fabulous future.

There may have been an important key hidden within someone’s statement that struck you wrong, or hurt your feelings. You can solve for it, like an equation on your mind’s whiteboard, turning a potentially defeating statement into a power-packed prediction of an amazing unfolding.

Remember, what anyone says to you is not about you. It’s about them. They may have meant to dissuade you in some way, to slow you down, or throw you off-track altogether. But you can look for the hidden treasure secretly hidden within their words, decoding for the missing ingredient that you need to perfect your formula. This is the unseen mission of the antagonist, to hide the clues you need to solve your problems that appear to have no solution.

This is why, when someone spews venomous opinions or gestures at you, you are unmoved. You have no need to react or defend yourself, but you do take note of their message. You determine what is fact and leave it as that, remove any false information and opinion, but looking for any hidden meaning that may be helpful for you on your journey. Sometimes, the jewel inside an otherwise flaming insult, can be just what you need to break-through to a new plateau in your pursuits.

You can use your super duper whiteboard eraser to start over anytime you want with a totally clean slate, the ultimate Control-Alt-Delete reboot. Just wipe it clean, and start over.

And you have all this power within you, accessible by that silly little thing that others have told you was only used by fools, your imagination. What they don’t want you to know is that your imagination is the most powerful tool you have. It holds power that is only now beginning to be realized, and it’s unsettling to the scientific world as they are beginning to realize there may be nothing of greater potential than the human imagination un-tethered.

How to See Things Differently

And Make Them Real

The first step in seeing things differently is to see things differently, to actually purposefully see something differently. You can immediately see something different if you can imagine it being different.

Viewing the three dimensional view from your prospective analyzing the data a rendering a conclusion are all thought processes of the conscious mind, alternatively accessing the imagination harnesses the power of the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind which performs logical functions and routines.

It’s like the difference between singing, whistling or humming the melody of your favorite song. You are limited to the capabilities of the physiological capacity of your upper body, which as magnificent as this composite of biological components and characteristics is, is nonetheless limited in comparison to the power of your unconscious mind which can imagine to hear the entire song, all the background instruments, melody, harmonies, all combined, just as though you were actually listening to the recording.


Make It Real

The ability to imagine – or visualize – anything, causes whatever you focus your attention on to become more real.

Imagination is a powerful tool that must be used with care to avoid creating a state of being, circumstances or materialization of that which you do not want.

For instance, if you use your imagination to visualize a positive scenario or circumstance, the positive energy created by your mind, body and inner force field will begin to attract other positive fields in an effort to enable you to see that which you desire in the real world.

On the other hand, if you use the power of your imagination to visualize a negative scenario, the negative energy created from a low level vibration, like fear, will attract and visit you with exactly the outcome you would rather have avoided, or absolutely did not want as a result.

The greatest minds of our time have used their imagination to visualize futuristic – otherwise unimaginable and impossible – systems, processes, products and devices, while we, the buying public enjoy the advancements that all are the result of someone’s vibrant unconscious thought which was first imagined, then was brought to life in the real world for all to behold.

There are several components of successful visualization and manifestation (the realization of that which is imagined in our 3D world). Those who are masterful at both visualization and manifestation combine the number of times that they take time to visualize what they want, with increased supporting data, feeling and exquisite details. And as their imaginary visualization tarries on, they increase its detail, size and see it coming true with all the effects on the person doing the imagining as well as everyone else this visualization could possibly affect when brought to fruition, while increasing the focused time spent visualizing.

This process certainly brings about nearly every major breakthrough, though admittedly, many breakthroughs also occur by accident (this refers to a completely different process), it is the purposeful methodology that we focus on at this time, because you can use it to bring to pass

Your Wildest Dreams and Fantasies


Your Greatest Fears and Disasters

It all depends on how you use this powerful mechanism in your life.

So, if you want to see anything differently, simply do so by visualizing it differently using your imagination. If you really want to make something different do it more often, add more detail and feeling, increase its intensity and do it more often.

Suggestion: If you’re going to utilize this power, keep your focused energies positive.

Truth and Consequences

Once you get to a point in your journey when you are attaining a level of personal integrity, you also begin to gain a desire to be open and honest – which is a good thing – but it doesn’t take long ‘til you find that telling the truth and being totally honest can come at a very high price.

Being totally honest is an authentic urge as you continue to grow as being true to yourself makes you want to be truthful to others also. One would think that since being brutally honest with yourself would indicate that being brutally honest with others would be just as effective. Yeah, not so much.

truth honesty consequences imagination sincerity

The more radically open and honest you are the fewer people will be attracted to you. Unless your goal is to completely isolate yourself from society, then you might consider tempering your honesty with a snippet from the Hippocratic Oath, “To do no harm.”

Otherwise, an unbridled purveyor of truth might be considered as arrogant, self-centered, antagonistic, whacked (crazy) and possibly deserving of being safely locked away in an asylum. To counter public opinion about the truth you desire to share, simply being considerate of others can be a highly effective approach when applied to communication that might otherwise be difficult or hurt someone’s feelings.

This is a skill wielded by the savvy therapist, to be able to challenge the patient with contrarian ideas in order to break a particular pattern, without approaching the idea from a full frontal attack. Some empathy in this situation will go a long way. Consider the person you’re involved in the conversation with, use a bit of imagination and try to put yourself in his or her shoes. How does it feel to be that person, in this moment, with respect to the life he/she has lived up to this point?

Keep in mind, you want to tell the truth without overawe and do no harm in the process.

Simply taking a moment to observe your breathing, connect with your heart, thoughtfully and purposefully setting the intention to effectively and sincerely communicate heart-to-heart prior to sharing will help to set the tone for a potentially abrasive interaction.

To avoid the pitfalls or consequences of being blunt, a more ‘round the bush approach may be a more affective tactic, especially if you would like to avoid alienation, desiring a more positive outcome.

As you become more open, honest and intimate your thoughts in a sincerely truthful manner, you find increasing feelings of satisfaction, joy and fulfillment from this advanced perspective. Your whole outlook begins to improve, as does your lifestyle, you live a healthier and enjoy a longer lifespan.

If you can learn how to honestly tell the truth with respect and honor for the life and perspective of the recipient, you will be respected as an authentic person who speaks with authority and integrity, while being kind and sensitive.

The more you do it, the less intimidated you are about sharing and the more courageous you become about intimating important details to others.

When your kindness predicates your sharing honestly, you come from a place of love and compassion and people with whom you are interacting feel as though you care about them, when the very same information would have been rejected and you shunned, without first setting your authentic intention.

Still, there will be times when even with the best intentions and efforts, your honesty will be rejected, but that says more about the state of the receiver than you. Some people cannot handle the truth and build protective walls around themselves to disallow any ideas that may seem incongruent to them.

Allow them to be where they are. After all, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

Maybe sometime in the future, they will be more receptive, depending on their life’s journey.

In the meantime, tell the truth, understand there will be consequences and minimize the negative ones.

In all honesty and love.