Mindfulness and Intention

Quantum principles highlight the importance of mindfulness and intention in personal transformation. By cultivating conscious awareness and directing our thoughts and intentions, we shape our reality and manifest desired changes in alignment with our highest aspirations.

In the realm of entanglement and its profound implications for personal transformation, the combination of mindfulness and intention emerges as a powerful catalyst for expanding quantum awareness and shaping our reality. Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment, and intention, the conscious direction of our thoughts and energy, hold the key to unlocking the immense potential within us and manifesting desired changes in alignment with our highest aspirations.

Mindfulness, at its core, is the art of cultivating awareness and attention in the present moment. It is the practice of observing our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment, allowing us to engage with life from a place of clarity and acceptance. Through mindfulness, we become attuned to the subtle nuances of our inner and outer experiences, awakening our senses to the richness of each moment.

By incorporating mindfulness into our daily lives, we develop a heightened sense of self-awareness. We learn to observe our thoughts as they arise, recognizing that they are not inherently true or defining of who we are. This awareness empowers us to disentangle ourselves from negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and self-imposed limitations. We gain the ability to respond to life’s challenges with equanimity and wisdom, rather than reacting impulsively based on conditioned responses.

Intention, on the other hand, is the conscious direction of our thoughts, emotions, and energy toward a desired outcome. It is the deliberate focus of our attention and the alignment of our actions with our deepest aspirations. When we set clear and empowering intentions, we harness the creative power of the quantum field, shaping our reality and bringing our desires into manifestation.

To cultivate mindfulness and intention, we can incorporate various practices into our daily routines. Meditation serves as a cornerstone for developing mindfulness, allowing us to quiet the mind, observe our thoughts, and cultivate a sense of inner stillness. Through regular meditation, we sharpen our ability to be present, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Another powerful practice is conscious breathing. By bringing our attention to the breath, we anchor ourselves in the present moment and create a space for mindfulness to flourish. We can take moments throughout the day to pause, take a few conscious breaths, and reconnect with our intention and purpose.

Journaling is a valuable tool for exploring our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. By putting pen to paper, we externalize our inner world, gaining insights and clarity. Journaling allows us to reflect on our experiences, identify patterns, and set intentions that align with our values and aspirations.

Visualizations and affirmations are effective techniques for directing our intention toward desired outcomes. Through vividly imagining our desired reality and affirming it with positive and empowering statements, we program our subconscious mind and align our energy with the manifestation of our intentions.

To integrate mindfulness and intention into our lives, it is essential to cultivate a daily practice. Consistency is key. We can set aside dedicated time each day for meditation, journaling, and reflection. Additionally, we can infuse mindfulness into our everyday activities, such as eating, walking, and interacting with others, by bringing our full presence and attention to each moment.

As we deepen our mindfulness practice and align our intentions with our highest aspirations, we awaken to the transformative power within us. We tap into the quantum nature of reality, recognizing that our thoughts, emotions, and energy influence the fabric of the universe. We become active participants in our own evolution, consciously shaping our reality and manifesting our deepest desires.

So, I invite you to embrace the synergy of mindfulness and intention on your journey of personal transformation. Cultivate mindfulness in each moment, savoring the present and gaining awareness of your inner landscape. Set clear and empowering intentions that align with your truest self and the vision you hold for your life. By nurturing these practices, you will unlock the quantum potential within you and embark on a path of profound growth, self-discovery, and conscious manifestation.

Remember, you have the power to shape your reality. Embrace mindfulness, harness the energy of intention, and watch as your life transforms in extraordinary ways. The quantum field awaits your conscious participation.

No Such Thing as a Lie

When someone lies to you, if you feel as though someone has hit you in the stomach or stabbed you in the back, you’ve bought into the lie which asserts that there is such a thing as a lie. What if there is no such thing as a lie?

The idea of promoting the idea that there are lies, and that there are fewer crimes more offensive than lying, is the single most effective tool used against us to keep us fully separated from each other.

This obsession over the difference between truth and lies keeps us at war with each other and keeps us constantly on the defensive, ever wondering, “Who will lie to you next?”

This begins and perpetuates the endless cycle of looking for lies, and as you know, you will always find whatever it is you are looking for. If you are looking for lies, you will find them everywhere you look.

What if there was no such thing as a lie?

What if everything anyone says (in spoken word or print) actually is true one hundred percent of the time?

This is the essence of my Truth Continuum which purports that everything is truth. If history teaches us anything it is that everything which has been widely accepted as truth is subject to change and that one person’s truth can vary wildly from that of someone else.

Truth is subjective. And if truth is subject to influence and personal interpretation, then the antithesis, lies, must also be subjective. Which puts these concepts on par with each other, for if someone’s truth is another person’s lie, they are one and the same; all within the Truth Continuum.

As much as you might like to assert your truth is based on facts or sound science, we know that these things are not as black and white as we might like to believe.

Truth more adequately stated might be, “The truth as I see it,” which reasonably must allow for the truth of others as, “The truth as you see it.” Therefore, all truth, past, present, and future (including other dimensions and places in time and space) resides within the truth continuum.

Lies are a little trickier because there are two kinds of lies, the lies which are contradictory to one’s perceived truth (these may reside within the truth continuum), and lies which are purposefully spun in an effort to deceive someone or to avoid some potentially undesirable consequence (excluded from the truth continuum).

To express a lie which is known to the deliverer to not be true in an effort to deceive may be spun in such a way as to be believable or potentially true is a lie which has no truth within it, even though there may be truths hidden within the details of it, to make it appear to credible or truthful.

Lying with intentional deceit is not the same as declaring something that is believed to be true but may not be perceived by others to be true.

The possibility exists that many of the popular beliefs purported by social engineers and leaders of certain factions may have intentionally spun to deceive a particular populace but with the intention to benefit the purveyors of the lie or the greater part of the population.

Those who use lies to control people may have concocted the most masterful lies with no truth present as a method to manipulate peoples, and even so, because these lies have been believed to be truth by someone, these ideas can also be found in the truth continuum.

So, what if someone lies to you intentionally to deceive you?

Ask yourself, “Does it matter?”

If you can wrap your mind around the idea that people just are, and you honor their ability to be who they are, to say what they say, without judgment, maybe what they say to you, even if intended to defraud you in some way, doesn’t really matter.

This is your life, and you can manage it any way you see fit.

Think about being an unconditional lover who believes in the idea that everyone has the same rights as you to be right or believed, no matter what.

Consider having the courage to believe there is no such thing as a lie, and to say, “I love you no matter what you say, no matter what you do.”

If there were no such thing as a lie, you could easily stay in the frequency of love’s vibration and your countenance would be unshakeable.

Power of Intention

You have to start somewhere and that somewhere is found in your intention. If you have an idea, concept, calling, mission or something you want to achieve or accomplish in your life you can set your intention to see it through, combined with the attention to detail(s) and taking actions necessary to see it through creates a divine recipe for the coming to pass of anything you can visualize.

When you align your sacred intention with the desires of your heart the ability to follow through is inspired and supremely effective. You are able to see your efforts expand exponentially as you align your intention with passionate determination.

This affects all areas of life such as healthy wellbeing, attaining material things, healthy relationships, business building, spiritual awakening, the care and feeding of others, or romantic love.

Your intention is like a seed with the potential to grow into the fullness of that which you desire to see manifest. Just as any normal seed, it is not enough to possess the seed. The seed must be planted nurtured and cared for, and the more attention you give it, the more grandiose the outcome.

The seat of intention is in the heart, not the brain which separates it from mere determination. Intention is powered by the source of all life which originates in the heart. This allows you to be deeply connected to the object of your intention and allows the support of the energy of life to uphold your vision.

In this way, you are creating sacred space for your project to come to fruition, surrounded by the energetic field of empowered love in harmony with the integrity of your entire being while being connected to the source of all life.

Your intention is divinely attenuated to you, your life, your mission, and purpose in life, which gives you the ability to be a deliberate creator as you live in an inspired vibration of expansive love which attracts to you everything you need to manifest that which you desire.

By sparing the mechanics of the brain and letting the power of love provide the creative and energetic support, there is a peace that comes from not creating from sheer force of will but allowing the universe to provide as you see your dream unfurl before your very eyes.

Seeing through the eyes of love will allow you to see the energies at work as they vector in all the components necessary to see the object of your intention come to pass. For this is the natural way of manifestation by deliberate intentional creation.

Once you begin to apply deliberate intentional creation to your life, your life expands as all things become possible.

This is the difference between two successful individuals, when compared one to the other, they may have achieved similar degrees of success. One is surrounded by drama and chaos, the other peace and harmony. What separates them is how they go about conducting their daily business.

One utilizes their own strength and determination, the other sacred intention and allowing deliberate creation to manifest.

Which one would you rather be?

There is no wrong way, there is no right way, everyone gets to choose to live their life any way they want. Some prefer the drama and struggle, some not so much. There is no judgment here.

The world is changing, and its inhabitants are starting to see that life need not be a struggle.

If your intentions are inspired and empowered by love, you can have your heart’s desire without compromise or sacrifice.

Will You Do It?

You have a dream. You can do it. Will you do it? That’s the question.

Occasionally, someone crosses my path and I am empathetically drawn to him or her. I can see his or her potential and I sometimes get lost in the fullness of the vision. On rare occasions, I reach out and invite this person to join me in the performance of my mission because I can see the synergistic relationship between our combined missions. Sometimes I jump the gun.

My vision of his or her potential is so clear, that I overlook the current status he or she is in along his or her life’s journey. If he or she is not ready, willing, or able to fully embrace their individual purpose, message, passion, and mission yet, then I am doing him or her an injustice my presuming they he or she is fully engaged or capable participating in this time in space.

Everyone is on their own path, doing the best they can with what they have, and there is no reason to engage when the timing is not right for you. Only you can know when you are in the right place at the right time to fully embrace your higher calling, and only then, will you know the answer to, “will you do it?”

Will you do it?

Sometimes it’s when you’ve had it up to here (as Popeye the Sailor might say, “That’s all I can stands and I can’t stands no more!”), other times you might have been just waiting for the appropriate bandwidth in life to have the time and space to dedicate to living your own life to your highest and best potential.

There are others who have a pretty good idea what their life’s purpose is (may even know precisely what their divine assignment is) and have decided never to engage in it fully.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mark Victor Hansen who taught me to work with people and clients in lockstep fashion. Previous to Mark’s coaching, I could get so excited about someone else’s possibilities that I’d sacrifice everything on his or her behalf, only to find out later, that he or she had no intention of following through on fulfilling his or her life’s purpose.

Until Mark’s diagnosis, I would passionately overextend myself, even put myself in harm’s way, allow myself to be drained by emotional vampires, exploited by sociopaths or psychopaths who would seek to exploit my naivety and enthusiasm.

These days, my ministry is far more streamlined, I have staff and friends looking out for me and I am more cautious and disciplined. I realize now, that I cannot want something for you more than you want for yourself.

I will fully support you and walk with your hand-in-hand step-by-step toward you accomplishing your goals, realizing your dreams, achieving your highest and best, living your best life, and making the world a better place, but I will not do it for you.

I show you how, and help you do anything you want, but you must be motivated, willing and capable of doing the work necessary to bring your vision to fruition.

If you think you’re ready to go forward with all you’ve got, then I’m ready to go with you. You could do this on your own, no doubt about it, but together we could rock this thing.

Call me.

Intention Activities Friends

You are a physiological representation of your vibrational energy. The important contributions to maintaining your personal frequency of vibration are:


intention activities friends energy vibration communication

We are energetic composites of what is our own ideas about how we see ourselves or would like others to see us (intention), how we spend our time (the activities in which we engage) and the people with whom we associate with (who you hang with).

When we interface with other people, our energetic interaction will either influence the person with whom we are communicating positively or negatively. When you speak to someone do your words express life or death? When we communicate with others our words are charged with our own vibrational energy the result will either have a healing effect on the recipient or a harmful effect.

Realizing this puts an incredible amount of pressure on those of us who are on a constant and never-ending path of increased performance and personal growth. It means accepting responsibility for how our own energy, words, and method of communication affects those around us.


Everything begins with intention. I could only assume that your intention is to have a healthy, healing and positive impact on the lives of anyone with whom you are interacting.

Our intention affects the delivery of our message greatly. It influences our body language, voice inflection, choice of words and the general “feeling” that is felt by the recipient. Even if our words are carefully and cognizantly selected, if they are not consistent with our energetic field, the person you’re trying to communicate will not be able to receive your intended message, for they will sense the incongruency and they will be more confused than receptive.

Taking a breath and a moment to set your intention and connecting with your heart before engaging in a conversation (or performance) can help to set the stage for a more effective experience.


How you spend your time sets the frequency for your personal energetic vibration. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out, either. You know how to evaluate what frequency you are tuned into by how you feel about a particular activity.
Some of the activities that you engage in do not make you feel good, they send you reeling down the energetic vibration scale. How you feel is a clear indication of where you are on the scale.

How do you feel when you watch the news? How do you feel when you listen to a debate? How do you feel when you play a video game?

How do you feel when you hear (or participate in) gossip? Gossip, or talking behind someone’s back disrespectfully, is an interesting energetic phenomenon. When you engage in gossip you engage in a negative energetic vibration that seeks out the subject of your conversation and sends harmful energy to him or her. Is that really something you want to do? Even if the recipient doesn’t know you, they still feel your negative energy. (This is a scientific fact.)

On the other hand, how do you feel when you volunteer to feed the homeless? How do you feel when you hold a baby in your arms? Snuggle with your cat (or dog, etc…)? How do you feel when singing in the shower, taking a walk along the water, or watching a beautiful sunset?

In terms of your energetic vibration, you are what you do. That is to say, the activities that you participate in sets the tone (vibration) that permeates your life, fueling and determining the energy field surrounding you that affects everything else you do.


It is said that you will be the average of your best five friends, the five friends that you spend the most of your time with (which may not be your “best” friends, for you might have friends that you are closer to, but spend less time with).

So, who are the friends (or people) that you spend the most time with? What are they like? Are they the type of people that you aspire to be? What is their average energetic vibration?

Their energetic vibration will influence yours, and yours will tend to find a resonant vibration similar to their energetic average. So, if you aspire to maintain a higher vibration, it is advisable to spend more time with folks who maintain vibrations higher than yours. This will help raise your vibration.

The knowledge of all this and your ability to take responsibility for your vibration empowers you to keep on track in terms of achieving your highest and best.

Truth and Consequences

Once you get to a point in your journey when you are attaining a level of personal integrity, you also begin to gain a desire to be open and honest – which is a good thing – but it doesn’t take long ‘til you find that telling the truth and being totally honest can come at a very high price.

Being totally honest is an authentic urge as you continue to grow as being true to yourself makes you want to be truthful to others also. One would think that since being brutally honest with yourself would indicate that being brutally honest with others would be just as effective. Yeah, not so much.

truth honesty consequences imagination sincerity

The more radically open and honest you are the fewer people will be attracted to you. Unless your goal is to completely isolate yourself from society, then you might consider tempering your honesty with a snippet from the Hippocratic Oath, “To do no harm.”

Otherwise, an unbridled purveyor of truth might be considered as arrogant, self-centered, antagonistic, whacked (crazy) and possibly deserving of being safely locked away in an asylum. To counter public opinion about the truth you desire to share, simply being considerate of others can be a highly effective approach when applied to communication that might otherwise be difficult or hurt someone’s feelings.

This is a skill wielded by the savvy therapist, to be able to challenge the patient with contrarian ideas in order to break a particular pattern, without approaching the idea from a full frontal attack. Some empathy in this situation will go a long way. Consider the person you’re involved in the conversation with, use a bit of imagination and try to put yourself in his or her shoes. How does it feel to be that person, in this moment, with respect to the life he/she has lived up to this point?

Keep in mind, you want to tell the truth without overawe and do no harm in the process.

Simply taking a moment to observe your breathing, connect with your heart, thoughtfully and purposefully setting the intention to effectively and sincerely communicate heart-to-heart prior to sharing will help to set the tone for a potentially abrasive interaction.

To avoid the pitfalls or consequences of being blunt, a more ‘round the bush approach may be a more affective tactic, especially if you would like to avoid alienation, desiring a more positive outcome.

As you become more open, honest and intimate your thoughts in a sincerely truthful manner, you find increasing feelings of satisfaction, joy and fulfillment from this advanced perspective. Your whole outlook begins to improve, as does your lifestyle, you live a healthier and enjoy a longer lifespan.

If you can learn how to honestly tell the truth with respect and honor for the life and perspective of the recipient, you will be respected as an authentic person who speaks with authority and integrity, while being kind and sensitive.

The more you do it, the less intimidated you are about sharing and the more courageous you become about intimating important details to others.

When your kindness predicates your sharing honestly, you come from a place of love and compassion and people with whom you are interacting feel as though you care about them, when the very same information would have been rejected and you shunned, without first setting your authentic intention.

Still, there will be times when even with the best intentions and efforts, your honesty will be rejected, but that says more about the state of the receiver than you. Some people cannot handle the truth and build protective walls around themselves to disallow any ideas that may seem incongruent to them.

Allow them to be where they are. After all, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

Maybe sometime in the future, they will be more receptive, depending on their life’s journey.

In the meantime, tell the truth, understand there will be consequences and minimize the negative ones.

In all honesty and love.