Almost the Law of Attraction

If you know women (and men) who are into mainstream law of attraction, you will find them manifesting better lives, getting all the things they want by practicing meditation, relentlessly reciting mantras, passively doing less and getting more out of life. This is almost the law of attraction.

Watching them go about their practicing this watered-down version of the law of attraction is just enough to drive you nuts because you are a doer. You know what it really takes to make changes in the real world, and in comparison to what you know to be true, these folks just look like lazy people. Nonetheless, they do seek to live good lives and are quite pleased at the improvements they’ve made.

The powers that be are hoping they are happy with that and don’t see the real truth and power of the law of attraction. The law of attraction for real men is the highest level of the law of attraction which is wielded by the most powerful people (men) in the world.

It is important to know the real law of attraction is not what you might have thought it was. For instance, it is not the magical thinking which would qualify as a mental health disorder such as schizotypal personality disorder (DSM-5), but don’t be surprised if your therapist tries to convince you of that to dissuade you from going there.

The law of attraction is not associated with witchcraft, voodoo, any religious order, or parareligious organization. It is the energy which holds all life and matter in perfect harmony. It doesn’t judge or determine what is good or bad, as the most powerful intelligent source of energy in the world, it simply is, and those who know how to use it, they benefit wildly from it.

There is nothing to believe or supernatural about this source energy. It only responds to how each of us direct it, no matter who you are, it is at work 24/7 monitoring your heat, thoughts, emotions, and decisions that you make and acts accordingly, organizing all the details of your life to match your energetic persuasion.

It is not a static or constant form of energy, it evolves and advances and encourages all forms of life to do the same. Those who know how to wield its power have the ability to change their lives and the world to best suit their desires.

Until now, the masses have been the unwitting victims of those who are the original masters of the law of attraction. Those who have discovered the law of attraction have a rudimentary idea about how it works, and they receive benefit from exercising it in the best way they can according to their knowledge of it.

If you talk to your teachers, mentors, doctors, or therapists about the law of attraction, they will tell you that this is nothing to be concerned about, They will downplay its efficacy or deny its existence, claiming it is nothing more than positive thinking or self-hypnosis. Unbeknownst to them, they have been educated (trained and programmed) to be the gatekeepers of the law of the attraction. To be the buffer to prevent the masses from discovering the truth about the most powerful law of the universe, and they have no idea what they are protecting, or have any knowledge of the part they are playing.

LOA for Real Men and Women

Let’s get one thing straight about the Law of Attraction for Real Men, and that is: LOA4MEN is not a sexually separated philosophy, but it does follow a powerful model that has been long established and predominantly used by males historically. The idea behind the law of attraction for men is to differentiate this from the commonly viewed ideals which have been placed upon the law of attraction which is basically passive and effeminate.

Men who are attracted to the law of attraction, in general, are expected to deny their masculinity, as this is seen as a sign of weakness in current LOA circles. Women are not prevented from boldly practicing the law of attraction for men, they are invited to do so, but their tendency is to be attracted to the more gentle approach in using the law of attraction as more meditative and passive.

The law of attraction for men is far more aggressive and proactive and is not appropriate for all men, only those who already have the propensity to be movers and shakers, powerful individuals who are already a force to be reckoned with.

For those powerful people, they exert a great deal of personal energy which takes a toll n their bodies, minds, and spirits. Understanding and using the power of the law of attraction for men allows the Universe to do the heavy lifting of achieving your goals, getting what you want, and changing the world.

If you’re resistant to the idea of the law of attraction because it sounds like a fairy tale, no one would blame you due to the way it is practiced among the general populace, but the law of attraction is a law more powerful and real than the law of gravity in getting things done.

The few most powerful people on this planet use it every day, and you can use it as well, if you learn how to tap into the power of the universe and wield its power for yourself.

Could the law of attraction for real men be used for evil?

The ownness is on you to decide how you apply the real law of attraction to your life, what you want, and what you do. Because the law of attraction does not see good or evil, we do that. We see things as being good or bad, but that is only because we are unable to see the big picture as it is seen by the power of the law of attraction.

Even if you use the power of the law of attraction for evil, the ultimate result will be positive even though this may not be understandable in the moment. A historical review of the past will bear this out to be 100% verifiable.

It would be reasonable for you to expect your life to change as you begin to align yourself with the law of attraction. As you start down this path, you will discover small tweaks that you can make in your life that increases the power and results, so don’t be surprised when you start to see major changes taking place in your life as you start to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

The Law of Attraction for Real Men

The Law of Attraction is used by the most powerful people in the world. The power of the law of attraction is virtually unlimited and we all are subject to it. If you are unaware of it, you will simply be a victim of the law of attraction. There are those who impose the law of attraction on the world to control what we think, the words we say, those things we believe, and whatever we do. This has been going on since the beginning of time as we know it.

In the last hundred years, a growing number of us (those who are considered as “unentitled” to know about its existence, let alone have any concept of utilizing such power) are becoming aware of its existence. These individuals are allowed by the masters to learn how to access and use some of this power in limited forms.

As the Law of Attraction has leaked out, been discovered, and shared among those who have been open-mindedThe  enough to access this, a parareligious movement with associated philosophies have developed, and this is more than likely how you heard about it.

The powers that be are fully aware of the power of the law of attraction and use it to its fullest capacity, while they allow these people to access it with a certain degree of restrictive fear about “doing it wrong” and so they have included principles similar to those found in Buddhism to keep them benign, to prevent them from becoming a problem.

“What problems?” you might ask.

If the people associated with this “movement” were to actually embrace the full power of the Law of Attraction, the world as we know it would no longer be sustainable, which means “the people” would not be able to be controlled like they are now.

As the Law of Attraction evolves and continues to grow, this will become an issue for the powers that be, but they are confident that this will take thousands of years (although there are those of us who disagree).

Because there are real men, I mean manly men who are movers and shakers, who are not attracted to the watered-down spiritually motivated love and light movement which is growing in popularity these days. They are learning the principles of the law of attraction and are changing their worlds accordingly.

By doing so, they are getting all the things in this life that they want, and their desires are many. You can have it all, without risking having to go to prison for breaking the law, because you are using a power far higher than any law.

If you’d like to wield the power of the law of attractions without having to sacrifice your masculinity, then LOA4MEN, the Law of Attraction for Real Men, is for you (if you dare to go there).

Keep in mind that we’re not downplaying the law of attraction as it is being taught in contemporary circles, this is an important part of our evolutionary process, but the world also needs powerful masculine leaders who really know how to use the full power of the law of attraction as well.

Just the idea of it may be offensive to some who fear that if it were true that the law of attraction could be used for evil. For those who are truly in-the-know, they understand that the law of attraction doesn’t regard anything as good or evil, it just is. So how you use it, is up to you.

LOA for Men

LOA for men is The Law of Attraction for Men by David M Masters. You may have attended an event sponsored by St Paul’s Free University or some other organization that doesn’t mind supporting and promoting a room filled with testosterone-driven men to embrace the principals of the law of attraction in the manliest of ways. This is the Law of Attraction for Real Men.

If you’re a real man, if you’ve heard of the law of attraction, and heaven forbid if you’ve learned about it from your partner or spouse, the idea of this namby pamby oogly googly curl up and suck your thumb in the fetal position while you stare at a candle, meditate, repeating mindless BS, just the idea of it, would be enough to make a billy goat puke.

Your partner says, “Hey babe, just do this and we’ll have everything we want in life.”


Have you lost your mind?

You are never gonna convince me, or any other real man, that I can accomplish anything through giving up everything I’ve worked for, denying the man I’ve become, stop the moving, my momentum forward, as I’ve fought the fight day in and day out for you and those that I love to sit and meditate in my pajamas all day long and daydream about living a better life?

You have lost your mind.

And if anyone else were to bring up such a crazy idea, you can just about face yourself and get out’a Dodge, and the horse you rode in on. You all don’t belong here. Nobody respects that kind of nonsense. Right?

I hear you. I know. This crazy thing happened and the law of attraction, which is a real thing, fell into the hands of a bunch of whiny weak-kneed baby-faced lazy losers, who were able to put it into action and raise the value of their lives. Then they started promoting the heck out of it, like some new peace and love religion.

But that is not what the law of attraction is.

The law of attraction was here long before we were, long before anyone discovered it and leaked it to the masses. The law of attraction has been practiced by the most powerful people who have ever lived on this planet, and they still use it every day to manipulate you (us) and get whatever they want, every day, every second, nonstop.

And these people are NOT nice, benevolent, and loving people. They do not run around all day in their cotton jammies meditating and hoping that something good is going to happen to them, while they join their friends in singing Kumbaya around the campfire.

Nope, they are not doing any of that worthless crap.

They are out there dominating and moving their world and the rest of the world, commanding and demanding using the law of attraction, and you can use this same power for anything you want, if you know how, and anyone can do it, even you.

Now, I know the new age love religion folks are not gonna want to hear this, but it’s true.

The real law of attraction has been wielded most powerfully by the dominators, those people who possess more authority and power than you could possibly imagine (and probably wouldn’t believe it, if you could) every day. And they allow you to have your own little piece of it, as long as you stay weak, and you can live a better life. So have fun.

But right now, there are a growing number of men, real men, who are becoming aware of the law of attraction for real men, and they are changing their lives and the world, in more powerful ways than you could imagine. Look out for these men, they are the movers and shakers of tomorrow, and there is nothing that can stop them.

Oh, baby, I know you been meditating and praying for your husband,

“Oh dear God, please save my husband. Let him see that softness tenderness and laziness that has made me feel so much better.”


Somethin’ better just happened.

You’re husband just woke up to what’s really going on here, and baby, you just go on doin’ your thing, and God bless you for doin’ it, but your husband, he’s stepping into his sacred domination, and it doesn’t look anything like the watered-down law of attraction that you’ve been practicing.

He is stepping into this unlimited power source, he’s kicking ass and taking names like never before.

And you? You get to benefit from being with a man, who will love and care for you and make a massive contribution to others and the world at large.

Now, no one’s asking you to change, because ask yourself this:

How much good could the two of you do in the world working together with this kind of power?

This is the sacred union you were destined to enjoy.

Now, go forth and change the world in power.

And be on the lookout for because something powerful is brewing.