What Are You Attracting?

Ever wonder why things are the way they are in your life?

The people, peculiarities, situations and circumstances that appear in your life do so according to your beckoning. You called all these things into being by the power of your thoughts, or even more powerful: your spoken words.


According to the Law of Attraction, what you think or speak about is what you are attracting to you, even if it your thoughts are in the negative form. For instance, if you were to think, “I want to see a black cat,” or alternatively, “I don’t want to see a black cat,” the universe responds by providing you the opportunity to see a black cat.

If you add an enormous amount of energy to what you don’t want, like emphatically telling all your friends that you don’t want to see a black cat as long as you live, possibly scream it at the sky or pray fervently about how much you never want to see a black cat again, guess what?

You got it: A big black cat… maybe even a barrage of many black cats.

If this is true, then everything in life that surrounds you is a product of your thoughts or the words that escape your lips. And it is likely, the more things you don’t want (especially if you’re enthusiastic about not wanting it and/or clearly express your not wanting it) the more opportunities you have to interact with what you do not want.

What do you want?

The answer is easy: Start thinking about and professing what you do want.

Even religious texts urge us to think about good things, so this is nothing new. For if we focus on the negative, this is what we get, on the other hand if we think only about those things that are good and lovely, beautiful, honorable and bring us joy, then more of these things are added to our life.

Stop thinking, speaking (or even worse: obsessing) about what you don’t want and start focusing intently and enthusiastically about what you do want.

The people who seem to have the best lives, the best luck and attract the best opportunities and circumstances think and speak positively about their expectations and (here’s the next piece) believe these things will come to pass.

You are energy

As much as we’d like to believe that we are flesh and bone, there is a much greater more powerful version of ourselves accompanying us on our journey on this planet. We are actually more energy than we are matter. Our energy emits a certain frequency and everything that exists around us is a perfect match to the energetic frequency we send out.

When you have a powerful, energetic thought which is contrary to your normal frequency or vibration, a powerful burst of energy explodes disrupting the vibration to which you have been so accustom.

While this creates a weak spot in your normal vibrational frequency, it is not enough to permeate your field of vibration for longstanding change.


That is where belief comes in. Thinking and/or speaking disrupts your current vibration and belief sustains the new frequency. In this way, the more you focus on the new thought pattern and the longer you trust or have faith that it will come to pass, the more certain your positive results.

What if I doubt?

Doubt is an explosive energetic demand that the universe return you to your previous vibration or state of affairs. You can correct for this by immediately initiating an emphatic positive affirmation, in essence, changing the channel back to your higher frequency or vibration. Continued doubt, will result in sustaining the old vibration and returning you to that which you’re more used to.

What about the how?

We can get distracted by trying to figure out the how. This is where logic gets in the way of the power of the universe. If we can stay focused on only the end result as non-specifically as possible, this allows the universe to fully engage bringing to us on that which is our highest and best, in ways we may not have been able to imagine, with a far greater end result.

To change your life all you need to do is to change your thoughts/words (the more enthusiastically the better), continue to believe the new results will appear, to be open and allow the details to be delivered in the best way possible, and you will find yourself enjoying having the things you want in your life, the way you want them, or even more.

Give What You Want

If you really desire something to be ever present in our life, then give it away.


There are many ways to get stuff, as in most areas in life, obtaining physical possession or emotional states includes a wide spectrum of possibilities but basically are obtained either by hoarding or giving.

Hoarding is fear-based promoting lack, and giving is gracious benevolence that promotes abundance.

Which sounds more appealing to you?

Fear or Gratitude


In a fear-based state of mind, the person who is acquiring any given thing, circumstance, state of mind or feeling is doing so from an energetic position of survival, and in a more aggressive campaign for any given thing, survival of the fittest. The extreme is likened to an act of war, where the goal is to conquer the enemy to obtain that which is sought.

In the battlefield of acquisition morality may be compromised in an effort to get what you want. Not unlike war-time. We raise our children not to kill. Later in life, they may find themselves in occupations where they are taught that killing is not only acceptable in certain circumstances, but if they are in a war-time occupation it becomes their job, to kill for their country.

The same is true for fear-based accumulation. To varying degrees (based on the individual) all bets are off. They are likely to do or say anything in an effort to obtain that which they seek. The more desperately they want it, the more desperate the measures they will take to get it.

You might think that this fear-based acquisition might represent only low income individuals. If so, be prepared to wrap your head around the idea that this style of acquisition permeates all income levels from the lowest to the wealthiest people on our planet.

In the fear-based system, the acquisition of that which is sought is not satisfying to the person who obtained it in this manner. While some satisfaction is obtained by getting what they wanted, it doesn’t last long, and they long for something else to get.

I am not offering any judgment on how someone acquires the stuff they want. It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, it just is what it is.


Then there are the people who are thankful for anything they receive and give freely with no expectations and they get everything they want in an abundant fashion, while the rest of us look on in utter amazement wondering, “How do they do it?”

They don’t work hard for anything, do not obsess over its absence, just believe they will have it and whatever it is they’re wanting finds its way to them.

They tend to be extremely generous, helping others, giving of themselves in a variety of ways to offer energetic assistance, contribute to the evolution of peace and/or a better world in some way.

Whether they are aware of it or not, they are participating in what we currently refer to as the Law of Attraction. Some people just do it naturally and the rest of us can learn how to live a life like this, although it will take some effort on our part if we are to move from fear-based acquisition to gracious abundance.

Reduced to its simplest form, I see the fear-based acquisition and gracious abundance not as good and bad, but more like the hard way or the easy way. To me it is easier to freely give, love and promote peace, kindness and a better world and enjoying all the things that come my way, than to fuss and fret about not having what I want, scrimping, saving or manipulating people or circumstances (including finances and financing) to get what I want.

If you are in the fear-based mindset, the scrimping, saving, financing sounds much more practical and easier than letting go enough to find joy in allowing what you want to come to you at the perfect time. To you, the concept of giving-and-allowing sounds impractical or ridiculous at first blush.

Think about it

This applies to all things, material things as well as emotional states.

In this respect it is true: you cannot buy love or happiness. Oh, you can achieve that state for a while via any means possible, but it does not satisfy as much as when that which you seek is obtained by giving of it freely, and receiving it in return.

What do you think?

Personal Development Quantum and Spirit Science

There’s a certain type of individual who is attracted to personal development. That is to say, they are concerned about who they are, how they interface with the world, how to make the world a better place, and become the highest and best version of themselves while doing it.

They find themselves less concerned with the distractions of this world and more concerned with attempting to discover what is real. They are becoming increasingly aware that something is more real than the material world, which we previously interpreted as real.

While the material world is definitely experienced in 3D through our senses and cognitive interpretation, there are even more dimensions around us that we are unable to understand or experience with our rational mind. A small but growing part of our planet is reaching out to connect with these realms in various ways.

It starts when one realizes that there is more to this world combined with an elevated sense of self, as in feeling as though there is some purpose to being here, that we as individuals are summoned to this planet for a reason. As you begin to have a sense of personal mission and purpose, your self-confidence begins to expand, and you find yourself more acquainted with positive thinking and a reluctance to enjoy the lower vibration of negativity.

You might begin rationalizing the quandary between the conscious and subconscious minds while creating a safe space to focus on your personal development. As you try to make a safe space to conduct your research, you will find yourself less attracted to drama and unhealthy relationships as you focus more on your personal growth and self-development.

personal development quantum spirit science expansion of consciousness

Deciding to embark on this journey (which is highly personal and does not seek validation from mass consciousness) imbues you with a unique form of self-empowerment and responsibility as you create your own path to individual self-improvement.

Some investigate with the power of mind via scientific models led by quantum physicists exploring quantum mechanics and quantum theory (the Pandora’s Box of quantum science), while others are seeking to explore from within via a more heart-centered spiritual approach. These two separate camps are unraveling the secrets of the universe using different methods, yet their conclusions have striking similarities.

It requires a relative disconnection from mass popular thought to reposition one’s thought process in a way that is open to possibilities that may exist beyond the confines of science, technology, philosophy, religion, or beliefs for those engaged in this investigative journey to approach those ideas, concepts, and matters unrecognized in our everyday world.

While quantum physicists struggle with the traditional scientific method, spiritual researchers also can be found working against peers ready to “save them” from their spiritual pursuits as they engage in fringe parapsychology and likely dipping their toes in the water of the law of attraction. At the same time, they begin to question everything we know.

Both the advancing scientific and spiritual communities making the quantum leap are asking the question:

“What if everything we know is wrong?”

Blazing a trail that may not have existed before can be confusing. Thankfully, we are not on this journey alone. There are those who have gone before and have some previous work, which we can springboard to more heightened levels of experiential knowledge. Any time each one of us advances in our research and development, someone, somewhere, is also moving in the same direction.

It’s as if a global consciousness is being shared among the global community. While yet in its infancy, as our numbers may be minuscule, we are growing together. As this growth continues to expand, it is having a profound effect on the world at large.

Seekers of these leading-edge technologies and seekers of truths that supersede previously known or accepted thought lead to more of a spiritual awakening, as researchers are expanding in spiritual growth and scientists are redirecting their laboratories to incorporate spirit science and conducting experiments which can only take place from a position of spiritual enlightenment.

The world as we know it is changing.

Are you a part of the change?

Law of Attraction Positive Psychology

In my work with clients changing their lives for the better and helping them achieve their highest and best (and even more)… it is not uncommon to cross paths with the Law of Attraction (or LOA). From an early age (and long before The Secret was released) I was intrigued by what has become known as the Law of Attraction when I first discovered the principles in the Bible during my ministerial studies as I was simultaneously processing the positive psychology works of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Since then, I discovered the Law of Attraction predated the religious texts that I was studying.

Moving onto vogue, the Law of Attraction was picking up speed, separating itself from religious venues and leaking into pop culture and embraced by what was known as the New Age Movement or associated with New Thought, then found a home amongst Quantum Theory, influencing Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Sciences.

The Secret law of attraction rhonda byrne positive psychology self improvement

You have probably heard of the Law of Attraction due to its increase in popularity thanks to the work of Rhonda Byrne’s release of the movie, The Secret. I became acquainted with Ms. Byrne and her work in 2008 and was so impressed with her story, which was an effective demonstration of the Law of Attraction in Action. Most of the general population had not heard about the Law of Attraction prior to the release of Bryne’s film that spread throughout our culture, like wildfire, though many had paved the way since the early 1900’s, most notably, Wallace D. Wattles and Charles F. Haanel, and in the most recent times, Esther Hicks and (of course) the entire cast of The Secret movie.

Regardless of what you might think about Ms. Byrne, thanks to the popularity of her work, the Law of Attraction has found a place among a pondering public, becoming curiouser and curiouser about

What else is possible?


How much better can it get?

For those of us in the self-help industry, the idea of the Law of Attraction was nothing new, and the area wherein we focused our attention was not readily accepted by the traditional treatment camps – Even though our results far outweighed any traditional therapies – we were regarded as pseudoscience or pop psychology. Since (in the beginning) much of my work was religious in nature, I was even more isolated and categorized as a prosperity theologian with the likes of Kenneth Hagin, E. W. Kenyon, Oral Roberts and Kenneth Copeland, even though I had moved far beyond the constraints of organized religion.

Be that as it may, a great deal of my studies and expertise revolves and evolves in, around and beyond the area of massive personal, heart-centered and spiritual growth. In an attempt to best serve my clients, I have fully embraced multiple modalities and continue to grow and expand my own consciousness and expertise. For me, this is a constant and never ending compulsion to be my highest and best, as I help others achieve their highest and best.

And it never ceases to amaze me, when I reach a new plateau, I encounter resistance. Life will shake me up, with little respect for my trepidation and fear, presenting me with a new, unforeseen summit to consider.

Rhonda Byrne’s participation in the popularization of the idea of the Law of Attraction was almost incidental. The universe was bound and determined to bring the idea to an increased audience that was waiting for a glimpse of a better life and hope for a bright future, when lightning struck Ms. Byrne and she was ready and willing to answer the call. The Secret is not a complete work, it is not the end all-be all source of the Law of Attraction. It is only an introduction…

Any questions, comments, suggestions?

We Interrupt This Program

You are on the path of personal growth and enlightenment. You are making excellent strives as your heart and mind begin to open more and more to the possibilities as your consciousness expands…

There exists a level of mass consciousness that permeates the inhabitants of the earth. How – or for what reason – these ideas and concepts are nurtured and promoted as they continue to proliferate is a subject for debate, or you can just relax and realize it simply is what it is.

Just when you have inkling that there may be more, life will cause another interruption: misunderstandings (carrying heavy emotional impact), natural disasters, political unrest and polarity, inhumane actions, breaches of security, a terrorist attack, a disfiguring or fatal disease outbreak, growing rates of depression, suicide, wars and rumors of wars… a near endless supply of distractions designed to pull your mind out of the ethers and place your attention firmly back on terra firma.

Yet, in spite of the distractions, you – chosen one – you persist and press on to the new awakenings that lay ahead. So, here you are, growing and expanding beyond what might be considered prudent by the general population as well as other unseen forces who sense you are on the brink of a breakthrough.

Just when you’re about to move to the next level of your evolution, you are abruptly interrupted

We interrupt this program emergency broadcast system distraction law of attraction

As you approach this brink, alarms begin to sound in unseen stations in, through and surrounding our communities that send waves of uncomfortable discord emerging within your neighboring family, loved ones and citizenry, signaling them to notice your growth and do whatever is necessary to save you from your impending demise.

There are many distractions and obstacles in place to prevent the masses from even considering a path of expanded consciousness. Many societal systems (the Internet) and media manipulations are effective distractions that keep most of us in a state of moderate fear. In most cases, this fear is all that is necessary to keep the sui generis from seeking higher truth.

But you have been called – and you answered the call – to maintain your conscious evolution without regard to a lifetime of programming and all of the tools and systems in place to keep you in-line with the managed mind of the general populace.

Meanwhile, you must be stopped. You are a threat to all belief systems put in place to control the peoples of the world. You will be disrespected, ridiculed, possibly the subject of intervention… anything to save you from taking a bite from the fruit of knowledge.

It is not uncommon for individuals on the path of personal growth and change to meet massive disapproval. People are (and the world is) threatened by you. People will hate you and want to want to drag you down to their level. It is the nature of the mob cult, but because of their numbers, they see themselves as “normal” and you as the black sheep that some believe must be saved (brought back into acceptable alignment with the masses) or (though more extreme) destroyed (for your own good, in an effort to save you from a fate worse than death).

Since the most prolific new thought leaders have short life spans (as they are assassinated, or – more recently – simply die prematurely of “natural causes”) those of us on the path to enlightenment continue to progress and grow, though independently, subversively in an attempt to survive for the benefit of the greater good.

And as we continue to expand in numbers, power and consciousness, there is an growing love and light that is affecting our planet and all its inhabitants, with very little notice… and things are beginning to change.

Oh, you might not see it with the naked eye, but it is there – and you are part of it – for without you and the rest of us, it would not be possible.

Even though the media – and all the powers controlling this planet – would like you to think that we are in dire straits or on the brink of disaster (or the end of the world), there is a growing consciousness that will continue to guide our planet toward the entertaining miraculous and leading us to true happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and peace.

God bless you for taking the high road.


Saying Yes to your highest and best

I say yes to my highest and best inclusive law of attraction exclusive decision making
When one is on the path to achieving their highest and best, often the progress that is made is commensurate to the method used in reference to your yes and no responses.

Basically, there are two kinds of yes, in terms to how you respond to opportunities that present themselves at any given time. Likewise there are two ways to use the word no. Any time you say yes to something the decision is inclusive, that is to say that what you said yes to will be added or included in your life, while no is exclusive of excludes certain things from being present in your life.

I know some of you are saying, “You left out ‘maybe’.” Maybe is a decision to delay decision-making until later (which can be a smooth sleight-of-hand gesture, effectively allowing you to initiate a clearly negative response until a more convenient time). Nonetheless, “maybe,” is not a decision, it is a delay tactic, and may be warranted in the event more information is needed to make a more educated decision.

This expresses the importance of holding in your mind a clear idea of what exactly is your highest and best. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where are you and where do you want to be? The law of attraction is the energy that closes the gap between what you want and where you are, it can also move you further away. Effectively managing your affirmative and negative responses can move you toward making your dreams come true expediently.

Any time you face a choice (we face hundreds, if not thousands, of choices every day) having a clear picture of what you want and where you want to be can be of the most importance, especially in decision-making. This is why we spend time clearly defining what you want, possibly utilizing T charts, early on in a coaching relationship.

Saying Yes to My Highest and Best

Given your options, you can make decisions based on your vision. It’s as easy as saying, “Yes,” to those things that move you closer to your ultimate goal or dream. This sounds easy, but often we find ourselves…

Saying No to what is my highest and best

What? Why would you do that? Because there exists within us subversive programming that resides in our unconscious that might lead us to believe that we are not derserving, not worthy, not educated enough, don’t have enough money… and the list of negative thoughts keep us from saying the proper response, which is, “Yes,” to those things that move us closer to what we want. Saying no to the things that would move you closer, creates more distance between where you are and where you’d like to be.

Saying Yes to what is not in our best interest

Then there is our tendency to say, “Yes,” to things that are clearly not in our best interest. It might feel better to have some temporary sense of feeling good, without thinking about the consequences or the effects of our affirmative reaction to something that will not move us closer to what we want. In fact, we may move even further away from what we ultimately want. (One extreme would be participating in addictions.)

Saying No to what is not in our best interest

Though it may take some bravery and courage, saying, “No,” to what is not in our best interest will keep us from falling back and moving us further from the life that we desire. Excluding things that are not in our best interest moves us closer to what we want. Saying no to the things that are not in our best interest is almost as effective as saying, “Yes,” to the things that are.

More Good than Bad

One of my clients uses what he calls the “More Good than Bad Rule,” in all of his decision-making. He possesses a brilliant analytical mind, reduces every decision to an equation, and his inclusive final answer is based on this: If a thing is more good than bad, it’s a yes.

On the other hand, if a thing is more bad than good, then it is an immediate no and exclusion.

He’s very effective at taking action of his negative decisions, which I disagree on. I will usually err on the side of inclusion rather than exclusion in business, which sometimes pays off. But I must admit his cut-throat style of eliminating anything more bad than good makes more sense in the long run (though may cause problems in the short-term).

The process that we use to influence our ability to effectively,

let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay

is a fluid process of growth and change.

How can you better wield your decision-making skills today?