How to Live a Life of Love

Once you’ve decided to live a life of love, have ignited your unconditional love generator, and started your evolutionary process of love, at any time, if you feel anxious, weak, challenged, down, lonely, or abandoned, you can draw upon this source of unconditional love by simply putting your hand on your heart and breathing into the area of your heart.


You can begin to change your life by living a life and love and tapping into this unlimited source of energy which also contains all the wisdom of the ages gone by, in the present, and ever will be. As you live your life of love, you can check in with your heart to lead you into new directions following your love-fueled intuition.

With this new empowered love presence within, you will be able to start your own evolutionary process, and every day you exercise your unconditional love generator, your vibrational set point (on a scale from 1 to 1,000) will raise.

In the Beyond Science Lab at St Paul’s Free University, we are working on complex electronic equipment that can determine your vibrational frequency. But you don’t need any fancy equipment to see at what frequency your vibration is. All you need to know at what frequency you are vibrating is to look around at your life.

Your life is a perfect match for your vibrational set-point. So, your job, friends you hang out with, the car you drive, where you live, the men or women you attract into your relationships, all a perfect match for your vibration.

By living a life of love and finding new ways to spend your life living in a life of love you will increase your vibrational setpoint of your life, and your life will change to match the new higher vibration. Find babies to hold, find creative outlets to express your love, sing, dance, write about the new love you’ve found, and above all, have fun, for that is the juiciness of this life, enjoying every minute of it, seeing life through the eyes of love.

As you avoid entertaining negative topics, news, feelings, and antiquated belief systems (because more and more you will find yourself discovering that things are not actually like you believed them to be prior to your evolutionary process), your vibration will continue to raise even more.

One by one, you can check in with your heart and ask,

Does This Serve Me, My Highest and Best?

If the answer is no, it is no longer a vibrational match to you. You can leave it behind and move on.

Because you no longer have to look for the source of love from without yourself, you can easily let your love overflow into others and have no urgent need to seek out someone else to validate your love.

You know that you are love, living a life of love, and when you do this, manifesting a specific person comes easily and naturally without having to exercise any great plan to cause a meeting to happen.

You know everything is connected and perfect. Everything you need is inside of you, and the perfect relationship is coming to you effortlessly even now, as that person is in a similar process of manifesting love at this very moment.

As you continue to live a life of love, you will find yourself less judgmental, with less tendencies to assert your ideas or beliefs on others. You will see value in everyone being at where they are on their life’s journey, and you respect that, just as you would like them to respect yours.

What if the fire goes out?

What if the fire of the unconditional source of love goes out? Not to worry. With every beat of your heart, the pilot light remains lit on your love furnace. All you need do is to calm yourself, place your hand and breathe in and out of your heart again, like we did in the previous exercise, and you will see the light of love begin to burn again from within.

The unconditional love machine will never fail to ignite once it has been initially engaged.

Go forth in love because you are love.

Making Our Own Way to Love

Love is the doorway which leads to your best life and beyond.

It’s hard to imagine what is on the other side of the unknown.

As much as you might like to fantasize or think you have a full understanding of love, what love is, what love is not, you will never really know until you’ve basked in the fullness of true, authentic, unconditional love in all its power and glory.

Everyone’s journey to love and beyond is individual and unique to each person who seeks to discover the fullness and veracity of love.

When I run into people along my path to love and beyond, we might share a great many things in common, are able to communicate more deeply with an understanding about love and what love is and share many experiences which have commonalities. Even so, our journeys have been so incredibly different in so many ways.

It never ceases to amaze me how we all support, encourage, and nudge each other along, and end up crossing paths along the way. We all find our way to particular places, events, and thought patterns in time but have all arrived by completely different roadmaps.

I enjoy interacting with people who have found their way to similar mindsets who can share their stories and takeaways from their journey and see how it shares commonality and individual uniqueness in comparison to mine.

I am in awe at how the universe brings people together or helps them attain a similar conclusion via completely different paths.

The power of love is the common denominator. It overcomes all geographic distance, personality differences, economic histories, and places all people, places, things, events, and circumstances on a level playing field if your heart is open, and your soul is evolving.

I can feel when I have veered off-track when I feel bad. If I am afraid, feel oppressed, disrespected, or feel as though I have been victimized. If I feel like someone has abused or manipulated me, I know I am in need of a love adjustment.

Once fully repositioned in the power of love, I am impervious, can only see the love in those around me, and can find compassion for their position, even support them, wherever they are in their own evolution, or the lack thereof.

Only love has the power to overcome anything standing between you and the desires of your heart.

Unlike other venues in life, we who are on the path of personal evolution, do not have a hierarchy of control. No one is greater than another, yet together we all are evolving into that higher version of ourselves, and we’re all doing it in ways that are highly individualized and unique.

Each of us is making our own way to love. There is no right way to do it. There is no wrong way to evolve in love. There are infinite ways to evolve in love, and the one that is right for you, even though you may share similarities with others who are also in the process of love’s evolution, is vastly different and perfectly aligned with you and your journey.

While Human v424 has served us well (and especially the “powers that be,” if you can even continue to refer to them as such) in the past, this new, more highly evolved human, whose evolution we are a part of, is less likely to submit to being controlled and manipulated, like our more primitive peers.

All of this makes this critical stage of human evolution a bit more complicated. Much of the evolutionary process is very personal and private, hidden away from those who would dissuade us from allowing or encourage anyone to participate in such a nonsensical preoccupation.

Even though we are discouraged from making our own way to love, we persist, and more and more love abounds in our society, and as this power of love continues to grow, the system, by which we were controlled and manipulated by, becomes less and less sustainable.

The day is coming when the world we live in will no longer be able to exist. The power of love will continue to grow, and we will evolve into a world where fear and separation will no longer be the status quo, and we will be free to grow and expand individually and collectively.

So, keep on keeping on, and please feel free to reach out to me, and others, as we all encourage each other to take that next step into the new world which is anxiously awaiting our arrival.

We are all making our own way to love, and beyond…

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Love’s Prayer for You

You are the most amazing person I’ve never met. You have an incredible story of life and love that has me and others sitting on the edge of our seats, just waiting to see what’s going to happen next. If your life were a book, it would be an encompassing page-turner. If a film, we are in awe of the life you’ve lived until this moment, and we are watching, waiting, and cheering you on from the aisles, knowing that you are going to let your heroic virtues envelop you, enabling you to rise and step into the fullness of your power and purpose.

You and your story are so encouraging and enlightening. You are an inspiration to all, and we know that as you embrace all that you are, it gives us all hope that we can do the same, no matter what challenges or obstacles we might face in life. You are our hero. But,

What if you’re not feeling it?

What if you’re at one of those uncomfortable (possibly most difficult) chapters in your life? You know you’ve come to this planet with a divine purpose, message, passion, and mission. You know you are called to live a better life, your best life, and to make the world a better place, but right now, from this scene of your life, you just cannot see it. It just seems like it’s just not possible from here.

Do not fear, for love is with you; do not be dismayed, for you are love.

Know You Are Loved

You are a product of the creator of all life on this planet. Everything that is tangible in this life is held together in perfect balance by the energy of pure love. Just the fact that you are here, reading these words if proof that you are loved and that your life has tremendous value.

Feel the Loving Embrace

If you would close your eyes and see from your heart, you could see the love all around you, swirling in perfect harmony in and through all things. If you are not feeling it from within, you can just reach out and call it to you, and wrap yourself in a thick blanket of pure love energy.

You can feel its warmth and you feel safe and secure wrapped in love’s loving embrace.

No Matter What’s Happening

You can be surrounded by chaos and not feeling emotionally stable. You might be frightened, unworthy, sad, lonely, even helpless, yet you are loved. You are love. And when you’re just not feeling it, all you have to do is to close your eyes and reach out and grab it.

Buried deep within your physical heart is a love generator which emits a powerful forcefield. As long as you heart beats, you can reach out and tune in to the love all around you. You can attune your built-in love generator with the love energy which surrounds and permeates all things and recharge your love energy from the unlimited source.

You Are Love

When you turn on your love generator and connect to the vast love energy, you have the unlimited supply of flowing through your body. You become love; a powerful love machine empowered to send this love to anyone or anything which comes to mind, just by the power of your thought.

Send Love to the World

Holding a visual image of someone or something in your mind and sending love to them delivers an instantaneous surge of love to that person, place, or thing. You can do this because you are love. Try a little sending love to the world.

Love’s Prayer for You

I pray you know you are loved.

You feel the love holding you in loving embrace.

No matter what is happening in life at this moment, know you are loved.

You are love.

Share a little love with the world if only from your heart in thought.

I love you.


God bless you and yours this holiday season.

~David M Masters

Love is All There is

Love is all there is. Everything else is illusionary lights, smoke, mirrors, bells, and whistles. The truth is it is God’s intention for there to only be love, a harmonious celebration of life and peace on earth. This is why we are here, to find and experience all the love, life, and peace that is waiting for out discovery and joyous celebration thereof.

On the other hand, we share the planet with a variety of individuals, all with their own experiences, perceptions, definitions, beliefs, and ideals, all purporting their own agendas, some willing to use force, even kill others or die themselves in defense of their perspective.

What we fail to see in every person, every thing, every disaster, every circumstance, situation or challenge, there exists a state of perfection. Inside every sick and dying person is a healthy vibrant person full of vitality and love in all of his or perfection in every way. Granted, you may not be able to see it from your perspective because, after all, we all inhabit bodies and are (somewhat) limited to what we can experience with our five senses and rationalize with our finite mind.

Knowing that there is more to life than meets the eye (and/or the other four senses) enables you, if you dare, to see things from a higher perspective; seeing the beauty, magnificence and divine nature of all things. Though we are not able to see these things clearly due to our varying state(s) of consciousness or expansion, there is a knowingness within that everything is in divine order.

Through it all, our calling remains clearly (if you can imagine) to experience and be love, to celebrate life in harmony with all mankind and creation, as well as having peace on earth.

If love is all there is, and everything else is illusionary lights, smoke, mirrors, bells, and whistles, then God’s perfect design and will prevail, regardless of what it looks like on the surface.

While the base vibration of humanity is rising. Humanity’s base vibration is still basically low, rooted in fear, though it is raising in love. This vibration continues to rise as more and more of us are able to see this life through the eyes of love and continue to grow, expand and evolve into higher versions of ourselves.

Even so, our base vibration, representing the majority of people with whom we share the planet, make our default setting for gathering and processing data search for what’s wrong with the world. Then we attempt to smash, ridicule, or fix that thing which we have determined is bad, cruel, or in conflict with our ego-centered desire to see a thing manifest in a certain way.

Invariably, we who are in human form, find that which we seek. If you look for the bad things in the world you find them, and if nothing exists that was bad (and it doesn’t) then we will find a way to create it, so that we have something to focus on which is negative. This is our default setting.
Alternatively, you may choose to shift your focus from fear (your default setting, which most of us have been programmed to do since birth) or seeking to find what’s wrong with the world, to love and seeking all the things that are right, even spectacularly breathtaking, in the world at any point in time.

Using scientific method and personal assertions we find and disseminate our findings to influence others to align with our point of view, whether it is based on negativity or positivity.

Where you resonate in your life, what you focus your attention on and feel is amplified and sent out to the world, proliferating the frequency which you resonate with while engaged in thought. If you are feeling bad about something you believe to be bad with a degree of intensity, this vibratory frequency is multiplied exponentially. Therefore, the more you feel good, or bad, the more your experience affects the world.

It hardly makes sense to focus on anything bad. Mother Teresa understood this concept when she said, “I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” She knew the secret to focusing her attention on that which is good, not on what is wrong. By doing so, she was able to influence the world in a positive way, staying true to her sacred calling and not allowing herself to be distracted by that which was undesirable.

You, like Mother Teresa, could be surrounded by pain and suffering yet positively focused on being the proactive solution.

To see things through the eyes of God is to see everything in the light of love, while to look at things through the eyes of men is to filter your sight by the veil of human existence and fear.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to experience this paradigm shift from fear to love and to be a powerful generator for promoting love’s good in all things. Your positive attention, actions, and energy create a viral effect of spreading love, like a sacred virus throughout the land.

It starts with you. The one. You are the one being called into this sacred service.

Let today be the day you chose to, as Gandhi challenged, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Starting with you and your household, make the world a better place by focusing your attention on all that is good, and when your senses become aware of something not good, look for the good in it and you will find it, or see and/or be the solution.

The new world of love, joyous celebration and peace starts within you.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Making Sense of Wasted Love

I know, you’ve loved with all your heart, just to have your heart broken over and over again. It’s as if all the love you’ve given was a waste. It’s up to you, whether your past love is a waste or an investment. Maybe the time has come for making sense of wasted love.

Making sense of wasted love.
Making sense of wasted love.

“I love. I love people, I love you. I seriously want the love of another in my life, ‘The One,’ but I keep attracting the wrong people. I mean, they’re nice enough, but I have this history of failed relationships when I only want one person to spend the rest of my life with.”

I hear it a lot, from clients and friends, pretty much the same sentiment, looking for an elusive long-lasting love; one that would last a lifetime. Many of us (even I) have longed for such a love.

The first thing to know is that you have a divine love affair with one person with whom you will spend the rest of your life with. That person is standing right in front of you, if you’re looking into a mirror. Your wish was answered before you were born. Your first, primary love affair is the one that you have with yourself.

This is the beginning of true love, because how can you truly love anyone or anything else, if you don’t love yourself first? The truth about true love is that it overflows from your love of yourself and your life onto and into others. This is true love.

That aside, your life is a story of your journey made up of many chapters. Each chapter unfolds the way that it does preparing you for the next chapter. The most exciting life stories have growth and change in many (if not all) of the chapters, with the occasional plot twist to add that unexpected/special something-something that makes it so much more exhilarating.

If your story is somewhat of a dysfunctional romance novel, keep living, keep reading… the best is yet to come.

The person who loves with all their heart, loving so hard that it hurts, and experiences tragedy and loss in their love relationships is being led through the greatest love story of all. It is hard, no doubt, but it will be worth it.

As with all things in love, learning true love is a process. You can tell if your journey of love has been difficult, that “love” is the major theme of your life’s story. You can move more quickly through this process of learning about true love, and loving truly, if you are quick to learn the lesson of your relationship training, which will prepare you for a greater love.

“But I keep attracting the same kind of person.”

“It’s as if my picker is broken.” Believe me, your picker is not broken. You are not selecting the same type of person out of some subconscious sadistic need to torture yourself. You will keep going ‘round and ‘round the merry-go-round (or even the “marry-go-round”) until you’ve grown in preparation for a greater love and learned your love lesson from this type of relationship.

If you have not extracted and processed the lesson, internalizing and nourishing your mind, your heart and your soul from the process of your last (or current) relationship, you will not be ready for the greatest love of all which awaits you.

In the moment that you had the thought in your mind and felt the desire for true love in your life, that spark lit up in the sky and your highest and best form of love was prepared for you, as was the course of study it would take to get you from where you are in life, to where you want to be, with all your dreams of true love are realized. In that moment, it was done.

Your prayer for true love has been answered in the best (almost sounding too good to be true, but nothing could be more exponentially worthwhile or true than truly fulfilled love) possible way. The love that awaits you is so good, in fact, that it supersedes your wildest dreams in terms of love.

The question is,

“Do I have what it takes to get from here to there?”

True love can be a grueling (if not seemingly cruel) course of study. Not everyone is called to seek a life of true love. Even though you feel like seeking true love is a yearning, a desire deep within every cell of your being to find true love, it is not as it seems.

The quest for true love is a divine calling.

It is clear that you have been called. The quest for true love is a major (if not the major) theme of your life. Are you ready to go on life’s journey to true love?

Then seek to learn, to grow in love. Once you’ve decided to do so, all the relationships you’ve been through ‘til now take on a new glow in the new light of expanded love. From this perspective, you can see the blessings and the lessons as your heart fills with gratitude for all those relationships which have gone before.

Want to learn more?

Think about attending my Awakening to True Love Workshop, coming to a location near you.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Loving at the Next Level

There is the Hollywood definition of love, then there is the elevated form or love that is powerfully manifest at a higher level. If you want to aspire to loving at the next level, this higher concept of love is awaiting your arrival.

This higher level of love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and you are born with access to it, but being able to connect to and utilize it, is one of the best-kept secrets of all time; this is no accident. Society and the powers that be do not want you to know that you have access to such a powerful resource. You are much easier to manage and control if you can be kept unaware of such a powerful resource.

When you tap into the next level of love, you find yourself motivated and empowered to want to give and achieve more than you have ever imagined prior to tapping into love’s higher vibration.

This is the lever that opens the gates releasing the power of love into your life. In this vibrational frequency, you can see your dreams coming closer as all the best things start appearing and you feel a wide range of amazing possibilities coming your way.

Even though true love encompasses so much more than romantic love, being enveloped in love’s highest frequency, spills over into and permeating your romantic relationships allowing you to achieve new heights of romantic love, more incredible than ever possible at lower vibrations.

This new awareness of love and its power is revealed through the most intimate love you will ever know, that is the love of you for yourself. This sounds selfish, at first, but once you’ve experienced loving the only person who knows every most intimate detail of your life and will never, ever, leave you, you really don’t know what true love is. It is from this next level of love, that all other loves and their possibilities flow.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect when you’re loving yourself with the next level of love:

You are no longer critical of yourself. When you love yourself, you love you for who and what you are without judgment, much like the love you might have for a baby; if the baby you love messes his diaper, you think, “Bless her little heart, she made a cute little poopy.” Or if she breaks your favorite vase, you say, “You silly little thing, that was just an accident. That one was old, it was time for mommy to get a new one anyway.” When you really love yourself, you can’t do anything wrong. Certainly, life happens, and you may not always be on your best behavior or do exactly the right thing at the right time, but it’s okay. You cut yourself some slack (maybe a lot of slack) because you love yourself so much, like that baby.

Negative thoughts fade away. When you’re truly loving yourself, you don’t bother yourself with the barrage of negative vibrations. You are no longer attracted to negative news, fantastic stories of pain and suffering, horror stories, or incredulous drama. The fear of it all holds no value for you any longer. You are no longer afraid of the unknown because love is the superior power that truly conquers all else. In the state of true love, you are likely to think of ways you can change the world, rather than to be content with just complaining about it.

Fear no longer is the main vibration controlling your thoughts and your life. Powered with love you are not afraid of challenges or potential failure because you know you will always come away from any conflict or situation better than when you first encountered the circumstance.

You’re more likely to look at the bright side of things, and as you get more accustomed to this love-inspired positive outlook, positive resolutions are far more the norm than not. You will also notice, when you need a helping hand, one appears from even the most unlikely sources.

The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” (Jesus’ sermon on the mount, Matthew 7:12) applies to you. You treat yourself like you would like others to treat you. You’re your own best friend. As you become more aware of your best qualities, embracing them and finding new ways to express yourself, your gifts and special abilities, others begin to see a new sheen, a glow about you which is clearly apparent as your countenance changes, empowering your new love-fueled life. You start sharing more of your love-infused self with others.

You’re finding the goodness in all things and have a heart filled full of gratitude for all life’s blessings. Even the things in life that may not have been perceived as the best, you now see from a different perspective, allowing you to see through the eyes of love, where everything is blessed and serves you in your highest and best.

You love your reflection in the mirror. The more you love yourself, the more you love your reflection in the mirror, and all that it represents a full life, and one being lived for its maximum potential. This is the reflection of someone who spreads love wherever they go.

The next level of love is unconditional love, that kind of love that says, “I love you no matter what.” It may be a far cry from where you are today, but you can feel it tugging on your heart strings. It desires to be released and reveal to you the love that was always there but never allowed to see the light of day.

There is no one else like you in the world who can do what you can do the way that you can do it. Dare to approach the next level of love and be the love that the world so desperately needs.

Fanning the Flame of Love in Life

Love is good; so good, in fact, that nothing truly satisfies nor is anything more long-lasting that love and its effects. Fanning the flame of love in life leads to a life that vibrates at such a high vibration that it attracts, even more, love into the life of the lover.

Although, we must establish that we’re talking about love in its highest form, not as the lower version of itself associated with sex and romance, but the higher expression of love for the world and mankind, which can overflow into romantic love if you’re maintaining your vibration at this higher level.

If you are one of these highly vibrating loving individuals, those in your presence and the community surrounding you are blessed to have you present. Not to mention the benefits you will enjoy from living a life of love.

Not only are you enjoying a more positive life and lifestyle, but your body gets the benefit of these higher vibrations which enhances your immune system and helps the body to operate more efficiently. These individuals look younger and live longer, more productive lives, an enjoying more satisfaction and happiness.

These life lovers are often found exposing themselves to and embracing the ideals behind more positive trains of thought. They tend to be more supportive, ambitious and optimistic.

These are the folks who have heart and minds filled with love and all the good things this life has to offer.

So, how can you join the wave of people who are embracing this lifestyle of love and life?

You can start with your head and your heart will follow. Start finding books, audios, videos, anything you can, full of the message of love and all the good things this life has to offer. Be willing to silence that sarcastic inner voice that would seek to destroy any good thing that might be on its way to you.

Limit the negative media and influence for a while, just cease to engage with it at all, if you can, as you expose yourself to more inspirational people, messages, ideals, and mindsets.

Therefore, you will be filled with good thoughts that inspire you. You also have a chance to absorb good vibrations transmitted if you find yourself amongst inspirational people.

Another incredible benefit of embracing a life of love is that you have more resources available to you for handling issues that arise or unexpected circumstances that would otherwise catch you by surprise of derailing you altogether.

You are more likely more resilient and capable of keeping your head up and continue to make your stand for what you believe in rather sink, succumb to compromise, or self-martyrdom.

And as you are able to wrap your mind around the idea of love, loving and your heart overflow with love, you gain the ability to see through the eyes of love. With these eyes, the eyes of love, you can see people not as other people do, or like you might have seen them before. You see them and their relationship with love, which might be lacking. This also gives you insights to other people and how the act or react with life. You can remember when you used to do the same thing.

Love makes you more empathetic to others who are not able to even conceive of the idea of living in love’s vibration.

You will also have a higher appreciation for the love that others are able to give, in the only ways they know how to, endearing you more to family members and others who reach out in love, in the best ways that they can.

It gets a little distorted when you incorporate the love of another in a romantic relationship. Of course, you know that you can’t love someone else unless you love yourself first. Even so, if you thought you had a high level of self-love nailed down, then it would stand to reason that loving someone else should come easily. Right?

Well, that’s where it takes a little more specialization in your loving life, experience and integrating your love, romantically shared with another person.

That’s why we suggest considering an event, like the Awakening to True Love Workshop, to help smooth out some of those rough edges and paving the way for two becoming one, without sacrificing and maintaining your independence at the same time.

It’s a delicate balance, but it pays off a hundredfold by taking your love to places you’d never thought possible.