What You Do Today Determines Who You Will Be

You are the most powerful person in your world today. What you do today determines who you will be. Your choices today have a huge impact on your future. You are creating the path of your life based on your thoughts, the words you speak, and what you do.

What You Do Today Determines Who You Will Be


You already know the best predictor of future events is what happened in the past. What happened today has the greatest, most relevant, impact on what lies ahead, because it could shift the entire future. As Gandhi has said, “The future depends on what you do today.”

What You Think, Say, and Do

Your thoughts are so powerful, they are what you spend most of your waking hours doing, and their effect on your life is immeasurable. Largely, the world influences what you spend your waking hours thinking about.

Change Your Thinking

Consider this; if you could change what you think about, you can change your life for the better.

This is the most impactful action you can take is to start at the biological root of your life’s energy systems. The more attention you pay to your thoughts, you can take action to immediately (or as soon as possible) choose a new thought, replacing a negative thought with something very positive.

Change Your Words

Your words are an expression of your thoughts that run so deep. Your thoughts are based on impulses you are exposed to every moment of every day and hugely influenced by every moment you have lived to now.

The words you speak are very powerful, and your voice box is the doorway to your heart. A negative thought influences your biology and your life greatly but speaking of the negativity opens the pathway to your heart, where it can affect your entire being and the life that surrounds you.

Making a conscious effort to guard your words, consciously deciding what words you will speak, will change your life accordingly. Talk about the good things you want in life and do not dwell (think too much) about the negative things in life, those things over which you have no control.

Change What You Do

When you take any action on something you think about or based on some influential ideology, whatever you do takes time. Time is a good measurement of all things. If you are doing anything that is not in alignment with the future that you desire for yourself, you will be miles ahead in having the life you want by finding ways to spend less time doing the things that do not serve the future you would like to see for yourself (possibly eliminating them altogether if you can) and doing more of the things (ideally only the things) that will direct your path to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Today, what you think, what you say, what you do, determines who you are tomorrow. The good news is, today is a new day.

How You Do It

T. Harve Eker

It’s not only about what you do, but also about how you do a thing. T. Harv Eker has coined the phrase, “How you do anything is how you do everything.”

As you become aware of the things you think, say, and do, you might find yourself learning how you do things. Certainly, there are things that you do in your life that you could do better. If you work for a company or any organization, management is not only looking at what you are doing but how you are doing it. Skilled managers are looking at how the staff handles various tasks are and always looking for ways that they could increase their performance.

You might want to think about applying this strategy to your life as well. Look at the way you are doing the things in your life.


Before you turn in at night, or throughout the day, try to evaluate the things you do from an external perspective and ask yourself, “Could I have done that better?” Then ask yourself, “How could I do that better the next time?” Allowing for the possibility of not doing a thing.

If some action is not serving your higher purpose in life, yet it must be done, think about delegating the task to someone else to whom it is better suited, delegate it, outsource it, or eliminate it if possible, replacing it with a task that will draw you closer to your desired life, thereby maximizing your potential.

Your Choices = Your Future

Those things that you choose to think, say, and do today

Dr. Tim Madding says,

Tim Madding

It’s known as the principle of the path. The path you take today will lead you to a destination later. You should never be surprised where you end up since it is based on a series of decisions made.

“Why am I in so much debt?”

Because you purchased stuff you have chosen that you could not afford.

“Why is my marriage so horrible?”

Because you chose to marry someone you didn’t know and chose not to develop relationship goals to overcome differences.

“Why am I getting divorced?”

Because you chose to flirt with that woman at the office, then go out of your way to see her, then started hanging out and then started sleeping together.

Today what you think, what you say, and what you do determines who you are tomorrow, and you can change your future based on how you do this day.

What are you thinking?

What words are you using?

What are you doing?


How to Live Your Life

Everyone always thinks they know what’s best for you, and though they think they have your best interests at heart, they all have their opinions about how to live your life. Only thing is, they are not you and, therefore, are not qualified to tell you how to live your life at all.

Your journey is your journey. No one has lived a life like yours, though some other people’s lives may have shared similar experiences. You may even have shared the same experiences with others, but your individual experiences can be (and generally are) completely different because you are different people.

No one has the right to tell you how to live your life; only you can decide how you will live your life.

You can choose to take direction or advice from others, and if you are wise you can avoid the pitfalls suffered by others by observing how they have executed decisions which they could have done better. Using your sense of reason and skills of observation will help in your deciding how you will navigate your life’s journey for yourself.

We’ve been trained from birth to care about what other people think of us, and desire to be accepted in the eyes, minds, and heart of others, so we find ourselves trying to please others and tend to make adjustments in our lives to accommodate the other people in our world.

In many cases, we are frightened about what other people might think about us and are inhibited by the idea of exerting our independence because we want to please others or desire to be accepted/admired by others.

How to Live Your Life

Exerting your independence does not mean isolating yourself from the rest of the population (unless you decide to do so). Certainly, you should do your best to learn from others and listen to what they have to say, but at the end of the day, how you decide to accept or apply any of the information you have been exposed to is up to you.

And no one has the right to judge you for how you live your life or what you choose to believe, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.

Be fiercely independent, fully exercise your freedoms, offer others the same courtesy, and do no harm.

Of course, there is the common-sense factor. It behooves you to be cognizant of the world around you as you exercise your independence. There are laws that have been structured to control your behavior.

Find ways to exercise your independence within the parameters society has set forth, unless you’ve decided that breaking the law is necessary for your executing your independent beliefs, then be prepared to accept the consequences of your decisions.

All decisions have consequences.

This is the only caveat: Do not hurt anyone or impose your beliefs on others. That’s it.

In my life, some of my personal tenets include,

Edify others.

Love and live your life and do no harm.

Let go of perfection, except in honor of its imperfection, for no one is perfect (especially not me).

Try to see from someone else’s perspective because, after all, we’re all only doing the best we can with what we have.

Love and respect others as you love and accept yourself, or honor and treat others as you would like to be treated.

Some positive quotes from others who assert your right to live your own life include:

“Only you can control your future.” ~ Dr. Seuss

“You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” ~ Napoleon Hill

“Control your thoughts. Decide about that which you will think and concentrate upon. You are in charge of your life to the degree you take charge of your thoughts.” ~ Earl Nightingale

“Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.” ~ Tony Robbins

“You only have control over three things in your life – the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.” ~ Jack Canfield

Food for thought to inspire your own thoughts.

Live Your Life

You have this one life to live and you can choose to live your life, full on, as your own, or you can life your life as defined by someone or something else, like a good little human. (I humbly apologize for the sarcastic overtones.)

You came to this planet to live your life, to do so in such an individualistic and magnificent way. Along with you, you brought certain talents, gifts, and special abilities, all to support your purpose and to enable you to best sing your song. Not that your song might be a melody to be sung with your voice, but more like your unique message to be shared by you will have an extraordinary perspective, look and feel, unique to you.

There are forces which abound on this planet which would like to eliminate the inkling of a thought which you might entertain about having anything of significance to contribute to the world. So, they start programming you via social engineering to stamp out any hope of remembering your life’s purpose.

This programming is so effective, that your parents, caretakers, teachers, coworkers, family, and friends, are all under the spell of the powers that want to control you, and they are all trying to prevent your authentic, inspired self from emerging and making an impact. Of course, all this effort is heart-felt concern, as if to be looking out for your best interests.

You can’t really fault or blame people for exerting their beliefs in an effort to “save you from yourself” because they love you, and they so sincerely believe their efforts to prevent you from being who you really are will save you from pain, suffering, and utter disaster.

Live Your Life

The real you, the you that you were sent to this planet to be, is aching to be acknowledged and released. You hear that still small inner voice, that resides in the deepest part of you praying that you will be able to hear it among all the noise. It is sometimes so very hard to hear because it is buried so far beneath the loud inner voice of ego, which is easy to be manipulated and programmed by the powers and their social engineering.

And if that weren’t enough, your conscious mind is under constant attack of a barrage of distracting details, data, media, drama, and trauma, that you couldn’t find a gap in the space quiet enough to hear the voice of your true inner self.

Yet, you know it is there. You can feel it.

Even with all the efforts, supported by all the money and power in the world to suppress the real you, you know there is more to this life than what you’ve been allowed to think of or believe in. And apart of you longs to

Live Your Life

If you really want to live your life authentically and be true to yourself, you might consider creating some sacred space for you to tune in to who you really are. Getting in touch with you, “the you” you were meant to be, will take separation from the things in life which have been placed there to distract you and keep you in a state of trance, or panic.

Your feelings easily distract you, so find ways to reduce or eliminate (at least momentarily) any of the things in life that make you feel bad. Anything that makes you feel angry or sad, find ways to get these things out of your life, at least in the beginning. Later, once you are able to identify and connect with your true inner self, then you can find ways to disempower anything that might try to distract you from your purpose, message, passion, and/or mission (pmpm).

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Make a concerted effort to disassociate yourself from the mediocre life you’ve been programmed to accept for yourself. Take a look at all the programming which you have subjected yourself to which may not be supporting your authentic self. Things like bad habits which may not serve you, but are so effective at distracting you from the authentic frequency and vibration of the real you, that you may have physiological connections or dependency on these substances and/or activities keeping you even more separated from who you really are.

Now is the time to make some clean and pure psychological and physiological space for you to enable you to authentically connect to the real you, allowing you to truly live your life in a genuinely empowered and effective life, free from the social engineering and powers which desire your blind subservience.

As you learn more about what you really want in life, know this is your birthright. All the things you desire (when free from the programming, and some which you were drawn to while under the influence of the programming) are yours to be enjoyed in this lifetime. These desires would not have been placed in your heart of hearts, endearing you to them, if you were not called to enjoy them in their fullness.

All these things are waiting for you to have them and frolic fully in the joy of possessing them and/or living in the energy of them. It is on you to close the gap between where you ware and where you want to be, between what you have now and what you want to have.

Since all you want, and have ever wanted, has already been provided for you, all you have to do to close the gap is to align yourself with what you want and to remove anything which is blocking you from seeing it or having it. When nothing stands between you and what you want, and you are in the vibration of whatever it is, you find yourself in the fullness of it.

Doing a little something-something every day moves you closer and closer to what you want, enabling you to live your life authentically and abundantly.

Ask yourself, “Who am I?” Who can I be? Who have I been called to be and what is my message?

Only you can discover the answers to these questions for yourself.

Be open and prepared for evolutionary changes within yourself, which will affect not only you, but the world around you.

This is your life. Start living your own life today.