New Thought Ideas and Inventions

I work with people on the leading edge of new thought and technology. These individuals are thought of as highly creative out-of-the-box thinkers who come up with the best innovative ideas and solutions, are highly regarded in their fields of expertise and are often referred to as genius.

In my work with these people, I have the opportunity to have access to information that others do not have access to. While they are credited with considerable thought prowess, to hear them, tell about their process, they intimate their ideas and solutions come from outside themselves.

new thought ideas and inventions origin genius information download

It’s as if their creative inspiration comes from above. While they all describe the whole affair in different ways, two of the most common specific references about the origin of these unique solutions include:

From God
Direct Download

I’m just reporting the facts, based on the statistical data of my clientele sample. Other statistics may vary, but it is definitely worth looking at.

While they may take personal credit in the boardroom or patent office, for the most part, behind the scenes they credit a source from beyond, like the inspiration or idea came from some other source.

Sometimes the information “download” comes through clearly, while other times it is somewhat vague and needs time to process with one’s conscious mind in order to translate and understand it in order to adequately convey the concept to others.

Most of these creative geniuses credit being “open” to receive data from an exterior source.

Can anyone create opportunities for ingenuity?

Yes, there are a few ways to bolster your creative process. I will introduce you to two options, one solitary, and one group process.

Solitary Idea Download

Many ideas do appear as epiphanies to individuals in private. The key, here, appears to be accessing the unconscious mind. Some ways to access this cache of untapped resources include meditation, purposefully engaging in an unrelated activity (many ideas occur to individuals mid work-out in the gym, or jogging), or while sleeping.

The most important component in receiving a private download is being prepared to document it as quickly as possible. Stop what you’re doing (wake up, if you’re sleeping) and write down the idea because more often than not, the idea comes in a flash and dissipates rapidly. Most of the human idea receptors have stories of illicit ideas lost forever for lack of immediate documentation.

Group Idea Download

This is by far my favorite, a long time fan of the Mastermind, activating a team of like-minded individuals together to effectively brainstorm and problem-solve. Some of the most significant improvements and innovations in the world have been birthed in the Mastermind.

You will find modern corporate infrastructures including up to 20% of on-the-clock hours for group meetings sharing, problem-solving and innovation.

According to Napoleon Hill, “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third invisible mind.”

The resulting additional mind represents that exterior source of creative genius.

Does it work?
Yes, it works every time.

Isn’t it time you started exercising your creative genius?

What will you do with your Great Idea?

Unbelievable Truths

In my work with individuals breaking through social barriers, pushing through the limits of leading edge science and technology, experimenting with new thought, expanding awareness and consciousness, I am privy to ideas and concepts that are in direct contrast to mainstream thought and ideals.

This has put me smack dab in the middle of situations, circumstances and to actually witness unbelievable – if not impossible – results. I don’t know if you’ve ever been exposed to quantum mechanics and/or quantum theory, but I have the privilege of commiserating with these mind-bending researchers and scientists (and to tell you the truth, some of the concepts that they share are well beyond my comprehension). Some of the discoveries that are being made are challenging everything we’ve ever known or believed.

unbelievable truths science fiction technology that became real

It’s difficult to deal with having your world being rocked with higher revelation of concepts that we believe to be fantasy or science fiction. What occurs to me is that we are living in a time of science fiction becoming reality. It wasn’t long ago when we watched science fiction movies and TV shows with flip phones, hand held computers, 3D virtual reality devices, etc… all here, right now, in real time. These advancements were once thought to be impossible, now are here.

These leading edge new thought advancements infiltrate all technologies, industries, daily living concepts, spiritual thoughts and ideas. Data is being downloaded and bestowed upon certain individuals (everyone from Noah to Tesla and beyond) that could potentially change the world as we know it.

I am aware of technology in existence today (and has been for many years) eliminating the need for our accepted forms of energy consumption, systems and devices exist (working models) that provide electricity that are independent and not connected to the grid. Cars, trucks and other industrial vehicles powered by anything (you wouldn’t believe what) but petroleum-based fuel.

Even traditional medical thought is being rattled by these unbelievable advancements, quickly discarded as snake oil or con games, yet individuals who were once greatly diseased and dying are now healthy and flourishing without traditional medical intervention or designer drugs.

It seems like, more and more, almost every day, I realize that ideas, concepts, truths and facts that I was taught since a very early age, are not as authentic as the emerging data that is trickling down to those with more open minds… and I find my own mind opening. Can’t say that I am impressed with the false information I was force-fed, apparently in an effort to prevent me from thinking that things could be different that I’ve been led to believe.

It appears (though I am no expert on this) that although we (you and I) are for the most part unaware of these advancements, there are factions within (and concurrently without) our government with a working knowledge of all these thoughts and alternative technologies. Though they may be utilized in secrecy within covert operations, the masses are protected (prevented) from having access to these technologies.

Yet, there are some individuals who feel so passionate about telling the truth, that they will risk their reputations, subject themselves to rejection, ridicule and possibly premature death due to “natural causes” in an effort to reveal the truth.

It is a widely held belief that individuals in the last moments of their lives are delusional; this presupposes that any death bed confessions made in someone’s final moments are to be discounted as the ridiculous wild ramblings of the near-dead. Just laugh it off, they’re just saying that in an effort to have the last word, as if the “jokes on you.” Or is it truth they knew they would be silenced for speaking? Left to its self, it could be crazy ranting, but if it lined up with other emerging data… don’t things become curiouser and curiouser?

Certainly there exists certain conspiracy theories, but it does cause one to contemplate if everything we have been led to believe to be true is a conspiracy.

What do you think?