Resistance Amidst Change

When you get going on your mission of transformation and growing expect some resistance to start showing up as you as you start forging your fresh trail to your new life. Be prepared to expect resistance amidst change which will present challenges and vow to face them head-on when they appear before you.

There’s going to be a bit of struggle which takes place inside you, between the you which has always been basically in charge of running your life until now, and the new you which is trying to come forth and express itself as the new improved version of yourself as it is growing and expanding.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s like the whole universe wants to participate in the transitional metamorphosis offering you opportunities and challenges to test you; to see if this is a good decision for you at this time in your life.

Your old like will be beckoning you not to change and to return to the comfort and security of your old life. When you’re thinking about moving on, opportunities will arise for you to fall back into the same ol’ same ol’.

The friends who haven’t contacted you for years will start calling on you to celebrate your old lifestyle. The higher-ups at your crummy job will offer you opportunities for advancement and attractive compensation packages. You will second-guess and wonder if it’s such a good idea to stick around or to take such a huge step in moving on from your old life.

Fear of the unknown can be an overwhelming deterrent to moving on with your life, as there is a certain degree of comfort in remaining where you are. It may not be great, but it is what you know. You may have spent a great deal of time and effort building your life-nest around you. While life is not the best it could be, you’ve successfully carved out a very special place for you, one that others may even envy. How could you leave all this behind? What if you’re unable to do better on the other side?

You can reduce some of the friction by keeping your thoughts about your decision to move on from your old life to yourself. While in many of life’s decisions the counsel of many brings safety, remember that safety represents your old life. Counselors will emerge from the old wood of your life who will caution you against change, especially any radical change. The people who represent your old life will do almost anything to prevent you from leaving. They will use guilt, blame, indebtedness, obligation, what is “right” and what is “wrong,” anything they can come up with, to persuade you to stay behind.

It is still a good idea to garner support and counsel amidst your transition, just be careful about those whom you trust with the intimate details of your metamorphosis. Be certain they have your best interest at heart.

If you are aware that these tendencies are common occurrences when tackling change, you can strengthen your resolve and stay the course when awakening to your new perspective and taking the steps necessary to carve out a new life, free from the struggle for survival. For on the other side of this bit of chaos, there is a much better life waiting for you.

Be willing to step out into new directions. If you’re more comfortable doing one thing, try to accept more invitations to do something less comfortable. Doing things differently will bring you new opportunities, and the best, most exciting things are waiting for you just on the other side of your comfort zone.

When you ask, it is given.

Everything you want is created and waiting for you. In most cases, it will not simply fall out of the sky and drop into your lap on command (though this has been known to happen). It’s up to you to place yourself in the time and place where what you want is waiting for you.

Turn Over a New Leaf

So, you’ve taken a look at your life until now, and after a brief review, you come to the conclusion that you’re ready to turn over a new leaf. Looking back, you realize there were a great many things you could have done better, and that your life would be far more miraculous if you start living your life in a better way. Now’s as good a time as any to make the changes necessary for you to turn over a new leaf.

The two keys to successfully turning over a new leaf are taking inspired action and to keep moving ahead to get to the new-improved you and the vastly better life which is waiting for you and may very well be the keys to begin to achieve your highest and best potential.

Inspired Action

While the idea of inspired action seems simple enough, it encompasses a great many sacred components which will empower your ability to change your life miraculously. We all know the idea of cause and effect which supports the idea that any action will cause a resulting reaction which changes your life. You can easily look back at your life and see this is true.

Instead of taking action, which will change your life, taking inspired action will always change your life for the better.

Keep in mind that change can be messy, and sometimes to make a change you may have to experience some discomfort to get you to the right place and time to move in a decidedly different direction. It can be awkward and painful, but if the action you’re taking is inspired, you will find yourself in a far better position to move forward to the life you both want and deserve.

Inspired action should be taken without negative motivation. If you are taking action in anger or to get revenge, there is no chance of it being inspired. Rethink your underlying motive before making any major changes.

Inspired action is not taken due to lack, need to change, or have what you don’t already possess. Inspired action comes with a sense of excitement without expectations attached to it. Inspired action is not about trying to make something happen, more it is about creating new opportunities for new things to unfold before your very eyes.

Inspired action takes courage but is not fear-based action, though there may (and probably should be) some trepidation or fear about taking a huge step outside your comfort zone. As with all huge advances in personal growth and change, there is going to be some fear of the unknown. But as any of us, or even you, can attest, all the biggest and best advances in life come from stepping out in faith.

The potential for miraculous results grows exponentially the further away from your safety zone you veer. God and all the potentialities of love’s pure energy go to work to vector-in a whole new variety of supporting energies and players to support your stepping out in faith, as you in effect leave the old hood and make new friends.

Keep Moving

Once you’ve taken a step in faith, no matter how great or minuscule, the key is to keep going. Keep taking additional steps toward your something new, and something new, exciting and unimaginable begins to unfold before your very eyes.

Failing to continue to move will leads to complacency and stagnation, then “home” the place you’ve taken inspired action to move on from begins to look like someplace you might like to return to.

If you do fall back into the same ol’ same ol’ know that the opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf never goes away. Maybe now, is not the time for you. Try again when you are inspired to try something new.

Repurpose Your Life

I know a great many people who repurpose all kinds of things, taking something that would otherwise be thought of as refuse turned into something of function, value, even art. So it is with your life. If your life has been routine, mundane, meaningless, or ready for the trash heap, don’t bail just yet. The time has come for you to repurpose your life.

Often repurposing a thing takes effort and attention. The result is something of value which is worth more than the raw components used to create something new from something old.

There was a time when the trend was to create everything to not last long. You would buy it, then throw it into the trash without a thought of it. This trend has led us to live a disposable lifestyle. To throw out anything which has outlived the short life which it was intended for.

This disposable lifestyle is not only counterproductive, it is destructive and unsustainable.

If you can break your trance long enough to become aware of your surroundings, you will find people who are scouring the Internet, thrift, antique, and pawn shops, eBay and Craig’s List for hidden treasures from the past which can be repaired, reconfigured, or enjoyed in their current state as a cherished, valuable, and functional purpose.

To apply this trend to your life is a thought which is not far off. You can look at your life and think, “My life has no purpose,” or, “I have nothing to offer the world,” then to think of yourself as disposable. Left by yourself in this state of mind, your body will begin to accept this as your reality and you will find yourself in premature deterioration.

Where is the happiness in a life which is not valued? If you’re in a state of self-devaluation, maybe a step outside yourself will help you to see how valuable you really are, and with a little intention, attention, and work, a new you can emerge enabling you to live a better life.

Take a look around. Are you stuck in a rut? Is the work that you do day-in/day-out satisfying? Are you achieving a sense of accomplishment from the life you’re living? Could you be making more of a contribution to someone close to you or, serving the local community?

If you can agree your life can use a little repurposing, you might consider asking yourself,

What changes can you make to live a better life?

Whatever you are doing that drains your energy, or does not resonate with that higher part of yourself and doesn’t make you feel good, stop doing it, and make the changes in your life which would be necessary to replace it with something that makes you feel good about yourself and what you’re doing.

When you’re considering embarking on this journey of repurposing yourself, be mindful of what makes you feel good and do more of that. Ask yourself,

What makes your heart sing?

What are those things which bring you joy? Find ways to integrate more of these into your life.

After you start this process of repurposing your life, you can imagine a renewed sense of purpose, possibly living out your best life, affecting the lives of others and our environment, in effect, making the world a better place.

Coming Out of the Darkness

You’re a good person. The world needs you. These days? You’re nowhere to be found. You’ve suffered incredible pain, sorrow, and sometimes it feels like you just can’t go on another day. Yet, you know it is time for your coming out of the darkness.

Life and love are laying in wait, buried deep inside you, waiting for the moment you set them free. You, your special gifts, abilities, passionate voice, and unencumbered love are waiting to be let loose. The day has come, and you know it to be true.

No one would blame you for pulling back, withdrawing from the flow, or taking a sabbatical, all necessary for you to heal and recalibrate after all you’ve been through but the time has come for you to reclaim your birthright and reemerge better than you were before, with more love, life, and vitality.

You have survived the most horribly ostentatious challenges. You have survived. And the world needs you now more than ever.

The time has come for you to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

If you’re having trouble remembering what really living was all about, find an enthusiastic, vibrant and exciting child to play with. Remember what life was all about. These little people aren’t restrained by all the trappings of life and see everything as amazing and fun. Playing with a child will help to awaken the child in you who is waiting to come out and play.

Reach out. Make friends. Let your light shine and help to improve the lives around. Start small, be there for one person, then another, and another. Build your organic network one person at a time. It’s okay to be cautious but be fearless and lead with love.

Start giving. Find opportunities to volunteer helping others and enjoy the benefits of performing random acts of kindness. Your giving doesn’t have to be huge, it can be infinitesimally small, starting a chain reaction which changes the world for good.

Look for and find reasons to celebrate the good things in life, even if seemingly insignificant. The time has come for you to celebrate good times. Come on. Invite your inner child to come out and party with you.

You’ve learned powerful lessons from your past and this education came at great emotional expense but now is the time to look for the good, happiness and joy which is all around waiting to reveal all the good things in life to you.

Everything has led to this moment and you are ready.

It’s time to put yourself out there. The new and improved you, ready to believe and achieve your highest and best.

Get a grip on your Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM) and prepare to start singing your song proud and out loud.

A whole new world of possibilities is waiting for you.

I am here for you, the whole world is here for you, all the angels and energy in the universe is on your side.

Now is the time to celebrate your coming out of the darkness and into the light, emerging in love and light.

You got this… Now, more than ever.

Join the Witness Protection Program

We all have a vague awareness of the Federal Witness Protection Program (WPP) or Witness Security Program (WITSEC) which has provided safe harbor federal witnesses in exchange for the full disclosure of their open unbridled testimonials.

Participants in the Witness Protection Program are given new names, birth dates and identities. Often they maintain their original first names, or names that retain their original initials. They are lightly coached and assisted in creating an effective back story and some false credentials to back up their story and sent to (edited) an undisclosed location in the United States to assume their new life.

Who wouldn’t want a piece of that action, right?

I mean, imagine… What if you could get a free pass to participate in Master’s WPP camp?

You asked for it, so hold onto your hat. Here we go… Imagine…

Your boss is being investigated by the Feds for some unscrupulous activity. You are approached by a handler who informs you that you have the option of participating in the WPP, creating a new identity, and starting a new life in a new location. You must not let on that you are participating in the program and must keep playing the part, and going on about conducting your normal life without a word to anyone.

In the Master’s WPP, you get to pick your back story, profession and credentials. You will receive a limited amount of coaching/encouragement and you will be transported via a black Escalade with blackened windows to your new location with a stipend to pay for six months’ expenses. In this six months, you are expected to network, find gainful employment or start your own business (which you must self-fund) and assume your new identity in your new community.

Get a writing instrument and a piece of paper, open up a document or notepad and get ready to start writing or typing…

What will your new identity be?

(You are not limited by your answers to these questions. This is your shopping list for your handlers to take care of the details for you… And it all must not be able to be linked to your current identity and be completely fictitious, so make ‘em good.)

What’s your new name?

How old are you?

What’s your back story?

Include details, like: Where were you born/raised? What was your family life like? What were your parents like? What kind of schools did you go to growing up? What were your youthful accomplishments?

What is your area of expertise?

What would you like your credentials to look like?

What graduate schools or college(s) did you attend and what did you study?

What does your work history look like until today?

What was the status of your immediate household until today, and what will it look like from this day henceforth?

What will your transition stories look like?

For your old life exit: What is your story to support your sudden departure? For your new life entry: What is taking place in your life at this moment that makes you want to move to this new location? These are two completely different stories.

What kind of job are you looking for or business you would like to start?

Be as imaginative and descriptive as you can.

Don’t worry about the details. Your handler will take care of massaging and refining the story to help you achieve the best possible outcome in launching your new life.

Five, four, three, two, one… Go!

Now, are you ready to say, “Goodbye,” to your old life and, “Hello,” to the new you?

I am so blessed. This is the kind of work that I do with my clients every day (okay, not every day, but often). No, I don’t have a witness protection program, and I don’t encourage people to make fraudulent credentials. But, I most certainly go through this exercise, then help people step into their new identities and start their new lives. And this work has been very satisfying for me.

You can do this today. You don’t need my help, or anybody’s for that matter.

If you participated in this exercise, the resulting answers indicate who you really are. Potentially, this is the real you that lies dormant within you, subdued and imprisoned by your history (which I promise is based on lies, but you might not be able to see that right now, and that’s okay) and yearning to be released.

Will you do it?
We’ll see.

New Year New You

Join the evolution and celebrate the new you by adopting attributes of the next generation of evolving sui generis earthlings. You don’t need to jump all in, simply try adding one or more of the following states to your awareness. Try ‘em on for size and see how they fit.


Are aware of who they are— strengths, weaknesses, personality, values, etc. They know that the most important (and interesting) thing to know about is “self.”

Past Master

Reflect on and learn from past experiences, finding out what works and what doesn’t, and then adjusts their course of action as needed. They think about things before jumping in, and also take the time after-the-fact to actively reflect to fully understand what happened or didn’t happen.


Listen to and follow their intuition. They know how intuitions and insights come to them and are tuned-in internally to make wise decisions.

Think Outside the Box

Are open to different perspectives and see possibilities where most people don’t. They are comfortable with paradoxes and can relate to numerous sides of an issue or opinion.


Can easily entertain innovative ideas, thoughts, and ways of doing things. They long for progressive and forward thinking information, concepts, and people. They often come up with new and radical ideas on a regular basis.


The evolutionary individual practices tolerance, marches to his/her own beat and allows others to march to theirs, without judgment or competition. Simply being and allowing others to be, find and make their own way.

Take Action

Recognize and respond quickly to opportunities and people. They act and react fast, and take care of what needs to be taken care-of, well ahead of schedule. These are the doers.


Don’t have to know it all, but they do know where to go to get whatever information, resources, training, education that they need. They are well networked and have people to call on for resource referrals.


Think for themselves. They do not blindly believe things so-called “experts” say, in fact, they ask deep questions to discover their own truth.

Lifelong Learner

Are committed to being a lifelong learner. They continuously learn new things, and stay current with their skills, attitudes, and beliefs.

Embrace Change

The sui generis being is ever changing, expanding and growing in all ways possible, including mind, body and spiritual growth in an evolutionary metamorphosis.

High Aspirations

They are not satisfied with mediocrity or the status quo. They aspire to continue their evolution in all areas of life including abundance and prosperity to increase their ability to give, contribute and enjoy the best this life has to offer.

Sense of Humor

Do not take themselves or life too seriously. They recognize the importance of finding the fun in the irony and the comedy of everyday life.

Contribute to a Better World

They not only desire to see the world be a better place but offer their strengths, abilities, talents and resources to help make the world a better place for us and future generations.

… Just to name a few.

Hop on board, take the New Year by the reigns and make today the first day of the best of your life.