Doing What You Love vs Making Money

Yesterday, my granddaughter comes up to me and says, “Papa, I know what I want to do with my life!” Very excited, she continues, “You know how you’re always talking about doing what you love vs making money?” I respond enthusiastically, “Yes. Yes, go on.” After some thoughtful framing, she tells me the details of her plan.

When she told me the details of her plan, it nearly broke me, because what she wanted to do with her life, what she was so passionate about, what she loved to do more than anything, her reason for getting up every day, to breathe, and how she defined herself in the world, was reduced to her presenting business plan.

I was blessed and honored to be the first person to whom she reported her heart’s desire, and to know that my encouragement that she seek to achieve her highest and best had found resonance in her. She had thoroughly understood my explaining about doing what you love vs making money to her and developed a sound business plan which monetized her hopes and dreams.

In a million years, I would have not come up with an idea to pursue, like hers, and I would have hoped that she choose almost anything else besides what she’d selected to be her ultimate goal in life, but this did not dissuade me from supporting her completely. For how can you deny or dictate the desires of someone’s heart? You can try, but to do so doesn’t make any sense.

The desires of someone’s heart, what they love more than anything, can change over time, but whatever it is, right now, simply is. You cannot change it. So, bless and support whoever they are in whatever it is that they love beyond all other things in this life.

Doing What You Love vs. Making Money

In doing what you love vs. making money, the basis is that you discover the thing that you’d love to do, what you are passionate about, the activity that you would engage in where time just disappears, to make money doing what you love would be far superior to working just to make a paycheck to survive.

When I am working with a client, it is very rare that I find someone who does not know what they are passionate about. Even so, with a little probing, together we can find out what turns you on.

Now, finding a way to monetize your passion is a whole other process. It takes some creative detective work to come up with a plan for making money doing what you love, and you’re going to have to stretch your imagination enough to look at ways you can make it happen.

It takes a bit of ingenuity to monetize your heart’s desire, and there is a degree of risk in stepping out in faith to make money doing what you love. If your need to make money outweighs your desire to pursue your passion for profit, this can be a problem, and it is the primary reason why more people do not do what they love for money.

In most cases, people are more likely to settle for finding a career doing something they like, or is not too distasteful, in exchange for a paycheck. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but you could do better, if you are courageous enough to tackle such a task.

In the case of my granddaughter, she had done the research, developed her brand, a marketing strategy, and even came up with potential locations to launch her dream business. A grandfather couldn’t be more proud.

Generally, you will need some assistance in working out the details to create or pursue your passion and make your dream come true.

Thanks to the world wide web, you have access to all the resources you need to get from here to there, and if you’re feeling like it’s just too much to take on, seek out a qualified coach or consultant who can help you get you to where you want to be.

You May Fail

Doing so, will not be without risk, and you may not achieve your financial goals the first time out.

There is no need to feel dejected if you fail, for those who have found their way to monetize what they love have failed, but kept going. Look for your Return on Failure Learning (ROFL) and you can use what you have learned to strengthen your resolve to keep going.

Even if you’re feeling unworthy, or like, “My life has been so awful,” and you just can’t see the forest for the trees, look for others who you look up to, and know even though to us it looks as though they experienced instant success, a closer look at their stories will reveal their journey was not an easy one, and they continued to push through and overcome the obstacles which presented themselves along the way.

You can do this.

Do what you love and the money will follow.

If you need help, call me.

Coming Out of the Darkness

You’re a good person. The world needs you. These days? You’re nowhere to be found. You’ve suffered incredible pain, sorrow, and sometimes it feels like you just can’t go on another day. Yet, you know it is time for your coming out of the darkness.

Life and love are laying in wait, buried deep inside you, waiting for the moment you set them free. You, your special gifts, abilities, passionate voice, and unencumbered love are waiting to be let loose. The day has come, and you know it to be true.

No one would blame you for pulling back, withdrawing from the flow, or taking a sabbatical, all necessary for you to heal and recalibrate after all you’ve been through but the time has come for you to reclaim your birthright and reemerge better than you were before, with more love, life, and vitality.

You have survived the most horribly ostentatious challenges. You have survived. And the world needs you now more than ever.

The time has come for you to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

If you’re having trouble remembering what really living was all about, find an enthusiastic, vibrant and exciting child to play with. Remember what life was all about. These little people aren’t restrained by all the trappings of life and see everything as amazing and fun. Playing with a child will help to awaken the child in you who is waiting to come out and play.

Reach out. Make friends. Let your light shine and help to improve the lives around. Start small, be there for one person, then another, and another. Build your organic network one person at a time. It’s okay to be cautious but be fearless and lead with love.

Start giving. Find opportunities to volunteer helping others and enjoy the benefits of performing random acts of kindness. Your giving doesn’t have to be huge, it can be infinitesimally small, starting a chain reaction which changes the world for good.

Look for and find reasons to celebrate the good things in life, even if seemingly insignificant. The time has come for you to celebrate good times. Come on. Invite your inner child to come out and party with you.

You’ve learned powerful lessons from your past and this education came at great emotional expense but now is the time to look for the good, happiness and joy which is all around waiting to reveal all the good things in life to you.

Everything has led to this moment and you are ready.

It’s time to put yourself out there. The new and improved you, ready to believe and achieve your highest and best.

Get a grip on your Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM) and prepare to start singing your song proud and out loud.

A whole new world of possibilities is waiting for you.

I am here for you, the whole world is here for you, all the angels and energy in the universe is on your side.

Now is the time to celebrate your coming out of the darkness and into the light, emerging in love and light.

You got this… Now, more than ever.

Will You Do It?

You have a dream. You can do it. Will you do it? That’s the question.

Occasionally, someone crosses my path and I am empathetically drawn to him or her. I can see his or her potential and I sometimes get lost in the fullness of the vision. On rare occasions, I reach out and invite this person to join me in the performance of my mission because I can see the synergistic relationship between our combined missions. Sometimes I jump the gun.

My vision of his or her potential is so clear, that I overlook the current status he or she is in along his or her life’s journey. If he or she is not ready, willing, or able to fully embrace their individual purpose, message, passion, and mission yet, then I am doing him or her an injustice my presuming they he or she is fully engaged or capable participating in this time in space.

Everyone is on their own path, doing the best they can with what they have, and there is no reason to engage when the timing is not right for you. Only you can know when you are in the right place at the right time to fully embrace your higher calling, and only then, will you know the answer to, “will you do it?”

Will you do it?

Sometimes it’s when you’ve had it up to here (as Popeye the Sailor might say, “That’s all I can stands and I can’t stands no more!”), other times you might have been just waiting for the appropriate bandwidth in life to have the time and space to dedicate to living your own life to your highest and best potential.

There are others who have a pretty good idea what their life’s purpose is (may even know precisely what their divine assignment is) and have decided never to engage in it fully.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mark Victor Hansen who taught me to work with people and clients in lockstep fashion. Previous to Mark’s coaching, I could get so excited about someone else’s possibilities that I’d sacrifice everything on his or her behalf, only to find out later, that he or she had no intention of following through on fulfilling his or her life’s purpose.

Until Mark’s diagnosis, I would passionately overextend myself, even put myself in harm’s way, allow myself to be drained by emotional vampires, exploited by sociopaths or psychopaths who would seek to exploit my naivety and enthusiasm.

These days, my ministry is far more streamlined, I have staff and friends looking out for me and I am more cautious and disciplined. I realize now, that I cannot want something for you more than you want for yourself.

I will fully support you and walk with your hand-in-hand step-by-step toward you accomplishing your goals, realizing your dreams, achieving your highest and best, living your best life, and making the world a better place, but I will not do it for you.

I show you how, and help you do anything you want, but you must be motivated, willing and capable of doing the work necessary to bring your vision to fruition.

If you think you’re ready to go forward with all you’ve got, then I’m ready to go with you. You could do this on your own, no doubt about it, but together we could rock this thing.

Call me.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

When you start embracing your life’s purpose, moving in alignment with your mission, sharing your message with passion, you start small. There’s a good chance you’ve already been doing the work you’ve been called to do. God is like that.

God will put you in situations where you can recognize and exercise your special gifts and abilities which are all a part of your unique and individual calling. Ask yourself these 5 questions:

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Do you feel like you just don’t fit in?

If you’re feeling like you just don’t fit in with the rest of society, it is likely that you are marching to a different drummer because you are called to a special purpose with a unique counter-culture message and mission.

No matter how hard you try to cover it up, play nice, and blend in with your peers, something inside you knows this is not the life you came here to live. There is something more. So much more, and it is calling you out.

Sure, you can push it down and cover it up, just like you have in the past, and don’t worry about it too much because God still wants to accomplish this thing, and if you refuse to embrace your calling, God will find someone else. Your right to choose is always honored. You are blessed for all your decisions, and never judged.

2. Are certain people with similar problems drawn to you for support?

If you are seeing a distinct pattern in the types of people with particular problems drawn to you, that’s like the Cosmic Director shining a spotlight on you, and sometimes you get the idea of this being your calling, other times not so much.


Mostly because you second guess yourself, feel inadequate or let that inner voice do whatever it can to talk you out of it. You’ll find some reason that you’re not good or worthy enough to accomplish the work you are being called to.

Yet, all the while, you are still attracting these people to you (who while they come to you for advice, they do not honor you fully for your gift and abilities because you haven’t fully embraced them).

3. Do you find yourself in recurring problematic scenarios?

You may be a problem-solver with world-transforming potential but resign yourself to just being good at your job, or lucky when you step into uncomfortable situations which resolve positively.

You just accept your ability but humbly downplay your potential impact for the greater good because you lack self-confidence or are shy.

Or maybe you find yourself in these situations but refuse to do the work of learning to move through these challenges for your own benefit, as well as being able to help others to do likewise. If this is your choice, it is like that you will continue to find yourself in these circumstances, until you do.

You are potentially a game-changer, not just for your local community but the world at large.

4. Are there things happening in the world that upset you more than others?

You may have been called to be a warrior or champion, standing up for the rights of others, or defending those who are unable to defend themselves.

5. Do you see things differently from other people?

Those whose things differently from their peers are the visionaries, the people who have been called to challenge our belief systems, to break us free from the societal trance the rest of us have fallen victim to,

Again, you let the doubts of your insecurities keep you from moving forward.

Yet, all these types of people who struggle with this inner conflict are drawn to me. This is my calling.

Maybe it’s time for you to come out of the shadows and embrace the life you were blessed to be called to.

I have a gift which allows me to see glimpses of you at your highest and best, and I am unlikely to let you know what I see because to do so would only break your heart if you continue to stand in your own way, preventing you from embracing all you were meant to be, enjoy, live your best life and make the world a better place.

On the other hand, if you are ready to go, and give it all you’ve got, I will be there with you every step of the way.

I Want My Life to Mean Something

Since you come to this planet with a specific purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) it’s no surprise when the desire to seek more meaning in your life arises. Even though the purpose of societization is to control large numbers of people in groups, and to do so it must squelch your awareness of your PMPM, still you awaken from the fog periodically and feel, think, or say, “I want my life to mean something.”

For what is a life without meaning?

To be a productive member of society, you should maintain the prescribed status quo, align yourself with particular groups, and maintain your function as part of the machine. Within the confines of acceptable societal behavior, you may express some individuality (but not too much) as you play your part amidst the herd mentality of the general population.

While this is an extremely effective method of controlling a large group of people, the fact remains that the current version of the human experience has far more potential, and people just like you are awakening to this realization, either querying or insisting that there must be more… and there is… so much more than you’ve been allowed to imagine.

I want my life to mean something

is the beckoning call of your spirit crying out for freedom and empowerment to be uniquely you and to exercise your life’s divine assignment; to live your life on purpose, delivering your unique message (singing your own song) with passion as you pursue and accomplish your own mission while traveling along your life’s journey.

Upon your arrival to this planet you knew your calling, even as a young child, but your family, peers, and educators (as well-trained as they are at subjugating others who might have a tendency to stray from the mainstream), supported by the media and enforced by controlling organizations, were able to stifle your awareness. Usually, by the age of seven, or so, any thoughts you might have had about your purpose, message, passion, and mission, were written or as the wild imaginings of a child or forgotten altogether.

But they never go away.

Your reason for coming here in the first place is to serve and add value to someone, if not everyone else. Your life is full of meaning and desires to express all that you have to offer the local community and the world at large. While there is breath in your lungs and your heart yet beats, your mission is waiting to be embraced and launched.

Your life, the very life that you have lived up to this moment in time, was perfectly aligned for the integration and release of your mission. You were born with specific gifts and special abilities, and along the way, you were afforded the opportunity to amass a wide variety of experience and knowledge in perfect harmony with your life’s message and mission.

This is the meaning you seek in your life.

When you look back at your life from an objective point of view, you can see how all the events of your life, the precious, the good, the bad, and the ugly, all have contributed to making you the person you are today, and you are more qualified to embrace your purpose with passion than ever before.

Those who are waiting for you to make your contribution are praying to hear what it is you have to say.

So, if you’re at the point in your life when you’re looking back at your life and saying, “I want my life to mean something,” then it’s up to you to take the next step. It doesn’t have to be an enormous step but just moving closer to your life’s purpose is worth the effort.

Try to remember who you were before the age of seven, discover and document all those things in life which resonate with you, those activities and thought patterns which seem to come naturally, and time just slips away when your fully engulfed in them. What are your gifts and special abilities? Those things that come easily to you that others are impressed with.

Is there a certain type of people with a particular concern or complaint who seek you out for information, advice, support, or a gentle word? This may be God’s way of telling you what you should be doing on a wider scale.

There is nothing better than living a life aligned with your purpose, message, passion, and mission. This is the life that is calling you to a better life, your best life, and you through your contribution(s) will make the world a better place.

Will you dare to exercise your birthright?

Redemption for Passion

If you’re like me, a very passionate person who has a tendency to put your all into something, every once and a while, you might take the time to stop. Look around, and wonder how you got here.

Sometimes your passion can lead you to places you never expected or intended to be. Not to worry there is redemption waiting for you. You are loved and accepted just as you are, and much of the good work which was accomplished during your tenure would not have come to pass were it not for you and your unbridled passion.

Therefore, it’s important to get a grip on your purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) because knowing who you are and what you’re here for can help to keep you focused enough to navigate and maximize your life’s journey.

If you’ve discovered and embraced your gifts and special abilities, you find yourself being far more productive in certain scenarios in life and you ‘re attracting more and more opportunities to let your gifts and abilities to shine.

As more and more people become aware of your special abilities they are more apt to call on you, even feel as though they are somewhat dependent on you. When you are in tune with your inner guidance system, you are aware when the need of your special abilities has overridden your purpose, message, passion, and mission.

Usually, this awareness that you have been led off-track is accompanied by a feeling of incongruency, which is uncommon when you’re in the flow and momentum of doing what you do best because when you’re in the vibration of performing your special abilities it’s easy to get lost in your passion.

This can be incredibly complicated in the business community when others who feel as if their organizations or businesses cannot survive without your special skills and abilities. Occasionally, you may find yourself distracted by a variety of means, anything from love and affection to more and more cold hard cash. But your mission is not for sale, as you are more committed to be true to yourself.

There is also an important balance for you to maintain your own self-care to increase your personal power and ability to deliver and perform at your highest and best. All this needs to be balanced and held in perspective when you ask someone, “How can I help you?”

Nonetheless, once you’ve discovered that you’ve run off course, there is no shame in renegotiating or withdrawal from your over-committing. Of course, you need to exercise diligence in the recalibration, separation, or cutting-back to manage the renegotiation or resignation with as much dignity and grace as possible.

But if things have certainly gotten out of control, you must look after yourself first, in honor of the long-term effects this will have on your ministry on a larger scale. If you must make an abrupt change, you must do what you must do to preserve your ability to serve on a greater scale.

You need to be able to charge and re-charge your own energetic system so that you can serve from a cup which is full and overflowing. This is you delivering, serving, and working and a performance level which is your highest and best.

So, if your passion gets the best of you and leads you off-track, there is redemption for you. Take the time and make the effort to reposition yourself to maximize your potential while remaining true to your calling.

Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything happens for a reason and the reason is you. For without you, would any of this, anything you could possibly witness or experience on this planet, exist at all. This was all, all of creation, created for you.

On the surface, to even think about all of this being created for you seems a bit beyond your cognizant reach, yet you (yes, you) are God’s eyes and ears. You are here to witness creation, all that it is, from an experiential point of view that only you could provide.

Your experience here, along the journey you travel, is unique to you and your experience, and no one but you could survive and thrive in the life you have lived, and the creator is experiencing your life with you in lockstep fashion.

The creator and the greater part of you sees and feels everything you go through in this life, though you, in your physical three-dimensional form, are for the most part ill-equipped to see your life from the perspective of source.

From the perspective of source, there is no time as we know it, and all is known as it could be known as your life has unfolded and will continue to unfold. From this vantage point of clarity the landscape and meaning behind all things, the utter precision and intricate harmonies of all things is perfectly clear.

You, before you came to this planet, were endowed with a divine purpose which includes your unique message which you chose to share with the world. You also possessed your own individual passion, those things in life which you are enthusiastic about, excite you and give you the energy to accomplish your mission in life.

In opposition to your purpose, message, passion, and mission (pmpm) are the people, principalities, and powers who run the social construct and attempt to control and manage our planet and its inhabitants.

These oppositional forces do not want you to have any knowledge of your purpose-message-passion-mission because if the people were to each embrace his or her calling and live their life accordingly it would result in chaos for the powers that be and the controlling an empowered population would be impossible. The ruling regime would no longer be able to function.

The “powers” program our minds via social engineering and by forced medication through the food we eat, air that we breathe, the water we drink, and the medications we voluntarily (or involuntarily) avail ourselves to, effectively prevent us from being aware of our own divine purpose in life.

Even though from birth we are keenly aware of it, by the time a child reaches the age of six or seven, any knowledge of it has been squashed. Even so, the embers of that part of you remains, striving to be revealed, embraced, and released.

Everything Happens for a Reason

You are the reason everything happens for a reason. Everything that happens to you, to someone else, or in the world around you, harkens to that inner part of you which has been squelched and all but snuffed out, giving you the opportunity to call upon your unique gifts, talents, and special abilities which are your birthright.

You have a unique story that only you can tell. I met a newspaper reporter from Salem who said, “There are 100,000 people here in Salem, and everyone has a unique story. Our paper, and I want to make sure every one of them gets documented and recorded.” A lofty goal, indeed, but he (and his paper) was on to something. He was right. Everyone is a hero, a walking miracle, and so much more; a powerful influencer with incredible insight, a purpose in life to share their message with passion and fulfill their life’s mission. Some call it, “Destiny.”

There is a unique and heroic story in you which encompasses all the experiences of your life. In fact, it is the best story ever told. You may not be able to see it all until your life has run its course but after your race is run all things become clear, or you can embrace that part of you now, and begin looking at your life and everything that happens as being in divine order.

The intention of the social engineers to keep a constant barrage of information, situations, and circumstances which confuse you, overwhelm, or make you feel helpless are all part of the social engineering process, to make you believe there is nothing you can do. The flow so constant and unrelenting that it would be next to impossible for you to have the time or attention to stop and look inside yourself for the answer, to understand that you are either an integral part of the answer, or you’re being the solution was your destiny all along.

In this respect, there is no judgment for any of us, for we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. Though, every now and then, one of us awakens to our life’s PMPM, what happens then?

We see these people, recognize them for breaking through to the other side, embracing all they’ve been endowed with and helped to change the world. Some of them we read about in historical documents, or hear about them in the news, while others continue to grow, evolve, live better lives, and make the world a better place with little recognition or pomp and circumstance.

People are awakening at an increasing rate every day and are breaking out of the social construct, continuing to evolve, and affect the world at large. These people know they are the reason all things happen, and they are doing something about it, even if you cannot see the results directly.

If you can step outside of yourself briefly to review the things that have happened in your life, can you recognize that everything happened for a reason? Didn’t every challenge or unexpected circumstance change the direction of your life, even if in the slightest degree, enough to move you closer to something better? Or if now, didn’t you feel something inside you rising up with the desire to do something about it?

Everything in your life that happens to you or around you is either leading you to something better or calling forth the restrained/ignored/denied hero within you which is eager to be acknowledged, embraced, and released.

Now you know everything has led to this moment.

Is something happening to you right now?

If so, is it leading you in a different direction?

Welcome it.

Or, is it calling forth your inner hero?

Let this part of you emerge.

Could it be both?

Now is the time to realize,

Everything happens for a reason

and the reason is you.


Purpose Message Passion Mission (PMPM)

Today, your Purpose Message Passion Mission (PMPM) is excited because you’re becoming aware of its existence.

Your PMPM is your reason for being here. No one knows it better than you, even though you may have covered it up (through no fault of your own, because our society is resistant to the idea of you having PMPM, and embracing it, is against everything that society stands for), it lays there dormant waiting for the day that you awaken to the possibility of it being there.

Today is the day you are awakening, even if only for the briefest moment of clarity, in this moment, you have knowingness that there is something more in this life. You’re contemplating the living of a life with meaning, a better life, possibly your best life, and thinking that you might be able to offer a contribution, maybe leave a legacy, and make the world a better place.

P – Purpose

Your purpose is the reason you came to this planet for the benefit of others, your family, the community, or the world at large. It is the culmination and expression of your gifts, talents and abilities which contribute to a better world. Your purpose will most likely include (but not be limited to) your message, your passion and your mission.

M – Message

Your message is a specific expression of words or thought which will cause others to think about a particular thing in a different, or from a more expansive, point of view, that could result in a paradigm shift, potentially affecting consciousness locally or worldwide. Your message may appear to be similar to someone else’s message but YOUR message will be so much more unique because it will be a reflection of you, the live you have lived and your voice which will be specifically attenuated to a particular audience (of one or more). I also refer to your message as your song, and encourage you to sing it.

P – Passion

No one knows more about your passion than you. It’s that activity that submerses you in The Zone, an alternate reality in time and space where you are thoroughly enveloped by what you love. When you are actively engaged in something that you are passionate about, everything else seems to fade away, as if nothing else matters, and even time seems to disappear as you do that thing which you are so passionate about. Passion is the fuel that powers your innate gifts, skills and abilities to degrees of empowered, successful performance, which is easily identifiable by others when you are demonstrating it. You might not even notice it, because it seems so natural, and you feel so good when you are engaging your passion.

M – Mission

Your mission is your particular task, or series of tasks to be performed throughout, or as the result of living, your life, here on planet earth. All of this is part of your life’s blueprint, and it is a pre-programmed part of your innermost being that has been with you since (or long before) the day you were born.

Are Your Ready for Your
Purpose Message Passion Mission (PMPM)?

Sometimes you are able to make it through life with your sense of purpose, message, passion and mission intact, but in most cases, you will have all but forgotten any of this by the time you are seven years old.

In fact, when I am working with a client, who is in search of their PMPM, most of the time all it takes is recalling the early years of their life, before they were seven years old. If they are able to do this, and remember what excited them, how they felt when they were there, in the moment of exhilaration of being aware of their PMPM, because in those early years, prior to being fully programmed (or having your PMPM psychologically removed or beat out of you) you knew who you were and what you were here for.

You are never more aware of your PMPM than at birth, but of course trying to keep it all together, make sense of it, or have the ability to express it is impossible. You have to wait until your body and your mind catch up, and as soon as you’ve gasped your first breath of air, the programming (or deprogramming) begins.

Regardless of what it takes, or how you do it, once you are able to identify and tune-in to your PMPM, then it’s up to you, whether you will fully engage in it, or not. You can choose not to, it’s what society has programmed you for, and what it expects from you.

On the other hand, that greater part of you, (call it whatever you want) God, the universe, your higher self, nature, or whatever, has never forgotten your PMPM and is hoping that you go for it.

I refer to it as God, as this is a safe and comfortable concept to me, and God is watching you so intently at this moment. God sees your heart, your blueprint, all your known and yet-to-be-revealed gifts, skills, special abilities and the treasure hidden within you waiting to be released…

I’m waiting; the whole world is waiting, to see if you’ve got the courage to do this thing.

Are you ready?

Embrace Your Passion

You have a fire burning inside you; a desire to tell the world something of grave importance, an idea to present that will make the world a better place, you have no choice, and you either have to let it out or put it out.

Even as that fire burns, the less attention you pay to stoking the fire to keep it ablaze, the more it diminishes, and left to itself, it the flame will eventually burn out.

You might think that you’re not good enough, smart enough, educated enough, old enough, young enough, brave enough or worthy to take on such a project, for if you dared to utter that which burns inside you, and you were met with resistance, you would be crushed. Life has probably taught you that on already.

You’ve found a good enough place in life where you have a job, a place to live, some family and friends… Sure, things could be better, but on the other hand things could be so much worse and you think, “I’m not that bad.” And that’s what you settle for.
The media does a good job of giving yourself much worse circumstances to compare your plight to. When comparing to those who are much worse off, you feel somewhat better about eeking out your basic life which leads to nowhere.

Still, every once and a while, the urge to do something to make a great contribution to the world wells up inside you, and the more that it happens, the easier it gets to push it away, hide in under a bushel, ignore it, and it will go away.

Just disregard it as childish daydreaming. You were warned of that as a child, now you’re an adult, you have no time for such foolish ideals.

Yet, inside you remains a huge storage facility full of gifts, tools, talents and special abilities, which may pop up occasionally and shine for a brief moment while at work, in a crisis, or a special occasion. But this vast cache of treasure is otherwise underutilized or disregarded altogether; more childish foolishness.

You are okay with your job, but not satisfied. There is little pride in being basically just an assembly line worker or cog in the machine, or a sheep in the field. In fact, that drudgery is not only at work, but you find un-fulfillment all around you, at work, at home, in your community. It’s just the same ol’ same ol’, on and on, every day, ad infinitum.

Why not consider this?

The next time you have a free moment, create something, talk to someone about what deeply moves you, find a way to release some of that passion in your life.
If you look at your life, even if you have a full time job, you have excess hours that are spent idly. Why not turn this time into opportunities to express yourself and exercise your special gifts, talents and abilities?

These precious moments are your chance to stoke the fire in you about the things you are passionate about. Even if it feels awkward, at first, start with just a few minutes every day. And keep building on those minutes, until you get to an hour, a few hours, as many as 8 hours or more are just waiting for you to capture them, to achieve your highest and best, and make the world a better place.

You came to this planet with a message and a purpose. They will always be itching at your attention to be engaged in and released. Sure, you can bury them, like you have in the past, or you can bring them to life. What have you got to lose?


Okay, so you’re afraid of being embarrassed, ever been embarrassed before?

How bad was it? Did you live through it?

Compare that to answering this question: What if you’re successful?

What if you actually find fulfillment in your life, a sense of satisfaction, and how good it feels to do something good for the world that will help others in their lives, and possibly have an impact on the world looking for something better than the troubles, tragedies, fear, or sense of worthlessness they’re struggling with on a regular basis?

You have some fear. We all do.

Try this little personal exploration project. Make three lists. One list of all the things you are good at. The second list jot down all the things you like to do, activities and things that bring you joy. On the third list, delineate all the things that make you feel like you’ve accomplished something, give you a sense of meaning, value or purpose.

The things that appear on all three lists? These are the major clues to your calling, especially if they resonate with your hidden treasure chest of skills and abilities that your kept locked away.

Sound scary?

Okay, so what.

You’re only starting by dedicating five minutes a day, then when you feel comfortable with that, try 10 minutes, and keep going until you’re on your way to empowering yourself as a force for good in a world that need you, to hear your message, to feel your presence.

This is your time.

The time is now.