The Abundance Mindset Impact on Personal Success, Well-Being

Defining success is a personal journey, and one’s mindset plays a pivotal role in shaping the outcomes of that journey. Consider the significance of cultivating an abundance mindset by overcoming personal challenges and adopting a powerful self-belief system for exponential success. Find assurance in scientific data confirming that your evolutionary success is not limited by age or financial independence. Your positive mindset can yield transformational positive change, placing the measurable achievement and attainment of visionary goals abundantly within your reach.

Building Momentum Toward Abundance:

Success is a subjective concept, and its meaning can evolve as individuals grow and develop. The importance of aligning personal goals with a mindset that builds momentum toward abundance cannot be overstated. This alignment ensures that what is perceived as realistic and achievable expands, creating opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Overcoming Personal Challenges:

Consider the stories of successful individuals like J.K. Rowling, who overcame adversity and financial struggles to become one of the most renowned authors of our time. Rowling’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of a positive mindset, illustrating how belief in one’s abilities can lead to extraordinary achievements.

Seek out information about others who have successfully made the leap from a less than lustrous life to one of magnificence. Doing so will help support an alternative evolutionary path that you could follow, blazing your own trail toward a future destination that you may have previously felt was beyond your reach.

These real-world examples underscore the impact of your abundant mindset, thereby shaping heretofore perceived as unlikely outcomes into hugely successful manifestations to be realized by you.

Self-Belief for Exponential Success:

Believing in intelligence, kindness, creativity, and quick-thinking abilities is foundational to fostering an abundance mindset. Research in positive psychology, such as studies by psychologist Carol Dweck, highlights the connection between self-belief and exponential success. Individuals who perceive themselves positively are more likely to take proactive steps in their business and personal lives, overcoming challenges with resilience.

Unlimited by Age or Financial Independence:

Contrary to common misconceptions, age, and current financial status do not impede the development of an abundance mindset. Drawing on studies conducted by psychologists Angela Lee Duckworth and Martin Seligman, it becomes evident that adopting an abundance mindset is not constrained by age or financial circumstances. Positive changes can manifest at any stage of life, fostering a sense of empowerment and growth.

Positive Mindset = Positive Change:

Cultivating an abundance mindset is a powerful catalyst for positive change. Studies in behavioral science, such as those by psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, highlight the reciprocal relationship between positive thinking and positive outcomes. The idea that thinking abundantly leads to finding abundance resonates with the notion that belief in one’s capabilities precedes remarkable achievements.

Cultivating a positive mindset involves transforming negative thinking into a more optimistic perspective. While this process is straightforward, establishing a new habit requires time and consistent practice.

Six strategies to encourage positive thinking and behavior:

  1. Identify areas for change: Pinpoint aspects of your life where negative thoughts frequently arise, whether related to work, daily commute, life transitions, or relationships. Begin with a slight focus area and strive to approach it more positively. Manage stress by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.
  2. Check your thoughts: Take moments throughout the day to pause and assess your thoughts. If you notice a predominance of negative thinking, actively seek ways to infuse a positive perspective into those thoughts.
  3. Embrace humor: Grant yourself the freedom to smile or laugh, particularly in challenging situations. Find humor in everyday occurrences, as laughter can alleviate stress and create a more positive mindset.
  4. Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, aiming for approximately 30 minutes most days of the week. Break it down into shorter intervals if needed. Moving the body has a positive impact on mood and stress reduction. Maintain a nutritious diet to nourish both your mind and body, prioritize adequate sleep, and learn stress management techniques.
  5. Surround yourself with positivity: Ensure that the people in your life are positive and supportive individuals from whom you can seek valuable advice and feedback. Avoid negative influences that may heighten stress and undermine your ability to handle stress constructively.
  6. Practice positive self-talk: Adhere to a fundamental rule – speak to yourself with the same kindness you would extend to others. Foster self-encouragement by evaluating negative thoughts rationally and responding with affirmations highlighting your positive qualities. Reflect on aspects of your life that evoke gratitude.

By consistently applying these strategies over time, you can create a gradual shift toward a more positive and optimistic mindset, fostering resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

The link between mindset and outcomes is undeniable, with an abundance mindset serving as a critical determinant of personal success and well-being. Real-world examples, supported by research in positive psychology and behavioral science, underscore the transformative potential of believing in oneself and adopting a positive perspective. Regardless of current circumstances, age, or financial standing, the development of an abundance mindset opens doors to positive changes and a life lived on one’s own terms.


  • Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.
  • Duckworth, A. L. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Scribner.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions. American Psychologist, 56(3), 218–226.

Expect Miracles

The holidays represent a magical time of year where goodwill and love for your fellow man abound. For those of us lucky enough to spend time with our families, it is a joy and love wells up within us, especially if you’re able to hold a newborn baby in your arms. We anticipate the possibility of miracles but you can expect miracles at any time of year, not just over the holidays.

With the new year just around the corner, it might be time for you to expect miracles every day and see what surprises lay in store for you throughout the coming year.

To put yourself in the state of being which attracts miracles, you can establish a state of awareness and expectation that miracles will occur on a daily basis. Some of the things you can do include creating a vision board, a montage of images representing the things you would like to attract into your life. Put it in a place where you can view it every day. Starting a journal of miracles is also a good idea.

In your journal of miracles, you can jot down all the miracles you witnessed throughout the day. These may not be huge manifestations, but could include anything, like being treated nicely by a server, someone opening the door for you, someone complimenting you, or your receipt of a genuine smile. The more you look for the little miracles, the more they appear, and they grow in their magnificence.

The more you cultivate the frequency of expecting miracles the more the vibration becomes a normal state of mind for you and your life. Like changing the thermostat setting on your climate controller. If it was previously set for 50, the temperature may rise or fall but the climate control works to return you to its set point of 50 degrees. If you change the setpoint to 70 degrees, then the climate control seeks to maintain that temperature instead.

Changing the frequency (or temperature setting) on your body’s vibrational control system can take as few as 21 days in succession. Then your expectation of miracles will be your set point and you will be seeing more and more blessings headed your way. Your ability to bless others will also increase.

As you create an environment where you expect miracles, you influence the ability for others to expect miracles with whom you interact with throughout each day, without even trying.
The expectation of miracles is found within the love vibration, so maintaining an environment around yourself which fosters love will help to substantiate your expectation of miracles being manifest in your life.

Find things to do and purposefully place yourself in situations where you can feel love and love the environment around you. Snuggle a little baby and look into his or her eyes, pet your cat, play with your dog, compliment someone in the supermarket, hold the door for someone with an armload of something, or take a walk amongst nature.

Any acts of kindness you gift to someone reinforces your love vibration and will support your ability to open to receive miracles that are waiting to show themselves to you.

At least within the first 21-day frequency reset period, think about limiting your exposure to media which is negative in nature, and avoid talking behind other people’s back. Try to maintain as much positivity and love in your heart as possible for the first 21 days.

People who have done this, and have succeeded, note they’re being introduced to challenges to maintaining a positive, loving state of mind. Those who have fully been engulfed in regular miracle manifestation faced the challenge(s) and overcome it/them in a positive way, with a positive outcome.

Those who saw the challenge as an attack and found themselves succumbing to the pressure, found themselves returning to their normal setpoint and claimed that expecting miracles could not work for them.

Many of those who failed to achieve the state of miracle expectation the first go-round were able to maintain the state by facing the challenges positively as they presented themselves and were able to find and maintain the love vibration and found themselves expecting miracles.

Miracles come in many shapes and sizes, and this thing I know, there are a great many miracles waiting to be revealed to you even now.

84% of Americans believe in miracles, you may as well be one of them.

Expect miracles.


When it comes to changing your life, there is no greater tool to utilize when you’re contemplating a major shift in life than visualization.

Julie Valenti

In case you’re wondering what topic(s) I will write about each day, there really is no preconceived or premeditated program. Whatever comes up that day, either in my life, the life of a client, friend, or family member determines the subject I write about. Like today, I was studying childhood PTSD, reading Julie Valenti’s Knowing How, then followed up with a client who needed some coaching in visualization. So, there you have it.

Visualization is powerful because it helps to “rewire the brain,” as Valenti says. In my practice, visualization followed training in Christian ministry and prayer, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Hypnotherapy (in that order) and ended up as a progression of these techniques culminating in guided visualization or meditation with concepts of the Law of Attraction thrown in for flavor.

If you have seen Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, you can get the idea about how to approach the idea of visualization and how it can change life all around you, based on where you focus your attention and practice the feeling of having whatever it is you desire, and it works.

The truth is, my mother told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, even though very early in life I was non-verbal. I didn’t talk much as a young child, but I could mimic comedy recordings word-for-word and with some degree of enthusiasm. When company would come over, my mother would call me out of my room to put on a performance for the guests. Everyone would laugh, and then I would slink back to hide in my room following my delivery.

This was me exercising visualization by mimicry and pretending, and after a while, I learned communication skills and began to interact verbally with other people. A powerful skill that would come in handy throughout my entire life’s journey, and my mother was right, I could be or do anything. Likewise, you can be or do anything you want.

All it takes is a little visualization, practice, using something we all have been programmed to disregard in adulthood: Imagination. The more powerfully you exercise your imagination muscles and engage your actions, the more powerful your results.

It’s up to you to decide to do the work of using all your powers of imagination to visualize your life, the way you want it to be, bask in the feeling of it being your reality, and act as if it’s the real deal.

The doing of anything is a key component. What you do today determines who you will be.

In the beginning, once you start this effort, it feels ridiculous. You’re thinking this is fakery, and you start to second-guess your efforts with thoughts like, “Who would do such a thing?” followed by a flood of negative self-talk, like, “I’m not good enough,” talented enough, or the other dissuading themes reinforcing your lack of education, resources, finances, abilities, standing in the community, or an endless number of “reasons” justifying your unworthiness.

Norman Vincent Peale

To combat this onslaught of self-doubt and negativity, you kind’a have to go a little overboard in an attempt to rewire your brain. As a young man, books like Norman Vincent Peale’s Power of Positive Thinking and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill were resources that helped to encourage my growth and expansion using my imagination to bridge the gap between here and there.

Napoleon Hill

So, you might have to look in the mirror and practice positive affirmations, study the lives of others who have overcome obstacles to achieve the results you are looking for, create vision boards, and remove yourself from any negative influences during your reprogramming phase. Whatever it takes, do that, don’t let anything prevent you for going for it, and when it doesn’t feel real, allow yourself to pretend and fake it until it becomes true for you.

Thanks to my seizing every opportunity to turn every challenge into an opportunity allowed me to have the most tremendous experiences one could ever imagine in this life. In most cases, when facing insurmountable odds, all I had to do was to use my imagination and pretend that I was fully competent to survive and thrive through the adversity, and the Creator of the universe would support me in kind.

Even when it doesn’t make any sense, and it seems impossible, if you go forward in faith, putting yourself in the proper mindset and acting as if you are fully capable and trust that everything you need will appear in just the right time, your brazenness is rewarded by everything falling into place perfectly.

“Perfectly,” is not always the way you imagined it. Sometimes God knows there is something better He has in store for you, so try to be flexible enough to allow the power of love to override your expectations in your best interest.

You got this.

How to be an Alpha Male

The corporate workplace can be a competitive dog-eat-dog business, and in this aggressive environment, if the culture is not progressive, will still be following an archaic business model which is more akin to the animal kingdom’s struggle for survival.

In these instances, the individuals who are most successful, quickly rise up the corporate ladder, and appear to live the best lives, are those who dominate and lay to waste the competition. We refer to them (and they refer to themselves) as alpha males.

If you’re stuck in this type of corporate culture, it can leave you wondering,

How to be an alpha male

The alpha male is the man in the business environment who exudes self-confidence, wielding personal power like a sword of righteousness, commands the attention and respect of others in the organization. He is a man’s man, so to speak, people admire his ruthless ability to make decisions, take action, puts forth (and almost excessive) effort and expects the support of the rest of the team; and he usually gets it, out of respect for his relentless ambition and enthusiasm.

Alpha males didn’t just appear in the workplace, their characteristics can be traced back to early man, when it was us against the elements, and the animal kingdom, in the struggle for survival. The alpha males were the individuals who fought their way to the top of the food chain and the social ladder of the group by taking charge, and exerting domination over the group.

In some ways our current stage of evolution still harkens back to these alpha male archetypes. Through the process of natural selection, men bubble to the top that possess the traits of the alpha male. In the same way that our ancestors depended on these traits for survival, the corporate world is attracted to these A-type personalities for the benefits enjoyed by their shareholders.

The success of the alpha male is not simply restricted to the business environment, as socially, in many ways, we haven’t evolved very far and this is never more apparent than in our courting rituals. Even in this modern day and age, women are still attracted to the type of man who will protect her and provide an excellent source of genetic material on which to base her future generations.

Back in the day, wherever the alpha male was, you would find the best shelter, food and women, so the other men would want to befriend them and support them in order to enjoy the leftovers, and you can still see the remnants of this in our society today.

Taking on the appearance of the alpha male or emulating their attributes can be an effective way to gain ground in both corporate and social arenas, and you might be surprised to find that the best way to appear to be alpha is to

Care less about what others think about you

If you’re not an alpha male, you’re constantly vying for attention, and trying to impress others in an attempt to prove your worthiness of garnering attention or approval of others. Instead of accomplishing your hopes of gaining admiration, what you actually end up with is others thinking you are deprived, lack confidence and competence, are needy and clingy; not exactly what you had hoped for.

If your are having to constantly explain to others, or tell your own stories in an effort to show examples of your worthiness or greatness, your words are often in vain because people are not going to fall for your self-promoting tale-telling. They’re more likely to look at this as a desperate ploy to get people to like you, in an ill-fated attempt to present yourself as more appealing.

Complimenting people, especially flattery in an attempt to flirt or attract a potential mate, also not only makes you look desperate, but it clearly communicates to the object of your attention that you see them as more valuable than yourself (which doesn’t make you look any more attractive to them).

So, stop the ploys to gain the approval of others. Instead try to find ways to think of yourself more like an alpha. An alpha male could care less what anyone thinks of him, he finds his own worthiness within himself. His self confidence is high enough; he doesn’t need the approval of anyone else to make him feel any better.

When you are able to find your sense of worth from within, accepting yourself for all that you are, empowering and engaging all your special gifts and abilities without a thought of what others think, now you are becoming the powerful leader forging on with a sense of meaning and purpose.

When you are approaching life in this way, you are no longer a following. You are marching to your own beat, and others take notice. You are becoming more alpha.

This new alpha-approach to life will permeate your integration with life all around you, affecting both your social and professional circles of influence.

Stop and Smell the Roses

When we’re conducting the business of just getting along in life, it’s easy to take the time to stop and smell the roses. Of course, it’s not just the roses, it’s all the things in life we take for granted. If you want to maximize the life you’re living, you can achieve so much more joy and satisfaction by savoring all the nuances that add the flavor to each day well lived.

Everyone has the same 86,400 seconds each day, how are you going to use yours. By paying attention to those subtle details, you can get so much more out of each minute of every day.

Technology has presented us with ample distraction as an effective way to keep our attention engaged, which keeps you from getting bored, but potentially at the expense of loss of quality of life, at least in the romantic sense of it.

Tablets, iPods, cell phones, television, streaming media, radio, iTunes, NetFlix, YouTube, computers, video games, signage, all clamoring for your attention, it’s nearly impossible to have a spare moment, when something is not trying to grasp your attention.

You’re lucky if you have the ability to unplug, sit down to enjoy a family meal without television, phones or other devices, or any of the other simple pleasures in life, such as taking a walk, or just sitting and enjoying a face-to-face talk, without the presence of devices.

Not to sound paranoid, but recently, I was having a face-to-face discussion with someone who mentioned a restaurant I’d never heard of. Later, when I picked up my phone, a pop-up ad for that restaurant showed up. Coincidence? I don’t know, just saying… ‘ere, I digress.

If you really want to get all that you can out of this life, you need to make room in your life, in your day, in the precious moments of this life, to allow life to emerge before you. Make or find moments where you can sit in silent repose, to reflect about yourself, what you want out of life. Think about the things that make you happy and the activities which bring you joy.

Maybe it’s time to put yourself back in the drivers’ seat of your life, and not let media, commercialism, or the powers-that-be control you and your thoughts. Is it time to pay attention to you, your self, your body, your life?

If it is, then start making time for looking after you. Make time to engage in the activities that make you feel good. Schedule your “me time” to do whatever it is that makes you happy. It could be as simple as taking a walk in the park, feeding the ducks, sitting on a park bench, listening to your favorite music, taking a nice soak in the bathtub, or engaging in a particular hobby. Whatever it is that brings you joy, make time for that.

And when your day has come to an end, and slumber is just around the corner, take time to review your day. What did it look like? Did you take out a little time for yourself? Did you get all the things done that you set out to do? Regardless of the answers, love and forgive yourself.

It’s a crazy world out there, and we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. That means, you, too. So lighten up and give yourself a break. Cut yourself some slack and remember that tomorrow is a fresh, new day.

If you’re like the rest of us, you’re juggling a world of potential activities and obligations. You can reduce some of the overwhelm and panic by making a list (which you can use old-school technology, such as paper and a writing instrument, or use your phone or other device that might be handy), and check off things as you do them. Don’t delete them, because there is satisfaction in the doing of it, so mark it as done. And if you don’t get a majority (or any) of the things done, “Oh well,” you did the best you could.

And if there’s something on your list of things to do, that you’d rather not do, then try to create an atmosphere that is fun or at least pleasant, so that you are making the best of it. This can make it appear to be less monotonous, if you can find a way to make it more entertaining, or to inject some joy in the atmosphere around the particular task.

For those who are maintaining a frantically paced workload, or prolonged period of focused attention on a particular task, learn to stop (stop) and take a break periodically. Get up and go to the bathroom, or stroll to the lunchroom, check out the parking lot, walk up and down a flight of stairs. Whatever you’re doing that is demanding your attention, make time for you, even if it’s only for a few (as few as two) minutes.

Commuters who spend a portion of their day in travel to and from work, or a job site, etc., find a way to break up the commute. Commute time is a great way to study and expand your mind by reading or listening (listening, if you’re driving) to positive information, but also think about breaking up the commute by pulling over, or stopping midway, to get out and stretch, and take the opportunity to allow your mind the opportunity to see or imagine something you might have overlooked amidst the hustle and bustle.

Think on those things that are good. Whenever you have the opportunity to think for yourself, make opportunities to reflect on all the good things this life has to offer. Think about how you might be able to make a contribution to your family or community that will have meaningful impact. Think about avoiding negative news, remain positive, and fill your thoughts with positive, enlightening ideals, while taking time to smell the roses every once and a while.

What Are You Attracting?

Ever wonder why things are the way they are in your life?

The people, peculiarities, situations and circumstances that appear in your life do so according to your beckoning. You called all these things into being by the power of your thoughts, or even more powerful: your spoken words.


According to the Law of Attraction, what you think or speak about is what you are attracting to you, even if it your thoughts are in the negative form. For instance, if you were to think, “I want to see a black cat,” or alternatively, “I don’t want to see a black cat,” the universe responds by providing you the opportunity to see a black cat.

If you add an enormous amount of energy to what you don’t want, like emphatically telling all your friends that you don’t want to see a black cat as long as you live, possibly scream it at the sky or pray fervently about how much you never want to see a black cat again, guess what?

You got it: A big black cat… maybe even a barrage of many black cats.

If this is true, then everything in life that surrounds you is a product of your thoughts or the words that escape your lips. And it is likely, the more things you don’t want (especially if you’re enthusiastic about not wanting it and/or clearly express your not wanting it) the more opportunities you have to interact with what you do not want.

What do you want?

The answer is easy: Start thinking about and professing what you do want.

Even religious texts urge us to think about good things, so this is nothing new. For if we focus on the negative, this is what we get, on the other hand if we think only about those things that are good and lovely, beautiful, honorable and bring us joy, then more of these things are added to our life.

Stop thinking, speaking (or even worse: obsessing) about what you don’t want and start focusing intently and enthusiastically about what you do want.

The people who seem to have the best lives, the best luck and attract the best opportunities and circumstances think and speak positively about their expectations and (here’s the next piece) believe these things will come to pass.

You are energy

As much as we’d like to believe that we are flesh and bone, there is a much greater more powerful version of ourselves accompanying us on our journey on this planet. We are actually more energy than we are matter. Our energy emits a certain frequency and everything that exists around us is a perfect match to the energetic frequency we send out.

When you have a powerful, energetic thought which is contrary to your normal frequency or vibration, a powerful burst of energy explodes disrupting the vibration to which you have been so accustom.

While this creates a weak spot in your normal vibrational frequency, it is not enough to permeate your field of vibration for longstanding change.


That is where belief comes in. Thinking and/or speaking disrupts your current vibration and belief sustains the new frequency. In this way, the more you focus on the new thought pattern and the longer you trust or have faith that it will come to pass, the more certain your positive results.

What if I doubt?

Doubt is an explosive energetic demand that the universe return you to your previous vibration or state of affairs. You can correct for this by immediately initiating an emphatic positive affirmation, in essence, changing the channel back to your higher frequency or vibration. Continued doubt, will result in sustaining the old vibration and returning you to that which you’re more used to.

What about the how?

We can get distracted by trying to figure out the how. This is where logic gets in the way of the power of the universe. If we can stay focused on only the end result as non-specifically as possible, this allows the universe to fully engage bringing to us on that which is our highest and best, in ways we may not have been able to imagine, with a far greater end result.

To change your life all you need to do is to change your thoughts/words (the more enthusiastically the better), continue to believe the new results will appear, to be open and allow the details to be delivered in the best way possible, and you will find yourself enjoying having the things you want in your life, the way you want them, or even more.

What Do You Think?

What you think, say and believe about yourself defines who you are. Thoughts and words are so very powerful, that if you could truly grasp the power they wield, you would not use them so haphazardly. Certainly they can be powerful weapons when discharged against others, more powerful than a loaded gun, but what about when you turn those loaded weapons and aim them at yourself?

what do you think positive thinking negative thoughts

Think about these powerful weapons rolling around in your head; what do you allow to occupy this sacred space. There is no more private or intimate space besides your mind – which, by the way, is hardwired to your heart – where your deepest thoughts, dreams, desires, fears and joy resides. You, yes you, have control over what proliferates the confines of your mind and heart. You.

You cannot blame life, life circumstance, any belief system, person, place, parent or thing for what thoughts you allow to persist in your thoughts.

Why must you take control of your thoughts? Because they are so powerful, they manifest in you and attract more of what you think about, causing a great tidal wave of whatever it is you’re thinking about to head your way.

What you’re thinking about yourself is who you become

If you have self image thoughts or self-talk that may not be in your best interest, such as being disappointed in yourself in some way, then you are certainly destined to become the very thoughts that haunt you. Alternatively, the more positive thoughts you engage in about yourself, the more positive the person you are. It’s really that simple.

If you think, “I’m not good enough,” then you are not (or you might be good enough at first blush, but if you continue to entertain the thought that you are not good enough, then it will not be long before you are unworthy of much at all).

Your other negative thoughts about yourself follow suit:

I can’t do it
I have the worst luck
I’m such a loser
I’m not worthy
No one loves me, or alternatively, nobody cares
I hate “my” (or “it, when I”) _______ (fill in the blank)

It is in your best interest to me mindful of how and what you think about because those negative thoughts will steal any hope of having good thoughts, especially about yourself.

If a negative thought is a weapon that steals, then a positive thought is the cure that heals.

Trade Negative for Positive

If you’re having negative thoughts about yourself, all you have to do is to catch yourself thinking the thought – stop – and rephrase the thought as positive self-talk in its opposite. So, I can’t do it becomes, I can do it. I have the worst luck becomes, I have the best luck, etc…

Want to supercharge your transformation, just ramp it up with an immensely positive reframe, like, “I can do it amazingly, better than most people!” Or, “I have the most amazing luck, I always win!”

Why? Because what you think comes to pass. Use these powerful tools not to tear yourself down but to build yourself up, because you are so amazing!

What you’re thinking about everything else grows and becomes more powerful

Here are those powerful thoughts at work again, this time affecting the world around you. If you’re thinking about tortured souls, people, animals you not only attract more of these things to your awareness, but your thoughts create more of it in the world.

Yes, by focusing on the injustices, crimes, disasters and lack (of anything) you actually help to create more of it.

Please, try to stop thinking about bad things, because it only creates more bad things.

What can you do?

Think about the opposite good things, the solutions… and if you’re as amazing as I think you are, start not only thinking but talking to others about the amazing answers that are unfolding, maybe take action. Write a letter to the editor, make a blog post, support or start a movement for good.

By taking a positive approach – and focusing on positive solutions – you become a powerful healing force, creating and making the world a better place.

Think and be what you want to see

And it is so

Law of Attraction Positive Psychology

In my work with clients changing their lives for the better and helping them achieve their highest and best (and even more)… it is not uncommon to cross paths with the Law of Attraction (or LOA). From an early age (and long before The Secret was released) I was intrigued by what has become known as the Law of Attraction when I first discovered the principles in the Bible during my ministerial studies as I was simultaneously processing the positive psychology works of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Since then, I discovered the Law of Attraction predated the religious texts that I was studying.

Moving onto vogue, the Law of Attraction was picking up speed, separating itself from religious venues and leaking into pop culture and embraced by what was known as the New Age Movement or associated with New Thought, then found a home amongst Quantum Theory, influencing Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Sciences.

The Secret law of attraction rhonda byrne positive psychology self improvement

You have probably heard of the Law of Attraction due to its increase in popularity thanks to the work of Rhonda Byrne’s release of the movie, The Secret. I became acquainted with Ms. Byrne and her work in 2008 and was so impressed with her story, which was an effective demonstration of the Law of Attraction in Action. Most of the general population had not heard about the Law of Attraction prior to the release of Bryne’s film that spread throughout our culture, like wildfire, though many had paved the way since the early 1900’s, most notably, Wallace D. Wattles and Charles F. Haanel, and in the most recent times, Esther Hicks and (of course) the entire cast of The Secret movie.

Regardless of what you might think about Ms. Byrne, thanks to the popularity of her work, the Law of Attraction has found a place among a pondering public, becoming curiouser and curiouser about

What else is possible?


How much better can it get?

For those of us in the self-help industry, the idea of the Law of Attraction was nothing new, and the area wherein we focused our attention was not readily accepted by the traditional treatment camps – Even though our results far outweighed any traditional therapies – we were regarded as pseudoscience or pop psychology. Since (in the beginning) much of my work was religious in nature, I was even more isolated and categorized as a prosperity theologian with the likes of Kenneth Hagin, E. W. Kenyon, Oral Roberts and Kenneth Copeland, even though I had moved far beyond the constraints of organized religion.

Be that as it may, a great deal of my studies and expertise revolves and evolves in, around and beyond the area of massive personal, heart-centered and spiritual growth. In an attempt to best serve my clients, I have fully embraced multiple modalities and continue to grow and expand my own consciousness and expertise. For me, this is a constant and never ending compulsion to be my highest and best, as I help others achieve their highest and best.

And it never ceases to amaze me, when I reach a new plateau, I encounter resistance. Life will shake me up, with little respect for my trepidation and fear, presenting me with a new, unforeseen summit to consider.

Rhonda Byrne’s participation in the popularization of the idea of the Law of Attraction was almost incidental. The universe was bound and determined to bring the idea to an increased audience that was waiting for a glimpse of a better life and hope for a bright future, when lightning struck Ms. Byrne and she was ready and willing to answer the call. The Secret is not a complete work, it is not the end all-be all source of the Law of Attraction. It is only an introduction…

Any questions, comments, suggestions?