Looking for Love

Love is the power of life. If you are clever you can harness the power of love and have all the best things this life has to offer. Everything you want in life can be found in love. Love keeps you safe and secure. Love is the only thing that really lasts, gives meaning to life, and is the bond that holds us all together. Love is not a contract, a prison cell, or restrictive; no, love is supportive, knows no bounds, and sets you free.

Love is integrous, it honors you, what you want and what is important to you. Love wants you to be happy and desires to give you everything you want and so much more. Love gives you a glimpse of what’s on the other side, what is in store for you if you dare enough to love for it, and what is waiting for you when your life has run its course.

Love is the power that makes all this possible, everything you can taste, smell, see, hear, feel or experience is brought to you by the power of love.

Do not disrespect love. Don’t use the word to bring about a certain response from someone or outcome in a desperate situation. Instead, make sure everything you do in love is connected to your heart, your highest self, and God.

“I love you,” are the three sacred, most powerful words in this human experience. “I love you,” is the combination that disarms all locks and opens all doors for your highest and best, and is the most powerful force in the universe, when connected to your heart, your higher self, and God.

When you tell someone you love them, you are wielding the most powerful weapon in the universe. What are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna honor the love that is in you, or break weak and allow you, or how you feel, to dishonor love? If you utter the words, “I love you,” you better be willing and able to back it up with everything you’ve got, unconditionally, or keep your mouth shut.

And you say, “I’ve loved before, and it nearly killed me!” Oh, yeah, what you thought was love will hurt you, it will mess with your head and your heart, and it will take you to places where you thought you’d never go, breaking your heart wide open, and leaving you for dead.

When used for evil, love can be the most destructive force in the world. Yes, there are people who use the power of love for evil. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. And when someone does, don’t judge them. Sure, you can be hurt, devastated… Someone just hit you with more power than the most powerful weapon known to man.

Do not let them win by killing you, the love within you, or lure you to the dark side of life. No. You find the love within you. That small ember of love is there, focusing on it causes it to energize and flame on. And with that flame of love, and everything you have in love, you give that love to your aggressor. You don’t have to say the words (God bless you, if you can) but you can send your love to the person who has failed love and used it for evil.

You may have given up on it, and find yourself saying, “I’m not worthy,” No one could ever love me. I am too selfish, too wounded, too fat, too tall, too young, too old, too… too… too… You are never too anything!

The most painful and arduous quest in life is the search for true love if you do not have a grasp of what it really is. Love is not the elusive, weak-kneed, find-your-soulmate, “if I can find someone to love me, my life will have meaning” kind of love you read about in books or long to see in the movies. It’s even a step beyond the “I love you no matter what” kind of love.

No. If you look for love outside of yourself, you will never find it. Oh, you might see someone displaying love’s attributes, and if you’re like me, when you do, it gets you right here, in my heart, and I’m likely to shed a tear, because there is nothing more meaningful to me than seeing someone honoring love and with integrity, honesty, openness, humility, and transparency: Loving.

The love you seek is not some elusive thing, hidden out there for you to constantly be looking for. If you’re out there looking for it, you will never find it.

True love was placed inside of you in that magical moment of creation and it has been there ever since.

You may not know it, but if the love in you left your body, your body would fall to the floor, lifeless. Without love you are nothing. So, if your heart still beats and there’s at least one more breath in you, love is there.

You ask, “But what if I die?”

You and your love may leave your body, but your love never ends; it goes on and on and on… to infinity.

Are you ready for love?

Check out the: Awakening to True Love Workshop

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Living Your Life In Love

As you become more aware about who you are, where you came from and what your purpose is for being here, you look at the idea of love differently than you did in your pre-evolutionary infancy. You’re realizing that the Love Vibration is a high frequency that resonates with you in the most pleasing way.

From the perspective of the Love Vibration, life is good and you maintain a reverent attitude about life and everything we discover or witness taking place anywhere around us. The more you get accustom to the Love Vibration, you will find ways to keep anything from pulling you down to other lower levels of vibration.

While love is the most meaningful vibration, as you continue to evolve, you realize that love is the secret doorway that leads to even higher vibrations of joy, peace and enlightenment. While you can occasionally visit these higher vibrational states fully feeling them in all their glory, maintaining those higher vibrations is often brief and you will return to your base vibration.

Your base vibration is the set point from which you visit other vibrational frequencies. For example, if your base vibration of wanting more, which we will refer to as “Desire.” The Desire Vibration is a frequency that keeps the things that you want to appear to be just outside your reach. You are craving things you don’t have, you are often interrupted and disappointed by people, information and circumstances. From the Desire Vibration, you can visit and enjoy higher vibrations of love or above, but after a period of time, our vibration will return to your set point of desire.

If your set point is the Love Vibration, no matter what lower frequencies you visit, you will always return to your loving set point.

So, here are some things to think about adopting and activating into your day-to-day lifestyle. They will take you to the Love Vibration, and the more you do them, the more likely you will be able to make love your vibrational set point.

Love Yourself

Get to know yourself better and love the whole person that you are. Find ways to lovingly see the blessing in all the life circumstances you have encountered and endured. All this experience helped to bring you to this place, this time, just as you are. You embrace your uniqueness, you don’t consider yourself unworthy, undeserving or not enough. You’ve banished the negative thoughts that once haunted you. You live life knowing there is a bright side to all dark clouds and are able to find the good in all things. While you are still open to evolve, you know you are perfect and love yourself just the way you are.

Do What You Love

Whatever those things are that you love to do, make more opportunities to do them. Every time you perform an act of love or are feeling love, whatever that is for you, you are experiencing the frequency of the Love Vibration. Be looking for new activities that you can do that take you to love’s frequency. The more you find yourself engaging in the activities you love, the longer you can maintain the Love Vibration.

Invite Loving Expansion

Find new opportunities to experience the Love Vibration and seek out new, emerging thought processes that invite you to inhabit the frequency of love or above. As you grow in your personal development and continue to expand tha which is you will find more congruence with love’s vibration. Keep an open heart and an open mind as you seek to find the love all around you, for everywhere you look love is there, waiting for you to see it, feel it, be it.

This Love Is for You

When others notice your love expanding, they might try to influence your expansion of love and your metamorphosis into a higher version of yourself. Remember, this process is not for anyone else, it’s for you and you, alone. You’re no longer living your life of love for anyone else and no one can tell you how to do it. Everyone’s love journey is so unique and individualized. This is a journey of one. You’re not becoming love for anyone else but you and if you want to love someone who loves you, you don’t have to do anything but be the love you are and let your love overflow to that other person.


Love is a powerful, integrous, connecting force that attracts and affects others all around you. In all areas of life people, increasingly the right kind of people, will be attracted to you. Opportunities will present themselves to allow interconnection with good people who will be supportive and have your back. Through love, your love can expand to and through the others in and throughout your expanding circle of influence. All areas of your life will be affected by your Love Vibration, attracting people you can rely on.

Tap in to Your Heart’s Love

Get to know your heart’s Love Vibration and find ways to absorb it’s vibration. Just imagining you’re holding a new born baby, looking into its eyes and feeling the love, takes you to that vibration. A love song or imagining reuniting with a beloved soldier coming home from abroad, or loving your pet. Whatever it is for you, you can go there in your mind and feel the love radiate from your heart and allow it to envelope you. Increasingly, you will have the ability to go into love’s libration whenever you want.

Get to Know Yourself Deeply

Becoming more self aware will empower you with the ability to see the underlying blocks which have hindered your ability to experience true love in the past. You will start to see yourself and the things you do in a different life, and discover new ways to act and react from love’s sacred space. You better you get to know yourself, the more equipped you will be to surrender fear, lack and unrealistic expectations of love. And let go of your false images of love, what it is and what it means as you embrace higher vibrations of authentic love.

Abandon Immature Love

Immature love is so far from being unconditional (I love you no matter what). In fact, it is quite the opposite. Immature love leaves you needing to have your partner’s full attention all the time. You might also expect them to love you without reservation, expecting them to honor and respect you at all times and remember each and every special occasion reverently. Then find yourself being upset of hurt because they did not express their love in a particular fashion. Let go of the entrapment of immature love, instead be open, honest and communicative with your partner. Do not expect him or her to read your mind and rid yourself 0f immature heart break.

Romance Yourself

Take time and make occasion to romance yourself. Buy yourself flowers, take a long hot bath at night with scented candles, get a massage, etc. Make opportunities for you to relax and be enveloped by love’s vibration. And think on these things: You are love. You deserve love. Love flows in and through you to others, an invisible but powerful force which affects anyone within ten feet of your presence and can be focused and sent from your heart to the heart of another instantly, unimpeded by time or space.

Be Lovingly Mindful

Honor the love growing in you and flowing through you. Find better ways to spend your time and expend your energies to reflect your Love Vibration. Do the things you love and make opportunities to do and love them even more. Keep the people who reflect your love back to you nearby and make any adjustments that may be necessary to increase your exposure to your loving crew.

Forgive Yourself

Authentic, true love does not disrespect you, criticize you or berate you. Love accepts you just the way you are, with all your perfect imperfections. Love does not ridicule you when you misstep. Rather, love forgives you, and loves you even more. Love lightheartedly sees the humor in otherwise embarrassing situations and loves you through it, allowing the doing of it better next time (should the occasion ever arise). Love does not judge, it only loves you no matter what. So cut yourself some slack and join in love’s forgiveness.

Celebrate Love’s Expansion

As the love within you continues to grow and expand and you are feeling the results of love’s vibration more and more, celebrate your love and find ways to use this powerful vibration to influence your life even more as well as the world around you. Treat or reward yourself for helping to make the world a better place, even if only the world which resides within you.

God bless you on living your life in love
For that is what you are

What is Love to You?

You wake up one day, look up at the sky and ask, “What is love?” To you, it just doesn’t seem to add up. It turns out, love is not what you thought it was.

Love is not something we can put in a box, wrap it up and give it to someone, with the expectation to receive the same in return. Love is an elusive, wild beast that you cannot capture, harvest, or do with as you will.

Out of mutual respect, or fulfilling each others’ needs, we try to love, only to discover love is not fair. You can’t measure it, you can only treasure it, whenever and wherever you can find it, because no one knows better than you, it may not be here tomorrow.

Sure, you can create a construct of something based on the idea of love and call it love or whatever you want. You can try to reduce it to its simplest form, a contractual agreement is substance and form, but this is not love. This is a self-imposed prison sentence.

Higher than a mountain, deeper than the seas, love is all around. A powerful force of nature which cannot be contrived tamed or forced into a box. Love is in and through all things and when all of this is gone, love is the only thing that remains.

We want it, we need it. We spend our whole lives seeking love, or at least our idea of what we’ve been told love is. If love all it’s cracked up to be, then when you think you’ve found it, why are you not happy? When you’re in it, shouldn’t you be happy?

But, still, there’s something missing.

Even when it feels like love is lost and nowhere to be found, love is there. In the laughter and adulation, the pain and isolation, love is there. When you can’t feel it, see it or even imagine it being anywhere, there it is, in every breath, every heartbeat, every tear that falls, love is there.

Love is not sex, the idea of it or the pursuit of it. Penetration is not love. You can pierce the heart of another, and not break the law, but you can break a heart and leave love bleeding as you walk away from the scene of the crime.

You can buy, sell or trade attention or companionship, as long as you can afford the retention of relationship. But not love. You cannot legislate love, but you can amass a fortune or lose one in the name of love before the magistrate.

Love is tender, honest, brutal and cruel, yet the truth is, without love we wither and die.

Love can be the most amazing thing, sending our emotions soaring or the most destructive thing, sending you sinking to the depths of despair. The fury, the power of love is an unbridled lion seeking to devour the hearts of those in its path. Attacking, ripping, tearing you to shreds, then lovingly caresses and puts all your pieces back together, and you are better than before. The new you, sealed with a kiss.

Love doesn’t care who you are or about the things that you’ve done to disregard it or earn its reward. Love is always there for you and can be found any time you look for it inside of you, all around you, in the air or the absence of it, love is there.

Know this: Love loves you more than you could ever know. Love will never leave or forsake you.

Love is not what you’ve been told it was.

You are love, find the love within and nurture it. Let it burn, like a fire, let its bright light show you the way, and light the way for others, too. Love in all its power and glory waits for you to unleash it from within you.

Want to get to know love better?

Host or attend an Awakening to True Love Workshop.

The Most Powerful Weapon is Love

Your heart is an incredibly powerful generator, emitting a powerful force field that is 60 times stronger than the power generated by the brain that can be measured from up to 10 feet away from the body. This little 10 ounce power source has its own neurological network, not only feels but processes information seconds before the brain.

When any two humans interact with each other, the two heart-fields connect prior to any word(s) spoken and set the tone for communication, and if physical contact is made, energy from one heart can be transferred to the other body via the physical connection. This is the secret ingredient to healing modalities, such as the laying on of hands healing.

For years, scientists relegated love emotions to the brain process. It is now known that the heart is the seat of soulful love-based emotions also. No longer simply disregarded as a metaphorical reference in the playgrounds of artists and philosophers, hard science is documenting data leading to the conclusion that the heart is the center of the central nervous system and is many times more powerful than the brain.

When you have a intuitive feeling there is a good chance this originates in the heart, though the brain does mimic the same feeling the analytical brain is more likely to base feeling on fear-based emotions. This gives us insight into the struggle between the heart and the brain and is the cause of a great deal of confusion because sometimes it’s so difficult to know the origin of an intuitive hit.

Your heart can sense energetic fields within proximity, processes, decodes and translates the information and sends the results to the brain, while also sensing and responding to other external data which may result in more of a precognitive result. Like a radio wave scanner, the heart is scanning the spectrum of frequencies available including positive, neutral and negative frequencies.

The conflict of thoughts and emotions exchanged between the heart and the brain is cause for not only unclear thinking but also releases stress hormones which are detrimental to an otherwise healthy state.

What about love?

Precisely, what about love? What impact can you, just one person, have on the world around you by engaging in connecting with your heart source?

Now that you know the heart is also a thinking machine, if you were to increase your awareness and connection with your heart, you could actually start to think with your heart as an alternative to thinking with your head. It’s impressive to understand there truly is a heart consciousness and it can be tapped into and affect our lives and the world around us.

The longer you can maintain a state of love, the more you can influence and affect your world because the energetic field that is transmitted via the love frequency emitted by the heart affects all living things within proximity to the loving heart. The electromatic love energy from a healthy heart can communicate with a failing heart and transmit signals to promote healthy heart hormones returning it to a more healthy state, in effect jump-starting the heart of another. This influential heart energy is increased exponentially when combined with a physical connection.

A healthy love-centered state of consciousness promotes harmony within the body and all of its various components, while also positively enhancing the healthy energies of hearts nearby.

More awareness of heart’s power to influence and manipulate and the world reveals that the heart’s energetic field not only affects – but changes – the molecular, atomic structure and DNA of the world around us thanks to emerging research in physics. Alternatively, the brain does not possess the power to accomplish this miraculous feat.

While the brain is a powerful storage facility and processor, the heart is a transmitter, can be laser focused and may be able to be transmitted beyond its 10 ft. energetic radius. You may conclude that your brain processes and manages your response to external data, while your heart literally has the ability to change the world.

So, how can we affect our world for real change?

Your heart’s electromagnetic field is powerful enough to change the world around you and it does. Here’s where the most important caveat comes in: With great power comes great responsibility.

What do you think?

What you think sets the frequency your heart transmits to the world around you. Your heart’s ability to influence the world can be used for good or for evil. This is to say that whatever state your thoughts maintain, effectively tuning your heart’s frequency for a period of time, actually changes the world (molecular, atomic, DNA) around you. If it remains in a negative state, its affects are negative.

Since you don’t want to be a negative generator, powering that which is negative, it’s of prime importance to focus our heart’s energies on positive love-based frequencies. This is the problem with standing or fighting against what you don’t want, because you’re actually rearranging the world to create more of what you don’t want.
Instead maintaining a positive love state, by endorsing and supporting the things that you do want, changes the world around you accordingly.

Your heart is a powerful weapon, if combined in concert with likeminded individuals emitting similar frequencies could be the most powerful weapon conceivable.

Think about it. Consider having a heart-talk with that other side of you.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.