Are You Psychic?

Ever wonder if there is such a thing as being psychic?

Society would like you to think that psychic abilities are mere fiction or something to be avoided (if it does exist) because it would be evil, if it did exist. The subject of psychic abilities has become so convoluted and filled with false information that you could hardly make any sense of the idea of the possibility of having psychic ability impossible to understand or even think about without confusion or fear.

Still, there is something inside of us that would like to believe that someone could possess psychic abilities, so we are attracted to various types of entertainment where we see performance artists who are skilled in using sleight of hand or mind tricks to thrill us with the idea that such a thing could be possible.

Not to worry, even if you were to start to believe in the possibilities, the system has already stacked the deck against your idea that psychic abilities might exist and there is a huge amount of data available to make you feel like a fool, even if you had entertained the idea that there is more out there than we could possibly decipher using pure logic.

This idea that logic and reason is the ultimate litmus test of what is possible and what is not is in direct contradiction of the advancements we have witnessed in the last 150 years. Many of the conveniences we enjoy today are the result of someone allowing their mind to expand beyond known and accepted reality. Those who were active participants in these advancements, explain the breakthroughs as, “coming from somewhere outside one’s self,” or “as seen in a vision.”

Not one of them indicate any idea that their inspiration to approach something completely inconceivable as having any connection with any psychic ability whatsoever. Instead those who possess these abilities use more acceptable terms, like creativity, ingenuity, having the ability to use forward-thinking imagination or to see things from “outside the box;” all socially acceptable concepts to diffuse any psychic offense.

are you psychic do i have psychic abilities

The reality of it all is that human beings are blessed with all kinds of psychic abilities that vary in type, style and function from one individual to another and most of them have been suppressed by many methods. Social mores would dictate any reference to psychic abilities are folly, misinformation dominates the information highway and in our modern world even elements introduced to the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water that we drink may inhibit the development of our innate psychic abilities.

We are all connected to something so much more outside of ourselves than we could ever imagine, yet we are distracted by any means possible to keep us from embracing the idea by our fear-focused attention to the media and flood of data bombarding us 24/7. How could we even manage the space in which we could initiate an original thought on present-day planet earth?

Take a minute to think about this: If psychic abilities were the nonsense that we’ve been led to believe it is, then why would the government be spending billions of dollars researching and weaponizing all things psychic and paranormal?

Regardless of what they’d like you to believe, you have an inner knowingness that there exists some psychic ability inside of you. You know that you have had psychic experiences. You may have “felt” someone looking at you, and turned to catch someone doing just that. There is no way you could have known otherwise.

In fact, you have intuitively known many things that might be conceived as precognition. You can’t explain how you “knew” something, like there was an impending danger prior to an accident, knew someone had ulterior motives, something was “wrong” with a particular person or animal, or you “felt” as if you might be going the wrong direction.

Call it what you want these abilities abound within you, though they may be mostly dormant and could be awakened. Your psychic abilities can have a profound effect on all that you turn your attention toward including your profession, business, athletic performance, philosophy, creative endeavors and the arts as well as personal satisfaction, greater love, fulfillment and happiness in life.

Not to mention that embracing one’s psychic abilities (or however you feel comfortable referring to it) is an integral part of the next phase of our human evolution.

This awareness is awakening within you now as you evolve.

Weaponizing Spirits Aliens and Ghosts

Take a look at all the science experiments that our government and its agencies such as the CIA, NASA, Department of Defense, FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (not to mention independent covert projects) spend billions of dollars researching and you might find the off-the-wall and unbelievable crazy television shows depicting weird science, is exactly what they invest their research dollars on behind closed doors.

weaponizing spirits aliens ghosts government paranormal cover up conspiracy

Starting with UFOs (and their related technologies), extra terrestrials, psychokinesis (affecting matter using only the power of mind), teleportation, parapsychological phenomenon, remote viewing, non-human entities (ghosts, spirits, demons) the list goes on and on… all the while, we’re expected to believe this is all nonsense, as our government continues to conduct cross-dimensional and interstellar travel/communications and weaponize every paranormal phenomena (not just the killing of goats with one’s mind).

This is not just fodder for sci fi movies armed with visual movie magic, in fact in any given group of 100 people in the United States, someone (probably several) will have a personal account regarding spirits, aliens, ghosts or UFOs (though depending on the group, may be reluctant to share their personal account).

While mind-reading may be the playground for gypsies, street-side psychics and carnival exhibitors, our government may have the wherewithal to extract thoughts directly from both your conscious and subconscious mind and listen-in with you being none the wiser. And the technology exists, whereby planting thoughts in your own voice – only heard from inside your own head – are clearly recognized and accepted as originating from within your own mind.

I may, or may not, have second-hand knowledge about some or all of the aforementioned phenomena, all I’m saying is that all the stuff we’ve been led to believe is hocus pocus, fantasy, science fiction and/or parlour tricks is being researched, experimented with, utilized, deployed and weaponized at great expense every day by our government.

The possibilities and potential abuse of these fringe technologies or paranormal sciences is alarming to say the least.

It’s no longer a question of whether these things are real or not, though the powers that wield them would prefer we stay ignorant of their existence (for either obvious or nefarious reasons).

It begs the question: How is it possible to know what portion of someone’s life is being affected by natural occurrences of these phenomena or possibly part of testing on an otherwise unaware public?

For the curious inquirer, an overwhelming amount of data, personal accounts, scientific studies and declassified documents are within a few keystrokes tickling Google’s fancy. The only problem with searching Google is that it has been flooded with a lot of bad information. Sources say the government is behind the false flood of erroneous data in a conspiracy effort to encourage a logical person to rationalize the entire idea is utter poppycock.

How to know what is real and what is pure craziness is anyone’s guess… but you can bet your bottom dollar, some of it is so factual that it’s worth billions of dollars spent every year by our government to harness it.

While society is battling over whether an American population with the right to bear arms is prudent or not, what about the invisible powers that could be weaponized all around us? These weapons leave no DNA, no powder burns, no residue and no trace whatsoever.

Would it surprise you to consider the government might promote the idea of exposing the general populace to substances and elements that might prevent our minds from harnessing the same powers that military psychic assassins possess? If so, could you blame them?

What if you could literally kill someone with a thought?
You can.

Just food for thought…

See also: Conspiracy Theories

Thought is Precognition

I thought I should share this principle with you. Since I had the thought, the information immediately became available to anyone with the ability to consider the same thought and this thought would persist and grow until someone had the nerve to share it. So share it I shall. Here goes:

thought is precgnition you can see the future

When you have a thought, the thought becomes reality. Maybe not in the exact moment that you have the thought, but at some place in time and space the thought that you just experienced is, was or will be realized in the universe.

A frightening thought, you might think, to have this kind of power. Is it possible that anyone could possess such power? Not only do some people have this power, but all of us have this power.

For example, if you have the thought that you would like to own a new Mercedes Benz. Just the thought of your Mercedes Benz has caused it to be available for you in the moment that you experienced the thought.

There is often a gap between you and your Mercedes. It could look like this:

Me – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Mercedes

There exists between you and your Mercedes any number of obstacles that stand between you and your new vehicle.

As you do the work of removing whatever stands between you and your vision (there are many ways to conduct this work we can talk about later), your ultimate goal draws more near to you.

Me – – – – – – – – – Mercedes

As you close the gap between you and what you want it gets closer to you.

What happens if you have the thought about your new Mercedes and do no work to bring it into your reality?

Since your thought made the Mercedes available, your Mercedes will go to someone else.

Me – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Mercedes – – Someone Else

If someone gets to your Mercedes before you do, not to fret. You can simply think of a different one and start the process again. Maybe by this time you’d rather have a Maserati.

Take a look at the well-known example of Thomas Edison’s light bulb.

Edision – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Light Bulb

Edison (and others) had the thought of a self-contained lighting device that did not use the conventional flame technology available at the time. The light bulb at the moment of thought became reality in time and space.

Edison went about the work of closing the gap between the thought of the lighting instrument (which seemed to be impossible at the time) and realizing it in present time and space.

Edision – – – – – – – – – – Light Bulb

While he was doing the work (and his staff of lab technicians), other people were also doing the work.

Edision – – – Light Bulb – – – Someone Else

Due to Edision’s tenacity, he realized the light bulb before anyone else.

Edision = Light Bulb – – – Someone Else

Leaving someone else to find an alternative thought (or continue to create an alternative light bulb).

If you’ve followed me this far, you can see that thought – if you are open to it – can be precognitive. Thomas Edison had the vision of the light bulb, saw the future of its being realized, and saw it come to pass. He saw – and predicted – the future.

Not much different than the imagination of Gene Roddenberry who created a wildly fantastic science fiction fantasy called Star Trek; many of his ideas – impossiblecrazy – when he had the thoughts. Today, they are showing up all around us.

Does that mean, if I have a thought about my spouse having an affair, that it actually becomes reality?

Think of it like this:

Let’s say that you have gone to see a fortune teller who can see the future with 100% accuracy. The fortune teller sees your spouse having an intimate encounter with someone who is not you. This is the unrealized future.

Armed with this knowledge, what will you do about it?

You have the ability to affect the future, to prevent it from occurring, eliminating (or decreasing) the affect the act will have on you or change it altogether. Knowing the future is an awesome ability and what you do with the information puts you in control of your future.

You are psychic. When you have a thought, it becomes real – if it’s an undesirable future event, you have time and space to change the outcome or create new possibilities.

What are your thoughts?