Your Life Matches Your Vibrational Frequency

Then some people protest and say, “I’ve tried to raise my vibration, and I can’t see me being any closer to what I want,

But it looks like chaos!

Once you go about the work of purposefully raising your vibration, it can be difficult to see the powers of the universe vectoring in all the details to provide the full manifestation of your heart’s desires. At times, it can look somewhat chaotic, but you must not give up, or give in to doubt, which causes your desires to move further away from your current vantage point.

There are minute details, which you may have not even considered, that may have to be in place for your desire to be realized in its fullness. While what you want is in the process of manifestation, all these details are being tended to as you are becoming a vibrational match to what you want. Trust the process.

Allowing doubt, unworthiness, uncertainty, or fear to enter into the equation will keep you separated from your heart’s desires. It takes a bit of tenacity to see your dream through to fruition, but you can have whatever it is that you want in this life, if you keep reaching for it and imagining how magnificent the having of it will be in all of its glory. If you can do this, regardless of what it looks like, what you seek will find you.

“Okay,” you say, “That’s all well and good, but I just don’t want this one thing, I want the good life.


These two keys unlock the vault of the wild abundance of those how are now fully living an abundant lifestyle. They have it all, and you can have it, too. This simple truth of what is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction is what I’ve been sharing with you today.

While you may not be ready to hear this, yet, simply stay with me. Don’t disengage, and just let this wash over you, even if you disagree with it right now. If you’re feeling a little defensive, no problem. Just let it sink in and consider it at a later time, whenever it suits you.

I’ve alluded to it before, but it all comes down to this,

Key #1: Your Life Matches Your Vibration

The life you’re living right now, every detail of it, the lack of finances or love, the drama, the trauma, the uneasiness, the fear, the brokenness, the chaos, all the things you might experience in your life emotionally, physiologically, and throughout your life daily. All of it is a perfect match to the frequency of your vibration.

We could hook you up to our equipment in the lab and test you to see what frequency your body is vibrating at, and the number value can be related to a chart, like this

Your resting state vibration is what we refer to as your vibrational set point. That is related to, like the set point on the thermostat in your home. You set it at 69 degrees. When the temperature goes down, the heater kicks on until the temperature returns to 69. If the temperature rises, the air conditioner turns on until the temp returns to 69 degrees, your thermostat’s set point.

The same is true with your body’s vibrational frequency set point.

Throughout any given day, your vibration can go up or down as you experience any of the frequencies on this chart, but you will always return to your base vibrational frequency, whatever that is.

If you really want it all, that means that everything in your life is really going the way you want it to, the life that you deserve to live, no matter what you’ve been through in the past, then the best move you can make, right now it to raise your vibration.

While my goal in my life is to maintain a vibrational frequency of 500 and above, I might notice things appearing, affecting, or taking place in my life which have a lower frequency on this chart. That’s how I know the at what frequency I am vibrating in that moment. Knowing that, I can choose to remain at that lower level vibration for a while, or I can opt to change my vibration.

And that’s the second key.

Manifest a Yacht

Ever wonder where the frequency of your life vibrates at? You should. Because if you know what frequency you’re at, you are better equipped if you desire to change your life, to have more abundance, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. So, where’s your vibration?

If you want to experience the manifestation of an abundant life, know this: You are attracting all the things into your life which you are a vibrational match to, right now.

In our Beyond Science Lab we’re working on a device which reads your standard energy frequency vibration, every thought you think, situation, circumstance, or media hit you are exposed to will raise or lower your human vibration frequency. But there’s no need to use complicated electronic devices to determine the frequency of your vibration.

So, look around, and you’ll see exactly what you’re a vibrational match to. The life that you are living is always a perfect match to your current vibrational frequency setpoint. Always.

But you want more!

Who wouldn’t? And you’re mere wanting of a better life, lover, car, home, financial status, and whatever else is in your idea of the having of an abundant lifestyle are all important pieces of the puzzle which can bring all these things to come to pass.

How Can You Raise Your Vibration?

So, how can you raise your vibration to match the frequency of what you want? The answer is important because this is the quickest way to manifest the desires of your heart with the least amount of effort. And the answer is simple, but it may not be easy. The answer is,

Change Your life

Make your life a vibrational match to what you want. Now there are a couple of ways to go about this. The first will sound a little more reasonable.

Become a Financial Match

This is not always the best way but it is the way which is more commonly embraced by society. If you can raise your financial frequency, the pure number of dollars or financial resources over which you have control, you can affect a substantial change of life, and manifest more abundance.

Using this approach, you will need to evaluate where you are financially now to establish a starting point and then to find out at what level of income you need to be at to have all the things you want. Let’s just take a look at one thing, for example:

Your Very Own Luxury Yacht

You can get an entry-level yacht for around $100,000.00. You don’t have to pay it all at once if you have good credit and a 40% debt to income ratio (that means you have 60% of your monthly income to spend on whatever you want besides living expenses). You will need a $10,000 down payment, $1,500 for personal necessities including life jackets and $600 for insurance, Oh, and you will have to pay for a yacht pilot when you want to take it out as well.

To become a financial match, you need to make at least $50,000 a year and live moderately enough that you can have enough left over to enjoy your yacht at least once-a-month.

You can call vendors of any item your heart desires and ask them what the average cost to buy, own, and maintain it. You can inquire about the financing options, what it would take for the down payment and monthly obligations, even asking what the average income of someone is, who normally owns such an item.

With this data in hand, you can reverse engineer how much you would need to make it happen. Then find ways to raise your income level to match the item(s) you want.

Or you can manifest your yacht in another manner using primarily your vibrational frequency to match the boat you want.

Become a Vibrational Match

You could, using your imagination and power of thought, achieve a state of mind equivalent to that of having your yacht, then when your thoughts along with the feeling of having your yacht match, the yacht will fond its way to you.

This process does not involve making a financial plan but making an energetic plan. You will be focusing your attention every day on the object of your affection. You will cut out articles about it, read news articles and blog posts about people who have a yacht, like the one you want.

You will make vision boards, and spend time imagining every detail about what it would be like to have that yacht and even join a yacht club in accordance with your desire to have one (except for the most exclusive yacht clubs, you don’t have to own a yacht to join the club).

Joining a yacht club has you enjoying the company of people who already have yachts, love talking about them, and these could potentially become your new friends, effectively raising your vibration to match that of the vessel you desire, and may open up the avenues to allow your yacht to appear when you are a perfect match for it.

There is no doubt, there are countless examples of this working efficiently even for those who are not in a financial situation which would normally be required to achieve such an abundant lifestyle.

Transformational Energy Drain

You’re growing, expanding, evolving, and you can feel every cell of your body alive for the first time, feeling as though you may be invincible and live forever. The last thing on your mind is a potential transformational energy drain. You’re on top of the world, then all of a sudden, without notice, BLAM! Every ounce of energy you had is gone. You feel as though the vital energy you felt just yesterday has been totally drained and you are overwhelmingly fatigued.

The energy necessary to transform from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 is enormous and different phases of metamorphosis require more or less energy to complete the transformation of each phase, and your body’s energy storage capacity can be taxed heavily to get the job done. During these times, you can feel as though the bottom dropped out of your energy reserves.

Once you have embarked on your journey of evolutionary transformation, you need to settle into a new way of being, and if you’re a go-getter, like me, it can be hard to let go of some of your push-push-push-through to make things happen and pick up the gauntlet of let go and go with the flow.

Using your energy reserves for making things happen in the flesh, using only your brute strength will quickly deplete your energy reserves. So, when your evolutionary process needs to use your natural energy reserves to conduct a transformative process, it can leave little or no energy left for your daily routine maintenance.

If you’re in the process of awakening, you need to find better ways to manage your day to day life with less energy exerted, leaving your precious reserved for the sacred evolutionary transformation which you are allowing to take place.

You must move from living a life of force to living a life of love. You can do this by raising your vibration, which harkens back to the work of David R Hawkins’ Power vs. Force. I routinely refer to his work because it gave me a clear picture in my mind of what the various human energetic frequencies were and made it easier for me to manage raising my own vibration.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful,
you’re not doing it right.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful, you’re not doing it right. You can feel it inside you. You know something’s wrong. Find a better way to get ‘er done, or let it be.

Find new ways to live your life, to charge up your personal energy reserves, to maintain your energy, gain a better knowledge of how and when to use energy.

Don’t waste your precious energy on things which are not likely to change, no matter how much energy you put into it, and relax into the okayness of letting things remain as they are, for if it weren’t for some higher purpose, it would have changed already. Settle into the knowingness that all things are in divine order.

Finding time for quieting yourself, in nature, or in another sacred place, for reflection and meditation can be helpful but this is not a cure-all for your energetic management requirements.

Spending time in nature, with your feet on the ground, can go a long way in raising your energy and your vibrational frequency. Different people respond differently to different natural interactions. Live water has a tremendous effect on my energy. What gets you going?

Doing the deep work of clearing the energetic blockages, or stores of toxic negative energy which may be deeply hidden inside of you can go a long way to greatly increase your capacity for building massively positive energy and filling those areas with love and peace.

All this to say, there is nothing wrong with you, occasional energetic fatigue is normal in the process of transformation.

Although, if you are pushing yourself and the energies all around you in the flesh, burning the candle at both ends, and not getting adequate sleep, you may be suffering from a physiological type of fatigue which could be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. If you’re doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, then you can rest assured that you are evolving.

Edify Others

If you really want the good things in life to come to you then make it a priority to edify others. In this life you get what you give, if you are building others up you will be raised up and find yourself in harmony with being receptive to all the good things in life.

If you are disrespectful and put others down, you can still have some good stuff, but you will work hard to get it and it will be less satisfying once you do get some of the good stuff.

Not tearing others down and simply edifying or lifting them up, being supportive and lighthearted is a much better approach and pays you back for your sincere effort in increased joy, satisfaction, greater manifestation ability, and sense of contribution.

Plus, isn’t that what you want?

Don’t you want to be respected and honored for all you think, say, or do?

If you think about it, it takes a great deal of effort just to make it through a normal day. Think of all the things you do, all the decisions you make every day (you make about 35,000 of them each and every day), even on days when you’re not working. It’s exhausting just to think about it.

And what do you get for it?

Nothing. Little or nothing. Maybe earn a few dollars for your efforts on workdays, but let’s face it, you’re worth far more than the few bucks you get from working for the right to live. Right?

Would it be so hard for someone to stop, even if just for a few seconds, and notice your efforts, the sacrifices you make every day, day in, day out. And if it weren’t too much to ask, wouldn’t it be nice if someone complimented you for something? Anything?

Imagine you’re being that person. The person who does take the few seconds required to notice something about someone else and compliments them. You don’t have to fawn over them, and it can be something as little as, “Oh, I love your shoes,” that makes someone’s day just a little bit better.

You’d be surprised at how little it takes to change someone’s day, or make life a little more worth living (unless you think about how much you appreciate being appreciated, even if in the smallest of ways).

The universe repays you for your efforts energetically by raising your vibration, and before too long, you find yourself in the higher frequency of open receptivity for an easier life. Suddenly things are requiring less effort, and the good things in life start finding their way to you, instead of you’re having to work so hard for the good stuff.

All because you were willing to make a small contribution to the world around you.

The more you edify others, the more you receive. But don’t think you’ll be getting edification in kind.

There are those whose gift and ministry it is to edify others. They sometimes give up and break down because they’re surrounded by an ungrateful, selfish society. With all their efforts to take the time to notice others and build them up, no one recognizes the edifier for their contribution, and this can leave them feeling unappreciated. This can make them feel less inclined to do the work, falling into the same trap as the rest of society, as their vibrational frequency sinks.

It’s good to keep your intentions in check. If your intention in edifying others is simply to receive, this will work, but by lifting others up simply out of honest love and respect, increases your energetic return even more. You are rewarded for all you do with the best intentions and a pure heart. Maybe not the way you expected, but energetically, which is far more powerful in the long-run.

So, edify others, raise your vibration, and make the world a better place.

I get excited just thinking about you doing this.

May you be blessed in all that you do.


Your Life is the Result of the Choices You Make

If you look around you, your life is the result of the choices you make, the friends you have, your income level, the home you live in, the amount of happiness you enjoy every day, all are a perfect match to you and your vibration.

Your life is the result of the choices you make. You might not always get what you want, but you always get what you’ve invited or created. Your life presents you with everything you need for your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Always perfectly matched.

You may reject this idea on the surface, thinking, “That’s not true, I want more.” Even this wanting of something different, something more, is a perfect match for you. These desires feel like you wanting something else, but it’s really something else which wants to reveal itself to you. All of the things you want are already there, waiting to present themselves to you.

Your wanting has already manifested all the desires of your heart. Everything you’ve ever wanted is already there, not far off, waiting for you to become a vibrational match for it, then it will be revealed to you in all its fullest capacity.

Do you want a better life? It is there. A better car, education, social network, lover, friends, cash flow, whatever you strongly desire, it is already yours. Only one thing stands between you and everything you want, and that thing is you.

Your life is the result of the choices you make which set the tone of your vibration. You cannot have what you want if you don’t change your vibration, to become a better match for that which you seek.

Now, you can, with your determination, persistence, and through the strength of your own flesh cause certain things in your life to be had through strain and struggle. When you get what you want through brute force, those things you desire will satisfy your longing for a moment, but this satisfaction will fade quickly, leaving you to want something more, and you may not be able to sustain the having of it without some stress or difficulty.

When you are a vibrational match for something and it manifests itself to you, there is a peace and calm that comes with the having of it. You know it was always there, and you were the recipient of it at the perfect time in the perfect place.

You must start to change the choices you make in life to affect your life in such a way that your life changes, becomes a better match to what your heart is calling you to, if you want to see everything you want to come to you naturally and easily. That’s how to get what you want.

By not making new choices, and making the changes necessary to change your vibration, you will see the same old life presenting itself to you, over and over again. Endless cycles of dissatisfaction and all your best efforts to make your life appear to be everything you want will not satisfy, ever.

Every day, you are presented with opportunities to make a new choice that will change your vibration and your life. When you choose based on your current vibration, your life stays the same. Your vibration is affirmed and strengthened.

When you are presented with the opportunity to make a new choice, and you make your normal choice, that opportunity is removed from your potentiality. Don’t go chasing after it. It’s too late. A new opportunity will present itself, and it will be even better for you, offering you even more of what you want as you raise your vibration to love and above.

Make a new choice and instantly your vibration changes to match your new choice. Keep making new choices and you change your vibration. The more you establish your new vibration the more your life changes to match your new vibration.

This is the process of your growth leading to evolution and expansion which will cause the desires of your heart to appear to you in divine order, without stress, strain, or dissatisfaction.

Your new life is waiting for you to step into it.

Make a new choice today, do something different, and your life changes accordingly.

Vibrational Sabotage

You’re on a path which includes increasing your vibrational frequency, you might be surprised at the vibrational sabotage you are participating in which prevents you from raising your vibration. If the higher vibration is that of love, not being in the love-vibration is keeping you where you are.

If you ever want to know what level of vibration you are at, just look around you. The world as it appears to you, all around you, what you notice, and how you feel is the perfect representation at what level you are vibrating at.

vibrational sabotage

Making decisions in your life based on fear, rather than love, you are cementing yourself at the lower vibrational levels of fear instead of the power of love, where you want to be.

Thought patterns which vibrate in fear go something, like this, “I need something that I don’t have, and I can’t find it anywhere within my reach.” Now you can readjust that powerfully fearful statement of lack by replacing “something” with anything which eludes you, like any physical or material thing, monetary status, social standing, emotional state, state of health or wellness, specifically.

When you think thoughts from an emotional state of lack or fear, you are locking yourself into that lower vibration. A short list of other states of mind which are in the vibration of fear includes anger, suspicion, distrust, anxiety, worry, envy, and comparing yourself and your situations and circumstances with others.

Anything which is not fueled by your pure unconditional love for yourself and others and has an underlying emotional state of not having enough, being unworthy, or feeling as though what you want or what you need is just beyond your reach, you anchor yourself in fear resigning yourself to the struggle for survival.

You are surrounded by, and bombarded with, a constant flow of negativity. Even if you are in a love-or-powerful-vibration, it doesn’t take much negativity to break your state and send you straight into a lower vibration.

For instance, assume you’re watching a positively impactful television program which has your vibration soaring, then during the commercial break, you are exposed to shocking video of starving children or abused animals. This kind of thing happens all day long, at home, during your commute, at work, around the water cooler, from the time you get up ‘til you finally get to sleep. And then, even during sleep, your dreams are invaded by negativity.

Subjecting yourself to negative programming on TV or other streaming media is sure to keep you in those lower vibration, especially if it is violent in nature is vibrational sabotage. When you start paying attention to the vibration of your television programming, you might be shocked by how negative the programming can be in comedies and romantic films and shows, all which will sabotage your vibrational frequency.

Toxic or closed-minded people and their negative topics of conversation, talking behind other people’s backs, discussing what’s wrong with the world, judging others, promoting separation, even talking about how miserable someone’s life is, all can be sabotaging your vibration.

Personal compromise can cause your vibration to sink, rather than staying true to your core values. You know you’re better than this, yet here you are engaging in an activity which does not resonate with you. You can’t help but feel as though you are either being forced to do this or have to fake as though you might agree with this thought or act which you know is beneath you. Find ways to let go of feeling like you need to be sneaky, lie, cheat, steal, withhold information, or cover your ass.

Mind-numbing activities, such as losing yourself in the maze of the Internet, meaningless video games, social media, or streaming media, which just waste away your potentially precious moments of life, all sabotage your vibration.

Other mind-numbing activities which include drinking alcohol, partaking of mind-numbing prescription medications, or getting stoned, all prevent you from being in powerful vibrational states of love and above.

These mind-numbing activities may or may not lead to addiction, which certainly is a concern if you’re interested in not sabotaging your vibration. Other addictive behaviors which may be forms of vibrational sabotage include addiction to drugs, sex, gambling, food, shopping, cell phone interaction, social media, complaining, television viewing or streaming media.

These are just some of the ways you subject yourself to vibrational sabotage which is toxic, thwarting your attempts to attain and maintain higher vibratory states.

You can avoid vibrational sabotage by letting your love filled heart guide you, trusting that all things which you subject yourself to are divine in nature and for your good, even if it doesn’t look like it at the time.

A life lived in the higher vibrational state(s) of love and above, is a life of peace, harmony, ease, and abundance. Raise your vibration and enjoy all the best things this life has in store for you.

Top 20 Complaints

Going over the details of the most popular complaints of one-on-one clients last year, one can’t help but wonder if to following Top 20 complaints are congruent with the complaints dealt with by other coaches, counselors, and consultants.

Here are the

Top 20 Complaints

1. I Am Depressed

There was a dominance in the number of people dealing with issues related to depression from a wide variety of root issues. Out emphasis on treating those struggling with depression included non-medical/pharmaceutical approaches to dealing with their issues.

2. Stressed Out

It appears that these days, people are more and more stressed out all the time. Our team of specialists deliver high-end quality results quickly without resorting to pharmaceutical medicines or interventions which relieve stress but result in depression.

3. Loneliness

You wonder how anyone could feel lonely on a planet with seven-and-a-half billion people on it. Nonetheless, due to the lack of authentic connection people are feeling more alone on a consistently increasing basis. With the movement from real-life interactions to digital interactions, it’s no wonder people are feeling disconnected and alone.

4. Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is a constant complaint among those who seek us out for assistance along their life’s journey. Their fears range the gamut, everything from fear of attempting to fix something (for fear of making the issue even worse) to trying something new.

5. Money Matters

This last year was a struggle for many with unexpected changes in the world and money matters of all kinds. There is a great deal of anxiety in areas surrounding finances and struggling with money issues.

6. Unworthiness

It seems with the lack of self-esteem and emotional baggage carried forward from childhood, more people are standing between themselves and all the good things in life that are waiting for them. It takes concerted effort, but our clients are now more confident and living better lives.

7. Fear of Death and Dying

A lot of people have passed away of late from natural causes and from the results of unhealthy lifestyles. Grief is ever-consuming and for those who are left behind, they are reviewing their own lives and fearing their own demise, which is a good thing because there’s still time left for them to make a difference.

8. Life is Not Fair

There are a lot of people who are feeling like they’re unrealistically “under the gun” feeling like they’re being treated unfairly at work, at home, in social circles and even within their own families. We all know that life is not fair, and the good news is that tools and techniques are available to empower you to take charge of your life and turn the unfairness around.

9. Lack of Love

Love is the most powerful energy in the universe and feeling as though you have no love can have you feeling as if you just can’t do it alone. There is so much love for you here. If you’re not feeling loved, we can help you find so much love that is waiting for you and basking in this love will attract even more love to you like a love magnet.

10. Lack of Opportunity

There are those who are looking for the next big thing, maybe they’ve once had a piece of some good action in the past, or maybe they’ve never know riding that amazing winning horse called, “Opportunity.” There is so much opportunity, you don’t even know, and there is an unlimited supply for those who seek it.

11. Lack of Abundance

We all want a better life, but it can be hard to make the ends meet, let alone grasp a handful of abundance here and there along the way. For those who are in the know everything you’ve ever wanted is waiting for you not far off. We can help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

12. Is There a Higher Purpose in Living Life?

There is a higher purpose in life waiting for you. In fact, you were born with your life’s purpose in tact but by the time you were six or seven years old, your family and society had you forgetting it for fitting-in, playing your part in the play of life, and being an effective part of the machine. One of the most important things you can do in life is to awaken to your higher purpose and empower your life full by embroiling yourself in the accomplishment of your divine mission.

13. Lack of Positive Enthusiasm

Positive enthusiasm is also referred to as motivation. No one can motivate you, at least not for very long. We help you find ways to find your motivation and positive enthusiasm from within, placing you back in the driver’s seat of your enthusiastic life (maybe for the first time).

14. Declining Health and Wellness

The world is a crazy place and people are becoming more and more aware that doctors, while they may be necessary to save your life in an emergency, long-term care is not their strongest skill set. Awakening people are seeking out natural alternative resources for increasing health and wellness for a happier and healthier long life.

15. Illusive Happiness

Unhappiness is running rampant in our society. People are so disappointed to be living a good life but never being able to taste real happiness. There is so much potential for true happiness all around you, it’s just that you’re distracted by life and any hope of being happy is just lost in the fog of everyday life. You enjoy otherwise illusive happiness in a heartbeat, increasing your quality of life.

16. Can’t Seem to Get Ahead

Stagnancy is making people feel unsatisfied about their lives as they feel like they’re helpless to change their life for the better. They are commonly stuck in the frequency of the “same ol’ same ol’” drudgery of life in their job, family, personal pursuits, and love life, leading to accepting complacency in life. We help people start living the lives they’ve always wanted and start living a better life every day.

17. Little Sense of Personal Value

Some of us have a sense of skills and talents which we have and contribute to our jobs, the community, and/or our families but rarely, if ever, get recognized for the value we bring to the table. Get ready to realize your life fully charged with all your super powers and special abilities intact.

18. Exhaustion (mental and physical)

You can only take a beating in this life for so long before you start feeling as though you just can’t go on. There are natural supplements and lifestyle changes and tweaks which can put you back in the empowered energy flow of life.

19. Lack of Trust (myself or others)

We’ve all trusted someone and then realized we were foolish to do so. It is disappointing and painful to learn that some people cannot be trusted, and it’s easy to assume that there is no one who can be trusted. Trust betrayal can be an enormous challenge for you. Maybe it’s time to learn how to deal with breaches of trust, healing from the betrayal(s), and learn to trust again.

20. Distressed by Negative News and Media

The negative news and reporting in the news and media can keep you moderating at lower level vibrational frequencies and helps to keep us as people separated and polarized against each other. There is a better way. You can start by not burying your head in the sand, but by taking control of the news and media which you are exposed to.

What Does Over 200 Look Like?

What about people who maintain a vibrational frequency of over 200, what does there life look like?

Before I answer what your life will look like if you raise your vibration, keep in mind that this is not a competition. This is not a method to use against someone else, to judge or categorize certain kinds of people, this is only for you.

The care and maintenance of your vibration and the frequencies you aspire to on your own individual path of personal growth is your business and yours alone. It’s no one else’s business but yours. Likewise, anyone else’s state of vibration or frequency is their own.

Also note that no one (or very few or us) arrive at a particular frequency and stay there. In most cases, you have a base frequency that we refer to as your set point. This is where you vibrate at most of the time, say 50 percent of the time, while visiting other frequencies, like 20% higher and 30% lower, but returning to your base or set point after experiencing other states for a time.

The goal is to continually expand your awareness, raising your set point as you grow.
So, in respect to your life, and your life only, when you are experiencing higher vibrations over a frequency of 200, you will find yourself…

You are becoming more aware of yourself (who you are, who you have been) and are getting more attuned to listening to you (your heart, your body and your mind). You find a state of awareness, where you can virtually see yourself from outside yourself, as you look in and listen to and witness all your various functions and processes. This is the vantage point where the greatest self-work is done.

Being more aware of your body, you have a greater concern with its care and maintenance and taking responsibility for it yourself (instead of deferring to medical treatment, unless it is necessary). Honoring the body you were given and taking good care of it makes you feel so much more healthy, vital and better. You are more attentive to what you eat, and seek a more nutritious diet.

Being more in touch, listening and aware of your heart connection, makes you far more intuitive than possible at lower vibrations.

You are more aware of and feel a connection to a higher power outside of yourself that is in all things (and you are finding a comfortable way to refer to and honor it, as you might call it God, love, nature, the universe, source, or your higher self, whatever you are comfortable with).

You are more attentive about how you act (what you say and do) and are concerned at how others interpret how you present yourself. You want your life, your message, and your persona to be congruent with what you think and how you feel about life.

You are more concerned about other people, empathetic about what is going on in their lives. You find yourself using your mind to imagine what it must be like to have experienced what other people are going through to answer the question, “Why are they approaching life in this way?” as you try to see (and possibly feel) what it must be like for them from their perspective.

You are more patient and understanding with other people, circumstances and situations in life.

You are open and aware of all the different types of people and points of view and you realize this is all a part of the awesome matrix that makes this life so amazing.
Forgiveness comes easily for yourself and others.

You find yourself coming up with new ideas, creative solutions for advanced problem-solving, and inspiration for making a positive contribution.

Your emotional states are less likely to go to such extremes as you are more comfortable with your life, and adjusted to both the certainties and uncertainties of life. You are finding more ways to essentially go with the flow, than to fight against the current.

You are happier, and more comfortable with sustaining states of joy, as you are more prone to smile, laugh, or see the humor in things that you might find irritating at lower vibrations.

You find yourself more in a natural state of happiness and joy in life, as it is, rather than in commercial endeavors, exploitations or celebrations.

You are more likely to delay pleasurable activities or purchases for a more appropriate time and place.

Discipline and integrity are more important to you as you are raising your vibration.

You are less concerned with yourself, your importance, or rightness as you are becoming more tolerant about life and your interaction with it.

You are less defensive and more tolerant and supportive of the unique perspectives and views of others. You don’t have to be right. In fact you feel a sense of benevolence in letting someone else assert their need to be right, as it is more important to them, where they are in their life’s journey, and you don’t judge them for it.

You are more gracious, finding gratitude in all the things this life provides for you and your loved ones.

You are living life less as a competition and more as a celebration. You are much less likely to be disappointed, and less attached to the importance of material things, self-satisfying indulgences, or even people to whom you may have tethered yourself to at lower vibrations.

You take the time for good self care, as well as looking after others.

Things in life seem to progress more smoothly and more and more you are finding yourself in the right place at the right time, with the appropriate skills or just the right words to speak.

You are more concerned with living in the now, than worrying about the past or fearful of an uncertain future.

Order in all that surrounds you finds a comfortable balance that is tidy, clutter-free but not obsessive.

Your life takes on a sense of purpose and meaning, as you are more aware of your calling, unique message, special purpose or ministry.

You are more confident in yourself and becoming more proficient at recognizing and exercising your special skills and abilities.

Your attention to media takes on a new focus, as you are no longer attracted to the sensation and/or fascination of negative material.

Others are attracted to you, reveal the deep recesses of themselves, and find comfort in your presence and confidence in your advice.

Good things, opportunities, and blessings come easily and are more frequent.

Life is good.

See also: What Do You Mean Under 200?

How to Turn Your Blues Into Blue Skies

Ever have one of those days when you’re feeling a little blue?

You know, you look around, and it appears to be a normal day. You see other people appear to be enjoying today, just like any other day, but you’re feeling a little off of your game?

Well, it happens to the best of us.

Thank God, we’ve been given all the tools necessary to get ourselves out of this slump. All we have to do is to use our head (for, “something more than a hat rack,” my grandfather used to say). You can adjust the focus of your thoughts, which have obviously veered off course. You’re probably thinking about things that are not putting you in a joyful state of mind. Chances are you’re thinking of someone less fortunate, something you might be hesitant or worried about, or any number of things that would affect your otherwise brilliant state of mind.

If you allow yourself to be distracted by negative thoughts, the frequency of your vibration begins to sink. This can dramatically affect your mood and perception of life all around you. Left unattended, your declining vibration could cause the loss of your enthusiasm, even activities which may have brought you joy to lack their sheen, and possibly lead to depression.

Staying in this trend of lowering your vibration can also affect the physical world around you, as you are at sorts with the more positive energies around you and you are attracting more negative energy flows and awkward circumstances.

It is so amazing that just by tweaking our thoughts, even the slightest bit, the whole world around us begins to change. What an incredible gift, the awesome power which has been bestowed upon us to change the world, even the whole universe, just with the energy of our thoughts.

A bit of positive physical activity can also help to get that stagnant blood moving and anything to engage your heart to take notice will help lift your mood and raise your vibration. You could try taking a brisk walk or a dip in the pool. Maybe just getting out in nature or feeling the grass beneath your feet and between your toes will do it; or you might try listening to your favorite music as you watch the sun go down. The whole idea , here, is to disconnect your thoughts from what is bringing you down and finding that peaceful place in your heart and mind to dwell in for a while.

Memories can be tricky to manage. If you think back to the bad times, your vibration can quickly sink to match where you were in that moment in your past. On the other hand, remembering an good memory can also take you back to the higher vibration you were in at this moment in your past. So, you could think about the good times with a special friend, happy times you spent with friends and family when you were younger. You could also remember those instances in the past, when you felt so blessed or your heart overflowed with gratitude.

After you’ve spent some precious moments reliving the best moments in your life, when you return to look at the day that you were having, the circumstances or challenges you were facing, it doesn’t look so bad; and now you’re on your way to getting your vibe back.

Keep a handle on how your feeling and check in with your inner self, your heart, and see where you are. Be aware and ready to recognize when you’re starting to feel your vibration slip downward. It can be such a slow and gentle decline that you might not notice it until you’re feeling bummed out. But if you’re looking for it, you can spot it early and cut it off at the path.

We all face challenges that can throw us for a loop, but it is best not to spend too much time fretting over things which are beyond your control. Just as accidents can leave a scar on your body, life can have its way with you and leave an emotional scar inside, that no one can see, but you can feel it. Just like any other wound, time does heal, though the rate of healing cannot be predicted. Surely, though, the more you focus on what is making you not feel good, the longer it will take for you to recover.

If you must be reviewing the incident or issues that are making you feel blue, try looking for the blessing, the lesson, or the hidden treasure in it. All adversity has something amazingly meaningful tucked in side, but you have to be sleuthfully adept at finding the hidden treasure. One thing’s for certain, if you seek it, you will find it. Be looking for the positive aspect and it will be revealed to you.

Often an unexpected circumstance or event can give you skills or insights that will be of great importance in an event that lies ahead of you, or maybe you’re becoming more aware of what to avoid, so that you don’t have to face another situation, like this one in the future.

When you’re feeling blue, this is not the time to take on new opportunities, sign contracts, or promise to do something that you might regret later. First get back into your groove by raising your vibration and are able to maintain it for a while, before taking on any important projects. Feeling blue can cloud your otherwise better judgment.

You might want to enlist the aid of a friend, confidant, coach or counselor to act as a sounding board. By telling your story to someone else who will not judge you for your sensitive thoughts, you can relieve some of the pressure and thereby raise your vibration. You can also achieve a higher vibration more quickly and easily by sharing your good time memories with your friend(s) or confident, because if they are enthusiastically joining in on your joy, your good vibrations will be magnified exponentially.

I know when I get down and lonely, I find that focusing on God, and all the blessings he has given me, the incredible life and love for my children and grandchildren, maybe pluck a little on my guitar and it’s not long when I can find myself with vibes fully restored on the mountain top, ready to tackle just about anything.