Remember When?

Remember when you were a child? Did you know that when you were born, you were so pure and for most of us, that purity endured for a while into those early years of our lives; our minds, emotions, instincts, intuition and bodies so pure and full of love.

When you were a young child (2 to 3 years old), you were able to play with your toys, you could find contentment in most any situation, you had a knowingness of things, people, animals (a sort of sixth sense). As a very young child, you could play and bond with anyone you felt was “safe,” friendly, cuddly, adorable or happy. You could easily find happiness, even if left alone.

You could find joy in the simplest of things, your imagination was your magnificent unrestricted playground. If you didn’t like something, you could simply push it away, quickly recovering to find another source of joy, easily disregarding the thing you didn’t care for. Your emotions were uncensored. You could easily express your desires, dislikes, contentment and happiness. You were a free and unrestricted child of god, without fear and an incredible ability to love and be loved.

Very early in our lives, some earlier than others, (usually around 3 to 4 years old) we found our young selves being programmed by our parents and family to be the people we have become. From the time we are able to walk and talk, we are being programmed to fear the judge, realizing we could be judged, sentenced and punished by the people who previously loved and cared for us. The very people who so tenderly loved us were now demanding that we

Don’t do this, do that, don’t do that, do this!

A constant barrage of orders, demands, and punishment ensues as we are broken down (like training an animal) into obedient children in a constant state of fear, but soon we learn to exercise our right to be, finding ways for us to exercise our ability to victimize others. It’s not long and we find ourselves struggling for what is “mine” and desiring what is yours, as well as judging ourselves feeling unworthy and judging others, condemning them, determining the unworthiness of others to possess anything.

We are programmed to accept the idea of compliance or corporal punishment, first from our parents and then by others who are established as possessing a hierarchal level of authority over us. We are beaten (either symbolically or literally) into becoming an acceptable member of society or suffer the consequences of being ostracized, or worse, developing a need to be accepted by our peers, leading to the need to be rewarded for good behavior.

We are trained (or programmed) to become carbon copies of our parents, their parents and the parents before them, passing on the social attributes that keep us easily identifiable as manageable obedient consumers en masse. As we are trained to like or covet this and/or dislike certain things, circumstances or states of mind.

We, our parents, family, friends, teachers and preachers are trained to police each other, always quick to point out (willing to report or correct) anyone else who is veering too far off the acceptable path of our society. We are taught to polarize against each other, given two options of thought styles and forced to pick sides.

A sense of chaos and confusion is added to the mix as we are force fed an impossible flow of information and injustices to further polarize our thought process as an effective means of keeping us distracted from our true human potential.

All of this, combined, forces us to believe (control the acceptable limits of thought or being by restricting and training the power of our imagination) that life as we know it should be lived in a particular fashion. We lull ourselves into the vibratory state of worker bees and consumers, where we accept the idea that we need to go to school, work jobs, get paid (and/or perks) based on our level of obedient, educational training, to be fruitful and multiply.

We are supplied with enough information and methods of consoling ourselves (with friends who share the same beliefs, overwhelming flows of information, entertainment, drugs, alcohol, food, etc…) to keep us focused on what we believe is our acceptable lot in life.

All the while, even with this incredible effort to control who we are, who we think we are and what we believe is possible or acceptable, there is a part of us that remains safely buried deep within us that remembers when.

You remember when there was a time that you had unlimited potential; when the world in all its amazement unfolded in front of you. You were happy and content as your unbridled imagination flowed and you were one with everything.

You were perfect and free to be, in every way, just like all other life on this planet in nature. In nature, all things are just as they are. In nature, there is no judgment, criticism, or need to control a flower. A seed falls as it finds a place to nestle and grow, without structure naturally develop and maturing. Nature has a natural order and all things naturally fall into place is a perfect symphony of symbiotic life.

Then, there are the humans, who have introduced chaos into the natural beauty of our planet in an effort to control – and profit off of – us. And we fall for it every time in every generation as we promote the very things that prevent our evolution.

Then, there is you. You remember when… and you are awakening.