Social Prison of the Mind

If you know someone who is comfortable inside the box dictated by our socially engineered lives, after you have spent some time in exploration outside the box, sharing your ideas, feelings, and data obtained outside with someone inside, this conversation can be difficult at best.

Society imprisons us by structural cages of thought which are more effective high levels of containment than any bars of any cell in any prison. When you put a prisoner behind bars, he or she longs for the life which exists on the other side of the bars.

How more effective would it be if you could make the prisoner believe that life on the other side of the bars would cause him or her to burst into flames and experience painful longsuffering death. If you could do this, then managing prisoners could be very easy. If effectively administered, with this level of fear, you would not even need bars at all.

You could paint a line on the floor and condition a prisoner to believe that crossing the line will cause him to burst into painful flame. Just in case the prison thinks there is the potential of a greater life on the other side of the line, all you have to do is to show him a dancing flame with a soundbite of agonized screaming, and the fear is reignited. The prisoner rejects the thought of life on the other side of the line.

After a while, you can even eliminate the line as a boundary, because the prisoner knows anything “over there” is flaming pain and death.

While this may sound ridiculous on the surface, this is the life that peoples of the world live in the prisons of their minds every minute of every day.

Social engineering constructs the invisible cells of our minds which are the highest level of containment, reinforced by fear. To keep you from thinking outside the cell or box, the boundaries of the perimeters are shown a dancing and screaming flame on the television, or via some other media, to keep us afraid of thinking outside the box.

There are so many sequential layers of the fear. Fear of not being accepted or loved. Fear of not being clothed, fed, or a roof over your head. Fear of pain or being punished. Fear of being prevented from having the experiences you desire.

Speaking of desire, even what you want can be dictated by the social engineers. How impressive is that?

There are socially-engineered acceptable methods of getting what you want. Any method of attaining those things which you desire outside the commonly held view of what is acceptable is confusing or rejected by those who safely reside inside the social prison.

Some methods will be punished by law, and others are disregarded as freak accidents, such as being hit by lightning or winning the lottery.

Acceptable methods would include, going to school, followed by secondary education, working very hard in a professional trade for which you have paid to be trained, and keeping one’s self focused on the things you desire, in a high level of debt, while maintaining a reasonable credit score.

This is the society of consumers which has been socially engineered.

Managing a consumer’s indebtedness can be a difficult balancing act, so there has been a mechanism initiated by the engineers whereby if a consumer has gotten out of control, every once and a while, an indebted consumer can start the cycle over again by filing bankruptcy, because having a hoard of active consumers is far more critical to the operation of the social machine than actually paying one’s debts.

Yet, every now and then, someone gets a glimpse of life outside the box.

Even though it is frightening, more and more of us, are questioning the socially-engineered prisons of our minds and daring to explore life outside the box.

Invisible Abuse

Ever notice the stuff that makes you angry about the world?

It happens every day, if not all day long, something captures your attention, spins you up, and you can’t believe this kind of stuff happens in our world today, yet, here it is.

You think (if you don’t say it), “Aargh!” and might add, “I hate it when that happens!” You feel your negative emotions swell up and they overcome your rational mind, even if nothing happened to you directly.

It’s as if you’ve been physically assaulted even though no one has touched you.

You are the victim of invisible abuse

The societal structure which is the containment method of those who seek to control and herd a massively growing population is formulated in such a way to use fear and belief systems as a method to invisibly restrict and harness its inhabitants.

Not unlike the electronic invisible fence method of placing a shock collar on a dog. The collar emits an electric shock when the dog gets too close to the perimeter, keeping the dog from making a break for it and running free. No physical fence which can be seen by the naked eye is seen, only a wire buried beneath the surface to trigger the shock collar is all that’s needed.

You are being invisibly controlled by your negative reactions (the electronic shock collar), just like that invisible fence method keeps the dog invisibly restrained.

This constant barrage of negative shocks (which really are represented as electric shocks firing inside the brain, flooding your body with chemicals that cause you to fear, panic, or get upset and angry) is the invisibly abusive control tactic wielded by those who are charged with seeing that you are controlled, obedient, and easily handled (manipulated).

This all seems quite normal. Just as it would appear to be a perfectly normal way of life for the dog, had the dog been fitted for a shock collar since it was birthed. Likewise, we accept this invisible abuse as a part of life and it keeps us easily manageable as we stay inside the invisible fence.

As effective as the invisible fence is, every now and then, you see a dog wearing a shock collar running free, admiring its ability to find a way to break free from the invisible abuse.

Our fence of invisible abuse is not one hundred percent effective. Every once in a while someone breaks free from the system and finds true freedom and liberty.

From inside the invisible fence, you could hardly imagine why anyone would want to be outside the invisible electric fence of negative emotional shock treatment. We’ve become so accustomed to it being the natural state of things, that we wonder why anyone would even think of anything differently. Even if you were inclined to dare to imagine what might be outside the fence of invisible abuse,


Your attention is interrupted with a negative shock to the brain, which distracts you from the passing thought that there might be a life outside the negativity as your body starts to react with rage, fight or flight, in the struggle for survival inside the fence.

“Look at what’s happening!” (Not at what might be on the other side of the invisible fence. Let the invisible abuse overtake you.)

This doesn’t even take into consideration, that you are surrounded by other people who have been trained by electroshock therapy to do whatever they can to keep you victimized by the negative electric voltage. They’ve become so used to the invisible abuse that they’ve learned how to create and disseminate their own form of shocking attention-grabbing invisible abuse to keep you restrained within the invisible fence of their own creation.

And so, it is.

But there are those who have made it outside the invisible fence of abuse who can see clearly what is happening from this vantage point of real freedom and liberty.

Increasingly, more and more people are awakening to the idea of the invisible fence of abuse and they are finding the courage to make a break for it, finding themselves on the other side.

Sometimes, they go back, because they can’t imagine living outside the invisible fence of abuse, while the others find new ways to live outside the fence.

The next time you find yourself “shocked” by negative thought and you’re thinking, “Aargh! I hate it when that happens!” what will you do?