Settling Into Your Power

Settling into your power is a state of being where you maintain a calm, loving, peaceful disposition regardless of circumstances. Settling into your power is finding that safe, serene, and sacred space inside you, where you are impenetrable by anyone or anything that might try to threaten your ability to see the good in all things.

Only the most powerful person in the world could accomplish such a feat, and you are the most powerful person in the world if you choose to be.

All this awesome power resides within you. It is the power of love, and you can learn to wield this power with elegance and grace, if you approach it with respect and tender humility, for “love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” ~ St. Paul (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

You’re going about your business, maintaining your sacred space, being open to growth, change, and expansion in love, when someone or something threatens to upset your love vibration.

To allow someone to compromise your serenity is to give away your power to another person, circumstance, or situation. In the event your sacred space is breached by some outside force, it feels like an abusive assault, but you can regain your power when you are first consciously aware of the compromise, if you choose.

Seeing the disruption through the eyes of love, allows you to see life and this present circumstance as sacred as all life. Instead of seeing anything as a personal assault on you, you can see things as they are, realizing that life simply happens all around us, and sometimes it can knock you off balance when you intersect with it.

In love, you can compassionately empathize with the person or situation, allowing it just to be, you can safely and securely return to your state of love when you decide to, virtually unshaken.

Settling into your power is a grounded position where you accept full responsibility for your beingness, where you are the master of your fate, your beliefs, strengths, gifts, special abilities, purpose, message, passion, and mission.

Approaching life in the power of love is the highest state of freedom enjoyed by those who resonate in the vibration of love, and if you are empowered by this high state of love, your resolve cannot be shaken (not for long) by outside forces.

From this vantage point you can embrace the expectation that anyone needs to understand or approve of your highly regarded insights, because as you expand in consciousness, you may begin to see things in a radically different light than others who are unable to experience the state of empowered and expansive love.

No one can truly understand you, no matter how hard they try (bless them for trying), because only you can know you with all your fears, shadows, flaws, and extraordinary abilities, in your fullness.

Just as you hope to be loved and respected by others without judgment, you honor others and allow them to be whatever they choose to be, believe whatever it is they hold tight to, for this is the love response.

Even if directed specifically at you, you can respect someone else’s opinion as their own, without feeling threatened. They have the right to believe whatever they choose to believe, and you have no need to defend yourself because you love them, and you love yourself.

You understand that different people have different beliefs, and you have no compulsion to correct anyone or expectation that they will fully understand you. Even so, you love and hope that regardless of our differences we can remain friendly and love one another.

Since you no longer rely on the opinions and acceptance of others to put yourself in a state of wellbeing or happiness, you are free to allow the love that wells up from within you to overflow to others around you, unconditionally, for you are forever free in the fullness of love.

Suppressed Emotions Kill

When you bottle up your emotions, push them down, cover them up, and insist on just going on through life ignoring your feelings and living a life of emotional denial, you are committing murder. You are committing suicide because suppressed emotions kill you.

It’s a socially acceptable manner of suicide, not as blatant or open as hanging yourself, taking a bottle of pills, or as dramatic as throwing yourself off a bridge or blowing your brains out, but your suppressed emotions are killing you.

In his groundbreaking work, Bernie Siegel in Love, Medicine and Miracles: Lessons Learned about Self-Healing from a Surgeon’s Experience with Exceptional Patients, implicitly defines the number one cause of disease and premature death from medical maladies is pent-up emotions.

If caught early enough to reverse the effects of a lifetime of suppressed emotions, the patient who finds healthy ways to express himself or herself, live a better life, and find happiness, become the most exceptional patients, experiencing full reversal or remission of their condition and fatal prognosis.

Most people on Mother Nature’s death row have put themselves there by not wanting to rock the boat, express their feelings, or being proactive in looking after themselves. They accept their lot in life as being in service to others, selflessly, without any regard for looking after themselves.

If you don’t look after yourself, who will?

I pray you are ready to receive this. If you are not, there is no judgment here. After all, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. If your heart and mind are open, consider this:

If you are living a life with health challenges, consider who you are putting first in your life. If you are not putting your own health, wellness, and happiness first, and not expressing all the emotions you keep hidden away, the things that make you sad, angry, hurt, disrespected, or unworthy, your illness(es) is of your own making.

\This includes all disease (which could be redefined as “dis-ease”). If you’re not happy, your body is not happy, and your immune system disregards your body just as much as you do. If you will not stand up and fight for you, neither will your body, and you will fall victim to disease and premature death. But you will die a hero.

Friends, family, and society will put you on a pedestal after you’ve died and tell stories about how you selflessly served others, even as your own body was suffering in decay. (Even though you may have silently wished for death to come knocking, just so you could get some peace.)

Or, you could become an exceptional patient. You could find the keys to the life you’ve always wanted and deserved, even though you may have denied yourself access to it in the past. You could uncover your unique, purpose, message, passion, and/or mission and start living a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

You can enjoy all the good things this life has been holding for you, just waiting for you to reach out for it, including all the love and happiness you’ve ever dreamed of.

But don’t believe me. Don’t believe Bernie Siegel, or anyone else. If you decide to change your life, while there is still time, and live the life that is your birthright, only you can do this thing. Only you can make the transformation from sickness to massively thriving by choosing to become an exceptional patient.

Every day, someone who stood at death’s door awakens and starts to live life with openness, honesty, self-love with ebullient vitality and energy, staving off any self-imposed death sentence, achieving their highest and best.

Let it be you.

You can live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Today, let it be you.

I’m About to Explode!

Everyone deals with trauma and crisis differently. With me, and people like me, no one on the outside will ever know what we are going through. People like us, put on our happy face and keep going, regardless of the inner struggles we may be dealing with.


Because we would never concern others with our problems, when there are so many who depend on us for strength and our ability to deliver, follow through and execute, no matter what; and this is where we shine. We excel at being dependable and demonstrate relentless integrity.

I'm about to explode and you don't even know.
I’m about to explode and you don’t even know.

This requires mountainous internal work behind the scenes, if there is any hope of continuing our pace of service to others, our communities, or the world at large.

Our inner struggles could be enormous, but we maintain an even keel for the greater good, even though inside,

I’m About to Explode!

And you don’t even know.

Thank God for those of us who are highly committed, dedicated to serving the greater good and on a higher personal spiritual path because we connect to (or create) resources for ourselves that enable us to push through life’s adversities, making our way safely to the other side. And no one is the wiser.

No one has any idea the deep inner work we go through, often alone, to make it to the next level, and this is the greatest gift of enlightenment and self-empowerment. We do this, and the greatest honor in maintaining this most personal sacred space, is finding that one person who wants to do likewise.

In our society, this attitude of individualized deep inner self-work is shunned.

Granted, their surface rationalization is a good one. They say, while solo inner work might be highly effective, so many people do not have the strength to survive the process; they end up more broken than when they started the process, may realize rapid decline in health, an increase of disease, and potential for committing suicide; all valid points.

Underneath this rationale exists a more sinister plot to control the mental health of individuals and the population en masse. Individuality is discouraged, and taking an individualized approach for one’s personal expansion or evolution is clearly a rejected concept due to the impossibility of being able to control one of these radicals, not to mention a world full of them.

The answer? Create social structures where we can contain them in their prisons, some with walls and others with invisible walls of containment, which we secretly control (or at least monitor and influence). This keeps us “in charge,” and we’ll use a bit of sleight-of-hand to make them think it’s their idea, and we’ll provide enough variety, diversity and opposing ideas to keep them polarized against each other to keep them from uniting, greatly reducing the threat it would create for our control, if they could unify, potentially taking down the entire system.

So, they let us have our own boxes of clinics, social programs, clubs, organizations, societies and religions to keep us moving in separate directions in groups, adding to the confusion. Only they are not confused, we are. They look at all of this as a perfect construct to keep us distracted in groups, focused and polarized against some other group.

They sit back in their easy chairs made of power, money and gold, and smile, high-fiving each other for a job well done.

But then there is me, and you, and others like us, who are seeing things from a different point of view for a change, and “change” is the name of the game.

We are willing to let it look like they’re controlling us, but they’re not.

We are on our own, individualized, highly personal path, and there’s nothing they can do about it.

Sure, they can try to extricate, exorcise or diagnose us with an incurable mental illness, such as individuality psychosis, and threaten us with mandatory medication, hospitalization, imprisonment or death, but we cannot and will not be stopped.

I can already hear the clamoring of those in opposition of this expanded, illusive, yet true freedom, and there are those who would ask questions, like,

“Aren’t you just trying to develop another ‘group’ not unlike those other groups you say are part of the problem?”

The answer is, both “Yes” and “No.” Yes, we are a group. No, we are not a group that sees ourselves (collectively or any single one of us) as separate from any other group(s), but a group of individuals including and transcending all members and all groups in an effort to be uniquely “one,” each of us as individuals, and “one,” together as a whole, which cannot and will not be confined, once critical mass is achieved.

There is a revolution coming and it is powered by the evolutionary power of individual hearts set ablaze for a better world.

Things are changing, and we are that change; one heart at a time.

Carpe diem!

Where is Your Power?

Do you have it, or have you given it away?

The idea of power can be a struggle for enlightened or spiritual individuals. Yet nothing positive comes to fruition without moving forward with a degree of power, such as a seed pushing through the earth, water making its way down a mountain, a baby being birthed, everything that is needs a certain degree of force to be.

And so it is with you, also.

You might be reluctant to embrace your personal power due to life circumstance, experience and learned behavior. Consider it might be time for you to get over it. You emerged into this life with power, society robbed you of it and it’s time you took it back.

Society is man’s attempt to herd and control the people of the earth with as little effort as possible. Keep us divided, in pockets of thought patterns, polarizing each other, and keeping us overwhelmed by a barrage of information to further polarize us (among other things) prevents us from connecting to our higher selves and evolving into our true human potential.

But if you could tap into your own individual personal power, you could see things as they really are (not like they want you to interpret the world) and have the most amazing experiences, enjoying all the good things this life has to offer, unaffected by the distractions (which, for the most part, are not real anyway).

While there is a part of you that fervently desire to expand, the pull of society to make you conform and settle for varying degrees of mediocrity is a formidable foe in your quest for regaining your immutable God-given right to enjoy everything in this life which is meant for you to live life to its fullest.

The struggle between your higher self who knows there is so much more to savor in this life, and your base self which has been programmed to merely be a part of the machine living within a neatly socially designed space, making you easier to manage, ensues. Your base self usually wins out because the social structure is so well conceived and strong. It takes a great deal of personal power to break through the confines of your social prison.

The keys to unlocking your personal power are hidden among the states of creativity and love. If you can ignore the constant flow of that which is not love and focus more on love, seeing the love all around you, in every thing, circumstance, situation and situation, your personal power grows. Then, you can actually start creatively exercising your own individual freedom of thought, making new connections between your brain and your higher self, empowering your true free will. This is the path to your enlightenment, separating you from the pack and leads you to allowing your evolution to continue.

Your journey and your part in the evolution of the human race depends on you focusing on you. You can not be responsible for other people. They are responsible for themselves. You cannot exercise power over anyone to evolve or maintain any level of enlightenment. This evolution is highly individualized and can not be structured or controlled en masse. We may find encouragement or experience new ideas for expansion and growth from others, but your evolution is individually unique and to achieve your highest evolutionary state, only you can do it in the manner which is best for you. Likewise, you allow others to find their own way, too, while being supportive of each person’s individual journey.

Even though, while you grow, you are part of a greater whole which desires to control you. Rather than fight against the machine, you are better off preserving your personal power by finding new ways to integrate with the machine which would not hinder your evolutionary process.

If you dare, do not let the world control you or your mind and embrace all that you are, all that you can be and enjoy all that this life has to offer.


Stars and Stripes Motivation Fuel

In my work with people and their businesses to increase their prospects in life, I find the underlying motivations for increasing their market share has a long reaching impact on their potential success and sustained longevity in a particular marketplace.


Stars and Stripes

They can be basically represented by two categories, Stars: those who are driven by a desire to achieve fame and/or fortune and alternatively, Stripes: those who are driven by a deep sense of purpose and/or desire to disseminate information, skills, techniques or insights that may significantly impact our planet or its inhabitants.

Stars are those who will do anything to raise their status whether in terms of celebrity or increased cash flow or financial status.

Stripes are compelled or inspired to help others and/or make the world a better place. They would serve the greater good or community regardless of recompense.

All personality types and economic conditions are represented in both categories of Stars and Stripes.

The only significant difference is found within the heart of the individual which fuels the fire of desire.

There are basically two types of fuel that powers the engine enabling a person to take quantitative action toward establishing a particular goal. One is ego-centric, while the other is soul-centered in nature.

The ego-centric fuel burns brightly for the shining Stars but does not sustain power for long requiring more fuel to be added to the motivational furnace. Ego-centric fuel originates from outside the body. It must be measured and obtained from exterior sources, such as the response from, or comparison to, others.

The soul-centered fuel which powers the Stripes comes from within, it may not burn as brightly but sustains a consistent flow of energy that is both efficient and sustainable over long periods of time. Although approval and support from others may increase the ultimate effectiveness of the impact of Stripes, it is unnecessary for sustainable results.

While Stars may leave behind a decent degree of recognition or in the best case scenarios a significant inheritance, Stripes leave behind a legacy and an aura of having made the world a better place, even if only in some small way and may also have acquired substantial wealth doing so.

We may often think that money is the result of hard work or the ability to take from others to achieve a desired result, but money also seems to come to those who are congruent with their sense of purpose and service with a pure heart, if they are open to the idea of receiving. In terms of abundance or the Law of Attraction, the process is effective if worked properly regardless of whether you are a Star or Stripe.

The main difference between Stars and Stripes comes down to the way they feel about what they do.

Stars tend to experience more anxiety and are driven by measuring themselves in comparison to the competition. Always measuring their level of fame or success which may (or may not) sustain the power required for pushing through boundaries with little more than brute strength, leaving one feeling exhausted in trying times.

Stripes experience more peace, a sense of losing track of time because they love what they do, as they focus their efforts to achieve the results they are so compelled to pursue. While they, too, may face obstacles and challenges they keep moving forward with a sense of doing the right thing, though they may tire and reward themselves with a bit of relaxation to regain their composure.

Are you among the Stars or Stripes?

You Are Not Your Job

In our society, often we tend to categorize people by what they do. Someone, somewhere, propagated the idea that we all can be defined by what jobs we hold in our local communities.

You are not your job there is more to life someone call a handyman
Someone call a handyman? There may be more to this man than meets the eye…

How do you feel when someone meets you for the first time and asks you what you do for a living?

Do you think people make certain assumptions about you based on your occupation?

Even though throughout the course of my life I have maintained and sustained my life’s mission of helping people achieve their highest and best, I have performed different kinds of work. Some of the work I have been involved in was more a representation of the larger portion of my personality, otherwise not.

Let’s say you meet me while I am a bartender. You might attempt to categorize (or analyze) me based on me performing this particular function in the community. I suspect that most (if not all) of the assumptions that you might have about the type of person a bartender is couldn’t be further from the truth. I have never been a bartender, but who knows; in many ways, I’ve thought being a bartender would be an interesting in many ways.

At times in my life, I have been active in more than one occupation at a time.

Just like you cannot judge a book by its cover, you cannot determine what kind of person someone is based on their job.

On the other hand, a lot of people tend to take on the characteristics of their profession and do define themselves by their occupation(s). I periodically encounter these people at some point when they begin to realize there must be more to life than their job.

Society has nurtured us to believe that we are here for a purpose. This system would like us to believe that our function in this life is to perform a particular function that perpetuates the living machine, as we are programmed to believe the best we could hope for in life is to get a good education and a high paying job. In the event education is unattainable, we should happy to do the best we can with a lower-paying job and find ways to live on less than we had hoped for.

And, of course, no matter where we are on the income scale, we must have stuff. The more money we make, the nicer stuff we can have. If we want to gain the admiration of our peers, we will get cars, houses or other stuff that might be considered beyond our means… this makes us feel good (for a while).

You may ask yourself,
If I’m not my job, who am I?

There’s a good chance if you haven’t gotten around to that question long ago, its occurring to you now. Why? Because there’s a growing awakening taking place within our society as people are starting to question everything we’ve been programmed to think of ourselves and the parts we play in our communities and interact with the greater community.

We are starting to discover that there is more to this life. As we continue to awaken, we start to realize we have been suppressed and purposely dumbed-down in an attempt to embrace a life of slavery, working for the man, while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. To keep us from breaking out of this imposed trance we are to believe is all there is to life we are bombarded by data, information and interrupted via media and mob mentality to keep us in a state of fear, keeping us locked-in to the societal construct.

If you are asking, “Who am I?” it is time to begin looking inside to find out and embrace your life’s purpose. Find your own individual message, soundtrack and Sing Your Song.

Personal Development Quantum and Spirit Science

There’s a certain type of individual who is attracted to personal development. That is to say, they are concerned about who they are, how they interface with the world, how to make the world a better place, and become the highest and best version of themselves while doing it.

They find themselves less concerned with the distractions of this world and more concerned with attempting to discover what is real. They are becoming increasingly aware that something is more real than the material world, which we previously interpreted as real.

While the material world is definitely experienced in 3D through our senses and cognitive interpretation, there are even more dimensions around us that we are unable to understand or experience with our rational mind. A small but growing part of our planet is reaching out to connect with these realms in various ways.

It starts when one realizes that there is more to this world combined with an elevated sense of self, as in feeling as though there is some purpose to being here, that we as individuals are summoned to this planet for a reason. As you begin to have a sense of personal mission and purpose, your self-confidence begins to expand, and you find yourself more acquainted with positive thinking and a reluctance to enjoy the lower vibration of negativity.

You might begin rationalizing the quandary between the conscious and subconscious minds while creating a safe space to focus on your personal development. As you try to make a safe space to conduct your research, you will find yourself less attracted to drama and unhealthy relationships as you focus more on your personal growth and self-development.

personal development quantum spirit science expansion of consciousness

Deciding to embark on this journey (which is highly personal and does not seek validation from mass consciousness) imbues you with a unique form of self-empowerment and responsibility as you create your own path to individual self-improvement.

Some investigate with the power of mind via scientific models led by quantum physicists exploring quantum mechanics and quantum theory (the Pandora’s Box of quantum science), while others are seeking to explore from within via a more heart-centered spiritual approach. These two separate camps are unraveling the secrets of the universe using different methods, yet their conclusions have striking similarities.

It requires a relative disconnection from mass popular thought to reposition one’s thought process in a way that is open to possibilities that may exist beyond the confines of science, technology, philosophy, religion, or beliefs for those engaged in this investigative journey to approach those ideas, concepts, and matters unrecognized in our everyday world.

While quantum physicists struggle with the traditional scientific method, spiritual researchers also can be found working against peers ready to “save them” from their spiritual pursuits as they engage in fringe parapsychology and likely dipping their toes in the water of the law of attraction. At the same time, they begin to question everything we know.

Both the advancing scientific and spiritual communities making the quantum leap are asking the question:

“What if everything we know is wrong?”

Blazing a trail that may not have existed before can be confusing. Thankfully, we are not on this journey alone. There are those who have gone before and have some previous work, which we can springboard to more heightened levels of experiential knowledge. Any time each one of us advances in our research and development, someone, somewhere, is also moving in the same direction.

It’s as if a global consciousness is being shared among the global community. While yet in its infancy, as our numbers may be minuscule, we are growing together. As this growth continues to expand, it is having a profound effect on the world at large.

Seekers of these leading-edge technologies and seekers of truths that supersede previously known or accepted thought lead to more of a spiritual awakening, as researchers are expanding in spiritual growth and scientists are redirecting their laboratories to incorporate spirit science and conducting experiments which can only take place from a position of spiritual enlightenment.

The world as we know it is changing.

Are you a part of the change?