Romantic Manipulation

Romance is such a cluster… who in the world could figure it out? Is it a mating ritual? Is it manipulation and grooming? Is it an expression of love, or the steps to claim ownership or gain control of another person? And what’s love got to do with it?

If we take a look at nature (a live system without sociological control mechanisms put in place to control these life forms) there does appear to be signs of mating rituals which are highly instinctual. That offers a substantial basis for romance as a mating ritual.

Observing nature, the instinctive ritual is highly manipulative and targeted at one specific goal; to get laid.

Procreation is also an added benefit of getting laid in nature, it keeps the cycle moving along…

Then there are us, the “highly evolved” inhabitants of this planet striving to hook up and find greater meaning in all that life has to offer, some of us more than others.

For us, romance seems to be connected to our instinctual quest for survival under the best possible circumstances, so we’re attracted to particular characteristics and signs which would indicate successful survival.

When entertaining the idea of mate selection, we evaluate a wide variety of indicators, such as genetic cues, like good looks, and healthy appearance, as well as specific personality traits, intelligence and body image, as these, will be passed on to potential offspring.

Then there is the safety and security we seek, so we look for monetary stability, which may include familial money, a good job, retirement, and benefits. Indicators of success and stability are fancy cars, jewelry, designer clothing, and accessories. Other indicators might include certain fragrances, hairstyles, nails, and makeup.

We use these things as clues to reveal someone’s worthiness of our romantic attention.

The trick here is that knowing that the indicators of success will likely reduce the resistance of the sifting and sorting of prospective mates, there are individuals who will sacrifice all to attain the key indicators to manipulate others so that they can get laid, which is all quite normal in nature.

Manipulation is a method imposed on an individual so as to create the desired response. Official definitions of manipulation include the skillful, clever, unfair, and dishonest tactics used to influence or control someone.

The problem is that when someone has been duped into falling in love in another’s quest to get laid, therein lies the rub.

Love is unquestionably the strongest emotion of all, even if it is misinterpreted and ill-defined, it still is highly connected to the heart which science is now revealing is a physical component more powerful than the brain.

Love is the most powerful drug among us, and our bodies have it racing inside us looking for opportunities to release itself. We want it, we crave it, and spend our lives in search of it. Only to find that it can never be obtained outside our selves.

Some of us are opting out of romantic manipulation and into higher concepts of love and its associated vibrations.

If you are tired of the endless search for love that will never satisfy your craving for it, you might like to consider looking at love in an entirely new way, empowering you to manifest all the unlimited unconditional love you could possibly imagine.

You might consider attending an Awakening to True Love Workshop at a location near you.

Put the Sexy in Success

In the event that you’d like to make a contribution to your community to help make the world a better place, you might need to find ways to maximize your potential. You will need to find your source of motivation and learn to focus on what it is that you’d like to achieve.

Its fairly easy to imagine the endgame, because you pretty much know what you’d like your contribution to look like, but how do you get there from here? Especially with all the distractions that you face every day. You have a constant barrage of media, devices and the ongoing struggles of life to deal with. How could you ever find the time for the doingness necessary to get something done for the greater good?

First of all, your brain is preoccupied with the needs of your body, and will seek to get your needs satisfied first, and it doesn’t always have your best interests at heart. The struggle for survival, and the potential worrying about it, is one of its primary functions, followed by finding things that feel good, or avoid pain.

Oh, your mind means well, it knows that watching TV feels better than doing homework, a mocha tastes better than lemon water, shopping is more fun than exercising, interacting on social media is better than networking, cake tastes better than raw veggies, and YouTube videos are more entertaining than journaling.

That’s why it’s going to take a conscious effort, care and diligence to get you from where you are to where you want to be. How can you possibly take control of your body and mind stuck in the rapid flow of life’s torrential stream?

Your mind sees anything that resembles work as drudgery. It sees no value in working your day job, except that it is necessary for survival. It will allow you to do what you need to do, but is keenly aware of the approaching lunch breaks or the final tick of the clock indicating that this day is finally over.

You’re going to have to find ways to convince your mind that the things you want to accomplish are meaningful and important enough to make the sacrifices necessary to get some done. Otherwise, the things you want to do to serve the greater community are going to look like more work.

Put the Sexy in Success

What does your mind find gratifying? Entertainment, activities that make you feel good, decorating or finding beauty in your home or surroundings, getting admiration from the opposite sex, and being recognized for doing something good or meaningful, are probably on the top of your list.

Finding ways to connect what you want to accomplish to those things that already fire off those pleasurable synapses in your brain will persuade your mind to support what it is that you want to do.

Don’t allow what you must do to make it happen to look like work. Work is boring. Instead, find ways to make working toward your goal empowering, gorgeous, sexy and delicious. Know that doing the work that is necessary to get from here will give you a great sense of accomplishment, establishing your authority and recognition for your invaluable contribution.

An excellent tool you can use to bridge the gap between here and there is found in something that only we have as humans on this planet, and that is the ability to visualize anything we want using our imagination. For instance, if you were to imagine cutting a lemon in half and taking a big bite out of the center of that imaginary lemon, you’re probably going to find yourself salivating. But there is no lemon. It’s all in your mind. But your visualization of it made your body react as if it was happening in real life.

You can use this same technique to find motivation for accomplishing the necessary steps to achieve your goals and ultimately make the world a better place. Your mind is a powerful manifestation machine and its natural inclination to move away from what you don’t want and toward what makes you feel good, is a tool you can use for your benefit.

Using the power of your mind to visualize you doing the things you must do as being beautiful, sexy, and any other manifestation that makes you feel amazing, even orgasmic, can do the trick. If you can associate doing the things you need to do with the best, most amazing feelings you can imagine, will help motivate you and convince your mind that this is not work, at least not in the mundane, daily grind sense. No this is exciting and the rewards are incredible.

Our head can also wrap its mind around the idea of sacrificing for a period of time to achieve an excellent result later. Like dieting or working out at the gym three times a week (or more) to be more appealing to the opposite sex. You might not like it, but your mind might be willing to make the sacrifice in the interim to achieve the payoff later. As soon as you start to see the results (the extra attention), the easier it is to keep going.

So, you can do the same thing using the same donkey-and-carrot visualization and apply it to your efforts to make your contribution to the planet.

Develop a vision of you achieving your highest and best and see in your mind’s eye the impact having accomplished all that you want to do has had on the world. See and feel the gratitude of others you have blessed with your efforts. You, no doubt, can think of people who have made a significant contribution by doing something (even small but) significant that has had huge impact on society (like refusing to sit in the back of the bus), and they were recognized for making a difference.

See yourself as being recognized and remembered for your contribution.

When you start to sense feeling like whatever you’re doing to accomplish your goals is boring or feeling like work, find ways to connect the dots with the pleasure centers of your brain and make it as exhilarating as possible, and find and embrace the passion and joy inside as you achieve your highest and best and make the world a better place.