Are You a Victim of This Life?

Have you ever stopped long enough to look around to see that everyone and everything around you is telling you what to do, what to believe, and what to think? Are you a victim of this life?

From birth, you’ve been programmed to think small. You’ve been allowed to exercise your imagination as a fanciful kid’s toy and as you’ve matured you’ve been taught that if you think it’s anything more, then you’re a fool.

Every once in awhile your imagination presents to you a glimpse of the life that is waiting for you, then your programming kicks in, as you responsibly brush those thoughts aside, and slip back into the thought prison that’s been created for you. This prison of deception restrains you from exercising your full potential and reaching out to enjoy the life that is your divine birthright.

You think you’re unworthy, not educated enough, or were not born into the right family… all the things they want you to believe, yet none of these things are real. Your limiting beliefs are the prison bars that separate you from the life you are sacredly entitled to. And these thoughts are not yours, they’ve been strategically planted there to diminish you, to restrain you onto a life of service, as a slave to the system.

You have been tricked into believing that you have no special gifts, skills, or abilities. Even though sharing your gifts, kills, and abilities are the primary reason for your existence. That’s your reason for your being here in the first place.

Abundance and joy are elusive because you’ve been programmed to shrink down in fear of taking the risks necessary to reach out in faith and create for yourself the amazing life that is waiting for you. You fear what might happen if you make a mistake or fail, and you’re ready to bail at the first sight of resistance.

And when you’re feeling like something’s just not right, rather than think it through, you reach for comfort food, drink, smoke, drugs, magazines, videos, or other media to distract you and keep you numb to the endless possibilities that await you, if you could only break the spell you’re under.

You are enveloped in a sea of apathy, where you are exposed to so much information and distracted by so much stimuli that there is little hope of connecting with your higher self. Any thought of dissatisfaction is met with news that dictates that your life could be worse. This is to create that knee-jerk reaction which keeps you small.

Yet, there is this still small voice inside you which can be heard above all the noise of the constant barrage of programming that yearns for something more, and you think to yourself, “There must be more to this life than this.”

This is your divine spark of life that remains pleading that you take hold of your sacred authority and start living the life you were meant to live, to grasp and embody your purpose, message, passion, and mission in this life, to be the man or woman you were called to be in fullness and grace.

You are not a single-celled organism, you are a powerful creator, with the power of the whole world in your hands. This is your birthright.

Living life to its fullest is not an easy path to take. There will be resistance and challenges along the way, but you can do this, if you really want it.

Social Boxes Fit in One or Else

If you don’t fit into any of the massive numbers of social niches society has carved out for you to align yourself with, you could find yourself headed for prison. That’s what happens if there’s no place for you in our society.

The system we live under today forces us to find tidy thought boxes to fit ourselves into and allows us to freely move from one box to another any time we want. This is supposed to give you the illusion of being able to exercise free will. For the most part, we have accepted this social construct and believe that as long as we are free to choose between the options which have been presented to us, we are free.

But is this true freedom?

Our system is packed full of checks and balances to monitor our progress and to determine if we are being “good little subjects.” So that society can determine whether you have found a place to fit yourself into, if not, they will tighten the reins on your bridle, to steer you into any of the boxes they have carved out for you.

Your family, friends, and teachers will exert a great deal of effort and deep-rooted concern for you in their desperate need to feel comfortable about your station in life. They fear that if you do not find a place to fit in, then you will needlessly suffer, and possibly end up homeless, in prison, or dead. They know that you must choose among the acceptable social boxes and to fit in one, or else, something terrible may happen to you. This fear keeps most of us safely snuggled into our own boxes.

There are so many tools which have been arranged to help you select the box that is a good fit for you, the mainstream media, and even the non-mainstream media, is providing you with ample opportunity to choose between this and that, to decide what is right and what is wrong, and any four choices creates a box. Good for you.

To choose between this and that, to build your own walls of what is right and wrong. This is how your box is defined.

Once you’ve defined your box, your next task to find others that have fit inside a box which is similar to yours. This will be an established group of people who are authorized by society to continue to socialize themselves.

If you are having difficulty finding a box that suits you, no problem. There is an app for that. There are free apps on your cell phone which will help retrain you into adopting a box which you can snuggle yourself into.

But what if I don’t want to follow the status quo? not to worry, there are many authorized boxes that appear to be against the grain or counterculture, but these have also been provided for you to choose between so that there is the illusion of free choice or freedom.

In the event your fear of correction, family, friends, teachers, news media, social media, computer programs, or device apps cannot assist you in your social mission to fit yourself into an acceptable box, there is a pill for that.

Not fitting squarely within a social box may mean that you’ve qualified yourself for a mental health diagnosis, for which there is treatment in the form of medication. This medication will make it easier for you to find a box to fit yourself into.

If you are unresponsive to the treatment or reject it altogether, you may begin to find yourself on the slippery downward slope which your family and friends feared would happen if you were unable to find an acceptable box.

First of all, your ability to support yourself will be cut off. You must have a job or align yourself with societal structure enough to obtain enough support to simply survive. If you cannot do these basic things, how will you live? Where will you live, how will you eat?

Well, you might think it through and convince yourself that, “This is America, land of the free,” and decide to live off the land, like your ancestors. Not socially acceptable. There are so many laws which have been written that all of them are nearly impossible to follow unless you have enough cashflow to obey them properly.

Any broken law can get you fined and/or arrested. Continue to try to live free, outside of compliance, you will receive more fines and arrests. Because you have not found an acceptable station in life to fit in, you do not have the wherewithal to come up with the cash to pay the fines, unless you break more laws to make the payments.

Once you’ve fallen into this cycle, which you found yourself in by trying to stay true to your own individuality, you wake up to find yourself forced into a safe 8×10 box of concrete and steel, where – if you’re lucky – you can finally begin to continue thinking for yourself, but it will cost you.

You won’t be able to choose when or what you eat. You will not be able to choose what media you have access to, except to choose from what options have been authorized and preselected for you to choose from. If you appear to be compliant enough, you will have regular limited access to fresh air, outside your box on a daily basis.

Our prisons are full of people who do not fit in our society. They are not criminals. They just have no other place to fit in.

This is criminal.

When Do You Get Programmed?

They only have 21-years to turn you into the person they want you to be. The programming starts from the day your born and continues throughout whatever age they can fully monetize. So, when do you get programmed and how?

Proctor and Gamble know that they must capture the mind of consumers as early as possible. They must develop brand recognition and connect with the child during the parental imprint years. “If you don’t have them by age six,” it will be much more expensive to convert them to your branding later in life. This is their “cradle to grave” philosophy.

The corporations who dictate human behavior own and use media and technology to program the minds of contemporary humanity: You. They have been programming you since you were born, and they’ve programmed society, your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and pretty much everyone else to enforce their control tactics.

The systems have developed over time, engineering how schools educate and program, to news, music, and video, and they do have you from the cradle, certainly by six years old ‘til the day you die, and they can no longer profit from you.

The social engineers, the ones who have placed these social control mechanisms into place, use an enormous number of varied methods to assist the government in controlling the minds of the people (specifically, you), making them (you) more easily manageable, and to amass enormous profit potential.


They use any media possible and have hypnotized your parents (or caregivers) into doing their bidding during the imprinting years from birth to age seven.


By the time you’ve reached age seven, they’ve preprogrammed your siblings, friends, teachers, and see to it that you have created a psychic bond to a character (either real or fictitious) who will in a sense be your “hero.” You may have multiple heroes with whom you will identify, all the better for their efforts to program and control your mind.


Throughout your young adult years, ages 14 to 21, they are exercising their greatest efforts in the fight to solidify the intricacies of your most intimate relationships. These are the years they break down familial relationships, cement your belief systems, and demand your independence (and your dependence on the government and consumerism).

This is the time they dictate how you will feel about certain things, what your social relationships will look like, determine what is valuable to you and what is not, in a last-ditch effort to forever monetize you as a faithful servant and consumer.

We have Massey to thank for delineating the Development Periods timeline, making it easier for us (them) to understand when we are best programmed, manipulated and how.

Now that you know how you have been brainwashed, controlled, and profited from your whole life, what will you do about it?

Good question.

Will you choose to continue to be a subservient money machine, or will you exercise true liberty and independence, exiting the socially engineered steel cage trap which has placed inside your mind and body?

While your mind can be programmed by society, there exists a part of you which cannot be touched by all their effort to control your mind. It is the highest part of you, your soul and spirit which resides in the area of your heart.

As you may know, those in charge of controlling everything about you know about this part of you, and they are doing everything they can to suppress this part of you or kill it, because they know this divine spark which lives within you can thwart all their efforts to control you in a heartbeat.

If you are recognizing your victimization for profit for the first time, and you are somewhat shocked by the realization of it, then you are having a moment of clarity, which is part of the process of your awakening.

You will start to notice things going on all around you which you were previously blind to.

As those of us awaken, if we cannot solve the predicament of social programming for the world, we can start with ourselves, our family, our home.

If you have children, you should at least be as aware as Proctor and Gamble, who know

If you haven’t got them by six-years-old, you’ve lost them.

Conscious Confidence

As you start to awaken (after the first shock of understanding that things are rarely as they appear to be or how you believed them to be) a sense of calm washes over you and you begin to build a conscious confidence which is not dependent on external validation.

Prior to your awakening you had the need to feel deserving enough to be accepted by peers, hoped you could be worthy enough to have value and had a strong desire to prove to yourself and others that you were worth tolerating through personal achievement of some kind.

You long to feel loved, and so you long to hear the words, “I love you,” from anyone because you can’t seem to find the vast ocean of love which resides within you as it has been hidden from the view of your conscious mind by the very principalities, powers, and people you desired to receive love from.

You attach certain expectations and outcomes to your associations with others, your thoughts, and actions, and are disappointed when things do not work out the way you had intended them to. No wonder it’s so hard to feel self-confident or find any peace of mind amidst such a journey.

If things appear to not be going well, and your attention is drawn to what’s not going right in your life, or the world and your feelings reflect this state of unwellness. You feel bad as your energy begins to drain, your attitude declines, and so does your immune system.

As you awaken, you discover your divinity. You begin to understand you’re coming to this planet was accompanied with a greater calling than just being good, doing what you’re told, paying bills, trying to survive the best you can on what little you have for retirement, and find freedom in the idea of death.

You become aware of the layers of social engineering which is the biggest, and most covered up, conspiracy of all, which has kept the human race beat down, limited, and unable to grasp the idea that you were entitled to a better life, your best life, leading to a bright future, with all the self-confidence, love and joy you could imagine surrounding you, and you can find it wherever you look.

Of course, it’s hard to see at first because you’ve been socially programmed for a sense of unworthiness. Your parents judged you as being either good or bad based on their pre-programmed assessment. You were unjustly accused and judged by the people you loved, trusted, and thought had your best interests at heart.

Then, you went to school, where you learned that the value of a person was based on their ability to fall in line, to think and respond as expected. You learned that people were judged based on their performance. Good students (or people) were “A students.” C students were average (complacent), and students who got Ds and Fs were degenerates and failures.

And on it goes, as we are programmed to fear never being good enough, as this thought system is strengthened and promoted throughout your life.

Once you are able to let go of your attachment to all these layers of programming, a sense of calm well-being begins to rise from within as you realize you are a child of God, with all the rights and privileges that come with being royalty.

As you do the work of uncovering the false beliefs, fear, and negative feelings associated with the patterns of abusive scenarios which were associated with your social programming, feelings of wellness, happiness, and love begin to bubble up that were always there, replacing feelings of any sense of undeservedness, inadequacy, unjustness, or lack.

You step into a state of being which is self-aware and confident that a brighter future is waiting for you, and indeed it is.

Once the veil is lifted, you can see that you were imprisoned by the idea that your life was “normal,” that your lot in life was to struggle, stress, strain, and sacrifice until you simply cease to be.

From outside the prison walls, you can see that the prison was an illusion, and what you thought were silly, nonsensical ideas, were actually the urging of the holy spirit to let your higher-self emerge and live the life which has always been your birthright.

From here, the most amazing and exciting life lays before you.